Young Miss, Please Don't Run

41 Chapter 041 - Will You Give Me a Chance?

Lok-Son held Ba Yue tight in his arms, he was so scared when he saw Ba Yue was injured.

"Lok-Son, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to wait for me at where we were before?" Ba Yue is trying to get out of Lok Son's hold but is unsuccessful since she doesn't have the strength to.

Lok-Son didn't answer her, he just keeps holding onto her.

"Lok-Son, can you please release me? I'm a little injured and you are hurting me." Ba Yue's upper arm is injured, the hug from Lok-Son is hurting her arm.

Lok-Son immediately releases Ba Yue and then apologized to her. "Little Yue, I'm sorry." Lok-Son sounds a little down and apologetic.

"It's okay, this is just minor injury, it doesn't hurt that much" Ba Yue tries to cheer him up.

"No, Little Yue. It's my fault that those people are here. So it's my fault that you are injured."

"What do you mean?"

"Little Yue, you are smart, so you might have guessed that those people's real target is supposed to be me."

"Lok-Son, the way you talk is a little different than usual. What's really going on?" Ba Yue is starting to sound serious now because the current Lok Son seems to be different than normal.

"Little Yue, I have something to tell you. I might not be able to tell you everything all at once, but please trust me, I'll never hurt you." Lok-Son said it very seriously, he then gave Little Red and the Han sister an eye signal for them to get farther away from them.

Little Red and the Han sisters have received Lok Son'e eye signal and understand that he has something to say to Ba Yue. They got up and walk a little farther away from them. Of course, Ba Yue also noticed their interaction. She didn't pay any attention to the others and just keep looking at Lok-Son like she wants to see through him.

"Little Yue, the truth is I am not who you think I am. There's nothing wrong with my mentality, but I have to pretend to have a mental disorder in order to avoid those people that want me dead."

Ba Yue thought about what Lok Son meant when he said he's not who he is. She thought he meant that he is pretending to have a mental disorder when he really doesn't have it. But what Lok-Son really means is that he's not really the seventh prince that everyone knows, he has a different identity.

Lok-Son doesn't know what Ba Yue is thinking about. He continued to tell her about what had happened when he was eight years old and how his concubine mother was killed. He left out the parts regarding the hidden guards and his other identity from the other world. He thinks it's not the right time yet for her to know everything about him.

After listening to Lok-Son's story, Ba Yue don't know what to think anymore. She understands the reason why Lok-Son has to do what he did, but on the other hand, she can't accept being lie to again by another man.

"I understand. Everyone has their own secrets including me. I won't tell anyone about what you have just told me, but I also don't want to have anything to do with you." Ba Yue said it very coldly to Lok-Son as she walks away from him. She needs to think about what just happened and how to process all these new information she learns about Lok Son.

"Little Yue, I really like you. Will you give me a chance?" Lok-Son asked her as he catches up to her.

"Since you told me a secret of yours, then I'll tell you a secret of mine too. A long time ago, I have loved a man. I've helped him with everything, but in the end, he has betrayed me. He lied to me from the very beginning, so I cannot accept any men that have lie to me." Ba Yue ran off to get Little Red and the Han sisters after saying that.

Lok-Son is shocked and cannot believe what Ba Yue has just said. He investigated everything about Ba Yue, but there's nothing about her being with any men. Did she just lie to him to get away from him? But she's not the kind of person to lie about these things, so who can it be?

Suddenly, he remembered the rumors of Ba Yue liking Li Dong-Man. The rumors were said that Ba Yue liked Li Dong-Man very much that she follows him everywhere. He didn't like that shameless man from the very beginning and he didn't get a chance to take care of him yet. There might be a need to investigate the relationship between Ba Yue and Li Dong-Man farther, Lok Son thought.

