Young Miss, Please Don't Run

42 Chapter 042 - The Dark Eagle

Ba Yue went to her bedroom and started her closed door cultivation that same night. The next morning, Mak Lok-Son came over to visit Ba Yue. But He was told that Ba Yue went into closed-door cultivation mode for training and probably won't come out for a few months. Lok-Son was very disappointed that he didn't get to see Ba Yue. He knew Ba Yue is trying to avoid him by going into closed-door cultivation.

He left the Ba residence but he didn't go back to the palace. Instead, he went to the headquarters of the Dark Eagle. The Dark Eagle is the power that Mak Lok-Son built since he was young with his two hidden guards. When Lok-Son arrives there, the same two guards with an eagle sewn on their shoulder is still there guarding the front door.

"Welcome back! Your majesty, the Ghost King!" The two men said respectfully as they opened the big front door for their master who has just returned to go inside.

Lok-Son went inside with Gao Sing to his study room. Once inside the room, Lok Son took off his mask that had on. Not many people in the Dark Eagle organization have seen their Master's real face. They only know that their master is someone very strong! And he's not the only one that's strong, but his two guards that's always around him is extremely strong as well.

The Dark Eagle is famous all over the world! They control the finance world in the opening, and the bank that issues bank cards are one of the properties that have opened franchises of all over the world. They don't just control the finance world, but they also rule the underground world, too!

They have a very wide network to collect all different kind of information. They also own the strongest assassin group in the underworld. But they don't just kill anyone for money, the order for assassination needs to get approval from their master, the ghost king in order to become effective. If the target is someone that the Ghost king think is worth killing, he would take the order even if they won't pay much. But if the target is someone that the Ghost King doesn't want to kill, then no matter how much money they will pay, they will not accept the mission.

Lok-Son sits on a chair by his desk, he is in an extremely bad mood right now. Not only did those people sent assassins to kill him again, but they have also targeted his Little Yue. Now, Little Yue is avoiding him by going into closed-door cultivation. He just wanted to kill all of them and get it over with. But just killing them is too good for them, he needs to plan it out and make sure they won't die so easily.

"Where is Junzhi?" Lok-Son asked in an icy voice, which made Gao Sing felt like he's in the ice land.

"Master, he is still investigating the things you asked of him yesterday. He should be back very soon." Gao Sing replies back to Lok Son while looking down and avoid making any eye contacts.

"Go tell the people down there to make some trouble for the royal family in the Kinning Country. I want them to be in a mess, so they won't have so much free time to help the Empress for our country."

The Kinning Country is the Empress's home country. It is a nearby country that's a little bigger than the Fu Country and can consider as a middle size country. The Empress thought that her brother who's also the Emperor of Kinning Country is helping her because of their relationship. But what she didn't know is that the Kinning Emperor wants to take over the Fu Country. The Eldest Prince is weak and not healthy, he sent his daughter over to married this son of his sister in hope to rule the country in the background once that weak Eldest Prince ascended to the throne.

"I understand, Master. I'll go do it right now."

"Also tell Junzhi to come here to see me as soon as he comes back."

"I understand," Gao Sing replies. He then left to take care of what his master has just told him.

A few hours later, there was knocking on the door.

"Come in"

Gao Sing came back and he also brought Junzhi with him.

"Master, we are back." Said Gao Sing as he walks into the room with Junzhi.

"Gao Sing, how did it go on your side?"

"Master, I have told our men to work on it. There should be news back by tomorrow morning."

"Good. And as for Junzhi, what did you find out?" Lok-Son looked at Junzhi with his expressionless face, but on the inside, he can't wait to find out.

"Master, I investigated the relationship between Miss Ba and Li Dong-Man as you have told me. I've investigated very thoroughly and even has gotten detailed information from Li Dong-Man's friends." Junzhi replies honestly as he looked at his master. The information that found out even makes him mad. He can't believe that there's such a shameless man and can't believe that Miss Ba actually likes such a person before.

"Oh...Tell me about it. I want to know everything."

"Miss Ba and Li Dong-Man met when Miss Ba was 13 years old and Li Dong Man is 3 years older than her. It was around that time that her brothers got accepted to their current school and have to leave home. It was also the first time that Miss Ba was left alone without the protection of her brothers.

As master knows, Miss Ba was um…..big and useless back then. She has been bullied by many people, especially the girls. The girls think that it's not fair for such a person to be the talented brothers' younger sister and can get close to them. The boys also bullied her due to the jealous they have against the brothers.

One day, Miss Ba was bullied very badly. Li Dong-Man and his friends just happened to pass by and have helped her out. Li Dong-Man at that time wasn't the son of the head of the Li family yet. The Li family's vice head was still alive back then, so Li Dong-Man and his family didn't have much standing at the Li family.

His friends that were there on that day have told me that they didn't want to help Miss Ba. And the only reason Li Dong-Man has decided to help Miss Ba was that she's the Young Miss of the Ba family. She could be of use to him and just as he had expected, she has helped him out a lot.

