Young Miss, Please Don't Run

53 Chapter 053 - Intrusion of the Mu Residence

Ba Yue is sitting on top of the palace roof with Lok Son at a quiet area.

"I heard the Li Family has declared war with the Mu Huang. But before they can do anything, most of the people left the Mu residence." Lok Son said.

"How do you even know all this when you are stuck inside the palace? Oh, wait. Forget that I even asked." Ba Yue wants to slap herself, how can she forget that Lok Son has the Dark Eagle to report things back to him.

"What are you going to do now? The Mu Family is already ruined, how will you deal with that man?" The man that Lok Son is referring to is Mu Huang.

"I don't have to do anything right now, I know Li SanSan won't easily let him off. It's only a matter of time before she goes to find him. When that time comes, it's going to be his death. Let's not talk about things on my side, what about you? How long are you going to play here?"

"It's just starting to get interesting right now over here. Concubine Liu and her father has gathered the higher position government officials to force the emperor to make the second prince the crown prince." Lok Son had a cold smile on his face, he wants to see how the emperor's going to handle this. He's sure that the emperor knows who had poisoned him since he wanted to cover it up. It can only mean that he didn't want to be enemies with that people yet. Talk about being his most favorite son, that only applies when it doesn't affect his throne!

"I don't understand why they would want to force the emperor right now just because you have been poisoned. I'm sure the elder prince and the sixth prince won't just stand there and do nothing about it." She's confused why they would dare to take this step when the other prince is still around.

"The Empress is currently grounded, her backing is the Kinning Country. But since the Kinning Emperor passed away not too long ago and he didn't select an heir for the throne. His sons are all fighting for the throne right now, they won't pay attention to their aunt, the princess that has been married to a smaller country long ago. Due to that, the eldest prince and the empress currently can be considered as having no backing at all. The sixth prince was never even a son in the emperor's eyes. The only person left to stand in their way is me, so they couldn't wait to get rid of me. Now that I have been poisoned and is rumored not to make it, the emperor doesn't have any more choices to choose from.

"I see what you mean now. That old cunning emperor is good at deceiving people. I knew he was bad when I first met him. He dares to plot against me and have my marriage arranged to his sons!" Ba Yue is still a little angry thinking about what happened back then.

"But it ended well, you got engaged to me!" Lok Sin said with a playful smile on his face.

"Wait, since you aren't a real price and not the emperor's real son. Am I still engaged to you? I don't have to be engaged to you anymore, right?" She's thinking that the engagement can be canceled now that she knows the truth.

Lok Son had an unhappy look on his face hearing what she had just said. "It doesn't matter if I'm the seventh prince or not. You are still going to be my future wife, don't even think about running away from me!"

Ba Yue just shakes her head helplessly. She only promised to give him a chance, when did she ever say anything about marrying him? But then again, since she has accepted him, marriage is not out of the question either.

"Anyway, I should get going now." Ba Yue got up and is about to leave, but she got held back Lok Son.

"Little Yue, don't come back to the palace again, it's dangerous coming here alone. I know that you are strong, probably the strongest one now in the whole Fu Country. But if you get caught, it will affect the Ba Family. Plus, news of the seventh prince's death with soon be released."

"Eh!!! Why?"

"I will be leaving here soon and the best way to leave here is the news of my death. Just like how my real mother left here, I'll prepare a dead body and make it look like me."

"I see."

"Go back now, after the news of the seventh prince's death come out. I'll be at the Dark Eagle headquarter. If you need anything, you can find me there."

"Mm...okay. I understand."

"One more thing, I know that you still want to give Li Xiang and his family one last blow. But I have received news that Li Mei Tang has become the second prince's woman. It seems like your uncle and his family thinks that they can get back the family head position and back to a high position by making Li Mei Ting as the second prince's wangfei."