On the other side, Ba Yue found Little Red and the Han sisters. She took them with her to leave the Black Forest. She has to leave here now and stay away from Lok-Son for a while to clear her head. In her heart, she understands Lok-Son's reasons and she shouldn't be mad at him. But her head is telling her otherwise. She's still having trouble accepting Lok-Son for lying to her and he seems to have lots of secrets. But who doesn't have a secret, she might have even more secrets than him and is also lying to him. She understands all that, but it will take time for her to calm down and to accept it.

Ba Yue and the Han sisters didn't go home immediately since they all have injuries and their clothes are covered in blood. So they stop by an inn to rest and to clean up their wounds. Han Chu went out to buy some new clothes back for them while the others waited in the inn for her to return.

"Young Miss, why didn't we go to the White Moon residence? It's not too far from here, we didn't have to rent a room in the inn." Han Yan asks since she didn't understand why Ba Yue didn't go to the White Moon instead of coming here.

"Ah Yan, it's the same reason why I didn't go home yet. I don't want others to worry about me. If I go home right now looking like this, my father would be very worried. But if I go to the White Moon residence right now, Ho Wai and Ho Kei would be worried. And I didn't have my disguise, others would find out my true identity. It's not time for them to know my real identity yet." Ba Yue said. She then applies the medicated cream on her upper arm's wound. It's the same medicated cream that the masked man has given her before. She rarely takes it out to use since she can tell that this medicated cream is made with rare, hard to find ingredients. She's using it now since her wound is a little deep.

"I understand now, Young Miss. I didn't think it thoroughly before."

" Ah Yan, make sure what has happened today does not leak out."

"I understand. I will make sure to let Ah Chu know not to leak it out too."

"Good, go downstairs and tell the Innkeeper to prepare some food for us. We'll go back home after we eat."

"I'll go right now, Young Miss." Han Yan left the room to go downstairs to find the Innkeeper.

The room is now left with only Ba Yue and Little Red. Ba Yue is sitting on the bed while Little Red is laying right next to her.

"Little Red, I thought I was strong enough right now. But after today's fight with those people in black, I found out that I'm still so weak." Ba Yue is looking at Little Red and said it in a depressing voice.

"Young Master, you did very well today. Compare to when I first met you, you have improved a lot." Little Red also looks back at Ba Yue and replies back with a lazy voice.

"I have to become even stronger than this. Those people today are just some assassins from this world and I have so much trouble dealing with them. What if those people that came for my mothers before suddenly show up? I'll have no way to deal with them."

"You think too much, Young Master. They couldn't find your mothers or you for so many years, I don't think they will look for you here anymore."

"But what if they really show up and finds me? And what if we really find the transportation portal and leave here to go to another world? I still need to be at least Purple Level to go through the transportation portal."

"That is very true. I guess you have to start training harder again. You recently advanced from Yellow Level, grade 1 to now grade 3. Your training and cultivation are very fast unlike anyone I have seen before."

"It's still not fast enough! I'm only on the Yellow level. I still have to pass the Green and Blue Levels in order to get to the Purple Level. Is there any way for my training and cultivation speed to be faster?"

Little Red thought for a bit and signed. With this lower plane world, it's hard to cultivate with so little spiritual energy here. They don't have any of the energy storage stuff found in the other world, so it's hard for Ba Yue to cultivate fast. He's already very surprised by Ba Yue's cultivation speed here in this world that lacks spiritual energy. Suddenly, Little Red thought of something and said, "Young Master, I don't have any way for you to cultivate faster. But the storage bracelet that your mother left behind for you might have something in there that can help you."

"What do you mean?"

"See if there are any pills that can help you advance or any energy stones in your bracelet."

"Stones? Is it the same as the memory stones?"

"Similar, it should look the same but the usage is different. Didn't you say there are lots of stones in the bracelet? Take it all out and let me see it and also take out the pills too."

With a wave of her hand, tons of different color stones and bottles of pills is on the table. Little Red immediately look and sniff through it to see if he can find something. Ba Yue was of no help, she didn't know anything about the stones except for the memory stones that she had seen before. As for the pills, these are all high level, excellent grade pills. She's only a mid-level pill refiner right now, there are still many pills she doesn't know about.

