Young Miss, Please Don't Run

43 Chapter 043 - Rumor of Blacklis

The next morning, rumors of the Li Family's being on the Dark Eagle's blacklist have spread very quickly. Almost everyone in town has heard about it, not just the town but the entire country!

Inside the Li residence, there's a very heavy atmosphere. It was not too long ago that the third Young Miss has embarrassed the Li family at the annual martial art competition. Now, there are rumors of the Li family being on the Dark Eagle blacklist.

They have no idea why they are on the blacklist, so they called an emergency family meeting. All the members of the family have to go to the meeting. The family member that attend this meeting consists of Li Xiang, his wife, and their two children. They have three children and Li San-San is the eldest child. She's married so she's not home to attend this meeting today.

Once inside the meeting room, Li Xiang as the head of the family starts talking.

"I'm sure all of you have heard about the rumors of our family being on the Dark Eagle's blacklist. I don't know why we are on the blacklist, but if any of you did something or knows the reason, speak up now."

The meeting room is silence, everyone is thinking about what the reason might be. They don't think that they did anything wrong to offend the Dark Eagle.

"There has to be a reason why the Dark Eagle put us on the blacklist. If any of you have done anything or offended anyone, you better speak up now!" Li Xiang impatiently shouts.

Suddenly, a woman in her early forties, dressed in a bright red dress with heavy makeup on have spoken.

"Husband, I don't think we have done anything to offend the Dark Eagle or anyone. Those are just rumors, I don't think we are really on the blacklist." The woman that has just spoken is Li Xiang's main wife, Chen Miu. She is the current Madam Li after Xia Ling has passed away.

"Wife, it's not that simple. The rumors can't be without merit, no one will dare to spread rumors regarding the Dark Eagle without some truth to it. Even with just the rumors alone, it can cause the Li family to be in a tough spot." Li Xiang is starting to get a little annoy of his wife's simple thinking.

"We are the Li family, one of the four big families! Who would dare to mess with us? Husband, you don't have to worry about small fries like the Dark Eagle!"

Hearing that, Li Xiang wants to slap his stupid wife to death. How can the Dark Eagle be compared to the small fries? How stupid can this woman be? If her family aren't the wealthy Chen family, he would never marry such a stupid, fat and ugly woman in the first place. He's just glad that the children he had with her looks nothing like her and more like him!

Li Xiang calms himself down and explains the Dark Eagle to his wife and family.

The people in the meeting room is getting a little worried now, there face is pale as snow. But Li Xiang didn't care how they look and continues to tell them more about this organization.

"Rumor has it that whoever gets placed on the blacklist would soon be destroyed."

"Father, the rumors might be over exaggerating. They probably can destroy one or two people, but they can't destroy a big family like ours." Li Mei Ting said carelessly, she still doesn't understand who they are facing up against. Li Xiang wants to slap this daughter of his to death, too. This youngest daughter of his is very similar to his stupid wife except for her looks.

"You still keep saying this nonsense! It is true that we are one of the four big families, but that is in this small country. On the other hand, the Dark Eagle have powers all over the world! With their power and wealth, they can easily take down a whole country if they want to! So stop saying stupid stuff that will bring more trouble to us!" Li Xiang screams at his daughter. This daughter of his has embarrassed him and the family a lot since the annual martial art competition. Not only that but the relationship between the Tang family has worsened too since then.

Li Mei Tang didn't dare to say anymore. She knew her father is currently raging and it's best not to make him more irritated. Madam Li finally understands that this is serious, she starts to panic now. She didn't want to lose what she currently has. It wasn't easy for her to finally wait for that bitch Xia Ling to die and becomes the current Madam of this family.

Finally, the person that didn't say anything since he got here finally spoke up.

"Father, there's no way we can have offended the Dark Eagle. Let's just wait it out and see what happens. We should also let my elder sister know about this and see she says." Li Dong-Man said in a serious tone.

"I guess you are right Dong-Man, there's nothing we can do now but to wait. I'll send a message to San-San to let her know later." Li Xiang sighed deeply as he waves his hand for his family to leave the meeting room.

Inside the Mu residence, Li SanSan has already heard of the rumors from Mu Huang. They are currently in their room discussing this matter.

"San-San, do you know what happened? Why is your family on the Dark Eagle's blacklist? Mu Huang asks worriedly. If the Li family is really on the blacklist, it would affect him too!

"Husband, I don't know. I haven't gone back to my family for a long time since it's inconvenient for me to walk around with my big belly." Li San-San replies Mu Huang as she rubs her already seven-month pregnant belly.

Mu Huang holds Li San-San with one arm and uses his hand on the other arm to touch her pregnant belly.

