Young Miss, Please Don't Run

52 Chapter 052 - Beginning Downfall of the Mu Family

Two days later, Ba Yue has gotten the report that's she waiting for. When she saw the report and knew of Mu Huang's real past and what he had done before, she almost flipped. She can't believe that she was once married to such a man! She's glad that they never really slept together according to Li SanSan. But if the report is true about him, then why didn't he touch her?

Knock Knock.

"Young miss, Ho Wai is here to see you." Han Chu said as she walks into the room.

"Have him come in, "Ba Yue replies lazily as she sits on her chair while taking a sip of her tea.

Ho Wai walks into the room and saw Ba Yue sitting there lazily with her tea. He immediately goes up to her and reports what's happening at the White Moon.

"Good morning, Young Miss." Ho Wai greeted her as he walks in.

"How's everything with the White Moon?"

"Everything is good, but the herbal store that you told me to sell the pills at have an inquiry for you."

"Oh, what is it?"

"The shopkeeper wants to know if you can increase the number of pills every month? They are willing to pay a better price for it."

Ba Yue almost forgot about the herbal store since her own stores are doing so well. She doesn't need to sell her pills to the herbal store anymore and she can't very soon. After thinking for a while she makes her decisions on how to handle the herbal store and the White Moon.

"Very soon, I'll be going away. It will be a long time before I come back again. You can tell the herbal store that we are discontinuing our business deal. And I will also leave the White Moon to you to manage."

"But where are you going, Young Miss? How long are you going to be gone? I can't take care of the White Moon all by myself!" Ho Wai is so surprised by her words.

"Ho Wai, I have something very important to do. I trust that you can take care of the White Moon. I hope by the time that I come back, the White Moon will be bigger and better than now. I'll leave it to you and sister Kei, so don't disappoint me!"

"I understand. I'll do my best to make the White Moon better than before so you won't be disappointed when you come back in the future."

They talked about some more things and how everything is going to be after she left. By the time they finished talking, it's already late afternoon. She has to prepare for the big show tonight. Tonight will be the beginning of the downfall for Mu Huang.

It's a late night, Ba Yue sneaks into the Mu residence just like she did before. She easily found the secret entrance to the underground cell this time and enters it. But this time, Li SanSan isn't alone. There's Mu Huang inside the cell with Li SanSan. Seeing that he's also in there, she quietly stands outside the door to listen to them. She concealed all her energy to hide her presence. She can hear clearly what's going on inside the cell.

"Ha ha ha, I never knew you are this kind of person. No wait, I should have known since you always beat Li Hei Yi when she's locked up in here." Li SanSan has blood coming out on the side of her mouth as she speaks.

"There's a lot that you don't know about! You have no idea how hard I have to hold back when I was with you! You watch me a like a hawk so I can't do anything, do you know how tiring it is for me?" He keeps screaming at her as he took out his whip to hit her.

"What do you mean that I watch you like a hawk and don't let you do anything? I helped you with everything and even let you marry that bitch Li Hei Yi, so you can get the family head position!" She also shouts back at him.

"You let me marry her, but you won't let me touch her or have her! Even though she has a violent temper and bitches all the time, she's still a beauty. I was looking forward to making her one of my women, but you dare threaten me! You threaten to tell her about our relationship, you even had Kim Miu spying on me. She told me everything that you had her done after becoming my woman. She told me how hard it took you to find those drugs that you force me to use on Li Hei Yi. It's just so that I don't have an excuse to touch her, you even make me come over to your place on my wedding night. She also told me, you complain about how expensive those drugs are but you need it in order to keep me away from Li Hei Yi. If you don't want to spend the money, then you should have just let me slept with her in the first place!" The more he talks about it, the angrier he gets. The whip in his hand keeps swings at her.

Ba Yue heard everything from the outside. So it wasn't because he didn't want to touch her, but Li SanSan had threatened him and even went as far as to getting those drugs for him. Guess I have to thank her for that, Ba Yue though. She left the underground cell since Mu Huang is still there.

Once outside, she sneaks into Mu Huang's study room. It's the best time to go there now since he won't be back for a while. She knows, because when he goes down there to beat her before. He will stay down there for a long time beating her and talk about his little secrets. He knows that no one can find her so he feels safe to talk about his secrets. Plus, the person that listens to his secret will soon die anyway.

She easily sneaks into Mu Huang study room and searches for evidence for those bad things he had done before. She never really went into his study room when she was Li Hei Yi because he's rarely home. And also because she trusted him so much that she never thought about searching his stuff.

Inside the room, it still looks the same as before. She goes through the drawers and bookcase but isn't able to find anything. Just as she is about to give up and leave, she spotted something on the corners of her eyes. It's a painting of herself when she was Li Hei Yi at the corner of the room, all the way at the end. It didn't look strange to her before when she was still living here before. But she died a long time ago, Mu Huang is not the type that will keep anything regarding her. But then again, he might just be too lazy to remove it for now. She walks over and looks at the painting, she liked the painting a lot back then. But it's just a pain to look at now. She pulled the painting down but is surprised that there's a hidden safe inside the wall. And it has everything she wants in there!

