Selling eloquence

Chapter 7 Ingenious exploration and deep digging to find out the customer's mind

Chapter 7 Ingenious exploration and deep digging to find out the customer's mind (3)
Ichiro Honda said: "This is not necessarily the case. Sometimes it is inevitable to encounter red lights."

Shibata Kazuko said: "When you encounter a red light, what would you do if you encounter a red light?"

"Stop and wait for the green light," said Ichiro Honda, bewildered eyes.

Kazuko Shibata took advantage of the situation and said, "Yes, there are peaks and valleys in a person's life. Sometimes the light is green and sometimes it is red. So you also need to stop for a while and rethink your life seriously. Are you right?"

Shibata Kazuko continued: "People are actually very fragile, unable to predict or control the risks that may occur at any time. For property insurance, if an accident occurs, it can be 'remedied before it is too late'. But for everyone It is said that life is only once, if a family of three, if one of the husband and wife encounters the risk of death, disability or serious illness, it will bring a heavy financial burden to the family, and you can get a sum of money through insurance Considerable financial compensation can relieve the family's financial pressure at that time."

The manager nodded frequently, and Shibata Kazuko continued: "There is a saying in China that nine out of ten unsatisfactory things happen in life. These unsatisfactory things are the red lights in our life. If you can't solve these red lights, maybe your old age Life will not be as leisurely as it is now, taking your own family to travel to Hokkaido every year. On the contrary, your life will become a mess, with troubles piled up, so that you will have nowhere to go for the rest of your life."

Shibata Kazuko said: "It doesn't matter to me whether you buy insurance or not, but can you choose a capable life insurance salesperson to plan your life in your later years, so that you can use your current money to buy peace and happiness in your later years? Think about it." Look, if you have worked for most of your life, but in the end, because of these red lights, your life in your later years is miserable, do you think it is worthwhile? If it is more serious, who will your wife and children rely on at that time? So , now that you have the ability, your purchase of insurance is a guarantee to reduce the loss caused by a risk."

Under the influence of Shibata Kazuko's "red-light talk skills", Honda Ichiro was finally moved, so he invested a huge amount of insurance for himself and his family.

8. Use playing hard to get to get customers to sign

Any prospective client has a weakness that can be broken when attacked.

—— Yuan Yiping

One year, at the China International Famous Wine Festival held in Guiyang, an economic and trade company negotiated with a winery in Guizhou, and the winery successfully used the method of playing hard to get.The economic and trading company wanted to order 10 tons of liquor, but Guizhou has a forest of wineries and a cloud of famous wines, and the competition between them is fierce. It is really difficult to decide which one to order.

When the economic and trading company was negotiating with the winery, the winery concealed its inner excitement for such a big business, and said calmly and apologetically: "I'm sorry, we have already sold out this year's goods. We have already started to order next year's goods." , if you need it, we will try to arrange it for you earlier next year." After hearing this, the trading company was of course surprised: "Really? You were still recruiting customers the day before yesterday?" The winery immediately put up a With a sincere look: "The shopping mall is like a battlefield. You are smart people. How can you not understand that it is one of our strategies. As we all know, we don't need to 'pull' our wine at all; Will it remain the same? No, early this morning, a company in Guangdong ordered all the last batch of 10 tons for this year. You can ask them!" This statement is really effective, and the company is a little anxious: "Yes, We heard that your wine is good, so we came here because of the reputation. It is not easy for us to come here, can you be more accommodating and give us some first?"

The winery pretended to be in trouble.

The economic and trade company was even more anxious and had a lot of good things to say.Only then did the winery say in a caring and sympathetic tone: "Since you want to cooperate with us for a long time, considering our long-term interests, we can do some work for other customers, and each of them will allocate a little bit to give you a total of 10 yuan. Ton."

The trading company was overjoyed.The winery was even happier.

In the above case, the winery cleverly used clever words such as good wine, full orders, and seemingly sincere words to attract the attention of the economic and trading company, thereby making a deal.In actual sales, ingenious language that has been carefully thought out and carefully crafted is often more credible.To make this real effect really play its role, you need to master the following two steps skillfully:

(1) Reasonable.When you organize clever language, try to appear reasonable and reasonable, in line with the actual situation of the time, place, and parties involved, and the gap should not be too large.