It wasn't Miss Ba that started following Li Dong Man in the beginning. His friends told us that Li Dong-Man would frequently visit Miss Ba at her home. He would expression care and concern for her. Due to Miss Ba's father busy working and her brothers not being around, she has started to rely on him. Li Dong-Man would often complain about his family not giving him enough and he doesn't have things that his others have.

In order to make Li Dong-Man happy, Miss Ba would often give him what he wants. She would give him many different expensive and rare treasures. This kind of relationship lasted for a very long time until the day that Li Dong-Man's father became the head of the Li family. Since then, Li Dong-Man has been acting all high and mighty because he has become the eldest son of the Li family head.

Li Dong-Man has set his eyes on the third Young Miss of the Tang family. He has started to treat Miss Ba with distance but didn't cut off all relationship with her because he still wants to use her. In order for the third Young Miss of the Tang family to not be suspicious of him and Miss Ba, he even released the rumors of Miss Ba likes him and have been stalking him.

Of course, Miss Ba doesn't go out much, so she has no idea about these rumors. She also has no idea that Li Dong-Man had his eyes on another girl and is wooing another girl with the gifts that he has received from her.

On the day that Miss Ba had an accident, someone saw Miss Ba secretly followed behind Li Dong-Man and his friends to a teahouse. I have also asked Li Dong Man's friends regarding this and they have confirmed that they have indeed seen Li Dong-Man that day, but didn't see Miss Ba. They said that day, Li Dong-Man actually said many bad things regarding Miss Ba and have bragged about how smoothly his date was with Miss Tang.

I personally believed that Miss Ba might have overheard their conversation and was upset, which causes her to get into an accident. Witnesses have said that Miss Ba was running and crying at the time when she was hit by a horse carriage that day. She was hit by the horse carriage then fall onto the ground. Her head also happens to hit a rock that's on the ground, which causes her to be in a coma for a month. When she woke up, she has completely changed into a different person. That is also when Master, you also first met Miss Ba."

Junzhi finished reporting his investigation to his Master. He is waiting for his Master's reply, but Lok Son didn't say a word for a long time. The atmosphere in the room is close to freezing, they feel like they will become popsicles very soon.

Lok-Son is beyond angry right now. He can't believe how that shameless man has used his Little Yue and treated her horribly! How sad and heartbroken this is for Little Yue for her to change this much after the accident? Finally, Lok-Son asked Junzhi some more questions.

"Do you know the reason for the Li family vice head's death?"

"It is not too clear regarding Li Zong death, it was rumored that Li Zong and his wife Xia Ling died of an accident. Their daughter, Li Hei-Yi was also rumored to have died of an illness a year later. The current head of the Li family is Li Xiang, Li Zong's younger brother. He's also Li Dong-Man's father.

I also felt that it was a bit suspicious that Li Hei-Yi had died of an illness just a year after her parents' death. Not only that, Li Xiang's daughter Li San-San married Li Hei-Yi's husband as the main wife right after her death. Rumors have it that, Li Hei-Yi asked her cousin Li San-San to marry her husband. That way, her cousin can take care of her husband for her after her death. And her husband also agreed to it because it was her final wish, but I don't think it's that simple. "

"Don't you two think that Li Zong's and his wife's death sounds suspicious? And where is the old Master Li? If I remember correctly, he's still alive that's why Li Zong is just the vice head. How come Li Xiang is the current head now?"

Junzhi continues to answer his master's questions.

"The old Master Li went into the closed-door cultivation close to 4 years now. Before he went into closed-door cultivation, he has appointed his eldest son Li Zong as the vice head. After the sudden death of Li Zong and also that their father is still not out of his cultivation. Li Xiang appointed himself as the current head of the Li family."

"I see. I wonder what the old master Li would feel when he finds out that his eldest son and his family is dead. And his youngest son ignored the fact he's still alive and appointed himself to be the next head of the Li family. It would be fun to slowly destroy them!" Lok Son had a sly smile on his face. It is a smile that is lust for blood! Whoever hurts his Little Yue needs to pay the price.

Li Dong-Man is so proud of being the son of Li's family head and dislikes Ba Yue because of her old self. Then I'm going to destroy the Li family that he's so proud off and also made everyone dislike him for his true shameless self!

"Junzhi, go release the rumor that the Li Family is currently on our blacklist. I'll play with them a little and let them suffer. When they start feeling the pressure, that's when I'll make my move. I also need to force out the old master Li from his closed-door cultivation. He needs to see what his youngest son did to the Li family when he's not around.

And Gao Sing, keep an eye on the Kinning Country. Also, provide some evidence of the Empress's bad deed in the back palace to Concubine Liu. I'm sure she's happy to go look for trouble with the Empress."

"YES MASTER!" Both Junzhi and Gao Sing replies to their master quickly.

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