Selling eloquence

Chapter 21 Promote products and make customers fall in love with your products

Chapter 21 Promote products and make customers fall in love with your products (1)
Selling the product is a specific and decisive level in the sales process.But the premise of selling is how to make customers fall in love with your products. This requires salespeople to use their eloquence to impress customers and make them fall in love with your products "uncontrollably".This chapter introduces the recommended products in terms of how to find selling points, how to promote them, how to eliminate customers' favor of competing products, and how to maximize the development of customers, hoping to help your sales.

1. Selling products is not as good as selling effects
Now consumers are very disgusted with self-proclaimed advertisements and sales promotions, because some salespersons are not good at understanding consumer psychology.In the field of sales promotion, if you can properly use the rebellious psychology of consumers, you can achieve surprising results.

— Dave Dotholson

The salesperson sells commodities, but what you should understand is that sometimes selling commodities is not as effective as selling them.

For example, high-level commodities such as villas, luxury cars, and golf memberships are often symbols of status and status, so you should make a big fuss about this "status and status"; cars, stereos, video recorders, travel, air-conditioning equipment , is what people pursue for comfort and joy, so for this kind of products, you should spare no effort to emphasize their use effect and selling points to customers; for microwave ovens, copiers, fully automatic washing machines, computers and other products, you should In terms of function and economy, give the other party "incentives"; as for pianos, large audio equipment, expensive cosmetics, jewelry, etc., they can be called luxury goods, and you can seize the vanity of customers and exaggerate them.Grasp the effect that your product will lead to, and explain it emphatically, which will attract your customers just right.

In order to make customers have the desire to buy, it is not enough to just let customers see the product or give a demonstration. At the same time, they must be properly persuaded to make a beautiful view in their minds - the good use effect of the product.

There is a master who sells air conditioners. He never talks about the advantages of air conditioners to customers, because he understands that people do not want things because they are good, but because they have corresponding needs before they feel things. it is good.If there is no demand, no matter how good something is, he will not buy it.

Therefore, when he sells products, he does not say stereotyped phrases such as "such a sweltering weather, if there is no air-conditioning, it is really uncomfortable", but imagines those potential customers who are expected to buy as if they have just returned from the hot sunshine. Go back to a room without air conditioning, and then say to him sincerely: "You have come home after working in the hot sun. When you open the door, you are greeted by an even more stuffy room." You just wiped off the sweat from your face, but immediately new beads of sweat appeared on your forehead. You open the window, but there is no wind at all. You turn on the electric fan, but the blowing is hot air. Your already tired body is even more bored. But, have you ever thought about what a pleasant enjoyment it would be if you were greeted with a cool breeze as soon as you entered the house!"

Those excellent salespeople understand that when explaining about products, they should not only be limited to the various physical properties of the products, because it is difficult to impress customers by doing so.To make customers have the idea of ​​buying, it is also necessary to draw a dreamlike picture for customers on this basis, so as to greatly enhance the charm of the product.

2. Make customers afraid of losing more

People don't care how much you know, they only care how much you care about them.You have to put the interests of your prospects first and help them spot imbalances in them.

— Kim Ruck
When salespeople sell products to customers, they will encounter this kind of "stingy" customer: no matter how good your product is, you just can't impress him.Well, there is a method that is very effective for such customers.Let's take a look at how to use this method.

Internationally renowned speaker, author, and nationally recognized king of sales, King Luck, sells kitchen utensils to a famous miser: "Sir, I have the best kitchen utensils you have ever seen and used, and you must have them." A set of kitchen utensils like this."

Scrooge looked at him nonchalantly and said politely, "It's nice to see you, we both know I'm not going to spend $400 on these pots and pans. I just asked you to come in and sit and talk."

It didn't turn out very well, but Kim Ruck still smiled and said, "You might think you're not going to buy something, but I don't think so."

The miser said, "I repeat, I can chat with you but I will buy anything."

King Ruck began to shift angles, saying, "You know we have a lot in common?"

Scrooge is fascinated: "Oh? What are there?"

