Selling eloquence

Chapter 9 Verbal induction, let customers follow your train of thought

Chapter 9 Verbal induction, let customers follow your train of thought (2)
My father was moved: "Well, you're right, it's a good idea."

Galileo grabbed his father's hand and said happily: "Father, please do your best. The only way I can express my gratitude to you is to ensure that I become a great scientist!"

Here, Galileo compares the career of science to a lifelong partner, and convinces his father with some logically impeccable remarks. At the same time, he realizes his ideal and becomes a world-renowned scientist.

A stubborn customer is not incapable of persuasion, but whether the person who persuades him has enough patience and a clever strategy.Therefore, when a salesperson tries to persuade a stubborn customer, he must carefully figure out the other party's psychology, find out his weakness, and adopt the corresponding persuasion strategy in a targeted manner, which will surely achieve unexpected results.

5. Induce customers with language
Entice the client to think the way you do, and infuse your opinion into his decisions.

— Frank Bettger

In the process of persuasion, the salesperson should use the leading language correctly so that the persuasion can achieve the desired effect.At the same time, language inducements cannot be abused and must be just right.

(1) Language induction must be carried out purposefully.When the salesperson conducts language induction, he must have a clear purpose, and all the language in the persuasion process must point to this purpose.For example, if you want to persuade customers to buy your product to lose weight, when designing the induction language for weight loss, it must revolve around weight loss.You can suggest to the client: "Imagine, after using this product, your body is getting better and better, and you don't have to worry about those high-calorie foods anymore, and you will reach the weight you want..."

In order to achieve the special effect of induction, the designed persuasion language must point to a clear purpose, and persuasion activities must not be carried out without a purpose or with a single purpose.

(2) The tone must be seductive.The same language, in the mouth of a first-class salesperson, will bring powerful hints and guidance to people, but it is worthless for ordinary people to say it.The purpose of the salesperson is to lead the customer into persuasion, and he can accept all kinds of language hints imposed by the salesperson without any defense. Therefore, how to make these valuable guiding language fully enter the human consciousness requires certain efforts. Accumulation of professional experience.

If you still use the same tone as usual in persuasion, or even use a commanding tone, you may lose the trust and goodwill of your customers.At this time, the tone of the salesperson should be gentle and make people feel like a guiding instruction from afar, so that people can accept these instructions naturally.

(3) Inducing words should be appropriate.In the process of inducing persuasion, we should pay attention to the use of appropriate time words, so that these words or phrases representing time can attract people's attention.Such as:

"Do you really want to feel the effect of this product before deciding to own it?" This sentence directs the person's attention to whether to feel the effect of the product, and also assumes that he will try the product.

"Before you finish this project, I want to discuss something with you." This sentence assumes that you will complete this project.

"How soon are you going to make this decision?" This sentence implies that you will definitely make a decision.

"When are you going to start further cooperation?" This sentence implies that you are already in a state of cooperation, and at the same time you will continue to cooperate.

For some negative words, the salesperson should also use them according to the actual situation when using them.For example, "Don't buy lightly before you are fully prepared", this sentence actually implies that you will definitely buy.This kind of appropriate hint will make customers trust you more.

6. Lead customers to say “yes” all the time

Instead of changing consumers' inherent ideas, it is better to guide consumers on ideas that consumers are already familiar with.

—— Shi Yuzhu
When persuading clients, I am most afraid that the other party will say "no" as soon as they open their mouths. This is the most difficult obstacle to overcome.

To be successful in convincing a client, you need to figure out how to get a lot of "yes" responses in the beginning, and only then will you be able to steer the client in the direction you want.

Here is a story told by Allison, a salesman:

In the sales area I was in charge of, lived a wealthy businessman.Our company desperately wanted to sell him a batch of goods, and the salesman spent almost 10 years in the past, but he never negotiated a deal.After I took over the area, I spent 3 years trying to convince him, but nothing came of it.

