Selling eloquence

Chapter 8 Verbal induction, let customers follow your train of thought

Chapter 8 Verbal induction, let customers follow your train of thought (1)
In the process of the salesperson talking with the customer, how to make the customer follow the salesperson's train of thought is very critical.Only when the customer's thinking is consistent with the salesperson's, and the customer understands the various information about the product conveyed to him by the salesperson, will he willingly make a purchase decision.Therefore, this chapter focuses on how to speak and let customers follow the train of thought of the salesperson. It specifically introduces melting persuasion, artistic conception and experiential persuasion, persuasion with logical language, and guiding customers to say "yes". ", allowing customers to self-persuade and other common methods.

1. Melting persuasion eliminates customer wariness

Try to be an easy-going person without being overwhelming.In other words, you must be a person with a relaxed and natural attitude, without any affectation.

—Robert Shook
Salespersons should not try to convince customers just once, let customers believe in themselves immediately, disarming customers should be like the warm spring sun melting the ice and snow on the earth, silently, slowly and thoroughly; like a constantly flowing spring, it should always be full of inexhaustible water. The vitality of life will always give the hungry and thirsty traveler a gentle nourishment, instead of being overwhelming like the raging waves, which is unacceptable.This silent way of persuading customers is called melting persuasion.

The premise of melting persuasion is that you have to leave a good impression of integrity on the customer, especially the first impression.If it is a customer contacted by phone, you will not have a good first impression on the other party, and you will not even have the opportunity to meet the customer.

So how to do a good job of melting persuasion?
(1) Full of confidence.Be confident in your persuasive ability and in your company's products or services.

(2) Be sincere.When negotiating with customers, we must sincerely answer customers' questions, put ourselves in the shoes of customers, and act in the spirit of serving customers and serving them well.

(3) Flexible mind.When negotiating with customers, he can keenly capture the true intentions of customers, and can quickly cut in and prescribe the right medicine.

(4) Speak with propriety.When negotiating sensitive or urgent issues with customers, you must remember to have a large room for maneuver in your speech, so that you can contact and cooperate many times in the future.

(5) Keep your word.If you agree to something with the customer, you must ensure that it is done.Never make empty promises to customers that you can't keep.

(6) Do not make business presentations like endorsements.In this way, the impression left on the customer will be that you are not good at business and you are perfunctory him.Remember to organize your commentary as casually, fluently, and agilely as if you and your customers are doing homework.

In short, when adopting melting persuasion, you should pay attention to naturalness and generosity, so that customers can feel that you are friendly and that you are sincerely thinking about him.I believe that with repeated applications in practice, salespeople will become more and more proficient in using this method of persuasion.

2. Depicting a wonderful artistic conception to infect customers
Great salespeople are good at using words and creating situations.

— Kim Ruck
Persuasion must create an appropriate atmosphere and artistic conception for customers, and influence customers to make purchase decisions through all-round feelings.

How can we stimulate the imagination of customers and let them get the wonderful feeling after owning this product?Here are two ways: the first one is to let customers experience it for themselves as mentioned above; the second is to use your language to describe the scene after customers own this product, and let them have the experience after owning this product. good feeling.

Of course, when you say these words, you want to keep your voice as low as possible and slow down.In addition, show full confidence and make customers feel that you are the most authoritative in this regard.That way they will believe everything you say.For example, if you were a treadmill salesperson, you could say:

"When you wake up in the morning, put on your sneakers and casual clothes, you open the window, take a deep breath of fresh air, the sun is shining on you, and then you step on the treadmill and start running easily and comfortably, your speed goes from slow to Quick, it will remind you that it's time when you're slightly sweaty, and then you start to take a bath, comb and tidy, put on your freshly ironed business attire, and walk out of the house confidently and refreshed to start your day's work. "

This approach can also be used to introduce the features of the product.For example, if you are a printer salesperson, you can look directly at your customer with gentle eyes and say slowly:
"If you have such a multi-functional printer at home, it will bring you endless fun and convenience. When customers call and need to send faxes, you don't have to go to the fax machine, you only need to press the button to receive faxes lightly; if you You need to put some important pictures in your computer, you don’t need to find a scanner, just put the pictures in place, press the scan button, and the data will be input into your computer; if you need a lot of data, you don’t have to go outside Copy, you can do it yourself; in addition, you can also use it to make various photos you like, the images are lifelike, and you will never put it down."

I believe that customers will be tempted after hearing your vivid description.This kind of vivid description is actually many times more effective than a dry introduction.Because it can make customers feel the happiness and happiness after owning this thing.If you do this, your sales will be half the battle.

3. Convince customers to experience context
After the customer has experienced the product, you have to ask in time, what to ask?Ask customers how they feel about the product, because this will allow customers to express this feeling, thereby deepening their feelings about the product, and it will be much easier for them to make a purchase decision.

— Brian Tracy
As we all know, customers usually don't trust the words of sales staff. As the saying goes, "seeing is believing, hearing is believing". If customers are allowed to try it out without buying it, customers will generally accept it. Personally participate in deciding whether the product is suitable for them. After experiencing the product, if they want to buy the product, they will be very decisive in the transaction, because they believe in their own feelings.

It is precisely because of this inner detail that more and more businesses start to allow customers to experience products, ranging from buying a house to buying a car, as small as oil, salt, rice, sauce and vinegar. This method of allowing customers to experience in advance continues to permeate all aspects of social life.

Joe Gillard also pays great attention to customer participation in the sales process, and often induces them to experience and feel the product and its functions for themselves.