Kim Luck explained unhurriedly: "It is like this. I heard from your neighbor that you are conservative and cautious, and so am I."

"They think you're conservative, I don't think so, it's just that your neighbors don't know enough about what matters most to you," Kim Ruck continued, "If I remember correctly, you've been married for 23 years."

Miser nodded: "Yeah! In fact, it will be 8 years in August."

Kim Luck said, "Okay, let me ask you a question. Do you remember when you said you could save $1 a day if you cook with my cookware?"

Scrooge admitted: "Yeah, at least $1."

Kim Ruck then asked, "So, if you have the kit, you're saving a dollar a day, and if you don't, you're wasting a dollar a day, right?"

The miser nodded again: "I think you're right."

Kim Ruck: "It doesn't matter what I say. It's your money after all, what's your opinion?"

Scrooge had to agree: "I should agree with you."

Jin Lak: "Don't say that you can save 1 dollar a day, but the most conservative thing is that you can save 0.5 dollars a day, don't you think so?"

The miser nodded again: "It must be."

Kim Luck said: "Okay! If this set of kitchen utensils saves you 5 cents a day, if your wife doesn't use this set of utensils, she will have to take out a new, clean $1 bill from your pocket every two days, and put it in your pocket. It shreds and throws it away, doesn't it?" With that, King Rucker slowly tore up a neat, new $1 bill and dropped the pieces on the floor.

Then Kim Luck went on to say, "Dear customer, you can live with a $1 loss, but according to your neighbors, you won't be happy. Although this beautiful house is yours from your neighbor's point of view, you You still need to pay the loan. Although the house of 120 square meters is yours and the bank’s, you don’t want any waste. Now, dear customer, can you understand the meaning of losing 0.5 dollars a day? That is to say, you and Every 40 days your wife takes a $20 bill out of her pocket, tears it up and throws it away." At this time, Kim Lak slowly tore another $20 bill, and Made a "hiss" sound on purpose.

Finally, Kim Luck looked at Scrooge and asked, "Sir, how did you feel when I tore up the $1 bill?"

Scrooge is nonchalant: "I think you're crazy."

Kim Ruck: "And what did you think when I ripped off the $20?"

"My mind went blank, but I know you did," replied the miser.

Kim Ruck: "Whose money do you think it is?"

Scrooge: "Of course it's yours."

Kim Ruck: "But you were in pain when I was tearing it up, weren't you?"

Scrooge: "Indeed."

Kim Ruck: "Can I ask you a question?"

Scrooge: "Of course."

Kim Ruck: "Do you have the slightest sense that it's your money?"

The miser was surprised and asked, "Why do you think so?"

金拉克解释道:“很简单。您已经结婚23年了,就算是20年吧!您说这套厨具每天可以省下5角,也就是说如果您没买这套厨具,您1年会因此损失180美元。20年就是3 600美元。就因为您没有花395美元去买这套厨具,他们就说您很小气?我想那是他们的说法。您其实很大方,舍得1年损失180美元。”

Scrooge said, "This sucks. Mr. Kim Luck, if I don't buy this cookware set, I'm going to pay another $20 in the next 3 years. I said I wouldn't pay for a $600 set , but when I saw that this set saves money, cooks better food, and saves my wife a lot of work, it made me understand the benefits of buying it. Frankly, I am very Love my wife and family, and I don't want my stubbornness to cost my family something we can enjoy..." Finally, the miser bought the set.

Since then, Scrooge has become King Ruck's best friend, and of course King Ruck's biggest sales booster.Because when people learned that the most thrifty people in the community bought it, everyone flocked to buy King Luck cookware.

The story of King Luck tells us that if you do a careful calculation for a customer and let him know that he will lose more if he does not buy your product, then he will definitely stop being stubborn and want to hurry up. Grab the product you're pitching.

3. Fully mobilize the imagination of customers
Can break through the shackles of time and space.Imagination can play a role in regulating the body, and can also play a role in predicting the future.

