Selling eloquence

Chapter 20 Opening with a witty phrase, shortening the distance with customers

Chapter 20 Opening with a witty phrase, shortening the distance with customers (2)
If the salesperson can talk about some daily routines with the customer when they contact the customer to make the opening remarks, it will be able to enhance the intimacy with each other and lay a good foundation for the next sales promotion work.

"You are Manager Hao, right? Hello, according to the accent, you are from Shandong, right?"

"Oh! You also like to grow flowers?"

Therefore, if you find that the customer and you are fellow villagers, you can use dialect to talk about the customs of your hometown; if you like to grow flowers, you can talk about how to grow flowers.In this way, we have a common topic with customers, and chatting can also enhance the relationship, shorten the distance, and sales will come naturally.

5. Open with authority

Only when you speak honesty can you win the respect of others, and only in this way can you win the trust of others and the support of others.

——Dong Mingzhu
Salespeople use some more authoritative opening remarks, which can often help them avoid old-fashioned, ingenious, and make customers feel convincing about themselves.

(1) With the help of authoritative institutions.

"Miss, I'm Wang Hao from the University Research Institute. I'm calling to share a very helpful piece of information with you."

The above example uses an authoritative organization as its opening statement to achieve the purpose of attracting and persuading customers at the beginning.

(2) With the help of the company's prestige.

"Hello! I'm Chen Zhiliang from Great Eastern Sales Training Company. I don't know if you have contacted Great Eastern Company before, but you must know that Great Eastern Sales Training Company is the only service company in China that focuses on the performance growth of sales personnel. I The main reason for calling you is that you, as the person in charge of the sales company, must also be very concerned about the methods that can improve the performance of the sales staff. Therefore, I would like to have a brief exchange with you on the phone (pause). You will now answer Is the phone convenient? I would like to ask you a few questions (pause), how is your sales training going now?"

In the above example, the salesperson introduced himself as an employee of a famous company and used the company's reputation and prestige to talk to the customer. First of all, he established a prestige in front of the customer, which is conducive to the success of sales.

(3) With the help of authoritative experts.

"Mr. Chen, hello. I am the company's sales representative. Our company will hold a new product tour exhibition in the International Exhibition Center soon. All our products will be displayed, and we have invited an expert in e-commerce ×, he is The data centers of the Internet are very well researched, and you will definitely be interested."

In this opening statement, the salesperson mentioned authoritative experts in the industry to the customer to increase the professionalism and formality of the event, so that the customer can accept themselves.

(4) With the help of one's own identity.

"Good morning, sir. I'm Ding Yi, the vice president of marketing of the company. I don't know if you know us. We are a marketing training company with branches in Shanghai and Guangzhou. We provide services for many well-known companies such as the company. A variety of services are provided.”

In this opening remark, the salesperson first introduced his position as "the company's marketing vice president" to increase his authority, so as to convince customers to accept his training services.

6. Opening with the help of a third party

The chance of making a successful sale through a network introduction is [-] to [-] times higher than the chance of selling directly to a stranger.

— Tom Hopkins

When visiting a customer for the first time, if the salesperson approaches directly, the effect will not be very good.If you can mention someone you both know in front of the client, indicating that the visit was introduced through an acquaintance, or mention the client's friend, relative, or a public celebrity, you can approach the client relatively easily.Because under normal circumstances, the customer can effectively eliminate the customer's vigilance with the help of the third party's face, thus giving you face.

(1) Use people familiar with customers.Using people who are familiar with each other, especially those who have a certain influence on customers to start, can often make customers pay attention to your words at once.for example:
When a salesman was selling his telephone system, he said to the customer: "Hello, sir, my name is Xiaolin, and I am an employee of a certain telephone system company. I am entrusted by Manager Wang of a certain company in Shenzhen, and I specially called You, because the thing I introduced to you today is a great thing, it can bring you great convenience..."

The publisher of a book company said to the customer: "Director, do you know Lao Li, the head of the education department of the Education Bureau? He just bought 600 books from me. I think your material bureau is in the same situation as theirs, and you urgently need relevant information. Books on marketing and business management, don’t you think so?”

(2) Utilize well-known companies in the same industry as the client.

Mention some of your famous customers before to your customers, not only can you use the reputation of these well-known companies, but you can also prove that your company's strength is also not to be underestimated.For example:
"Hello! Mr. Zhang. I'm Zhang Meng. I'm a training consultant for a certain company. We are the only professional company in China that specializes in training bank business representatives. We recently conducted a 3-week telephone skill training for bank business personnel... ..."

(3) Use celebrities respected by customers.

Xiao Sun is an experienced salesman, and he always carries a list with many autographed names of customers.When visiting customers, he often puts the list in front of the customer.

"I'm very proud of our customers," he said. "Do you know the chairman of XXX?"

"Oh, yes, he's famous!"

"He is our client, and his name is on it. Then you must have heard of XX, he is a big star in film, television and music! I also know that you are his loyal fan, and he is also our client , look, it's got his autograph on it too."

