Young Miss, Please Don't Run

70 Chapter 070 - Seto Ai Young Miss, Please Don'st Run

A few hours later, both Gao Sing and Junzhi have come back from gathering information. They have been called to Meng-Gi's room along with Lok Son. Ba Yue has been left out on purpose because she's still an outsider even though she is the person that Lok Son likes. There might be information regarding the elders and the palace that can't be leak out.

Inside the room, Meng-Gi and Lok Son are both sitting down while the other two is standing there to report back what they had found out.

"Madame, it seems like ever since you left the palace, the elders have been giving pressure to his majesty to marry more concubine into the palace. It's weird, his majesty has sealed all information regarding you leaving the palace, but somehow the elders seems to know about it." Junzhi said.

"What! Those elders really think that I'll let them as they like, huh?" Meng-Gi coldly said.

"That's not all. It seems that his Majesty has refused it many times. And since madame, you a

have already given birth to a prince, it was hard to pursue his majesty to marry more woman so they have changed their target to the young prince.

Since his majesty has already married you, someone, that's not on any of the elders' side. They gave extra pressure to his majesty to select a fiancée from the daughters of one of the elders. His Majesty has also nominated a daughter from one of his men, but she has been eliminated on the first round of voting.

It seems that all the elders have come into an agreement to let the first elder's favorite granddaughter be the young prince's fiancee. His Majesty has no choice but to agree on this since this is the rule of the royal family." Junzhi explains.

"But why so early for the selection? They usually don't start the fiancée selection for the prince until he comes back from another world and has inherited the crown as crown prince first." Meng-Gi asked.

"That I can answer." Gao Sing said as he looks at the mother and son setting there. "I have found out that the elders have settled their difference and have formed an alliance over the years.

The first elder has become the head of that alliance now. It's all because of his two daughters each have married the eldest son of the second and the third elders' family. If their eldest son takes over the position of elder in the future, they will be the next elders and are also the son in law of the first elder. It seems that they have become a big family now. The first elder not only wanted the other two elders to be his in-laws but also the royal family.

Unfortunately for him, the old king had nominated your family back then. It was unexpected for the elders since your family bloodline is special, they didn't expect a daughter from your family will accept the marriage from the royal family. They didn't have a choice but to lose to your family's daughter, which is first your sister then to you.

But the first elder didn't give up on the idea of marrying his daughter to his majesty and has been pursuing him to take his youngest daughter to be a concubine since you left the palace. Due to his majesty's many time refusal, the first elder has set his eyes on the young prince.

It seems that his two daughters that each married into the second and third elders' family have also given birth to a daughter. And this Miss Seto is the daughter of his own eldest son, so all the ladies that were nominated for the fiancée position are all the first elder's granddaughters. So whichever ladies that gets pick makes no difference since they are all related. But in order to avoid the same mistake of the king bringing in someone strong for the nomination, they pressured and rushed his majesty when you are not there in the palace to make the decision."

"If Ming Jun has sealed my disappearance news from others, then how did the elders know that I'm not in the palace?"

"It seems like there are spies from the elder's side inside the palace. We don't know who it is yet and the news that young master came back might have gotten leaked by the elder's spies back to the elder last night.

Since his majesty has shown up here last night, they probably guessed that the prince is staying here. And Miss Seto must have overheard the information about the prince staying here from somewhere, so she rushes down here to meet the prince." Junzhi said.

"It seems that the first elder wants to have control over all the elders and the royal family. But this granddaughter of his isn't that smart like her grandfather. She didn't even confirm the information and dares to rush down here. Just because her grandfather is the first elder, does she think that she can do anything and gets away with it?

I have heard rumors about her even though I'm living here and doesn't go out much. Rumors said that this Seto Ai is a very beautiful woman but is also very spoiled, rude and violent. She will beat any woman that is more beautiful than her and ruin their faces." Meng-Gi said as she plays with her fingers. She wants to meet the women who wanted to marry her son.

"Yes, I have also heard about this rumor when I was secretly gathering information from the first elder's residence. It seems that it is not the first time that Miss Seto has harm others. She will beat the maids to release her frustration and for fun." Gao Sing said. When he heard about this Miss Seto and her rumors, he really didn't want her to marry the prince from the bottom of his heart.

