Young Miss, Please Don't Run

69 Chapter 069 - Lok Son's Fiancée Young Miss, Please Don'st Run

Lok Son quickly got back to the hotel and went straight to look for Ba Yue. He couldn't find her inside her room so he went to look for the Han sisters. But Ba Yue wasn't there either! He panicked and rush out the door to look for her. Where can she be at this hour and in a foreign unknown world? Just as he stepped outside the door, he sees Ba Yue and Little Red walking back together.

"Lok Son, you are back already!" Ba Yue said as soon as she sees Lok Son walking out the front door.

Seeing that she's alright, Lok Son rushes toward Ba Yue and embrace her in his arms. He was very worried that something has happened to her.

"Where did you go? Don't just leave without saying anything to anyone again! I was so worried! "This isn't the Yuen Ren World and Ba Yue isn't considered that strong here. He was so worried that something has happened to her and he wouldn't know and wasn't able to save her in time.

"Don't worry, I won't do it ago. I was just bored so I went out for a walk with Little Red to look around."

Lok Son and Ba Yue walk back to Ba Yue's room, while Little Red went back into the beast ring. Lok Son told her everything that has happened tonight, including that her mother wants to see her.

"Don't worry. Mother is a very nice person, I'm sure you two will get along." Lok Son thought that Ba Yue is nervous meeting his mother for the first time seeing that she is so quiet.

"I'm not worried, I have expected to meet your parents when I first arrived here. It's late, we should rest since we will be meeting your mother tomorrow." Ba Yue said as she rushes Lok Son out the door. She was going to ask him to help her look for Nan On-Ping, but it doesn't seem like it's the right timing now.

She has to meet his parents first and get to know more about this world. With Lok Son's family background and his position in his world. She has a feeling that it won't be easy to be with him. No matter what, she won't give up on him and let him go.

The next morning, Ba Yue and her group check out of the hotel and went straight to the mansion where Lok Son's mother is staying at. Even though its morning but it's still looking dark outside.

In the Spiritual world, there's really no sun or daylight in the morning and there's no moon at night. It's always dark here in this world but is lighted up with special light stones.

When the group arrived at the mansion, Nan Meng-Gi is already waiting there. She couldn't sleep all night knowing her son will come back again the next day. She didn't know what time of the day that he will come, so she got dressed very early in the morning to wait for him.

Lok Son barely walks inside the mansion when his mother came running out to him. She heard the servant reported that her son is here.

"Mother!" Lok Son call out when he saw his mother running toward him.

"You're here so early!" She then looks at the direction where Ba Yue is. "This must be the future wife you talked about the last night. She's very pretty! Come on in first, I have food prepared." Meng-Gi happily pulls Lok Son and Ba Yue inside. She knew Ba Yue is the want Lok Son is talking about since she's the one that is holding hands with her son as they walk inside.

Ba Yue looks at Lok Son's mother, she can't believe how young and beautiful his mother looks! His mother has the same silver-white hair color like Lok Son. She is considered very beautiful already in the Fu Country, but still can't be compared to her. Lok Son' mother must also be very strong since she doesn't look like she has aged at all. She looks just like Lok Son's sister. For the first time, she truly wants to be strong! That way, not only can she extend her lifespan but can also stop aging. Otherwise, in a few years, she might look older than Lok Son!

Ba Yue follows Meng-Gi and Lok Son to the dining room since Meng-Gi has prepared food for them. The Han sisters went to look at their rooms and to look around the mansion. They will be staying here for a while so they need to get to know the people that work here too.

Inside the dining room, the dining table is full of different kinds of food. People that cultivate passed the Purple Level don't really need to consume food anymore and their lifespan has been extended for a few hundred years. Their aging process also slows down a lot, but in order to stop aging and keep their young look forever, they need to advance past the Sky Level, grade 5.

Meng-Gi prepared all the food herself since waking up early this morning. She has never made anything for her son so she decided to cook for him. But she has no idea what her son likes to eat so she cooks everything that she knows how to make.