He talked about these names with great interest, and then said: "They are all customers who benefit from our products..." After reading more prestigious names, he said: "I think you should trust their Judgment, I wish your name would be written with theirs."

Using the public effect of these celebrities, let customers think that "even if these celebrities use their company's products, then the products must be good...".

However, when using this method, the salesperson must pay attention to mastering the customer's preferences first. If the celebrity mentioned happens to be disliked by the customer, then it will be difficult to achieve the desired effect, or even be counterproductive.

7. Resolve customer apathy

If the first impression is good, it will be unfavorable in the next product promotion process. If the first impression is not good, it will be difficult for customers to accept your product.

— Dave Dotholson

Customers are cold and cold to themselves, which is often encountered by salespeople.Some smart salesmen were not scared off by the customer's indifference, but summed up some feasible ways to resolve it in their own practice.Let's learn about it.

(1) Embrace the language of silence.This is a crucial step.In other words, facing the phenomenon of being neglected, you should first admit its existence and allow it to happen.This is because life is a kaleidoscope, with red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple, joys, sorrows, joys and sorrows, ups and downs, hot and cold, everything that one expects to find, colorful.Without enthusiasm, life will lose its luster; without twists and turns, life will become dull.

In fact, everyone living in the society, more or less, more or less, will encounter "coldness", no matter whether you are conscious or not, willingly or unwillingly, no one can think about it. Insulate from it.

Therefore, in the face of neglect, you should adopt an acknowledgment attitude, that is to say, you must be mentally prepared to accept the neglect.Of course, acknowledging the existence of neglect is not acknowledging the rationality of its existence, but acknowledging the objectivity of its existence.Admitting the objectivity of the existence of such contradictions also admits the inevitability of the existence of methods to resolve such contradictions.Only in this way can you face the coldness directly without avoiding or fearing it.

(2) Dare to show the language of courage.After being left out, people often feel frustrated in life and retreat psychologically.For a strong man, the more he is under the pressure of neglect, the more masculine he should be full of self-expression.This kind of courage can not only blow away the wind and cloud of neglect from the outside world, but also the easiest way to clear away the fog of mind caused by being neglected by others.

(3) Introspective language that quells complaints.It's understandable that you'll get angry at times when you're left out.However, too much self-complaint is precisely the taboo to overcome neglect.Most people who have experienced being left out feel this way, and complaining about the result of being left out will only objectively increase the degree of pressure from being left out.All kinds of phenomena in social life can find reasons from people's subjective cognition, and the phenomenon of neglect is also one of them.

(4) The attitude language of active influence.Some people have a view when dealing with interpersonal relationships, that is, "If you treat me well, I will treat you well; if you despise me, I will not buy your account."This is an under-generous gesture.A mature person should think more, think more carefully, and even make some necessary concessions and sacrifices, which is often called a high profile.

(5) Talk about topics that both parties have in common.In the sales process, if the other party is not good at talking, it is easy to fall into an embarrassing situation.If you want to become a master of sales, you must first master the knack of being good at finding words without words on the scene.The key to finding something to say when you have nothing to say is to be good at finding topics, or eliciting topics based on something.Because the topic is the medium of preliminary conversation, the basis of in-depth talk, and the beginning of indulgent talk.Without topics, it is difficult to carry on the conversation smoothly.The criteria for a good topic are: at least one party is familiar with it and can talk about it; everyone is interested and likes to talk about it;

Indifference is actually just an accident, but it is the inevitable duty of salespeople to resolve indifference, turn indifference into warmth, and change unfamiliarity into familiarity.I believe that a smart salesperson will definitely think of more ways to deal with the indifference of customers.

8. Dealing with Arrogant Clients

As long as what you say is beneficial to others, you will be popular everywhere.

—— Yuan Yiping

If you are dealing with an arrogant and arrogant customer who doesn't take you seriously, you will definitely feel at a loss, let alone start a sales negotiation.However, you can't just deal with it silently with nervousness, so what should the salesperson do at this time?Yuan Yiping is very good at dealing with this kind of customers.Let's take a look at his story first.

One day, Ippei Hara, the god of sales, visited the general manager of a certain company.

He has a rule of visiting customers, and he must do a thorough investigation.According to the survey, the general manager is a "conceited" type of person with a very strange temper and no hobbies.

This is the most difficult character for ordinary salesmen to deal with, but for this type of character, Yuan Yiping has a well-thought-out plan and has his own clever plan.

Yuan Yiping signed up for the lady at the front desk and said his last name: "Hello, I am Yuan Yiping. I have already made an appointment with the general manager of your company. Please let me know."

"Okay, please wait."

Then, Yuan Yiping was taken to the general manager's office.The general manager was sitting on the executive chair with the door behind his back, reading documents.After a while, he turned around, glanced at Yuan Yiping, and then turned to look at his documents.

At the moment of eye contact, Yuan Yiping felt an indescribable discomfort.

Suddenly, Yuan Yiping said loudly: "General manager, hello, I'm Yuan Yiping, I'm bothering you today, I'll visit you another day."

