Young Miss, Please Don't Run

71 Chapter 071 - Arrival of the First Elder and his Son

After everyone is gone, Lok Son walks his mother back to her room to attend her wound. His heart aches when he sees all the blood on her arm. But he also understands why his mother let Seto Ai injured her.

"Mother, you didn't have to do this. It is not worth getting yourself injured."

"Don't worry, it's just a small injury. With this, the first elder won't be able to save his granddaughter. Even if he wants to, your father won't let it go so easily. I know your father didn't want to pick any of those ladies from the elders' family to be your fiancée. It's just that he has no choice since this is the royal family tradition for generations. He also wanted to get rid of the elders but it's hard since the elders' position has been around for a long time. I'm just giving him an excuse and a chance to fight back with the elders right now." Meng-Gi explains.

Very soon, Gao Sing came back with the first elder and his eldest son, who is Seto Ai's father. They have been brought to the big living room and with Meng-Gi's instruction to bring Seto Ai over there too.

The first elder and his son are sitting in the big living room waiting to be seen by the queen. Gao Sing hasn't told them anything except for Seto Ai came to the queen's private mansion to look for trouble and has injured some people.

When they brought Seto Ai into the living room, the first elder and his son are furious seeing the injury on Seto Ai's face. Her face is ruin, how can she marry the prince now!

"Father. Grandfather. Save me!" Seto Ai screams as soon as she sees her grandfather and father there inside the room. The cut on her face has stopped bleeding, but dried blood on her face makes her look scary.

"What have you people done to my daughter! Release her this instant!" Seto Wing orders the servant that brought her daughter into the room.

The servants ignored Seto Wing's order since they don't work for him and this isn't the Seto residence.

Seto Wing has steam blowing up on top of his head, he wants to go beat those servants up for not listening to him. But his father is holding him back from being reckless. The first elder knows that the queen won't treat his granddaughter like this without a reason. Just as he's going to ask the servants some questions, the king has also arrived.

"Where's my queen? How's her injury?" Ming Jun yells as he walks into the big living room. He didn't see his wife but sees the first elder and his son there. And when he sees Seto Ai, his eyes shows killing intent. Junzhi has told him everything that has happened here.

Seto Wing was going to complain to the king about his daughter's injury and treatment, but luckily he was stopped by his father before words leave his mouth. They were surprised that the queen has also been injured since no one has told them about it.

Just as the servant had replied, the queen shows up with her son. She had treated the wound on her arm but didn't change her clothes. She purposely didn't change her clothes to show off the blood and how bad the injury is.

"You are all here, have a seat. I just managed to do a quick fix on my wound and didn't have time to change my clothes to rush down here. Please excuse the way I look." The queen calmly says. She didn't even bother greeting the king since she's currently a little mad at him.

Ming Jun's eyes also spit fire when he saw the blood on his wife's sleeve and other areas of the clothes. The sleeve has been ripped from the elbow area down to the wrist, so the injury must have been long. With so much blood covering the clothes, it must be a deep wound. He has never even risen his voice at his wife, not to mention harming her. But this Seto Ai dares to injure his beloved wife! He will not let her off so easy!

"Queen, how did you get injured? Who dares to harm you?" Ming Jun asked in a very cold and calm voice. Of course, he knows who did it but he needs the queen to point that person out.

Lok Son helps Meng-Gi sits down on a chair since she looks so weak and pale. She had lost quite a bit of blood so her face doesn't look too well. She then looks at Seto Ai and said, "you should ask Miss Seto."

Ming Jun immediately turns his attention to the woman on the ground with her hands tied to her back. There's an injury that looks a like a cut on her left side of her face. She looks so pitiful and fragile sitting there with tears in her eyes. But Ming Jun didn't pity her at all, instead, he looks at her like looking at a dead person!

"Your majesty, I didn't mean to harm the queen. I didn't even know she's the queen at the time! Please spare me!" Seto Ai immediately begs for her life after seeing the look on the king's face.