Suddenly a servant rushes in to report.

"Madam, we have told Miss Seto that the prince doesn't live here, but she didn't believe us. She waited outside hoping that the prince would go outside. But it's been a few hours now, it seems that her patience is running out. She is trying to force her way in. She said she is the future princess and us lowly servants aren't allowed to go against her." The servant that came in to report has injuries on his face, it seems like he has been hit.

"Humph! Such a woman dares to force her way into my mansion. I would like to see what kind of person she is that is so lawless. Knowing that the prince might live here and still dare to force her way in. I guess the law doesn't exist in her eyes." Meng-Gi gets up to go meet this girl that has been selected to be her son's fiancée. If she is as bad as the rumor said she is, she will never allow her to marry her son. Even if it means wars with those elders!

"Mother, I will go with you." Lok Son finally spoke up after staying quiet for so long. He also wants to see who this Seto Ai is.

Meng-Gi agrees, so the mother and son when to meet this Seto Ai. Gao Sing and Junzhi follows right behind them.

Upon reaching the living room area before the front door, Lok Son and her mother can see the person that they have come to meet. Where Seto Ai is standing, there are a few servants down on the ground with injuries.

"STOP! How dare you hurt my people? Meng-Gi yells at Seto Ai and her guards.

Seeing that someone finally came out, Seto Ai looks up. But to her dismay, it's a woman that looks more beautiful than she is. Right next to her is a man that looks very beautiful and handsome. She hasn't met the queen before but has met the king once before when they were doing the prince's fiancée selection. That beautiful looking man looks so similar to the king, so he must be the prince! But who is that woman next to him! Is it because of her that the prince didn't want to see her! The more that she thinks about it, the angrier she gets.

This morning, she happens to pass by her grandfather's room and overheard him talking to someone. They said that the prince has come back and he even brought a woman back with him. She was so mad that she pushes the door into her grandfather's room to ask him about it. The man that was talking to her grandfather immediately leaves so she couldn't question him.

Upon asking her grandfather, she found out that the prince did indeed come back yesterday. Lots of guards have seen someone with the royal head guard badge coming from transportation with a group of people. One of them looks very similar to the king so that person must be the prince. They said that the prince was holding hands with a very beautiful lady.

How can she accept the man that is supposed to be her fiancé be with another woman? He can only marry her! And she is the only one that is worthy to be the princess and the future queen of this world! Her grandfather told her that his majesty has come to this mansion the last night, so he must have come to meet the prince. But her grandfather also warns her not to make any move yet, at least not until all the information have been confirmed. Even though she has promised her grandfather that she won't be reckless or make any moves yet. But how can she stay still knowing the man that she's supposed to be engaged to be with another woman?

So she rushes down here to confirm the information with her own eyes. When the servant told her that the prince doesn't live here, she doesn't believe it at all. She didn't want to use force, in the beginning, to leave a bad impression for the prince. She has been waiting for a few hours outside, and have her guards asked around if they have seen anybody coming in and out of this mansion yesterday and today. She found out that there is indeed a handsome young man coming here yesterday and today and he is with a very beautiful lady today.

How dare he denied seeing her and spend time with that bitch! She is so angry that she didn't even notice the resemblance of that woman to the prince. But no matter how angry she is, she still needs to remain ladylike in front of the prince.

"Prince, my name is Seto Ai. My grandfather is the first elder and I have been chosen as your fiancée. I heard that you have come back so I came to meet you. But this lowly servant lied to me that you are not here and even blocked my way, so I help you punish them a little bit." She looks at the prince with a smile but has completely ignored Meng-Gi, who was the one that spoke first.

Immediately, Seto Ai has left a very bad impression on Meng-Gi. And Ming Lok Son has completely ignored her just like she has ignored his mother.

"If you know who he is, how dare you force your way in here? And you even dare to beat the servant in this mansion!" Meng-Gi said coldly.

"I'm talking to the prince, how dare you talk before the prince! You are just a slut that tempted the prince from the lower plane world!" Seto Ai yells at Meng-Gi.

Both Meng-Gi and Lok Son's brows furrowed with an unhappy expression on their face. It seems like that this Seto Ai has mistaken Meng-Gi as Ba Yue. Meng-Gi is unhappy with the way Seto Ai acts and talks toward her. While Lok Son is worried that Ba Yue has been exposed, harm might come her way.

