- Temple Bureau officials -

Exploratory Temple Manager: Meera Lilly La (Female/? Age/Grey Ear Clan)

An ageless woman with long, pure white hair stretched to her knees.

Wear grey loose cleric clothing.

It is a rare beauty, but barely moves except for the eyes and mouth.

Pharmacist: Orrindor (Female/Age 65/Grey Ear Clan)

A grey-eared woman with silver-haired hair as a berry short. You look terribly young.

The type that is similar in atmosphere to Euril but more interested in plants than others.

There is a small mole in the eye area.

Head of Court Temple: Zazam (Male/Age 72/Purple Eye Clan)

The owner of a white beard with no hair on the head but extending to the waist.

Wear clergy clothes for court. The sight and the high nose resemble that of Dadan, the nephew of the city chief.

- Artisan officials -

Lord of the Truck Weapons Workshop: Truck (Male/Old 42/Red Tail Clan)

A middle-aged man with a tall, gassy body round his face. Run an ordered weapons workshop.

Though people-friendly and loving, the skill of blacksmiths is also considerable.

The workshop specializing in forging has five apprentices.

- Adventurers and close relatives -

C-rank Adventurer: Garoud (Male/Age 35/Tea Horn Clan)

A sharp-eyed man with a cheekbeard. He also boasts a tall, thick fleshy wall-like figure.

An ancient strong shield with a qualified road guide and nearly fifteen years of adventurer history.

I had a waterman's wife, but she went missing in the wilderness three years ago. My only daughter is five years old.

C-Rank Adventurer: Sarah Lisa (Female/Age 25/Ethereal Scale)

Large, dripping black eyes on straight sarcastic dark hair to around the shoulder blades.

Character is quiet and silent. It's usually quiet, but there's also an easy side to think of.

The player, the owner of a clear and well-understood voice, has stopped singing due to various circumstances.

Celse's sister.

Former C-rank Adventurer: Celse (Female/Age 27/Ethereal)

He was a water user with rare talents, but was born weak.

She has two beautiful sisters and a melon on the outside, but contrary to her appearance, she is quite a ruse.

I was stunned during an adventure in the wilderness three years ago.

Sick child: (Female/5 years old/?)

He was born with a mixed disease in order to draw the blood of the Tea Horn and Ethereal Scales.

It is said that it is difficult to live long as it is now.

She has straight brunette hair stretched to her shoulders and an adorable face. An understated and patient child.

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