The general manager turned around and was stunned. "What did you say?"

"I take my leave, goodbye."

The general manager looked a little panicked.Yuan Yiping stood at the door, turned around and said, "That's right, just now the lady at the front desk told me to give me a minute to visit the general manager and greet you. Now that I have completed the task, I would like to say goodbye to you. Thank you. I will come back another day." Visiting you. Goodbye."

Walking out of the general manager's office, Yuan Yiping was already sweating.

A day later, Yuan Yiping bit the bullet and made a second visit.

"Hey, you're here again. Why did you leave as soon as you came a few days ago? You're quite an interesting person."

"Ah, I bothered you that day, I should have come to ask you for advice..."

"Please sit down, you are welcome."


Because of Yuan Yiping's coup of "come and go", this "aggressive" client is much more obedient than last time.

Facing this kind of arrogant and arrogant customer, Yuan Yiping was not shocked by the customer like some salespersons—he was too scared to speak out. Instead, after waiting for a while, he boldly shouted to draw the customer's attention. After attracting attention, he did not stay and continue his sales persuasion work, but left. In this way, the customer will feel guilty for his faux pas-a customer who has already felt guilty for you will still be in the same place. Do you treat yourself with condescension on your next visit?

Sure enough, during the second visit, the client took the initiative to talk to him.

It is not difficult to see from the above cases that when Yuan Yiping adopted this kind of coping technique, he spoke in a very measured manner. He did not blame the client for his arrogance, but he spoke entirely from the client's perspective.His way of playing hard to get, unexpectedly took down this arrogant client all at once.

You know, there are no fixed skills or rules in sales.A good salesperson knows what to say to whom they meet, and they tend to be flexible and adaptable.Only in this way can the sales be successful.

9. Dominate customers instead of accommodating them
Blindly accommodating others may not necessarily win favor, sometimes the opposite is true.

As an excellent salesperson, when approaching customers, you should not blindly accommodate the other party and put yourself in a psychologically weak position.Instead, based on the principle of benefiting customers, adopt various persuasion methods to control the situation so as to make the situation beneficial to oneself.

Famous salesman and best-selling author Robert Shook arranged a meeting with Colonel Hanan Sanders, the founder of "Kentucky Fried Chicken" by phone, and planned to interview him as part of the book "Full Commitment" data of.It was 1975, and Sanders was 85 years old.He promised to pick up Shuke at the Louisville airport, and then the two went to the colonel's house to talk.

The plane arrived at Louisville Airport on time. Shuke walked towards the main gate of the airport and recognized the famous Colonel Sanders at a glance, because he had already seen the statue of Sanders at the entrance of the KFC restaurant.He warmly greeted the colonel and extended his hand, but the colonel lamented and said, "I can't accept your interview today. I fell on the ice and hit my head straight."

"Mr. Sanders, I'm really glad to see you," Shook completely ignored Sanders' words to cancel the visit. "I'm so sorry to hear that you were hurt."

"I slipped and fell on the ice this morning and got a big bruise on my head," the colonel continued. "I can't inform you that I'm canceling this visit. I don't want to keep you waiting at the airport while I Didn't show up. So I stopped here to meet you on my way to the doctor."

"It doesn't matter, Colonel." Shu Ke still ignored the fact that the other party wanted to cancel the visit.He didn't forget what his purpose was when he ran all the way here, so he had to find a way to achieve his purpose quickly.

"Oh, what a big bruise!" Shuke saw an obvious lump on the back of the colonel's head. "Let's go, and we'll go to your place as soon as the doctor has bandaged you."

He didn't give the colonel any chance to speak at all, and immediately turned to the colonel's driver: "Where is the car parked?"

"It's there."

"Let's go," Shu Ke said as he walked towards the car, "We must send the colonel to the doctor first."

The colonel and the driver actively followed behind Shu Ke, and the three of them drove towards the clinic.After the doctor treated the colonel's head, Shuke and the colonel started their visit.As a result, they all had a great day.

The world is always full of variables, especially when you are selling on other people's territory, accidents are almost impossible to guard against.But don't be discouraged, don't be discouraged, keep in mind your sales purpose, all words and deeds are based on the interests of the other party, after proposing a plan, act immediately, actively and positively to reverse and control the whole situation.

chapter summary
1. The biggest function of the opening remarks is to quickly shorten the distance with the customer—the psychological distance.Communication without psychological distance is the best communication in interpersonal communication, and sales are no exception.

2. Stimulating customers' curiosity or attention is to make customers pay attention so that the conversation can continue.

3. Chatting and chatting are common, but they are by no means trivial. Salespeople who are creative and willing to use their brains are very good at grabbing the hearts of customers through decent greetings.

4. Using authority to explain the problem can also make customers pay attention to your topic, but pay attention to knowing in advance that the authority you speak of is precisely what the customer approves, not what he opposes.

5. When a salesman meets with a customer, the most important thing is to lead the customer instead of accommodating him. No matter whether the customer is indifferent or arrogant, even if the customer has an accident, he must be flexible and make himself the leader.

(End of this chapter)

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