She quickly left the Mu residence with the pieces of evidence in her hands after she replaced the painting back on the wall. Since Mu Huang is still in the cell with Li SanSan, it's best that she comes back tomorrow after she organizes the evidence in her hands right now.

Once back at home, she quickly changes out of her night clothing. She then takes out the evidence she stole from Mu Huang and careful look over it. The more she sees, the angrier she gets! Some of the evidence are statements that he had hired assassins. Who did he hire the assassins for? She knew very well according to the date on the statement. There's also a contract that he made with Li Xiang. It is only Mu Huang and Li Xiang that are stupid enough to make a contract like this. They did the crime and still keeps these evidence.

The next night, she again sneaks into the Mu residence and heads straight down to the hidden cell. This time, only Li SanSan is there and the door is unlocked. Mu Huang probably didn't bother locking it since he beat Li SanSan up so badly that she doesn't have the strength to escape even if she's not chained up. But unfortunately for him, Ba Yue is not only a pill refiner but also a great doctor. She can make Li SanSan feel better enough to escape with her from here.

"You finally came back," Li SanSan is covered in blood and is out of breath.

Ba Yue immediately feed her an improved version of the recovery pill. She then took out her needles and insert it in a few acupuncture points on her body.

"You should be fine now and can move around freely. This is just a temporary fix, we don't have time to waste here." Ba Yue said it as she takes the chains of her. It was easy to take off the chains since she came prepared with the keys. These are just simple metal chain with locks that are sold everywhere, so it's easy to obtain the keys.

Li SanSan felt better after swallowing the pill and with Ba Yue's needles for acupuncture point, it has numb the pain in her body. She quickly got up and left the underground cell with Ba Yue. She wants to go straight to Mu Huang to kill him, but she was stopped by her. Once they left the Mu residence, Ba Yue brought her to the old brothel that she had Han Yan brought from the auction. Inside the old brothel, it's a mess. But it still has some of the furniture in there.

"Why did you bring me here? Didn't you want me to help you get rid of Mu Huang? You should let me go kill him back there!" Li SanSan is confused why this person would bring her to such a place and stopped her from finding Mu Huang back at the Mu residence.

"You are not strong enough to kill Mu Huang. If you go find him now, he can easily catch you and lock you up again. But I think he will immediately kill you instead of locking you up to avoid future troubles." She said it with an expressionless face and tone.

"So, what should I do? I don't want to wait anymore, I want him dead!" Li SanSan shouts.

"Don't you think that it's more fun to destroy the Mu Family that he cares so much for first before you kill him?" She then throws the report that she has obtained from the Dark Eagle and the evidence she stole from Mu Huang to her. "You can stay here for now. I'm sure you know what to do with that information. If you can't bring that man down with all these, then no one else can help you."

Ba Yue then turns around to leave but was stopped by Li SanSan.

"Can you at least tell me who you are?"

"I'll tell you later if you are able to bring down Mu Huang." Without saying any more, she turns around to leave. Li SanSan just stands there with the reports and evidence in her hand.

After that person with the mask is gone, she looks at the reports on her hand. Her hand shakes as she reads it, she thought she knew him well. But obviously not well enough, otherwise she won't be tricked by his appearances. She wonders how did she get tricked by such a man and got herself into this mess. It's Mu Huang's fault that she is like this now and it's his fault that she's ruined! Since he has ruined her, then she will ruin him too!

Mu Huang didn't even know that Li SanSan has escaped until a whole entire day later. He panics because she knows lots of his secrets. He has to find her quick because he knows that she won't keep her mouth shut. It was a mistake to leave the door unlocked after all. But what he didn't know is that even if he locked the door, it won't stop her escape that night. Very Soon, many rumors and gossips are spread about the Mu Family Head.

The rumors consist of how he rapes the maids before when he was younger. Also how he uses his main wife and plotted to kill her after she is of no more use. There are also rumors of him plotting and killing his in-laws of his dead wife before she died. The evidence is circulating around the town and now the government officials are knocking on his door.

But as the head of the Mu Family, he denied all the rumors. The government officials can't do anything about him. But the Li Family isn't going to let him off easy when the Old Master Li heard of the rumors. He knew this is not just any rumors, but it's the truth! And he also believes the evidence that is circulating around the town. The Li family has stopped all business connections with the Mu Family and has declared war against them.

Mu Huang is having a huge headache about all this, that he didn't even have time to send people out to search for Li SanSan. He knew that this all has to do with her and is now regretting not killing her earlier. Since everything is already out, there's no point in finding Li SanSan now to bring her back. But he definitely has to find her to kill her! What he doesn't know is that, before he can't find her to shut her up forever, she comes back first to kill him in his sleep!

In just a few short days, the Mu Family is ruined. Most of the maids and servant left the Mu Family, even the children of the main family. Mu Long and Mu Ling finally decided to leave the Mu Family and start a new life somewhere else. They were disappointed with their father when he gave the head position to Mu Huang. After their father passed away, Mu Huang didn't treat them that well. They still stay there because it was their home. But with the way the Mu Family is now, there's no point in staying there anymore. Two days after the rumors and evidence came out, the two Mu siblings packed up and left their home.

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