Selling eloquence

Chapter 22 Promote products and make customers fall in love with your products

Chapter 22 Promote products and make customers fall in love with your products (2)
Carnegie said to the manager: "I was a little shocked when I got your notice. But it's not your fault. If I were in your position, I might write the same notice. You are the manager of this hotel, your The onus is to make the hotel as profitable as possible. If you don't, your manager job will be hard to keep, and you shouldn't be. If you insist on rent increases, let's add up, whether it works for you or against you .”

"Let's talk about the positive side first." Carnegie said, "The auditorium is not rented out for lectures, but for dances and evening parties. Then you can make big profits. Because the time for holding such activities is not long, once a day, every day You can pay $200 a time, 20 nights is $4, oh! Rent it to me, obviously you are at a disadvantage."

"Now, consider the 'downside'. First, you increase my rent, which also reduces my income. Because you effectively drive me out. Since I can't pay the rent you want, I will have to find another Hold training sessions elsewhere.

"One more fact against you. This training course will attract thousands of cultured, educated upper-middle-level managers to your hotel. Wouldn't it be a free advertisement for you? Did it work? Actually, if you spent $5 on a newspaper ad, you wouldn't be able to invite so many people to visit your hotel in person, but I invited you to my training class. Wouldn't it be worth it Is it?" After speaking, Carnegie left, "Please think carefully before answering me." Of course, the manager finally gave in.

Carnegie's success was only because he thought from the manager's point of view and clearly expressed the benefits of increasing rents and maintaining rents one by one.

5. Win customers with professional standards

Do professional things with professionalism.

In reality, many salespeople have little or no knowledge about the products they sell, especially those products with high technical content and strong professionalism.When customers come to shop, it is impossible to provide customers with a satisfactory explanation.

Sales introduction is to introduce the performance and functions of products to customers, so that they can have a complete understanding of new products, which requires sales staff to master various professional knowledge.

The introduction of products serves to persuade customers to buy, and to achieve the final purpose of persuasion, the description of the products must be reasonable.Seeking truth from facts is the first condition for a reasonable explanation.A salesperson does not sell a product or service by deceiving success with rhetoric.

A pair of lovers who were about to get married came to the sales department of an electrical appliance group company to buy a refrigerator.This pair of lovers walked around a certain brand of domestic refrigerator for a long time. When the man was about to pay for it, the woman suddenly changed her mind.

"I see, let's go buy a Japanese Toshiba refrigerator!"

"Why did you change your mind again? Didn't you agree?"

"I think the quality of this kind of domestic refrigerator is not safe, not as good as that of Japan. It's just a thousand dollars more."

At this time, the salesperson standing aside to receive them saw that the business in hand was gone, and regretted that it was useless to explain to them so patiently just now.Impatient in my heart, I blurted out: "Come on, come on, you said you wouldn't buy it, so don't ask this or that. Japan is good, and you have money, go to Japan and buy it, why come here?"

As soon as the lovers heard this, they turned around and wanted to leave.At this time, the sales executive came over with a smile:

"Please stop, both of you. I have a few words to say to you. I'm really sorry. Just now our salesman spoke impolitely and offended you. It's all my fault as the director. I don't manage well at ordinary times. I apologize to you. Apologize."

The lovers calmed down after hearing what he said. "It doesn't matter whether you buy our refrigerator or not, but there is one thing I need to ask the two of you for advice."

Hearing the word "asking for advice", the couple really got serious.

"The lady said just now that our refrigerator has a problem with the quality. Can you explain it in detail so that we can improve our work."

The lady suddenly asked the director such a question, she didn't know how to answer, hesitated for a while, and then said hesitantly: "I also heard that Toshiba refrigerators are good." She pointed to the cooling pipe on the back of the refrigerator, and continued: " All these crooked tubes are exposed, and it’s not pretty.”

Hearing what she said, the director understood a little bit. "Miss, this is a complete misunderstanding. Of course, Toshiba has a long history and has many advantages. However, our domestic refrigerators have also made great progress in recent years. The refrigerators you just saw are going to the international market."

