On a dazzling morning sun illuminating his face, Sisan opened her eyes with a nod.

The old, sticking armor door has a huge gap, by the way, from which the sunlight just plugs into the lower part of the bunk bed.

The big stretched brunette boy got up from the bunk.

Move your body slowly to loosen up while checking for pain in your body's savings.

From the bright sunshine coming through the windows, it's going to be a beautiful day.

Cisan sneaks across the room to keep everyone awake gently.

There are only two rooms in this boarding house that I rent for four monthly silver coins.

The bigger one, though, is only becoming able to bed and costume shelves, but that one is used by three men, while the narrower one is monopolized by Alessia.

Not only is this the only woman, but there is a huge part of her important role as the lifeline of the party.

If you don't get enough rest, it will affect your magic recovery.

Thanks to this, the room just for the bastards had shown its full potential the mess that was common in the male belt.

Sisan manages to reach the edge of the room while avoiding clothes scattered across the floor, etc.

The boy, who opened and closed the doors as quietly as possible, hurried to the kitchen on the ground floor.

Only in the morning and in the evening is there a fire.

"Good morning, landlord"

"Yes, good morning"

We're free, Sisan.

"Oh, thank you"

Greeting the landlord's old couple and the other adventurers, Sisan quickly put a pot with vegetable crumb soup on top of it.

Cover and warm by the steam hole, placing the hardened bread on the scallops.

Next, ask them to lend you a flat pan, throw in the fat cut from the salted pork and broil.

The smell of deliciousness spread by chance.

Where the fat has gone across the pan, throw in the thickly chopped pork.

After that, just cover it and be careful not to burn it.

It's the hink that wakes me up around there.

At the top of the bunk bed, get up cleverly to avoid hitting your head against the ceiling.

Then Rickal, who was holding him in his hips, pulled him off in an evil way and pushed him to the wall.

The nervously long-haired bowman boy groans as he looks down at his ill-sleeped cohabitant.

"Hurry up, I want a room for one."

"Um, he said he's still handsome... yeah, yeah, he's handsome... ru"

"Look, how long have you been asleep?"

"Oh, yeah, Nani? That's Ita!

A red-haired boy interrupted his dream in a good place gets up in momentum and hits his forehead against the ceiling.

Watching the condition with cold eyes, Hink put his foot on the bed ladder.

It was the well on the back that the two woke up headed for.

Wash your face with cold water and rinse your mouth, then head to the kitchen as you get your sleeping hair done.

"Huh, whoa, whoa."

"Good morning. I'll take your place."

"I left it to you. And Alessia?"

"I knocked on the door, but you never heard back."

"Okay. I'll wake you up one more time."

Shisan also refreshes herself with a well and then returns to her room.

When I called several times over the door of Alessia's room, I finally heard something moving out of the way.

The Ethereal Scale Girl is quite weak in the morning.

Sisan and the others finish today's meeting while we all eat at the dining room table.

The status quo awaits the gushing of the little ghost's cave, so it is as usual with the goblin hunt while making that confirmation.

I will then also talk to the other senior adventurers at the table to purchase information on the hunting grounds.

"How have you been?

"I wonder if it's easier on the river. Well, it depends on your luck."

"Oh, that's nice. I want to go."

"You guys would be here any minute. Looks like things are getting better these days."

"Oh, I guess someone who understands. My lord Zeccocho."

"Getting better and riding is something else, Riccal"

"It would have been nice to have us in a thunder group, too. Seriously, that's a lot of momentum these days. What a shame."

"Yeah, I'm sorry. It doesn't seem like the boss's policy is to get more people."

A thunderclap is a factional gathering that is now headed by Tor, something to talk about in Boundary Street.

The squad is the Tors' party the most, and the second squad is Bettina ladies.

Squad Three is the party of the Thunder Three brothers, and Squad Four is the Sisans.

At present, there is a dramatic increase in the number of people wishing to join, but in order to keep the skills of the team leader confidential, we have adopted a policy not to increase the number of members any further.

Though the most pivotal Thor doesn't seem to have any idea of where he is.

Hink whispers deliberately at Sisan, who quietly refuses the request for an introduction.

"I've been messing with Mr. Thor, but in what way are you telling me to let him in now?"

"Come on, if you say that, we can't either."

"Ha, ha."

"Yeah, well, you just happen to be lucky, us."

"Yeah, yeah, I have to thank you for your lucky tour."

After an unforgettable exchange of the usual commandments, the four of them carefully complete their personal duties and head to the Adventurers Bureau.