"There must be some misunderstanding, your majesty. My granddaughter is a sweet, gentle girl. There's no way she can harm…"The first elder immediately said after seeing the killing intent in the king's eyes.

"So, what you are saying is that my queen is lying. She harms herself to blame it on your granddaughter!" Ming Jun cuts him off, he won't allow the first elder to make any excuse.

"Your majesty, my daughter said that she didn't know that her highness is the queen at that time. If she knows, she wouldn't have harmed her." Seto Wing also tries to help his daughter, even though he had no idea what really happened here. He then turns to the other men that were just brought in by the servants. Those men all have injuries and is thrown onto the ground. He recognized those men as his daughter's guards. He quickly went over to them and tell them to tell the king that his daughter is innocent.

"Tell the king what really happened here! Elder miss didn't come here looking for trouble, right!" Even thought Seto Wing told those men to tell the truth, but his eyes are threatening them.

Those men stayed silent, they didn't dare to say anything. If it was anyone else, they will have no problem lying for the elder miss like they usually do. But that person in front of them is the king and the person that the elder miss had injured is the queen. There were also many witnesses there at the time, how can they lie for the eldest miss under these conditions?

"Since they don't want to talk, have the people that got injured by them talk for them," Ming-Gi said.

One of the servants went out to bring back a couple of the other servants that have been injured by those men earlier.

"I have brought them here." The servant that brought the others in said, he then walks back to the side to watch.

"Tell them what had happened earlier. Don't worry, the king is here, he will help you get justice" Meng-Gi said.

"Miss Seto came earlier this morning looking for the prince claiming that the Prince is her fiancé. This mansion belongs to her highness and the prince doesn't live here. We told her that there is no prince that lives here but she didn't believe us. We have reported this to her highness and her highness told us to ignore her. At first, Miss Seto and her guards only waited outside the front door. But a few hours later, Miss Seto and her guards force their way in and even use violence against the servant of this mansion.

They have injured many people, that has caused alarm for the queen and the young man that is with her. We didn't know that young man is the prince since we have never met the prince before. He came around the same time as Miss Seto." He then continues to tell the rest of the story of what had happened after the queen came out with the others.

The first elder, Seto Wing, and Ming Jun's face are all dark and black for different reasons. The first elder thinks that he has been spoiling his granddaughter too much for her to dare to come here even after he had already warned her not to be reckless. Seto Wing, on the other hand, thinks that it is the fault of the queen and prince for not seeing his daughter in the first place and not telling her their identity before fighting.

As for Ming Jun, he can't believe how bad this Seto Ai is compared to the rumors. She called his beloved wife in unspeakable names, insulted her and even injured her! How can this kind of woman marry into the royal family? Especially to his and Ming-Gi's only son! Her actions reflexes on her upbringing. It only shows how the first elder and his family truly is, insolent and lawless. He can't allow this to go on anymore, he must find a way to get rid of them and remove the elders' positions! Ming Jun thought.

"What else do you have to say for yourself?" Ming Jun asked coldly as he looks at Seto Ai.

Seto Ai didn't say anything since what that servant said is the truth. She looks at her father and grandfather, hoping that they can save her.

Her father wants to save her but his hand is being held by the first elder to stop him. There's no use saving this granddaughter of his anymore. Her face is ruin and she has offended the king and queen. There's no way for her to marry the prince anymore, she's just a useless piece of chess now, the first elder though. It makes no sense to offend the king and queen, he has other granddaughters and they still have a very good chance of marrying the prince.

"Since nobody is saying anything, then I will announce her verdict. Seto Ai forcefully trespassed the queen's private property and also injured many people including the queen herself. Her crime deserves the death penalty but due to her being the first elder's granddaughter and the first elder has served us for many years, her life will be spared. And her family won't be punished along with her for this crime.