In the process of this experience, he is good at guiding customers through some small details and tricks, and enticing them to buy products.For example, when he communicates with customers, he always finds ways to let customers "smell" the smell of new cars.

He always actively invites customers to walk into the cab, hold the steering wheel, and let customers touch and operate it themselves.If the client's home is nearby, Joe Girard will also suggest that he take the car home and let the client show off in front of the family before driving back. Usually, after the client has been so intimate, it will be very fast. I was intoxicated and captured by the "taste" of the new car.

According to Joe Girard's experience, almost all customers who sit in the cab and drive the car for a certain distance do not buy his car.Even if you don't buy it at the time, you will come to buy it soon.

The reason why it is easy for people to decide to buy after participation is that customers will discover the contact points between the product and customers through the sales staff's guidance during the experience, and the sales staff will introduce these points to make customers more agree with the product.For example, when a customer is trying out a car, the salesperson will usually emphasize some functional advantages of the product, and then let the customer experience these functions. After the customer feels the functional advantages, he will gradually agree with the product in his heart. Product, as the customer continues to experience in-depth, he will find that this product has many advantages and is perfect, and the breath of new products will deeply attract customers.In this way, customers will love the product.

So, what should salespeople do when using experiential selling?

(1) Psychological analysis and communication with target customers.With the development of society and economy, fierce competition forces marketing not only to sell things, but also to sell friendship, understanding, service, feeling and experience.

When the target group of the product has been determined, it is necessary to study and understand the consumer psychology of the target customer and the additional value expected to be obtained by purchasing the product.

In this process, salespersons must pay attention to effective communication with customers, to see whether customers have nostalgia complex; product and service.

Through communication and understanding, the salesperson can stimulate the senses of the customer by introducing various functions of the product according to their hobbies and hobbies, stimulate the customer's inner emotions, such as happiness, pride, joy, etc., and mobilize their emotional feelings. , to create a good experience atmosphere.

Of course, this process is not to impose the concept of products on customers, but to guide customers to think and act, and to experience individual freedom and joy in the process, and then accept products and brands.

(2) Comprehensive experience products.Customers are a little unfamiliar with the functions and usage of new products. At this time, the salesperson is a guide. What the salesperson has to do is to increase the "experience" content of the product, that is, to let customers feel that everything is beyond their reach in the experience. value, so that customers will buy and salespeople can bring considerable economic benefits to the enterprise.

So, how can we make customers feel a high-quality experience?Salespeople should not think about a product (quality, packaging, function, etc.) in isolation, but also create a comprehensive effect through various means and channels (entertainment, storefronts, personnel, etc.) to increase consumer experience; not only that, but also It is also necessary to follow the social and cultural consumption vectors and think about the intrinsic values ​​expressed by consumption, consumption culture and the meaning of life.

Because customers not only buy the product itself, but also be tempted by the value concept and lifestyle brought by the product.Therefore, customer experience before, during and after shopping has become a key determinant for increasing customer satisfaction and brand loyalty.

In short, through the sensory experience of the customer, let the customer be personally on the scene, create beautiful imagination and association, stimulate and strengthen their desire to buy, and then promote the generation of purchase behavior.

4. Strengthen the logic of discourse

Effective listening and questioning skills of salespeople are very important, because salespeople can obtain valuable information needed for sales from the use of these skills.

— Raymond A. Schlesinski

Everyone has a rebellious psychology and will not be easily persuaded by others.This requires great persuasion skills, and to master these skills, the persuader must have impeccable logical thinking ability.

As a salesperson, the most difficult thing to encounter and deal with are those stubborn customers.This kind of person is self-righteous, and it is difficult to change his inherent concepts.When you disagree with him and try to persuade him, he will even treat you as an enemy.To persuade such a person, you must be logical, so that the other party can't find fault, and you have to agree with your point of view in the end.

Italian physicist Galileo was determined to engage in scientific research when he was young, but his father firmly opposed it.Galileo hoped to get his father's support and help, but was repeatedly rejected.Galileo knew that his father was a very stubborn person. In order to persuade his father, he thought of a very clever way.

Once, he said to his father: "Father, I want to ask you something. What made you marry your mother?"

The father replied, "Because your mother is very attractive to me."

Galileo asked again: "Then before that, have you ever married another woman?"

"No, son," said the father, "I was introduced to a rich lady by my family, but I only have a soft spot for your mother."

Galileo said: "You are absolutely right, you never married another woman, because you loved your mother, but you know? I am also facing the same situation now! I can't choose anything other than science. Occupation, for science is what I love! Nothing else has any use or attraction for me! Should I seek wealth or glory? Science is all I need, and I love it as much as Admiration for a beautiful woman."

The father said, "Like admiring a woman? How can you say that?"

Galileo said: "That's right! Dear father, I am already 18 years old! Other students, even the poorest students, would think of their own marriage. However, I never thought about it. Because everyone else wants to seek a marriage. A beautiful girl as a life partner, but I only want to be with science."

Father stopped talking and just listened silently.

Galileo continued: "Dear father, why can't you help me realize my aspirations? I will definitely become an outstanding scholar and be able to obtain the status of a professor. In this way, I can make a living in science and live better than others. better."

The father said in embarrassment: "...But I don't have money for you to go to school."

Galileo said excitedly: "Father, listen to me. Many poor students can receive scholarships. The money is given by the duke's court. Why can't I receive a scholarship? You have many friends in Florence, and they are very good friends." , they will try their best to help you. In this way, you can go to the court to deal with this matter."

(End of this chapter)

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