Sisan, who broke up in the lobby, headed to the window by herself.

If the occurrence of the Little Ghost's Cave had been confirmed, an application for exploration should be made.

The remaining three glanced at each other and eagerly peered into the contact board.

"Hmm, doesn't it look like there's any more dizziness today?

"Oh, isn't this good? Look, he's a two-handed axe warrior and he's nineteen."

"I don't see any more avant-gardes than this. And a two-handed weapon will definitely cause an accident."

"Yeah, it's not right."

"But aren't you avoiding Mr. Rolloff?

"I can't, don't think of those people as criteria."

"Yeah, he's the Hentai brothers."

"If you can get him in, you can have this shield over here. They have a set of cast iron equipment."

"Uh, the shield is good only for Sisan. Disagree, Disagree"

"I'm not a girl either, Hunter."

Only once before, Sisan and his fourth squad have also tried to recruit.

That's when the applicants arrived and made a scene, and since then, they've been sneaking around looking like this.

But every time, their hopes do not match, and a fifth person has not yet been determined.

"Again. They haven't found the kid's cave yet."

"Good luck. So you're still hunting goblins today."

"Let's get to the White Cat Shop! The fried bread will sell."

"You, sometimes you can choose a different bread. I'm not tired of this."

The stalls in the square in front of the outer gate were already busy with large crowds of people.

The four of them, who bought lunch bread in a familiar stall, waved to the gatekeeper and proceeded to the back of the woods.

Three and a half weeks have passed since the last reign, and it's not strange when a new outbreak occurs.

But they were not found, and instead it was an angry giant beast that Sisan and his men met.

The armored hog, who exhaled to intimidate him, moves out trembling heavily on the ground.

The giant, which happened to reach its highest speed in time, hit the shielding boy relentlessly with his full weight.

A sharp fang rubs the shield and a hard sound sounds.

At a moment when he thought he had collided directly in front of him, Sisan had skilfully tilted his shield and missed momentum.

A fluttering body is bounced backwards diagonally.

It's a diversion taught by Diargo, a senior shield.

This way of receiving that you don't dare to step on is quite effective for someone with a large weight difference.

Hostility is easy to earn while the damage is reduced, but it was difficult to attack because the monster could not be fixed in place.

That's what makes it up to...

"Yahoo, here you go!

Running straight in from the side at the same time as the hanging voice was a red-haired boy with a sword in both hands.

Cut the back leg of the armored pig, who has just finished the run, agile with two blades.

Riccal quickly turned behind the shield before the beast turned around with a fierce scream.

Monsters kick the ground in frustration at the prey that has hidden in the blind spot of a round shield.

Again challenging, but also gently advancing.

And at some point, Riccal, who was moving to the side, just happens to run the blade.

More strings of hink bows lurking in the shade echoed the sharp sound of cracking the sky.

The armored pig, who was targeted with his right rear leg focused, just seems to have changed the spearhead of his anger.

I stare around as I raise a low roar.

Sisan lifted her shield to activate her martial arts, as she waited there.

- < stone body >.

To the pressure emanating from the brunette boy, the monster instantly undoes his aim.

He is a fierce, mad armored pig, but the movement is slightly dull because the hurt back leg has not yet fully healed.

Sisan, who stiffened her body as a stone, stepped on her feet and took the protrusion decently.

but he was just a little early and gets blown away lightly.

"What, you're doing it, already! You're in too much of a hurry."

It was Alessia the waterman who rushed over to Sisan, who rolled into the bush, with a hasty face.

Hurry up and wake up the boy's upper body and roll out the questions early in the arrow.

"What about breathing? Your right arm goes up? No dizziness? Twist your body - this is where it hurts. ……………!"

"Ha, ha, ha, ha..."

While the shield was being treated, the remaining rickals and hinks were diligently attracting monsters.

"Look, over here, over here!

"Look, this way. Big fat ass!"

It doesn't suit that giant, and the armored pig is surprisingly small.

Two desperate runaways, but not for that long.

I guess I manage to endure it because of, for one thing, my experience three months ago.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. Come on!"

With the hanging of Cisan in time for the gibberish, the party regains its usual formation again.

The pig's wound has recovered and is therefore a repetition of the operation to crush the back leg from the beginning.

Sisan, with poor weight and muscle strength, manages to maintain its protection with a series of < stone body > that can be activated with a diffusion of dialgo and less fighting.