"San-San, the Dark Eagle is not an organization that we can mess with. I think you should stay away from the Li family for now, at least until everything has been clear. We have to think about our child."

"I understand. I won't do anything that will harm our family. Right now, nothing is more important to me than you and our child." Li San-San replies in a soft tone while looking at Mu Huang with her gentle eyes. But on the inside, Li San-San is panicking and also mad at Mu Huang.

She's mad at Mu Huang because he only cares about himself. She knows he's only saying these things to her because he didn't want to have anything to do with the Li family if they are really in trouble. She's also panicking right now because if the Li family is going down, she won't have any strong family backing to help her. She needs strong family backing if she wants to continue to be the main wife of the Mu family. Especially since Mu Huang has just brought back a mistress not too long ago!

Just because she's pregnant and is unable to satisfy his man desires anymore. He actually cheated on her and brought back a woman! He promised her that she's just a mistress and he won't marry her. But who knows how long he can keep his word. She can't trust him too much, not especially when she knew how he treated his previous main wife, Li Hei-Yi!

After talking for a little bit more, Mu Huang left the room. He said he has more work to do and also have a meeting to attend to. After leaving the room, Mu Huang can't stop thinking what if the rumors about the blacklist for the Li family is real. He doesn't want to risk getting on the Dark Eagle's bad side just because of Li San-San.

If the Li family is going down and San-San is of no use to him anymore, he needs to find another strong family for his backing. He likes San-San, but not enough to risk the Mu family for! If he wants to find another woman to get married to and have her family backing, it would be very hard. No Young Miss of any good powerful family will want to marry him just to become a second wife. Especially when his current main wife is pregnant and might give birth to the eldest son of the Mu family. If the rumors are true, then Li San-San and this child needs to go!

While the Li family is in a panic and uproar from the rumors, Lok Son is in his room listening to report that was brought back by Gao Sing and Junzhi.

"Master, the rumors have been spread and the Li family has been added to our blacklist," Junzhi said.

"Good, as for the next step, I need you to let our shops know that we are not doing business with the Li family anymore." Lok-Son is plotting his next step toward the Li family. The Dark Eagle owns many different shops and they do business with lots of big families, the Li family is one of them.

"Master, I don't think that will hurt the Li family much."

"Most of the regular shops that are own by us, are not under our organization's name. When so many of our shops' stop doing business with the Li family at the same time, others would soon follow our footstep. I want to see how long the Li family can last with their finance." Lok-Son had a whimsical smile off his face. It's been a while since he had fun seeing others suffer.

"I understand, Master. I'll go get it done, right now." Junzhi left immediately after saying that, he actually want to see how the Li family ends too.

"Any news back from the Kinning Country?

"Master, we have received news back that the Kinning Emperor is sick with an illness. The four princes are currently fighting amongst themselves for the throne. They won't have time to bother with the Empress on our side for a while." Even though Gao Sing said that the Kinning emperor is sick with an illness, Lok-Son knows that the Kinning Emperor has gotten poisoned. This poison will make the person look similar to having an illness, but the person will not get better from it and his body will slowly weaken until his death arrives.

"Good Job, how about the Empress? Did Concubine Liu make good use of the evidence that she had received?"

"Surprisingly, she didn't make any move yet. She's probably wondering who sent her the evidence. And since the second prince is still grounded, she might want to proceed with precaution."

"She's not going to be able to sit still for too long with such evidence on her hands. Release a rumor that the government official that previously gave the emperor evidence of the second's prince bribery actually works for the eldest prince."

"Master, wouldn't it put that government official in danger? Even though he looks like he working for the eldest prince on the outside, but he's really one of our men."

"Not to worry, after the rumors have passed, have him come back here and reassign him to another position at the Kinning Country. I'm sure he will be of great help later on when we bring down the Empress."

"I understand, Master. I will go now and get it done right away." Gao Sing also left to go work on his mission.

Lok-Son is now all alone, the playful smile that was on his face is now gone. He sat there in a big quiet room all by himself. Even though it has only been two days since he last saw Ba Yue, he misses her already. He knows Ba Yue won't come out of the closed door cultivation anytime soon, so he is focusing all his attention to those other people.

Later that afternoon, half of the shops that did business with the Li family have suddenly stopped doing business with them. The Tai-Seng Bank have also canceled all the Li's family members bank cards and accounts. The bank even came to the Li Family's residence to give them back their money.

The Li family finally feels the pressure and know how serious the situation has become. If this continues on, the Li family will have financial trouble. Ever since Li Xiang took over the Li family, he wasn't good with managing the business so they are barely making it every month. His wife wasn't a big help either by spending lots of money that they don't have. She's not good managing the household finance and has spoiled her children with luxury goods since her husband took over the family head position.

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