"Humph! It seems like you have no idea who you are talking to. I warn you to leave now! Otherwise, even your grandfather might not be able to save you." Meng-Gi warns her, she doesn't want to talk to someone with no brains.

Seto Ai is so angry looking at this woman's beautiful face that she didn't even bother trying to understand her warning. She just thought that this woman is using her position as the prince's woman to threaten her. Of course, she will not back down to her! She's the official fiancée and that woman is only the prince's plaything!

"How dare you talk to me this way, slut! I'll ruin your face so you can't tempt the prince anymore!" She is so angry at this woman that she forgets to act ladylike in front of the prince. Nobody dares to talk to her like that before, how dare a lowly woman that came from a lowly world dares to talk to her that way!

Without warning, Seto Ai took out a whip from her space jewelry. This is not a normal whip, it has spikes on it. If the skin gets hit by that, it will definitely break and cut through the skin and causes bleeding. She uses the whip and aims toward Meng-Gi's face.

So this is how she ruin other women's face, huh? Such an evil woman with an evil weapon! There's no way that she will allow such a person to be with her son even if Ba Yue doesn't exist. Suddenly, she thought of something.

When the whip is about to hit her face, Meng-Gi's dodged it. Gao Sing, Junzhi and Lok Son immediately went in front of Meng-Gi in protective form. This has caused Seto Ai to be furious especially the prince also came out to protect her!

"You three stand back, I'll take care of her."

"Hmph, you think you can win against me!" Seto Ai can't believe a woman from the lowly world thinks that she can win against her. She couldn't even see any energy flow coming out of her. She's probably boosting herself in front of the prince to make herself look good. She might not be that strong in this world but she is still a Purple level and is going close to advance to the Sky level soon. She has confidence that she can beat someone from the lower plane world where it's rare to have people advancing to the purple level.

She continues to hit Meng-Gi's a few more times but each time Meng-Gi's dodges it in a nick of time. Meng-Gi can easily dodge Seto Ai's attacks but is pretending to have a hard time. She needs Seto Ai to injury her a little so when she strikes back, the first elder can't say anything about it. She can also use it as an excuse to get rid of her fiancée's position to her son. A flash of a sly smile was on Meng-Gi's face but disappeared so quickly that Seto Ai didn't even see it.

On the other hand, the three men watching the show in the back can clearly see it. And seeing how she is pretending to have a hard time avoiding the attacks from Seto Ai, the men knows that she is planning something.

"Ah!" Seto Ai's last attack hits Meng-Gi's arm. The sleeve is ripped and a long cut is seen on her arm with blood pouring out like a river.

After receiving the injury, she quickly grabbed Seto Ai's whip and hits her back right in her face. She likes to ruin others' face, then she will let her have a taste of it too. The whip landed on Seto Ai's left face and blood is pouring out.

Seto Ai touches her face and sees blood on her hand. She can't believe that slut has harmed her beautiful face!

"I fucking going to kill you, slut!" Seto Ai's eyes are full of killing intent. She ran quickly toward Meng-Gi with her full power.

Meng-Gi gave an eye signal to Gao Sing and Junzhi. The men know that it's finally time for them to step up to stop Seto Ai.

Junzhi easily subdued Seto Ai, while Gao Sing beat her guards down that came to help her.

"How dare you two interfere? Don't you know who I am?" Seto Ai screams.

"It doesn't matter who you are! It is a crime to harm the queen!" Junzhi said.

"The queen? The queen is in the palace, I have only harm that slu…"Suddenly Seto Ai stops her struggles and looks at Meng-Gi's. She then looks at the prince who is right next to her and is looking at her wound. It is then that she sees the resemblance of these two. It can't be, can it? She actually harms the queen! But it's not her fault since the queen didn't make herself known. Her grandfather is the first elder, he can get her out of any trouble. Thinking that way, Seto Ai is not scared or worry about it. She still has no idea how much trouble she's in right now.

"Tired her up and bring her away. Gao Sing, you go get the first elder and bring him here. And Junzhi, you go tell the king what had happened here." Meng-Gi's instructs.

The servants quickly tied up Seto Ai and take her away, while the other two men went to get the first elder and to notify the king of what had happened here.

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