As soon as the three sits down, Ba Yue's stomach made a little noise. She hasn't eaten any breakfast yet and the food in front of her looks very appetizing.

"Ha...ha.." Ba Yue laughs a little, she is embarrassed by herself. How can her stomach rumble right now? And in front of Lok Son's mother when they met for the first time! She thought.

"Let's start eating! I didn't know what you two like to eat so I made a little of everything." Meng-Gi said with a soft smile on her face.

"You made all this?" Lok Son looks at his mother with lights in his eyes. His mother is the beautiful, elegant queen of this world, but she made all these food just for him. He's very touched by her action. Even concubine Din have never made him any food before. Just by looking at this table full of food made by his own mother, Lok Son already felt the motherly love. Something that he has never felt before.

"Yes, come try some. I haven't cooked anything for many years, see if it's to your taste." Meng-Gi said as she picks up her chopstick to get food to place it in the bowl in front of Lok Son to try.

Ba Yue really wants to start eating the food, but she can't start until Lok Son starts eating first. Even though, Lok Son's mother said that she made the food for both of them. She knows that his mother really made the food for Lok Son.

Lok Son picks up his chopstick and eats the food that was placed there by his mother. It's a piece of roasted meat, something that he doesn't like to eat too much off especially in the morning. Too heavy for his taste, but he ate it anyway and it tasted very good. It's a taste that he will never forget.

Seeing that Lok Son has already started eating, Ba Yue picks up her chopstick to start eating. She filled her bowl full of food but tries to eat slowly with some manor, unlike how she usually is at home.

Lok Son can't help but laugh out loud when he sees the way that she eats. "Little Yue, you don't have to hold back. Just eat like you usually do, we are going to be a family soon, I'm sure mother wouldn't mind the way you eat."

"That's right! Help yourself to more food and just be yourself." Meng-Gi also said as she picks up some food to pick it on Ba Yue's already overflown bowl full of food.

Both Lok Son and his mother told her to be herself, so she didn't hold back and starts eating very quickly. She will eventually marry Lok Son and his family will sooner or later find out about her true self, so she gave up trying to act like a lady.

Meng-Gi was surprised at first seeing the way Ba Yue act and eats but slowly find her adorable. She can tell that Ba Yue is an honest person that acts the same inside out, unlike those other girls from the big families that she had seen before. But most importantly of all is that her son loves this girl, so she also likes her too.

Just as the three happily eats and chats, a servant rushes in to report that someone has come to visit.

The servant came in and greeted Meng-Gi, he then said, "Madame, Miss Seto has come to visit. She said she….she's here to see her fiancé, the prince."

Suddenly, the whole dining room is quiet. All three of them have their eyebrow furrow.

"What does she mean by fiancé? And why does she know that the prince has come back here?" Meng-Gi angrily asked. Nobody's supposed to know that Lok Son has come back. He has just arrived yesterday and had only met me and Ming Jun.

"I'm not sure either, madame. I've told her that there's no prince living here but she insisted that I'm lying and won't leave. And she doesn't seem to know that Madame you live here." The servant replies.

"If she won't leave, then let her wait outside the door and ignore her for now. And go bring me Gao Sing and Junzhi."

"I understand, madame. I will go right now." The servant immediately left to go look for Gao Sing and Junzhi. He can tell that the madame is angry right now.

"Mother, who is this Miss Seto?" Lok Son asked as soon as the servant left.

"She is the granddaughter of the first elder of the royal family." Meng-Gi sighed. She has left the palace too long and doesn't know much with what's going on in there.

"Why did she said she's here to see for fiancé, the prince? Is she talking about Lok Son?" Ba Yue asked coldly. She believed that Lok Son has nothing to do with this since he only came here for the first time yesterday.

"She should be talking about Lok Son since I have only given birth to one son and that is Lok Son."

Before Ba Yue and Lok Son can ask any more questions, both Gao Sing and Junzhi has arrived at the dining room.