Likewise, Riccal, who has a mild blow, attacks with a sword heated with a < red blade > while moving around, preventing him from recovering at all.

Hink, who tends to get lost in the timing of the attack, remains lurking in the shadows, carefully aiming at the steeple to sharpen his strength.

If anything happens, Alessia, who was waiting, treats them and supports them all.

This has been the way the young quartet has fought in the last three months.

To this end, we have been asked to conduct weekly practical auditions and consult on the composition of the skill tree branch skills.

Twenty minutes after the battle begins.

The twitching and scratching increases, and the movement of the armored pig becomes visibly dull.

Especially after the intensive attack on the back leg, many arrows stabbed and burned.

"... it's time to decide. What do you say?"

"Always look good!

"Leave it to me!"

In response to his best friends, Sisan waits for the monster with her shoulders in her shield and legs spread out.

The armored hog, which was subjected to that provocation, kicks the ground and runs out, but its speed had already fallen to less than half.

The shieldman, who took the bump and nailed the monster to the ground, screams the packing signal.

"Okay, that's good!

The attackers, who waited patiently for the moment, successively unleashed all their fighting spirit.

Two sword tips are sucked into the side of the beast, scattering red residual light - < red spur >.

Without setting aside time, three arrows released in succession pierced the pig's head one after the other - < windy >.

Temporarily destroyed the heart and brain stem, the monster overthrows its giant body unbearably.

The young men cheered for the appearance of the beast, who soared up and lay down on the earth.

"Phew..., armored pigs are still tough"

"No, no, yo, yo, yo! Did you see more than that? I'm full of toddlers!

"Wait, you decided to end up targeting your head."

"Oh yeah?

"Hey you, we had a good meeting!

"Look, after the fight, let me see if you both have any scratches."

Sisan exhaled deeply satisfied that she was able to win safely, looking at her noisy companions.

It is a sight I did not imagine three months ago, such as defeating an armored pig without any major injury.

Then the line, which dismantled the pig and cut off as much meat as it could carry, turned back to the city in exasperation.

"Ha, I'm tired. You fought well today."

"Meat! Meat! Uh-huh."

"We were running out of salted meat, and it was just fine."

Previously, when I finished corner moles and pointy couches, I used to buy them all and spend the money on meals.

But now he's taking the meat back and trying to give it to the landlord's couple for processing and storage.

As a result, cash income has decreased, but there is no difficulty in eating.

This is also the manner in which Thor's advice was followed.

Since there was more room, furs, bones, etc. could also be turned to materials when requesting equipment without selling them out.

Thanks to this, we are also enriching everyone with weapons and protective equipment.

Life, which was close to living that day, was improving like a lie.

"Oh, hey!

Across the perimeter, at a distance where the outer wall could be seen small, the leading Riccal accidentally raised his voice.

Throw out a backpacked bag of pork and run into the back of the tree.

Waiting a long time, the red-haired boy came back because of the crap and the prosperity.

"Something tells me you're here. Um, am I too awesome?

A shell container filled with melted and threaded bent knives and liquid was gripped in the boy's hand, who laughed well.

This forest slime exorcism is an important task for the Sisans asked to do by Thor.

Whenever slime mucus is scarce, it seems to be a hassle to be invoked.

By the way, the melted knife has been collectively fixed on the set's meeting day.

"You know, if you really went to catch this, you'd just be out of control."

Soon a hink circling behind him poked a bug basket down to Riccal's waistband with a frightened grin.

There's a black insect in the basket that wasn't there until just now.

"Ko, I just happened to find this!

"Well, good, but keep it that way. It was full of bug baskets in the room."

"Even if it's a little bit more, even Die Job"

"I move gossip in the middle of the night, I'm curious!

"It's fine, Hink. Oh, I just want a room for one."

"That's my line!

The four of them go home amicably, arguing over what it is.

Sapphired with money and water after dinner before returning to the room because I earned quite a bit of money today.

The three wet-haired men immersed themselves in the usual tasks while Alessia was putting the clothes she had washed in the bath on the drying rod on her back.

Hink firmly checks for arrow bends and how arrow blades are attached, one at a time.

Riccal, sitting on the bed, echoed the sound of grinding wheels on his favorite single-handed swords.

Next to it, Cisan brushes up the circular shield in every corner with a cloth stained with birch oil.

A dark-haired boy with a fuzzy face notices the beauty of the starry sky visible from the gap in his armor door.

Sisan stopped her hand accidentally, squeaking smudgingly.

"... I hope it's a beautiful day tomorrow"

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