"Oh, my old lady from Baluconia is back!

"Good. Ah, I'm really glad..."

Sola and Kugase, who were holding each other's hands, jump up amicably to the appearance of a swollen up flaming man.

Euril, standing behind it, also stroked her shoulder down, exhaling in relief.

The twins, who watched a little further away, also loosen up as they showed a strong expression.

And Moo, who rushed over well, laughed joyfully when he saw Baluconia's face.

"You mustache old man, you don't have any hair. Spread out!

Keep cheerfully petite and slap out Balucconian's head, which has just come back to life.

Apparently, even if I could heal the wound, I couldn't until the hair regenerated.

Baluconia hurriedly reaches out to point out the brutal child and opens her mouth gently to the lack of familiar hair feel.

After touching it even further under his nose, he dropped his shoulder disappointingly.

"Ugh, what is it? No, you should be happy you were safe first. Yeah, you just need to stretch your hair and beard again.... It grows right, doesn't it? Well, please tell me someone does!

"If you're worried about your hair or something! I almost died, Mr. Baluconia."

"Sola's right. All of a sudden, I'm in a hurry."

"I apologize for worrying about that. Oh, you seem to have defeated me safely. It was worth putting up."

Sora shrugged her shoulders as she shrugged to Baluconia, where she finished her apology lightly looking at the Lord of the falling labyrinth.

Then he becomes a serious face, and he says it out strongly.

"I don't care what happens to me. Still, I know you want to do something. Because I did it, too. But for those left behind, that's a very hard thing to do. So promise me you won't do this again."

"Hmm, you seem to have really annoyed me. I sincerely apologize for that. All I can tell you is that you can't do all this, even if they tell you not to. I was the only one who didn't get in the way of leaving the battle. Under the same circumstances, I will make the same choice as many times as I want."

In Balucconian eyes, which are clearly exhausted, no colour of stray has come to mind.

It was not so much for victory as for the eyes of a man who offered himself plainly for his fellow winners.

The word faith came to my mind, Sola, but I shake my neck quietly to the side to deny it.

"Okay. Then I'll be angry as many times as I can, and I'll try not to be in that situation."

"Hehe, thank you so much for how Sola feels. I'll just remember a little on the liver. That's what saved me."

In the words of Balucconia, the surrounding gaze gathered together in a man who made him perform a magical trick of miracles.

To Moldamo, who suddenly doesn't change his complexion at all to his attention, Lambmerla asks, unable to hide his confusion.

"Surprised. You had a branch. But how ever..."

Nor can I force myself to question Lambmerla.

In the case of magic technicians belonging to the same temple, it is fundamental to teach each other skills without concealing them, since the effects of magic technique are wasted when duplicated.

Not to mention a magic trick that makes even a dying state seem healing, a skill so important that it changes the operation from the ground up.

There is nowhere else to hide possession.

Furthermore, although the usable time is limited once every three days, it also has the effect of removing all abnormalities in the condition as well as wounds, and is such a secret branch that it could not even be given a lamb merla covering most healing branches.

Naturally, it was rather unnatural not to reveal it, since the owner would be protected as a matter of the highest priority.

The man with the water answers the most important question.

"Yeah, you're in trouble. I'm so sorry you found out. Now the liquorice has to die. Is it about time?

"Right. Let's get started."

The player who stepped off Moldamo's back basically put his favorite lateral whistle on his lips.

That vision shows two people, Tor and Russell, who are finally getting closer.

"What's wrong, sister?

At the next moment, a gentle melody poured out of the whistle of liquorice.

That's not a magic song either, it's a song that's close to hand rustling in one way or another.

But oddly enough, everyone's movements had stopped temporarily.

It did sound familiar, but it is still a slightly strange situation.

Having listened to the sound of his sister's whistle many times, Rammella understood what had happened immediately.

Leaks a grunt as he turns his surprise eyes to the licorice that continues to play.

"Why are you investigating Megumi?"

It is a characteristic given by the Lord of the Water Tree and is used to force monsters and allies to listen to the songs they play.

If activated, your movements will be considerably restricted until you have finished listening to one song.

Looking around and making sure everyone's legs stopped, Mordamo suddenly took the knife out of its nose.

And I give you a perfectly rippled blade in the throat of a liquorice whistling joyfully.

To the breathtaking Rammellas of the sudden accomplishment, the man continued his pale conversation.

"I know how thick it is, but would you give us the right to seal that big hole?

In that word arises a constant silence.

Only the sound turned into a relaxed tune flows to envelop everyone without being able to wipe its misplaced feel.

The first to cut the fire was the twin sister Kikiriri.

"... frightened. What's that?"

The neighbor Nemi also makes him snort in tune.

Kikirili, deliberately shrugging her shoulders, continued the conversation in the usual tone.

"Like talking about sealing holes if you think about what you're going to demand until you bother threatening me with a knife. I've already lost it to surprise."

To his sister's words, his sister again makes him snort loudly and again in silence.

"I'm not interested, and all I can say is if you like it, not at all. But be prepared because the prize money will be disappointing."

"I'm the same! Are you talking about who will seal it if you think of something? Anyone can have a lot of money."

With faces like, oh man, Kugase also synchronizes to the twin words.

Russell and Baluconia also quickly exchanged their gazes, then showed sympathy with all the eyebrow roots.

In the present situation, where there are no sacred relics, you know full well that there is no room for discussion.

And so much so that you have to go out of your way to such a means of compulsion, so much so that the feelings of the adventurer, who was shouldered with heavy responsibilities by the temple and by his own country.

A single party, Euril sends a gaze to ask Sola and Thor.

And the two of them shook their heads sideways, shaking their eartips just a little bit.

Moo was even stroking Balucconian's head, muttering to match the song with Subesube.

I think I liked the feeling a lot.

Finally, Thor opened his mouth to everyone's attention.

"No, it would be very helpful if you said you would seal it. Can I ask you a favor?

"………………………………………… eh"

For the first time that day, it was a Mordamo with a startling look on his face.

The sound of the liquorice whistle also disturbs heavily, but it is painfully held back.

"No, you know what, okay?

"Oh, nobody seems to be different. So I just want that noisy knife to go away."

"No, this is not a threat, it is necessary to complete Lambmerla's" bitter waters of sorrow "..."

A sacred relic that feeds on the suffering and pain of the hearts of others is housed in the body of a high-altitude water-used lamb merla.

But the host's emotions are not yet enough, and he hasn't grown up enough to plug the big hole.

So Licori and Moldamo sought to ensure the power of the Holy Relic by playing the tragedy of his sister being stabbed to death in front of Rammella.

In fact, < a drop of soul sacrifice > 's magic trick was a hidden ball for it.

When the "bitter water of mourning" was completed by inhaling Lambmerla's emotions that couldn't cure her precious sister's fatal wounds, the calculation was to rush back to life with the dust.

"Hmm. Could it be that Ram should despair?

"Yeah, yeah. Well, you will."

"Then there's an easier way. Sola, could you lift your finger for a second? Oh, not that way, the other way around."

As Kugase told me, the girl puts up to show off her left hand pharmacopoeia.

What was shining there was a ring shining with beautiful black gems.

"What's wrong with that ring?

"Huh, this? This is for you, Tor."

"Stop, don't tell me beyond!... Oh, please"

Lambmerla's grievous cry was softly obsessed at the bottom of the earth.

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