But Seto Ai's position as the prince fiancée will immediately be removed and she will be imprisoned in the endless forest for 20 years." Ming Jun announced her punishment.

"No. No, you can't do this to me! I'm Seto Ai, my grandfather is the first elder! And I'm the future princess who will be the future queen!" Seto Ai screams at the top of her lungs as she shakes violently.

"Bring her down, " Ming Jun orders.

The first elder and his son watch helplessly as Seto Ai is being taken away. It might seem that the king is generous for not taking her life. He only imprisoned her for 20 years inside the endless forest. Twenty years is nothing to a cultivator especially if they have already reached the purple level since their lives have been extended. But the main problem lies in the endless forest. That endless forest is used to imprison outlaws that won't be released until they are willing to let go of all their powers and get reincarnated. They are outlaws that won't listen and is extremely strong.

Seto Ai doesn't have to let go of her powers to get released, she just has to be there for 20 years. But those outlaws won't leave her alone once she gets there. They will rip her soul and body apart then tries to absorb her soul to get stronger. Unless Seto Ai is strong enough to avoid all the attacks and stay away from them, she's not going to make it out alive. If her soul has been absorbed by others, then she won't even get reincarnated either!

The king is as cold and heartless as ever! He makes it sound like he is doing them a favor by not taking her life and punishing the rest of the family, but they know that's not the case at all. And all this happened because of the queen since the king loves the queen so much. If Seto Ai hurt anyone else, the king won't give this kind of sentence to her! The queen needs to pay for this! The first elder and his son thought.

"Your majesty, it is unfortunate that my granddaughter did such a thing. I won't beg for mercy for her. But now that she's not the prince fiancée anymore, we should quickly select someone else to replace her." The first elder said in a calm tone like the person that has just been taken away is a stranger to him.

Seto Wing is sad and angry but he can't show it on the outside. He can't ruin his father's plan, so he must hold back his emotions.

Before Ming Jun can reply, Lok Son who has been very quiet finally spoke up.

"There is no need for selecting a fiancée for me. I have already decided on someone already to be my future wife." Lok Son said it expressionlessly while looking at the first elder.

"Prince. I know you are talking about the woman that you have brought back from the lower plane world, but that is not possible! For many generations, the future princess has always been voted and picked by the elders and the king."

"She's not going to be the princess but my wife. And I won't be the prince. I will leave here with her."

"Ridiculous! How can you give up your position as the prince just to be with a woman!" Ming Jun shouts as his hand slams on the table next to him.

"Your majesty, please calm yourself. Nothing is certain yet." Ming-Gi calmly said as her hand reaches over to grab his hand to calm his anger down. She knows why he is mad, not because their son wants to be with a woman. But because Lok Son gave up so easily on his position as the prince and wanted to leave here without talking to them first.

"That's right, prince. You cannot give up being a prince just for a woman. If you like her so much, you can keep her on the side as a mistress. We will select the best lady to be your future wife." The first elder tries to convince Lok Son. He can't let him quit being a prince, who knows when the queen will have another son again. He has already planned everything and doesn't want to wait any longer.

Lok Son sneered at the first elder for what he had said. He will find him the best lady? He already has the best woman in all the worlds and that's his Little Yue!

"First Elder, if best lady means someone like Seto Ai, then you can keep her to yourself. I don't even know how she got voted to be my fiancée in the first place. The person that I have decided on is the best woman in all the worlds."

"Prince, please watch what you are saying!" Seto Wing said. His daughter is the best in his eyes! If it weren't for that Nan Meng-Gi, his daughter would have been the best person to be the princess and of course, the future queen!

"Ah Wing!" The first elder gave his son a warning stare to warn him. He then turns to Lok Son and said, "what about this prince. We will do another selection for your fiancée. The woman who you have decided on can be the new nominated person by the king if he agrees. We can all decide and vote who the future princess by the talent contest. The future princess not only needs to be pretty but also needs to be talented in different areas. How about that?"

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