"Are you sure about the seal? Dear Tor."

To the serious tone of Baluconia, Tor, who reached out, nodded quietly.

It is true that blocking the Great Junction Hole will give you wealth and fame that is incomparable with your adventurous days.

The responsibility and the hassle of it will soon be borne.

But temporarily, from a middle-aged adventurer scorned even for mudfishing, it is an opportunity to emerge without any more.

Throughout its longest period of downloading, Thor understood himself well.

Though to save my benefactor, a childhood tamed girl, I wouldn't normally spend twenty-five years developing stupid, honestly useless skills.

Meanings were also considerable, but the majority of the drivers accomplished were because they had found pleasure in walking through dangerous forests and capturing monsters.

And over the past six months, by heading out to strange places and confronting new threats, Thor strengthens that thought how much.

A wonderful but fearful sight that many humans will never see or fulfill.

Skin tingling tension when confronting life-threatening beings.

And the victory ahead, which exhausted its dying power.

A companion who shares the ordeal with you.

At the end of the day, Thor likes the act of adventure, which has turned them all from the bottom of his mind.

Besides, I don't think the clumsy nature of being able to focus only on one thing is suitable for a position that would lead a large crowd to rule the city.

"I've only been waving my sword for a long time. I'm not the kind of person who looks good in a mayor's chair."

"You don't have to worry too much about that. As long as Master Thor is concerned, there will be many who will move on and raise their hands. Besides, the... expectations seemed high..."

Tor scratched silently beneath his chin on the rarely clouding baluconia of his tail.

Probably hearing from a friend, Siecca, that the officials of the Central People and many of the inhabitants of the town are putting their shoulders in the Tor.

The majority of the Central People were descendants of those who stood near the border and survived when the "great hole of coma" arose.

Most of those towns and villages have already been swallowed up and disappeared.

That is why creating a border street in the name of the Central People was also a grief for those born and who lost their lands.

"We also know what we all want. But I don't want to stop while we move on."

To Thor, who ran out of spit, Balucconia, who had been woken up by help, opened her eyes and then broke her mouth laughably.

"That's another word like Tor, too. Then I look forward to seeing you again. Yeah, I'd recommend it, but I'm not retiring yet, either."

The two eye-to-eye men put so much force into the hand they were holding.

With Tor gazing with a subtle grin, Baluconia realizes the changes that have taken place on its own.

"Mmm, my hair is totally at its original length! Oh, even the moustache! Hey, what a great feat. It would be a waste of skill to keep this as a mayor!

Balucconia, who speaks faster than usual with gratitude, but Moo, who kept caressing his head carelessly, seemed different.

Blow your cheeks all the way up and pound out Tor's thighs.

"Yah! Toe, you can't slip it back."

"No, no, it's outrageous. That's where you should be happy, Master Moo. Look at me, this fine, graceful moustache!

"Grandma has to be slippery, Miri. Hang on!

Tor, who gently blew out at the two people who had begun to argue amicably, turned his gaze toward the player's woman and the man with the water.

A knife with a horizontal whistle and a corrugated blade is slipped into each nose.

Ahead of the two viewers were Sora, who was still cursory, and Kugase, who put a hammer or question in it.

That and also Rammella, whose eyes, usually full of reason and beautiful and clear, turn black like the surface of the water at the bottom of the well.

Thor, who approached the liquorice, asked frankly what was the concern.

"I just wanted to make sure, is there anything wrong with" bitter water of sorrow "when sealing the big hole or later?

"Yeah, don't worry about that"

"Yeah, because if you spit it out, it's over. It's harder to grow up, that. So I just wanted to put Keri on..."

She was a sister who looked out for her sister worryingly, but her expression didn't look stuffed with cuts.

Even from the neighboring Moldamo, the unexpected atmosphere has completely fallen out.

Thor, relieved by the change between the two, once again cut out an errand.

"Then can I leave the seal to you? I'm sorry I pushed you into trouble."

"No, it's outrageous. Instead, are you sure you want us to do such a despicable imitation?

Tor nodded as quietly as earlier to Moldamo throwing a similar question to Baluconia.

When I look right in the face, I see Yuryl and his eyes staring at this one.

From that look, I could see just a little relief color.

"I'm not sure what's going on, but you really need a new city. If it's for someone, that's enough reason."

Though we have been dating for a few weeks, we are well aware that it is not the kind of arrangement in which Licori or Mordamo act with personal greed.

If you're such a person in the first place, you can't possibly accompany discipline to the end in such a dangerous battle.

The look on Mordamo's face was distorted by the lightly said Tor.

The face of the Ethereal Scale man was reddish enough to understand well to the scales on his neck, although he quickly covered his eyes with his hands as he snubbed.

With his face down, Mordamo returns his words to squeeze out.

"Dear Thor......, you are still someone to be called a hero"

"Please don't. It makes me itch."

Thor, who accidentally reached out to his jaw, but suddenly there is a voice from Kugase.

"Tor's old man, do you have a minute?

"Yeah, what's up?

"One more breath, so it's time to stop it."

"That's some noisy stuff. What am I supposed to do?

"Nah, it's easy. What does Grandma think about Sola?

To that question, Rammella's spine shook victoriously.

An anxious glance busily crosses between Thor and Sola.

There was a perception that he was admired, but apparently he was really sincere about it.

Then no matter what you answer, you will definitely hurt Lambmerla.

Thor with an unexpected frown root, but decides his heart and answers with clarity.

"Right. I care about you from the bottom of my heart. If it's gonna happen, he wants to be with me forever."

"T, Tor..."

"Moo, too, is with you all the time!

Moo, who was nearby at some point, clings to Thor's waist and pushes the gold roll grizzly.

Sora, who has rushed over as well, jumps into her chest and buries her face.

"Oh, it doesn't seem to include anyone."

"Oh, no, of course not, Mr. Euril."

To the chilling voice echoed from behind, Thor rushed to offer his hand as he turned around.

The silver-haired beauty walked over to take her usual grin as she grabbed her hand.

Touching the three of them, Thor turned straight to Lambmerla.

What deludes me here is the act of being too unmanly.

"I'm so grateful and happy for your feelings, Ram. But like me..."

Thor stopped talking there, calling himself a middle-aged man.

To despise yourself without meaning would demean the feelings of the person who favored me.

Shake your head small to the side and then tell them what you think of the warmth you're feeling right now.

"I'm sorry, but these two are full of my hands right now. I can't live up to your feelings."

"Yes... so... suka"

At that moment, a large tear spills from Lambmerla's eyes.

At the same time something like an unusual pressure arose, enveloping its tiny body in time.

But in an instant it converged and vanished into the girl.

"Ugh, you seem to have worked. Yeah, well done, Ram."

Comforting with his nose, Kugase gently holds Lambmerla's shoulder.

Running over, Liquori also lent a hand to her sister's body to support her.

"Come on, we're just going to seal the hole and go back to the city and banquet!

"Yeah, right. Forget about such a blind man, Ram."

Rammella nodded with a blurry face, walking out guided by the quails.

But there, someone got stuck blocking the way.

Those are the twins who had lost interest in the exchange of the Lambmerulas and were examining the remains of the Lord of the Labyrinth.

"Don't interrupt me, Kiki sister"

My twin sister shrugs her shoulders exaggerated at the talk of Kugase, who conceived a little anger.

And he kept his mouth shut, pointing quickly behind his back with his jaw.

It was Russell who stood there.

While everyone's attention is gathered, the swordsman largely offers it to his hands.

And I told him the surprise fact.

"The hole has disappeared. And this was falling."

On Russell's palm was the key to the red skeleton.

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