Rikoli silently stopped the whistling noise on a crowd of dead people filling their sights.

Burning mass of corpses manipulated by the tentacles of the Labyrinth Lord.

Each one overlaps and solidifies to shape the appearance of a big man.

It is completely unclear what the reason is, but it seems that the giants, the joints of the dead, can move in the same way as men.

Each takes a few steps and offers both hands to the liquorice, the living people.

Are your vocal cords burning down, the corpses don't try to make one sound.

But the trick was filled with unspeakable thirst and resentment.

The corpse giant, from the bluntness of his movements, does not seem to be the one he fears so.

but the large body where the dead come together is the opponent that is going to take quite a while to wield and defeat the sword.

If it's equivalent to a flamehead serving, it'll also regenerate a little damage.

And the longer it takes...

Both legs of the lying labyrinth lord have been nicely slashed apart from his knees down.

But the cross section was slowly flourishing, creepingly.

Licori quickly ascertained what his companions looked like, having perceived that few times were left behind.

Because the ambush from the ground has disappeared, Kugase is sitting on the burnt ground and breathing spicy.

The twins, who swept away the tentacles that grow from the seeds beautifully, similarly have rough breaths.

There are no shards that frighten a huge number of dead people in front of them, even if it's just some kind of back hand.

Two men sitting on earthly shaped shoulders.

Moldamo had no rushing bareback, staring at the licorice with a calm face.

To that unusual appearance, the player only loosens his cheek a little.

The balcony next to it looked around with a sad face, but you noticed the gaze or you lifted your cane and nodded loudly.

Looks like he's going to set something up.

Sola and Moo on earthly shapes as well, but this one doesn't look tired at all.

Rather, it adds momentum to the appearance of the corpse giants.

I can still tell the child was just cheerfully singing, but Liquori exhaled as if she was stunned by the way the girl had been doing well, who had continued to use various magic tricks.

And next door.

Euril, who should have unleashed the upper branch demonic moves twice and infused with even more enormous magic, has not seeped a single sweat in its face.

He's still going to be able to shoot flat enough magic moves to destroy a bunch of corpses.

But in order to keep the body of the Lord of the Labyrinth, it would be better to have it preserved.

Finally, Licori looked at her situation.

My arm is still going to cramp because of the whistle I've been whistling for nearly two hours.

Sweat grains drip off tightly, but on the contrary, their throats are crunchy.

Too much magic, half of the loss and back of the head pain.

But I can still play, I can blow, I can sing.

And now is the stage where the players have no more than they want.

"Can you go, sister?"

To his sister's inquiry, Licori shook her head small and vertical.

It would have sounded more like a chopped feather before, but now Lambmerla is well equipped with the calm of a leader.

Licori felt reliability and loneliness in half to her sister as she was overcoming her weakness in the earthen field, which was a weakness.

"You don't have to be around me anymore..."

The player quietly set up the harp he had replaced, whining bossly.

And usually he sounds good with his half-open eyes open to the fullest.

"From now on I will return them to heaven. Probably gonna fall, so I'll take care of it later!

Licori and Lambmerla's sisters are human beings who survived the fall of Border Street in Bossaria.

But for that reason, three hundred and eighteen priests belonging to the temple of healing were sacrificed.

I don't have as much memory as my sister, Liquori, but I still can't forget the fact that there were people who died to keep themselves alive.

To mourn the dead, I have dedicated my performance every night for the last two years.

And when I realized, there was a new branch on top of < Soul Song >.

The name of its upper branch is < Battle Story Ground Song (Shen Pei Banka) >.

"It is the light of the moon, illuminating is the trace of a ruthless battlefield (Sawaba) -"

A neutral singing voice from among the women overflows from the back of the licorice's throat.

A clawed string echoed the staining sound to the bottom of the earth.

"Why did the mighty take the sword?"

Before the magical melody, the corpses stopped.

The Lord of the Labyrinth waves his tentacles at the sudden revolt, but the giants do not try to move as the roots have grown.

Now a gentle singing voice, like an old man, flows loose, as it envelops that horde of dead men.

"Friends, wives, fathers and mothers, and my beloved son. What I wished for..."

Licori's singing is sometimes low, then high, echoing into the cavity at the bottom of the earth with varying vocal qualities.

In that word of speech, one of the dead accidentally peeled off the giant.

At the same time as it falls to the ground, the body of the dead collapses away like a dust mass.

"He who keeps his calm fortune and has unfulfilled promises -"

One corpse leaves the giant again for a performance that sounds a little more.

Several followed.

"The battle has already come to an end, and now a new path lies ahead -"

No one moves anymore but the dead, and the audience stares at the formation quietly listening to the song.

And the giants slowly began to collapse.

One after the other, the corpse who was shaping him returns to the earth.

When his hands and feet disappear, his unsupported torso also falls to the ground.

And the corpse man, who comprised his head, disappeared as he offered his hands toward heaven.

Later all that is left is a tentacle that scratches the universe empty.

"Be guided, to the ease of eternity -"

Magical singing and strings roar high, while all twenty corpse giants disappear.

Liquori, who saw the result, fell directly behind him with a sunny face.

Mordamo's hand in time with one hair supports its thin body.

Soon it seemed to go down from the earthly shape and wait behind the player.

And not between, the next voice echoes.

"Let's go, Lord Euril! Heavenly scorching tree of brilliance, now is the time to shake its branches and spread its leaves!

"Ten, koga -"

It was the chant of the prayer phrase of Balucconia.

Immediately one of the faces on the neck root of the labyrinth lord begins an inorganic voice imitation.

Even though I lost my subordination, the four necks that return the magic moves to those who unleashed them are still alive.

The twins and Kugase looked at the sudden outrage of flames with surprise.

To such avant-gardes Baluconia sends signals by hand to leave.

If you look closely, its body was already on the wall and no one was in a position to get caught up in the magic trick.

"- < Hundred Fires and Confusion (Hikara) >! More than our own Matsukira, it's a freed fire powder!

"Wa is Mi's -"

An awesome flock of flames flies over and pours into both legs of the monster that was returning.

But without slowly watching the result, Baluconia began chanting with such a quick mouth that she continually forgot to breathe.

Naturally, my neighbor's neck imitates and spins out the words, but due to too fast activation, my first neck hasn't finished chanting yet.

"- < Fire Stripe Whip >! Come or burn it down from the tree of liberation!

"From Kaihou's Ki -"

"-! The red fruit of the flame tree -!"

"Eng's -"

Terrible firepower continues to be unleashed and turns to the head of the Demon Clan.

It is obvious that the most flaming force will not even make it possible to scorch itself.

But that's not what Baluconia is after.

When the four necks began chanting, the first neck had not yet finished the prayer.

Blank time that occurred slightly.

Euril's voice sounds sharp.

"Moonlight, tie it -!"

Balucconia, who saw it, let her pull her moustache.

Shortly afterwards, a wondrous swirl of flames engulfed him.

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