Central country with the great holes of nothingness.

In its western part, a vast area of land covered by forests existed.

Dominating the land overflowing with trees is Hakuri, a purple-eyed nation that worships the thunderous god Gigiro.

Many of the people make forestry and papermaking their businesses, but they are also famous for furniture and instrument making.

It is also known as a famous place for distilled liquor and mushrooms that have been put to sleep in barrels.

But the most famous gift of this country, which bestows the bounty of a rich forest, was the presence of the hearers who deposited the courtrooms everywhere.

Din, the capital of the shrine, is located southeast of Hakuri.

Cities with a hierarchical structure based on giant trees have a constant flow of people travelling with good water resources located near the mouth of the White Wave River.

If you step into that huge capital, it's the white spire that soars in the center that pops into your eyes no matter what.

The name of the tower is the Temple of the Great Court, said to have imitated the thunder gavel of the Thunder God's dropping judgment.

It is the ruling that is made here that is supposedly closest to God's hearing.

A man called the Pope sat in a room close to its top floor.

The age is around fifty.

A crown lined with lightning-shaped ornaments shines on the top of the short, cut gold hair.

The adjustable body was wrapped in a white coat of law and a purple fur cloak.

The man who was heading to the table and organizing the letter keeps an eye on a single letter.

It was the side of the wolf that was stamped on the wax.

A sign of haste.

Cut with a letter knife and check the contents.

The sender is Zazam.

The man looks at the secret book from the person in charge of the perimeter in Boundary Street with an intelligent eye.

And I lifted the letter, which I had largely finished reading, gently with my fingers pinched.


The moment my thumb and middle finger rub and make a sound, a spark pops out of that narrow space.

The purple thunder emitted by chance flies onto the paper and swoops through the black burnt hole.

The man uttered his words quietly, staring at the letter that was to be lost in his hands.

"... you're a young beast witch candidate again"

A few days back to it.

Even in the far north, there was a group that received interesting news.

The great power Stra, located to the north of the central state, is occupied by a large icefield half of the national territory covered with ice and snow.

Resources are also scarce extreme cold lands, but the inhabitants had the wisdom to skillfully use the cold.

The lower the temperature, the more suitable it is for producing demonic stone tools.

The top floor of a building called the Research Tower.

In the middle of the semi-circular room wrapped in thick glass, a large crystalline form floated.

There are several grey robes around it.

He stares into the crystal to read the sparse glow.

It is said that the fastest means of communication in this world is flying bird flights owned by the Trading Temple of the Cuiyu Nation.

That is not true, however.

Already with long gray ears, they were secretly creating a communications agency that connected the rest of the world.

He invented a means of connecting with the distant using a relay called an ice mirror and using the reflection of light.

Although the weather has the greatest impact, it is still difficult to convey long sentences and fine nuances.

One of them, who was inadvertently peeking in, lifted the pen and began to write down the crisps and words.

"Dadan... Boundary Street... Children... Mixed Tree... Survivable... Confirmation and"

"Ho ho, that's interesting"

"Yeah, that's unusual. Let's turn it over to the Wise Men's Conference."

A re-tailoring of a written word into a sentence is handed to one of the grey robes.

The caller's column at the end of that document indicated the name Orrindor.

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