"Do you two know anything about this Miss Seto and Lok Son having a fiancé? You two came back together with Lok Son yesterday, so how do other people know that the prince has come back already!" Meng-Gi asked coldly as she stares at the two men.

She is very warm and caring toward the people that she truly cares about. But when facing others, she can be very cold.

"Madame, we really don't know anything since we also came back yesterday." Gao Sing said as he sweats drops like crazy. He knows that the queen is mad and it won't be pretty.

"Don't think that I don't know anything. You two have been sending information about me and Lok Son to Ming Jun all these years. Since he didn't do anything overboard, I didn't say anything. Especially you, Junzhi! Don't think I didn't know that you had gone to report to Ming Jun last night that Lok Son has come back. Otherwise, how does he know about it and even shows up here at my place at such timing!"

Junzhi immediately knees down on the floor, he knew he can't hide it anymore.

"Madame, I did relay some news and messages for his majesty. That is because his majesty cares about you and the prince. Without his majesty's permission, it wouldn't be this easy to help you and the prince to communicate all these years. I did report back to his majesty about our arrival yesterday because his majesty will eventually find out about it. Gao Sing has shown his royal head badge at the transportation portal and many guards have seen it. Someone must have brought the information back to the palace. We really don't know anything about young master having a fiancé." Junzhi quickly explains himself.

Meng-Gi thought about it for a bit. It usually isn't this early to decide on the prince's marriage. Those elders must have planned this a very long time ago and that Ming Jun must have known about it all these time without telling her anything. No wonder he wasn't happy when he heard that Lok Son has brought back a future wife.

"Go to the palace and find out what this is about. Tell Ming Jun that I need to see him and he better come here quick!" Meng-Gi can guess what this is about, but she still needs to hear it from Ming Jun directly.

Junzhi immediately left to go to the palace. Meng-Gi they turn to Gao Sing and said, "Find out news about the elders for the last couple of years. Just because I didn't show myself lately, they think I'm dead, huh!"

"I'll go right now." Gao Sing also rushes out to find out the information for his mistress.

"Lok Son, you don't have to worry about anything. I will take care of it and won't let those old farts make you do anything you don't like."

"Mother, who are these elders that you have spoken off."

"The elders are the one that helps and watch over the king. There are three elders and they have the power to vote and overturn the king's decisions. The elders positions have existed for thousands of years and the position is usually pass down to their descendants. The elders from the old days have helped the king at that time a lot, but the current ones aren't like the old ones from before. They started fighting for powers for themselves and is trying to take control of this world.

The old king and the elders have always been the one to pick out and vote for the lady to marry the prince. The elders often pick the ladies from their own clan to strengthen their own power. While the old king tries to find ladies with strong background that is not related to the elders to balance the power in the palace.

Your father's marriage wasn't decided by him either. Back then, the old king and the three elders each nominated a lady to marry your father. Of course, the elders all nominated either their own daughters or ladies in their clan. While the old king nominated my older sister because our grandfather is his longtime friend and also because of our special bloodline.

The old king nominated my older sister because she is the eldest daughter and also the strongest in my family. The old king won the voting for my sister to become the wife of your father back then. But your father at the time had already met me and we have fallen in love with each other. But he can't change the way things are so he silently accepted it.

I can't accept this and I definitely cannot accept being a consort sharing my husband with someone else, even if that person is my own sister. So I have decided to leave him and end our relationship. But who knows that there was going to be an unexpected twist of the event.

My older sister found out that the person I love is your father and he also has feelings for me. To let me have the person I love, my older sister actually ran away from home to travel to other worlds. We couldn't find her, so in the end, I become the one to take over my sister's position and officially married your father."

Listening up to here, Lok Son knows this is going to be trouble. The elders will not accept Ba Yue especially when she isn't even from this world. But that won't stop him from marrying the person he has decided on. Nothing can stop him from doing what he wants! If the situation worsens, he will throw away everything, just to run off with the one he loves.

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