Over the head of the Lord of the Labyrinth came a blank, like a full moon of silver.

A dazzling glow overflowed from it poured down as much ice rain on the monster that was about to wake him up.

but near reaching the petals of the head, the spread tentacles blocked its way.

Immediately the arms of the King of Flowers freeze white, but silver light does not reach to the head of the heart.

"I'll pack it!

Thor, who cut his gaze from Baluconia, swallowed by the flames of the Red Lotus, runs out screaming briefly.

< retroactive > has already been used up, and if you want to use the remaining < restore >, you need to return with < accelerate >.

However, the effect of the Moon Disaster Ice Blade is less than a few dozen seconds.

If we can't finish off the Lord of the Labyrinth here, the winning chances created by our people risking their lives will be crushed.

That's all we absolutely have to avoid.

That's why now we should pour all our power on the Lord of the Labyrinth...

Yes, Thor decided his mind.

If you still have a little breath, you can return it to your body without a single burn.

Tor abandoned the extra stray to the reliable appearance of the water users rushing to Baluconia without a burning flame.

"We're going from the right, Russell!


< acceleration > from < prediction >.

Moment after moment, Thor disappears.

Only the trajectory of a white blade, placed in one breath and ran away endlessly, occurs in the universe.

And the raging sword wind of the storm blew away the tentacles that had just been slashed and torn apart.

Then a bouncing russell swirls the Great Sword with a fierce wind.

The pleasant sound of breaking the meat echoed, and the tentacles detached from the base slowly fell to the ground.

A rushing silver light reaches and freezes the petals of the defenceless head.

But the tentacles that regenerated in an instant blocked the cold air.

"I'll decide, Nene!

Along with a temperamental cry, the twins unleash the struggle they accumulate in their stockpiles.

On both of those palms, four one-handed axes begin to spin at an awesome speed.

- < Axewheel Thunder Same (Fluffy How) >.

The Blue Lightning Weapon arrived from the owner's hand to the tentacles.

Both arms of a freshly-grown monster are incidentally slashed and scattered around them.

New tentacles stretch one after the other, but the four axes that fly around are relentlessly ravaged.

Four axes dance beautifully in the air as they emit blue electricity.

The great sword of Russell, who chops off every wind, and the white blade of Thor, who could no longer even vanish his sword muscle.

All the frozen tentacles were swept away, slashed and fell to the ground and overlapped.

And the silver light that plunged between them gradually covered the body of the Lord of the Labyrinth.

The red creepy petals stopped moving one after the other and froze.

But one more step is missing.

Just let it freeze doesn't mean you took it down.

We need to smash it further and completely.

Having seen that the head of the Lord of the Labyrinth had solidified completely white, Thor called sharply to the trump card girl.


"Let me go!

Sora, who was stepping on both feet over the earthly shaped shoulder, offers her cane loudly forward to the voice.

Its magic is already maximized.


What suddenly appeared in space was a giant oval object.

The girl has been wiped out, a tentacle released by the Labyrinth Lord.

All of a sudden, the seeds that emerge retain their momentum when they are shot out, returning to the beings that have changed direction and created themselves.

As it was, it hit one of the petals at a terrible rate, sprinkling its fragments violently on all sides.

Girls who snort at more achievements than they think continue to activate.

Twelve lumps appear in the air, shaking the air and falling into the head of the monster at all costs.

but for a moment of collision, one of the frozen neck faces suddenly opened his mouth.

From its red and black cavity, the flames are sputtered out with fierce momentum.

It just so happens, I let the rest of my neck ice melt.

The three faces who regained their freedom move their mouths as shown together.

He spoke of a magic trick directed at himself.

The oval seeds produced intercept the falling compatriots -.

It was supposed to, but nothing happens.

For the first time, four faces were distorted into hatred by a magic trick that did not produce the desired result.

The object to be reproduced applies only to the one that the user < erased >.

There was no reason for monsters to know such facts.


At the same time as the innocent hanging of the child, the ovals with a large mass pour down onto the petals.

The sound of ice crushing sounded continuously into the cavity beneath.

Cold winds wind up and fragments blow up close to the ceiling.

And the sparkling ice pieces fell around like powdered snow.

In a fantastic view that covers his sight, Tor's eyes look for the end of the battle.

And from the back of his lungs, he leaked his breath small.

Shown in black eyes was the head of a completely crushed monster.

The hand holding the sword pattern remains unloose, and Tor looks around without alarm.

Nothing moves.

The tentacles of the lying monsters had all stopped, discolored.

The four faces have wide eyes and mouths open, but they do not wander.

And the creepy petals are filled with my own spit (seeds), so scattered that I don't know the prototype.

The black fountain behind the room also remains silent.

Thor exhaled deeply now that there was no sign that the Lord of the new labyrinth would be laid off.

Turning around, Russell nods over and over with a face she still doesn't believe.

Turning his gaze, the twins and Kugase held each other amicably.

So far the cheers echo.

Sora and Moo, who were on top of the earthly shape, noticed Thor's gaze and waved heavily.

But because of the child's big jump, he falls off balance as it is.

Euril, who was taken on the road, disappeared beyond the earthly form with a hasty face he had never seen.

The last Thor to turn his face to Baluconia, but his jaw is eaten hard and bound.

The majority of the fiery man's body had been turned into black burnt charcoal.

Mordamo and Lambmerla, who were diligently < tear healing >, finally rush to Baluconia, where the flames have subsided.

Its flesh, which softened smoke from everywhere, seemed too terrible.

Not only does my proud moustache leave no hair, but it has shrunk and burned out.

The soaked skin is badly burned and does not discern the expression.

The arms and other ends were burning out in black and collapsed in Moldamo's hand, which he tried to grip.

However, I can still confirm that the area around my lungs is still spicy up and down.

Probably due to the branch fruit properties of the flaming tree.

Moldamo, breathing heavily, quietly asked the woman of the player, who remained carrying her.

"Okay? Licori."

"Naturally. I need your help right now."

"Then the Lord of the Tree of Life. Give it to me -"

It was an upper branch magic technique called the secret branch in the secret branch of the water essence tree.

A squeezed drop of Shizuku drips from between the fingers of Mordamo's hands, combined to offer prayers.

It enveloped the body at once with a pale glow, wondering if it had touched the body of Baluconia.

And quietly the playback begins.

The burnt skin regains its original color and shape, and the smell of burnt meat disappears.

The cramped mouth opens and breathes heavily in.

Blood returns to the hands and feet that were hardened like charcoal, and the pulse begins to return slowly.

To that miraculous sight, Sola and the others, who had swallowed solitude and watched, raised their voices of surprise.

You noticed the loud noise, the Balucconian eyelids moved pickly.

Then slowly, his eyes are opened.

The man, who had often looked up at the ceiling, let him groan as everyone watched.

"Oh, it's really good to have the sky here..."

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