When people receive information, it is often easier to accept visual information and not easy to feel abstract or even empty theoretical teachings.Because of the visualized information, people's imagination is fully mobilized, and people can get real feelings in the image.This kind of feeling is easier to impress customers who don't want to spend too much brain cells than listening to monotonous and boring theories like product manuals.Therefore, when promoting products, you must pay attention to fully mobilizing the customer's imagination, so that you can turn abstraction into image, and turn boring into vividness to impress him.

General Electric has been trying to sell classroom blackboard lighting to an elementary school for several years.However, I have contacted the elementary school countless times and said countless good things to no avail.At this time, a salesperson came up with an idea to solve the problem.He took a thin steel rod and appeared in front of the blackboard in the classroom, holding the end of the rod in each hand, and said: "Gentlemen, you can see that I bend this steel rod hard, but it straightens again without any force. If I If the force used exceeds the maximum force that the steel rod can bear, it will break. Similarly, the eyes of children are like this bent steel rod. No amount of money can repair irreparable damage."

It didn't take long for General Electric to finally get its wish.

Here, the salesperson uses "steel rods" as a metaphor for "children's eyesight", and uses "excessive pressure" as an analogy for "keep children's eyes often in a state of unclear light".In this way, customers can vividly understand the importance of the lighting equipment they are selling to children, so they will agree to purchase.In the same way, in the process of sales, fully mobilizing the imagination of customers will greatly promote the success of your sales.

The average tire salesperson might introduce his product like this: "This tire is genuine and durable!"

An imaginative salesperson might say something like this with dramatic effect: "You're driving fast with the kids at 80 kilometers an hour when you feel a series of violent jolts underneath the car, forcing you to move the The car pulled over to the side of the road. It turned out that your car hit a long crack like a jaw in the road... The shock made your bones fall apart, and the bolts on the car rattled! You don't have to worry about your Tires, just hold on tight and you'll be fine, these tires can handle any road conditions!"

It is not difficult to distinguish the effect of the above two ways of introducing products, which is good and which is bad.Needless to say here.One thing that needs to be mentioned is, how can the salesperson mobilize the imagination of the customer?

A. You can use analogy to explain, and cooperate with certain demonstrations, like the salesperson of General Electric Company.

B. You can also imagine a scene like a blockbuster movie like an imaginative tire salesperson, and take the customer to feel with you in your "scene".

C. You can also convert some data into an image that customers can appreciate.For example, if you say that your product is 90 centimeters high, you might as well say that it is as tall as a child in a kindergarten class.

As long as you have the heart, you can turn any boring explanation into something that can mobilize the imagination of customers, so that they can be moved by you while being realistic.

4. Use authoritative figures to speak
The data shows the spirit of excellence and truth-seeking.

Numbers can also explain problems very well. Sometimes using authoritative numbers to explain problems can also have very good results.

Napoleon once inspected the army. According to the usual practice, the commander ran up to Napoleon and reported in a very clear voice: "Report to the general. The headquarters has all assembled. There should be 3 officers and soldiers in the headquarters, but there are actually 444. Please review .”

Napoleon nodded with great satisfaction and said, "Very good!" Turning to his staff officer, he said, "People who remember the name of this commander and remember the numbers so accurately should be reused. You have to learn from him in the future and report to me. Try to use precise numbers when speaking. Don’t use words like probably, maybe, maybe, or almost.”

The commander who won the favor of Napoleon simply and neatly stated the number of officers and soldiers who should and actually arrived, which appeared to be very professional and meticulous.Speaking with numbers can not only appear professional, but also give people the most basic sense of trust.

Carnegie's experience can be said to be a model of speaking with numbers.This is how he persuaded a hotel manager to give up the idea of ​​increasing the rent.

Carnegie spent $1 per quarter to rent the auditorium of a large hotel in New York for 000 nights to teach social training courses.

In one quarter, when Carnegie first started teaching, he was suddenly notified that he should pay three times the original rent.Before the news came, the admission tickets had already been sent out, and other preparations for the start of the class had been completed.How can we negotiate successfully?After careful consideration, two days later, Carnegie went to the manager.

(End of this chapter)

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