After continuous visits and talks, the other party only bought a few engines, but I hope he will buy me hundreds of engines in the future.

Will the engine fail?I know there is nothing wrong with these engines.After some time, I went to visit him.I was very happy in my heart, but I seemed to be happy too early. The engineer in charge said to me: "Allison, we can't buy your engine anymore."

My heart was shocked, and I asked, "What's the reason? Is there something wrong with our engine?"

"The engine you sold us was so hot I couldn't put my hands on it," said the engineer.

Obviously he was looking for an excuse or didn't want to buy our engine.Anyone with a little common sense knows that it is simply impossible to keep your hands on a running engine.

I know it won't do any good to argue with him, it has happened in the past, and now I want to use the method of getting him to say "yes".

I said to the engineer, "Mr. Smith, I totally agree with what you said. If the engine is too hot, I hope you don't buy it. You certainly don't want the engine to be hotter than the Electrician's Association." Standard, isn't it?" He totally agreed, and I got his first "yes."

I said again: "The Association of Electricians stipulates that a standard engine can be 60 degrees higher than the indoor temperature, isn't it?"

He said, "Yes, but your engine is hotter than that."

I didn't argue with him, I just asked, "What's the temperature in the factory?"

He thought for a while and said, "Well! It's about 30°C."

I said: "That's it. The factory temperature is 30°C, plus 60°C, the total is 90°C. If you put your hand on an object at 90°C, will you burn your hand?"

He still said: "Yes".

I made a suggestion to him: "Mr. Smith, please don't touch that engine with your hands!"

He accepted the suggestion, saying, "I think you're right."

After we talked for a while, he called his secretary and ordered almost $3 in shipments for the next month.

Allison said that after spending many years, he finally realized that arguing is not a smart way, but that one should fully understand the other party's thinking and try to get the other party to answer "yes", that is a successful way.

7. Use professional questions to guide

I'm going to learn something today to make my tomorrow more professional.

— Kim Ruck
When an electronics salesperson was selling a product, he had a conversation with a customer like this:
Salesperson: "Is your child going to middle school soon?"

The customer froze for a moment and said, "Yes."

Salesperson: "Middle school is the time when you need to develop your intelligence the most. Do you really want to improve your child's intelligence?
Client: "Yeah, but I don't know how to make it work yet."

Salesperson: "I have some game cards here, which must be beneficial to your child's intellectual development. You must think that buying game cards for your child will delay his study?"

Customer: "Hehe, I think so."

Salesperson: "This game card of mine is specially designed for middle school students. It is an intellectual game combining mathematics and English, and it is by no means an ordinary game card."

Customers start to hesitate.

The salesman went on to say: "Now is an era of knowledge explosion. We no longer blindly learn knowledge from books like we used to. Modern knowledge must be learned through modern methods. Don't traditionally think that game cards are harmful to children. , game cards have now become an important learning tool for children."

Then, the salesperson took out a magnetic card from the bag and handed it to the customer, saying: "This is a new type of game card, come, let's try it."

Sure enough, the other party was attracted.

The salesperson strikes while the iron is hot: "Children nowadays are really happy. They are born in a good environment. Parents often spare no expense for the overall development of their children. Several stores I have visited sell this kind of game cards. Parents We are very happy to have such products that help children, and hope to have more series of products in the future.”

Customers have obviously moved to buy.

Salesperson: "This game card is the perfect gift for a child! The child will be delighted! Would you like one?"

As a result, customers willingly purchased several game cards.

Here, the salesperson skillfully uses the art of asking questions, step by step, step by step, to stimulate the customer's desire to buy, make them have the emotional impulse to own this product, and prompt and guide the other party to take the purchase action.Is this salesperson professional enough?
8. Talk about the key points of customers

Don't talk too much, but say what you say.