After a while of searching, Little Red found a few things that can help Ba Yue with her training and cultivation.

"Young Master, I found the Cleansing Pill and lots of energy stones!"

Ba Yue looked over to what Little Red had found, but have no idea what any of those things are. Little Red then points at the pill and explains it to her:

"This pill is called the Cleansing Pill, it's similar to the Detoxication Pill that you have but works differently. It cleanses all the impurities in your bloodstream and dan tian. Dan Tian is a place where all the energy you absorbs is stored. Once the pill is taken, it will cleanse out all impurities and expand your dan tian and bloodstream. That way, you can absorb more energy and cultivate a lot faster."

"Oh, I see. What about these stones?" Ba Yue curiously picks up a stone that Little Red has picked out.

"The stone that you are currently holding is an energy stone. These stones are very rare and can only be found in the other worlds. These stones are naturally formed and have absorbed tons of energies for a very long time. When you go into meditation to cultivate, place these stones around yourself. The stones will release the energies and you can absorb it into your dan tian. Then the energies will turn and becomes your own energy after your body absorbs it. Once the energies ran out in these stones, it will turn to dust."

"Oh wow! These are GREAT! I can't wait to use it!"

"Young master, no need to rush. You need to take care of your outside business first. After everything is done, you can do a closed-door cultivate. How long you will be in the closed door cultivation mode will depend on how fast you can absorb these stones."

"I understand, I will hurry home and have everything taking care off then go into closed-door cultivation." Ba Yue can wait to go home and get everything done, that way she can be stronger and don't have to think about Lok-Son for a while.

Soon, Han Chu comes back from shopping and the food is also ready. The girls changed into new clothes and start eating the food. Instead of heading straight back home, they secretly stop by the White Moon residence first. Ho Wai was there to receive them and Ba Yue quickly get straight to the point why she's here.

"Ho Wai, I'll leave you in charge of opening our new store and Han Yan will help you. The new place has three floors, and I want the top floor to be a teahouse. The first and second floor can be a place that sells all kind of treasures. We have gotten so many treasures from that old brothel, so let's put it to good use. After the customers finish their shopping, they can go up to the top floor to rest and have a cup of tea. As for people, I've previously told you before to find some people that are good with managing businesses from the first department. Put them to good use and I trusted that you know what to do."

Ba Yue then looked at Han Yan and said, "Ah Yan, remember I told you about the auction of the old brothel place. Make sure to buy it for a good price."

"Young Miss, why do you sound like you are going somewhere far away?" Han Yan asks as the rest of the people also looked at Ba Yue.

"I will need to go into closed-door cultivation as soon as I get back home later. That's why I need to make sure you all know what to do when I'm not around."

"How long are you going to be in the closed door cultivation?" This time, it was Ho Wai that asks the question.

"I don't know either, it can take a few months. But I know you all won't disappoint me and I trusted all of you." Ba Yue said it very seriously and her face looked very serious too. But on the inside, she really just want to let them know what to do and get it over with. Right now, nothing is more important than her getting stronger!

The Han sisters and Ho Wai was touched by what Ba Yue has just said, they have decided to do their best for their Young Miss! They have no idea what Ba Yue really thinks on the inside, otherwise, they won't be so touched by her words.

After telling them a few more things to look out for and what to do, Ba Ye went home with the Han sisters. As soon as she got home, he went to her father's room and told her father about her closed door cultivation. Her father didn't think much of it and just nodded his head. Ba Yue then goes into her bedroom and locked the door leaving Little Red outside.

Little Red told her that if she plans to absorb all the stones that she current have, it might take at least a year for her to completely absorbs all the energies in the stone. Little Red suggest that she only uses half the stones for now so she doesn't have to be in the closed door cultivation for so long. She also thinks that's a good idea, so she decided to only use half of the stones that she has for now.

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