Ba Yue has a cold smile on her face, she can't believe how stupid Li Xiang and his family is. There's no way the second prince will marry Li Mei Ting. She might look a little better than pretty, but still not as pretty as the four big beauties. Not only that, she's no longer the Li family's main young miss. The second prince will play around with her, but no way will he marry her.

"Humph. The second prince will never marry her. They placed all their hope on Li Mei Ting, but it's hopeless for them."

Li Dong Man and Li Mei Ting could still live a normal life if they are satisfied with what they have now. Since they didn't directly harm her parents, she didn't plan to overdo it with those two. But since they've decided to help their parents and still have wishful thinking. Then don't blame her for being cruel and not letting them off the hook too."

Ba Yue and Lok Son talk some more, she then left to leave. She decides to stop by the old brothel to see Li SanSan. She is dressed in all black clothes already, so all she needs to do is to put off a mask. Once she got to the old brothel, Li SanSan isn't here. She looks around, but Li SanSan is nowhere to be found. Suddenly, she had a bad feeling. Maybe she can find her there at that place.


Inside the Mu residence, it's quiet but one room still has loud noises coming from it.

Li SanSan easily sneaks into the Mu residence since most of the guards and maids have left. She quickly reaches Mu Huang's bedroom and hid behind the window outside. She didn't want to wait for any longer and wants to end it with Mu Huang. Every night, she dreams of her own child crying and blaming her and Mu Huang for being unable to be born. The child cries that he's very lonely in the afterlife. Li SanSan wakes up every morning with similar dreams like that. She can't take it anymore, it's driving her crazy!

She lifts the window open a little bit to peek inside, she saw Mu Huang naked in the bed with one of his mistresses tangle up together. Not too far away from him, she sees Kim Miu tied up naked on the floor with her mouth gagged. She can hear lots of loud moaning coming from the room. That Mu Huang is one sick bastard, Li SanSan thought. She then hears Mu Huang starts talking.

"Bitch, once I'm done fucking her. I'll deal with you! How dare you try to run away like that stupid bitch Li SanSan. You fucking bitch is just like your fucking young miss!" Mu Huang shouts at the woman on the floor while ramming his body hard into the woman in front of him in bending down position.

The woman on the floor is crying and wants to plead for help and forgiveness from the man. Her mouth is gagged and can' t say a word, but can hear a muffled sound coming from her mouth. The woman is Kim Miu, she has been beaten and tied up by Mu Huang when he found her trying to run away with his money. He stripped her clothes so she can't run. He then beats her while raping her, afterward, he just left her tied up on the floor.

Li SanSan knows it's the best time to get rid of Mu Huang now that he is busy with the other women. He is not on guard and this is her chance to get him! She took out a small wooden pipe and blows some kind of smoke into the room. She came especially prepared with this, so she can easily subdue Mu Huang. The smoke is a special kind of drug that will paralyze someone's movement but they will still have consciousness and can feel physical sensations. She found it inside the old brothel. She doesn't know what kind of place that old brothel is before, but it has many things in there that she can use.

After a minute later, Mu Huang noticed something is not right. His movement is slowing down and soon he couldn't move at all. Suddenly, the door to his room opened. A woman walks inside, Mu Huang's face turned pale when he saw her. It's Li SanSan! She's back! He knew this is not good.

"Mu Huang, I hope you have fun here tonight because it's going to be your last time!" Li SanSan walks into the room casually with a scary smile on her face. She's changed out of her ripped, bloody clothes from before and wear a beautiful red dress instead. She also found the dress inside the closest of the old brothel.

The women inside the room with Mu Huang also have fear on their face. They know who this woman is and know why she's here. They want to run but their bodies can't move at all. But the person who has the most fear out of them all is Kim Miu. She knew that even if Mu Huang can forgive her, this woman will not!

After looking around the room, Li SanSan walks over to Kim Miu and took the gag out of her mouth. As soon as Kim Miu can talk again, she immediately begs for her life.