The lovers were skeptical, and the director went on to say: "Our refrigerator has been carefully calculated, and the heat dissipation pipe is exposed to the air, and the heat dissipation speed can be doubled. Because the heat is dissipated quickly, the internal cooling speed of the refrigerator is fast, achieving an increase. The purpose of efficiency and energy saving. Experimental results show that compared with the same volume of sealed refrigerators, our refrigerators consume only 1/3 of their electricity consumption. If you save half a kilowatt-hour of electricity a day, Miss, please do the math, one year How much will you save on electricity bills?"

The director changed his tone and continued: "As for the aesthetics, this is an unnecessary concern. Because the cooling pipe is behind the refrigerator, close to the wall or between the corners, it has no effect on the front view, please rest assured."

The young lady had nothing to say at this moment.At this moment, the director strikes again while the iron is hot: "I think this is good. If you can trust me, I will send a car to you in the afternoon. Here, here are the receipts. Please go over there to get the invoice and warranty certificate."

A product or service itself has many advantages and characteristics. If the salesperson lists and introduces these characteristics and characteristics one by one without looking at the target, not only will a lot of time be wasted, but the customer will also be disappointed by the salesperson's "" Indiscriminate Bombardment" was dazzled and lost.When introducing, the salesperson should convert the benefits to customers according to the characteristics of the product or service, and give different explanations based on different customers.This is the most important one of the reasonable introduction mentioned above.

6. Put pressure on customers to rush to buy
Let customers have an impatient mentality that they must buy your products.

One of the best ways to deal with customers who cannot make decisive decisions is to artificially exert pressure and create a sense of urgency psychologically.No matter what you're selling, if you think about it, you can always figure out how to make it feel that way.

(1) Use "specials" to create a sense of urgency.For example, the salesperson will say to his customer: "The company will greatly increase the price of the product at the beginning of next month, and there are only 2 days from now, so I suggest you make a decision today." The clerk informs his customers that the company's special offer on copy paper ends at the end of the week.As another example, a real estate agent may tell his client that if he cannot make a decision, he will have to pay the real estate taxes himself.This creates a sense of urgency as the client feels that it will be a great regret not to take advantage of the opportunity.Once a sense of urgency is generated, customers will naturally make a purchase decision.

Regardless of the method used, as long as it can create a sense of urgency, it can stimulate customers to make a purchasing decision as soon as possible.

(2) Use "tomorrow will be too late" to put pressure on customers.It's not too difficult to do that in the life insurance industry.A client's health can change at any time, and perhaps a day's delay could mean he loses his insurance eligibility tomorrow.As an insurance salesperson, your best bet is to say to your customers, "Sir, none of us can look into the future in a crystal ball. I hope you live a long and healthy life before you qualify for insurance." But you should also be aware that if What a loss it would be to your family if an accident happened before then. We want you to get insurance as soon as possible." In this way, a sense of "tomorrow is too late" is created, and this feeling intensifies as a person ages.

Subtly applying pressure to customers is an important skill in making a successful business.The key to using selling pressure is that the salesperson should size up the situation and try to make the customer see a kind of confidence from you and feel comforted.The mastery of this kind of skill has a lot to do with the responsiveness of the sales staff. Only in practice can the sales staff improve their skills continuously.

7. Assuming that the transaction makes the customer take the initiative to buy

Selling something requires not only proper special training, but also good education and a keen sense of human nature, as well as enough resourcefulness, ingenuity, and originality.

— Orison Madden
Please look at an example of an excellent clothing salesperson successfully selling clothing.

When a customer was trying on a suit to see if it would fit, the salesperson didn't ask, "Do you want to buy it?" Instead, he took the customer to a mirror and let him see for himself. "Look, how well this dress fits you." The salesperson said while tugging at the corner of the customer's clothes, and then said: "Let's go measure the size now."

The salesman called to his tailor - still not forgetting to tug at the hem of the client's coat - and asked, "Look, how is he dressed?"

"Very well, I'll cut it for you now." The tailor said, measured the size, and picked up a pen to draw on the clothes.

"Does the waist fit?" the salesperson asked.

"Yes, that's fine," replied the client.

"Sir, what do you think of the pants being so long?" the salesman asked again.

"Ah, of course." The customer replied.

"Sir, do you like turned-back cuffs?" the salesman asked.

"I don't like it." The customer replied.

"How long will it take to make this suit?" the salesperson asked the tailor.

"You can come and pick it up on Thursday." The tailor told the customer directly.

"This outfit looks good on you," the salesperson said finally, and nodded approvingly.