Modern marketing believes that sales are services and create customer value.But many salespeople pay too much attention to themselves (for example, how about their own brand and service), but pay too little attention to customers' needs, preferences, expectations, values, etc.

Taking the promotion of milk as an example, this kind of scene often occurs:
Salesperson: Hello, we have launched a new milk, which has the characteristics of... Do you think you need it?

Client: No need.

Salesperson: But our milk is really good...

Client: What does this have to do with me?I never drink milk, but I live very well!

Here, the salesperson does not consider the customer's needs at all, and is completely aimless.Therefore, the client dismissed him with a few words, which is a very failed persuasion.

If you use the following methods, you can easily be accepted by customers:

The salesperson observed the customer for a period of time and found that the customer's legs and feet were not straight, so he judged that it was caused by calcium deficiency.Therefore, the salesperson finds the right place, such as:
When going upstairs, the salesperson said to the customer: "Be careful, you are very tired, I will help you up."

Customer: "Thank you, I'm old and my legs and feet are not good."

Salesperson: "How can you say that? You will still enjoy decades of happiness. Older people lose calcium quickly. You should pay attention to calcium supplementation so that your legs and feet will be agile."

Customer: "Isn't it? But taking calcium supplements is not very effective."

Salesperson: "Drinking milk is good, because most of the nutrients people get from diet. Auntie, look at this, we happen to have fresh milk with low fat and high calcium. You can try it."

Customer: "Sounds really good, so I'll give it a try."

The reason why the salesman was able to successfully persuade the customer was that he discovered the key point of "calcium deficiency in the customer", so he used this as an entry point to find the potential needs of the customer.

Therefore, in order to succeed in persuasion, it is necessary to find the needs of customers, find out the weaknesses and weakness of customers, make key breakthroughs, and satisfy customers in a timely manner.

Turn the reason for selling into the reason why customers need to buy, from the salesperson's "I want to sell" to the customer's "I want to buy".The key to persuasion is to be customer-centered and demand-oriented, and to find the key points of customers.

9. Allow customers to convince themselves

You are helping the prospect by removing their fear of losing money.You are not creating fear, you are removing fear.

— Kim Ruck
In this world, no one wants to be persuaded by others.However, if the client is allowed to convince himself, he will definitely not reject it, and even admire his own thinking ability.

However, it is not easy to convince customers, so is it even more difficult for customers to convince themselves?
In fact, this is not difficult to do.Specifically, the following two methods can be used:

(1) Let customers make their own decisions on the basis of knowing all the information.No matter what product you want to persuade customers to buy, you must first let customers know all the information about the product, including product performance, working principle, how to use it, etc.The advantages of doing so are: one is to gain the trust of customers, and the other is to give customers a sense of participation.When these two conditions are met, it is guaranteed that the customer will make a purchase decision.Customers decide to close because they believe that this important decision in the sales process is their own.At this time, you should seize the opportunity to praise the customer's proposition.When a customer is proud of himself, even if you want to stop him from buying, he will fully defend his decision.This is the client's self-persuasion.

(2) Let customers fall into self-contradiction.Everyone has vanity and a sense of self-esteem.If you can let the customer fall into self-contradiction, the customer will defend his point of view, even if this point of view is wrong, he is too embarrassed to change it.

chapter summary
1. If your language impresses the customer psychologically, reverses the customer's prejudice, and makes the customer agree with your point of view, you will win.

2. The key to using melting persuasive language is to let customers be moved by you without knowing it.

3. Describing the artistic conception for customers, persuading customers to experience the product or using analogies, all are to make customers feel image and sensibility of the product, and enhance customers' feeling about the product, rather than "consciousness".

4. The effect of professional issues in guiding customers cannot be ignored. Therefore, sales staff must pay attention to strengthening the learning of business capabilities.

5. There are many methods of persuading customers. The most important thing is to speak to the customer's psychological key point, and the best way is to let the customer persuade himself to decide to buy the product.

(End of this chapter)

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