Young Miss, Please Don't Run

51 Chapter 051 - Lok Son Has Been Poisoned

Upon arriving home, Ba Yue went straight to her room. She washes up and changes out of her clothes. Things went smoothly tonight, she managed to sneak into the Mu residence. She was able to see how Mu Huang and Li San-San is doing. Seeing Li San-San the way she is now, all she can think of is karma.

She thought that it will take a while to bring down Mu Huang but with Li San-San the way she is now and the hate she had for Mu Huang. She can easily bring him down and don't even have to dirty her own hands. But she might need some help from Lok-Son. She just told him to not get involved, but in less day a day of time, she needs his help. She needs to collect all of Mu Huang's information from the past, especially the bad ones.

The White Moon can collect the information for her, but they will take a long time and might not be able to find out much. But she's positive that the Dark Eagle can easily dig out all of his secrets and they can do it fast. She wanted to go look for Lok-Son right now, but it's late so she should go in the morning. Who knows, maybe he will come over again to make her breakfast.

The next morning, Lok-Son didn't come over. Ba Yue didn't think much of it, she figures that she can go to the palace to look for him. But unfortunately, she was blocked in front of the palace gate and was not allowed to see him. She was told that the seventh prince is sick and cannot meet with anyone.

Ba Yue thought that's weird, something is wrong. She was about to turn around to leave but she was stopped by a familiar voice.

"Oh, isn't this Ba Yue. What brings you here today?" The voice belongs to a man walking toward her. When Ba Yue looks closer, it's the second prince that was grounded before.

"Oh….it you. How are you doing, the second prince, I thought you were supposed to be grounded. Oh...wait. That's right, it's already been more than six months, so I guess you were let out." Ba Yue doesn't want to see this second prince at all.

The second prince didn't mind the way she speaks to him at all. He had a leering look on his face as he looks stares at her from top to toe, making Ba Yue feel really uncomfortable.

"You're probably here for that idiot, but he can't see you. Instead of that idiot, how about you choose me? You don't have to worry about my imperial father, I can ask him to cancel the engagement for you."

"No thanks, I actually like Lok- Son quite a lot. My father is waiting for me at home, so I got to go home now. Have a nice day, second prince." Ba Yue didn't want to waste any more time with this annoying man, she left right after she said that. She knew something must have happened at the palace.

Ba Yue didn't immediately go home after leaving from the palace gate. She is thinking about what happened to Lok-Son as she sits inside the horse carriage. There's no way that they are able to harm him if he shows his power. But as the innocent seventh prince, he probably still hiding his power.

She's not worried about him, she knew he's probably playing around with them. From the way the second prince talks, she guessed that something must have happened inside the palace. It best to go see Ho Wai and see if the White Moon has gotten any news about what's going on.

She can't go to the White Moon directly looking like this. So she decided to go home first and have Ah Yan go get Ho Wai. When Ba Yue got home, she got called over to see her father. She didn't even get a chance to tell Ah Yan to go get Ho Wai. But there's no need because her father is about to tell her what she wants to know.

"Father, you want to see me?" Ba Yue walks into her father's room.

"Yes, Ah Yue. Have a sit, I have something to talk to you about." Master Ba's face isn't looking too good.

"What happened? Did something happen to my brothers?" Ba Yue is worried that something has happened to her brothers after seeing the look on her father's face.

"No, it's about Lok-Son. I have gotten news that something happened to Lok-Son inside the palace. I don't know if you will be with him in the future, but he's already like a family member to me." Master Ba is worried about Lok-Son, he's like a son to him already after spending so much time together.

"What happened?" Ba Yue is also worried now. She knows that her father as one of the heads of the four big families is able to get inside news of the palace.

"I have received the news of Lok-Son getting poisoned last night. It is said that his guard found him early that why he didn't die from the poison yet, but his life is still in danger."

"What! How can that be? I was just at the palace gate, but the front guard won't let me see him. They only said that he is sick." Now Ba Yue panics, if they fight him head-on, there's no way they can win against him. But if they secretly try to poison him, then it's hard for him to avoid. They just sent assassins to kill him six months ago and now its poison! Who is it? Who keeps wanting to kill him?

"It is said that the Emperor wants to keep this cover-up, so only the imperial doctor and a few important figures knows about this."

Ba Yue is silent, she's trying to think what she should do. She doesn't believe that Lok-Son is in danger, but on the other hand, she can't seem to calm herself down. But her face doesn't show her worries.

"Ah Yue, don't worry too much. I'm sure the imperial doctor at the palace can save Lok-Son. But even if he is saved, I don't think he should stay in the palace anymore. There's just too much danger there, even if he pretends to have a mental disorder and not fight for the throne, these people won't leave him alone."

"Father, I have talked to Lok Son yesterday. I have already told him that I will leave this place in the near future. He'd already promised to leave this place and follow me wherever I go. After this incident ends, I plan to leave a little bit earlier with Lok-Son." Ba Yue plans to leave earlier now with Lok Son, and it's not that she's scared of those people. It's because she's almost done with what she had to do and it's time for her to go.

Master Ba just shake his head helplessly and sighs a deep breath. He knew his daughter has to leave sooner or later, but it feels too soon. But since she has chosen Lok Son, then it's better if they both leave here then.

"I understand. You should go back to get some rest and don't worry too much. I'll let you know when I get more information."

Ba Yue nodded her head and left to go back to her room. She can't wait for the news from her father. She needs to go see Lok Son as soon as possible to confirm his safety.