"Madame, madame, no, elder young miss. Please spare me, I didn't have a choice, Mu Huang forced me!" Kim Miu hurriedly begs for her life, she didn't want to die.

"You bitch, you dare to lie that I forced you! Who's the one that seduces me and sells out her own young miss, huh?" Mu Huang stares hatefully at Kim Miu, he then turns his attention to Li SanSan. "What are trying to do now? If you know better, you should give me the antidote now, maybe I'll consider forgiving you for doing this stupid act and escaping from that room."

Li SanSan looked at him like an idiot. She wonders why she never saw this side of him before. "Ha ha ha, are you stupid! Forgiving me? Even if you forgive me, I'll never you!" She's laughing, but the person she's really is laughing at is her own self. She's laughing at her stupidity from before and her own greed. She can't believe she became the person that she is today, all because of a man like him.

Without saying any more, Lu SanSan took out a small knife from her back where she was hiding it. She slowly walks toward the naked woman who's still under Mu Huang.

"Don't blame me, if you want to blame someone, then blame yourself for seducing this man while I'm pregnant and becoming his mistress!" After saying that, she slashed her throat. The blood spills out everywhere and all over Mu Huang.

Mu Huang couldn't believe his eyes, he never expects her to be able to kill someone without blinking an eye like that. Is this the same woman that he knew from before? The same gentlewoman that will cry when he beats Li Hei Yi and wants to ask her for forgiveness for taking away her husband? So, she's also a fraud like him! She hid it well!

"Li SanSan, so you are this kind of person. You hid it well! Pretending to be innocent and gentle all the time. I knew you aren't that innocent or gentle, but you are worst than I thought."

"Worst then you though? I'll throw those words right back at you! You tricked me! If you didn't trick me into falling in love with you and make me your woman first, then convince me to let you marry Li Hei Yi because of your own greed for the family head position, then things wouldn't turn out this way."

"What? You're blaming me now? You agree to it because you also wanted to be the Mu family's main madame! You didn't like Li Hei Yi, so you wanted to ruin her anyway. Don't think that I don't know anything. That bitch there told me everything." He said it as he points at Kim Miu.

Seeing Mu Huang points at Kim Miu, she turns her attention toward her. She walks over to Kim Miu with her knife still dripping with blood.

Kim Miu is frighten seeing Lu SanSan walking toward her.

"Elder Young Miss, please don't. Don't do this." Her voice is shaking from the fear and tears couldn't stop coming out of her eyes.

"Kim Miu, you have been my maid since I was young. You followed me to the Mu Family when I married him. You know everything about me, but it seems like I don't know anything about you. Now, tell me. When did you started betraying me and seduced my man? Her face is cold and her voice has killing intent.

"I...I…" She doesn't know how to answer her question. She knows that if she answers her honestly, Li SanSan will immediately kill her.

"You should let her know Kim Miu. Tell her how you have tried to seduce me when I was still Li Hei Yi and you were spying on me under your Young Miss's order. Tell her after we got married and she couldn't sleep with me anymore due to her pregnancy, how you are so willing to take her place to sleep with me."

"Stop, please stop. Don't say it anymore!" Kim Miu is scared, she finally regrets what she had done before.

"Why? You were so happy when I finally gave you the chance to get near me. The first time we did it was the same night that I separated rooms with your Young Miss. You came into my bedroom and offered yourself to me saying that you will take care of me on behalf of her since she can't take care of my needs. We did it in so many places in this residence, even right on her bed when she wasn't there." Mu Huang purposely tells it all, he knew he's going to get kill by Li SanSan, but that bitch also needs to pay the price and died with him!

Hearing what he said and knowing their affairs started very early into her pregnancy. She's angry! She picks up her arm and starts stabbing at Kim Miu's limbs. That way Kim Miu will feel all the pain but won't die so easily yet. She won't kill them off that quick, she still needs to inflict the pain back to them since they have hurt her badly.

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