"Follow me to the tie room, and I'll choose a matching tie for you." He said, took the client's arm and walked into the tie room.

In the examples above, time and time again, the salesperson has subtly taken the hypothetical close approach.From assuming that the customer needs to look in the mirror, to measuring the size, to custom-made clothes, to matching the tie at the end, all of them are the result of the sales staff's assumptions.The customer implicitly agrees without saying "no".The salesperson knows that the deal is a sure thing at this point.The salesperson didn't stop using the hypothetical method until he confirmed that the business could be closed. When the customer walked out of the store, he still didn't stop selling: "Please come back to me next time." Here, he once again assumed Customers will come again.In fact, since the salesperson has been fabricating the "you want this product" outcome all along, what is the outcome of this fabrication?The result is: the customer really wants this product.This is a mental formula.

As a good salesperson, if you sell on the assumption that the customer is willing to buy, this attitude has a positive impact on the customer's purchase decision.

8. Use aggressive methods to win customers
The motivational selling method is to use the competitiveness and self-esteem of customers to urge them to buy the products they are promoting.This method is used properly, there will be obvious results.

— Dave Dotholson

The provocative method in sales is that the salesperson uses certain language means to stimulate the customer, so as to stimulate the other party's emotion, and cause the other party's mood swings and mentality changes, and finally make the emotional fluctuations and mentality changes toward their desired direction. development in the expected direction.

The effect of using the provocative method depends on the salesperson's grasp of the "degree" of stimulation. Some can be "heated a little", while others need to "add fuel to the fire"; Some of them have to be "pursued fiercely"; some can be "hidden but not exposed", while others need to be "happily dripping".

Of course, whether the best sales promotion effect can be achieved depends on the sales staff depending on the situation.Psychological research shows that: some people are ambitious and seemingly powerful, some are competitive, some are indecisive, some are straightforward, and some are shy...

Therefore, if the psychological characteristics of the above-mentioned people can be cleverly used and targeted, it is a basic guarantee for successful sales.

A lady took a fancy to a new style of leather shoes in a store window.But she just stood at the counter and looked back and forth, asking some irrelevant questions.It's clear that she loves the new leather shoes, but is hesitant because they're too expensive.The store's salesperson caught her mentality and asked, "If the price of these shoes doesn't satisfy you, would you like to look at something else?"

Unexpectedly, after hearing what the salesperson said, the lady bought the pair of leather shoes with a determined expression.The salesman's question seemed simple, but it contained a deep mystery. It inspired the lady's competitive spirit, so she successfully sold the pair of leather shoes.

Using this kind of provocative technique to stimulate the competitive spirit of customers must be different from person to person, and you must be careful, otherwise it will be self-defeating and even irritate customers.

(1) Stimulate the competitiveness of customers, but not hurt them.If in the above case, the salesperson said to the hesitant lady: "Buy it if you want to buy it, don't look at it if you can't afford it, because you still want to buy such high-end leather shoes." Of course, this sentence can also be used. It will have a "exciting" effect on customers, but this will hurt the self-esteem of customers, and will have the opposite effect. Not only will it fail to achieve the purpose of sales, but it will damage the image of the store.

It is undeniable that in daily life, people often hear some salesmen "provoking" customers with sarcasm and derogatory words. There is a world of difference.

(2) The purpose of "excitement" is to let customers get rid of hesitation, but it is by no means to set a trap.Although some salespersons used the "aggressive method" to sell their products, their character was also sold along with the cheap products.The result is definitely not worth the loss, because he did not consider the serious consequences of this approach, "killing the chicken and taking the eggs", which blocked all his future sales channels.

Therefore, the "aggressive general method" must be targeted in sales, and it is only used as a last resort.A shrewd businessman will not use this trick easily, even if he uses it, he should also consider its consequences.

chapter summary
1. The most important thing about product promotion is not how to tell customers the benefits of the product you think, but how you can speak to customers.

2. It is much more effective to fully explain the customer's attention to the effect than to just promote the product in general.

3. People are often easily moved by emotional things, so it is necessary to fully mobilize the imagination of customers to convince customers.

4. Be sure to leave a professional impression on customers, especially when facing your competing products. When you can use professional language to explain the advantages of your products over competing products, you will win.

5. The aggressive method is a coup, but it must be used skillfully, and it should not be self-defeating.

(End of this chapter)

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