(2) Be sincere.Although the most important form of expression in the sales process is words, at the same time, the emotions, demeanor, actions, and intonation of the salesperson also play a very important role.The customer's acceptance of your clever language depends on the depth of perception and understanding of your expression.The more sincere your attitude, the clearer, more precise, more persistent, and more attractive your expression, the stronger the customer's perception and understanding will be. Therefore, you must do everything possible to mobilize the customer's emotions so that he can build enough trust in you No room for doubt.Also let the customer understand: If you don't believe what you say, then you will bring trouble to yourself; only by believing what you say can he gain benefits, forcing him to only "believe what you say", This is the only option.

To make what you say more effective, salespeople can also tap into people's identification with commonalities.Stand on the customer's point of view, put yourself in the customer's shoes and speak for the customer's interests, so that the customer feels that you are for his own good, and the interests of both parties are consistent, and appropriately use some words to ease the vigilance of the other party, such as "considering the interests of both of us" , "Everyone knows this", "It has been so", "Smart people do this" and so on.In this way, customers will believe what you say, consciously or not.

9. Making good use of silence can also bring great wealth

There is art in eloquence, and there is art in silence.

— Frank Bettger

Under normal circumstances, people think that being able to speak and being able to speak is eloquence.As everyone knows, sometimes not speaking and keeping silent is also a kind of eloquence, and even at this time the effect of not speaking is better than speaking.

After Edison, the great American inventor, invented the automatic transmitter, he wanted to sell the invention and use the money to build a new laboratory.Because he was not familiar with the market conditions at that time, he did not know how much his invention could sell, so Edison discussed with his wife Mina.But Mina didn't know how much this technology was worth. She gritted her teeth and said cruelly, "It will cost $2. If you think about it, a laboratory will cost at least $2."

Edison laughed and said, "$2, isn't it too much?" Seeing Edison's hesitant look, Mina said, "I think it can be done, otherwise, when you sell it, you should play the tone of a businessman and let him sell it first." Make an offer, and then we can discuss it according to the situation.” Edison thought about it, and decided that this method was better, so he decided to give it a try.

At that time, Edison was already a well-known inventor.After a businessman in the United States heard about this incident, he expressed his willingness to buy Edison's automatic transmitter manufacturing technology.When the two sides were negotiating, the businessman asked the price.Because Edison always thought that the asking price of 2 US dollars was too high, he was embarrassed to speak, so he had to keep silent.

The businessman asked several times, but Edison was always embarrassed to say it. He wanted to wait for his lover Mina to come back from get off work before speaking.But in the end, the businessman lost his patience and said, "Then let me make an offer first, $10, what do you think?"

The price was beyond Edison's expectations, and Edison felt overjoyed. Of course, he didn't show it on the surface. Instead, he looked embarrassed and said that he would discuss it after his wife came back.When the businessman saw this situation, he was also worried about nights and dreams, so he stalked him hard. Edison saw that the time was almost up, and signed a transaction contract with the other party.

Later, Edison joked to his wife Mina: "I didn't expect to make an extra $8 by talking late."

It is true that people are always reluctant to keep silent when accepting criticism from others.In fact, at many junctures in life, such as when facing a client who is difficult to persuade, when facing an argument with strong arguments, and when facing a boss who is unreasonable, people can keep an appropriate silence. Silence can give the other party and Leave room for yourself, silence can even turn the situation upside down.

Silence is power, and in some cases, silence is more effective than any technique.

chapter summary
1. Only by understanding the customer's mind can we carry out the next sales work in a targeted manner.

2. Although there are various ways of asking questions to visit customers' minds, they are all for the purpose of understanding customers' opinions on products in a more intuitive and specific way.

3. The use of rhetorical questions can arouse the customer's thinking and let him tell his reasons, but be careful to use an appropriate tone when using it.

4. Playing hard to get can give customers a sense of urgency to buy. Therefore, sometimes proper use can promote customers to make up their minds to buy.

5. It is a good way to make customers think that it is necessary to buy products in the future or buy products just in case.

6. Silence can also attract money.Sometimes, if you are not in a hurry to tell the market, you can also allow customers to actively provide relevant information.

(End of this chapter)

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