That evening, Ba Yue went back to the palace. But she didn't go through the front gate. Instead, she uses her light body and extremely good martial art to easily climb over the tall side wall of the palace. She easily sneaks inside and avoids the guards and palace maids.

Remembering where Lok Son lives inside the palace, so she heads towards his place. Once she got there, she noticed there are lots of guards. The guards that usually follows Lok Son is nowhere to be found. With so many unfamiliar guards around, it's going to be hard for her to sneak into his room through the window or front door. Thinking for a few seconds, she decides to sneak in from the top.

With her martial art plus her wind element power, she easily jumps to the roof of the building where Lok Son's is. She lightly lifted a tile on the roof to peek inside. She didn't see anyone around, but it looks like someone is sleeping on the bed. Suddenly, Ba Yue notice a slight movement behind her. She immediately turns around and can't believe who she sees. It's Lok-Son!

He grabbed her by the waist and flew away from that area. He stopped at a quiet area by the garden and he then releases her.

"Little Yue, what are you doing here? It's dangerous to sneak in here alone." Lok-Son has a slight smile on his face but on the inside, he was worried Ba Yue would be in danger.

"I heard that you got poisoned, so I come to see you. I know it's not easy to harm you, but I just want to make sure." She looks all over him and then grabbed his wrist to check his pulse.

Lok Son didn't stop her, he knows that she's worried about him. After checking the pulse for a good whole minute, she released his wrist. She had a relieved look on her faces.

"Good that you are well, but why would they say you got poisoned when you are fine?" She glad that he's okay but is also confused with what's going on.

"Well, after I sent you back home yesterday. I came back to the palace. I noticed the maid and the guards are different than usual. A maid brought me a bowl of soup and said it was sent to me from the emperor. The usual people that work in my place know that I don't eat or drink anything unless it's made by Gao Sing or myself. I told you before that I started cooking for myself since my concubine mother passed away when I was eight years old.

I have always been careful with the food, so even though those people try to poison me many times, it was never successful. But I purposely pretended to get poisoned so the perpetrators will think they had succeeded and continues with their plans."

"Their plans? But who and why?" Ba Yue is more confused than before now. She doesn't really care as long as Lok-Son is fine.

"Remembered those people dressed in black back then at the Black Forest? Those people are from the Kinning Country where the empress is originally from. It's the same people that tried to assassinate me back when I was eight years old and the ones that killed my concubine mother. They were quiet for a while since the news of me having mental disorder came out. But now that I'm engaged to the young miss of the Ba Family, they are worried and have started moving again."

"WAIT A MINUTE!!! What does this have anything to do with you being engaged to me?" She can't believe that she's somehow related to the assassination from last time at the Black Forest.

Lok-Son puts his arms around her waist and pulled her toward his body. He hugs her tight and said, "who told to be so beautiful and strong."

"Huh?" She's still a little shy with the closeness with Lok-Son, she had her arms on his chest to try to put some distance between them.

"You are the only daughter of the Ba Family, one of the four big families and is the strongest one of the four. You won the annual martial art competition and the emperor is willing to give you an extra prize just because you ask for it, that has already made those people unhappy. And then the Emperor mentioned that if we were to get married and have children, the children will be beautiful, smart and strong like how I used to be when I was younger before my mental disorders. That pushes those people to the edge, they are worried that the emperor will pass on the throne to our offsprings in the future."

Now she's completely speechless, how can those people do this just because of their unverified thinking. But since it had something to do with her, maybe she should help him too.

"It's there anything that I can do for you?" Ba Yue asked.

"No, I have everything already planned out. I'm only pretending to get poison so those people will carry on their plans. If I have guessed correctly, then their next step will force the emperor to make the second prince the crown prince or just directly have the emperor passes the throne to him."

"So what you mean is that the people that had you poisoned are from the second prince's side?" She's mad now, the second prince pisses her off earlier today at the palace gate. Now she knows that Lok-Son's poison had something to do with him, she's beyond angry!

"Why do you sound so angry?" He looks at her and asked. She shouldn't be this angry even if she knows who is responsible for the poisoning.

Ba Yue continues to tell him what happened earlier at the front gate and her encounter with the second prince. She also tells him that it's not the first time that he tries to make advances on her. Even when she's Li Hei Yi, he has made many advances and even tried to use drugs on her, but was never successful. Hearing her telling him about the second prince and what he did, Lok-Son is so angry that he wants to kill the second prince right away.

"Ah Yue, you don't have to do anything. Go back home and wait for me. I'll take care of those people and ends all this very soon. You should take care of things on your side so we can leave here together." Lok Son tries to calm himself down when he talks to Ba Yue, he didn't want to scare her.

"Um… about that, I was coming here today to look for you… um.. because I want to ask for your help. But since you have things going on right now, then …"

"You can ask anything off me, you don't have to worry about what's going on here. This is nothing, I can end it anytime that I feel like it. I'm just letting those people have their last laugh before crushing them."

"I told you before that I don't need your help with Mu Huang, but it's going to take a while if I do it myself. I want to ask if the Dark Eagle can collect all the information on Mu Huang for me especially all the bad ones before he became the head of the Mu Family. I can finish the rest afterward."

"Of course, I can help you. What's mine is yours, so the Dark Eagle can help you do anything you want. But the truth is since you told me about Li Hei-Yi and Mu Huang yesterday. I have already sent out my men to investigate him. They should be back with the information very soon. I'll have one of my men bring it to you when I get the report back."

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