Two very different energies, in an instant.

Devour each other.

A terrifying explosion bloomed in an instant, the wind howled, and the horseshoe crab adults took several steps back, while the Dark Emperor Rider stood still, motionless, as if the fluctuations of the explosion did not affect him in any way.

For a time, the judgment is high!

The horseshoe crab adult knows the horror of the Dark Emperor Ride, and Rina Mamiya who is one of the three leaders of the alien worm will not say much, her strength enhancement is limited, and she belongs to the wisdom tank level of IQ enhancement.

And Maeda Yuto, who he doesn’t think much of, has a dexterous spatial ability and good attack power, as long as he uses this ability well, he can even cause him some trouble.

There is no doubt about that.

Somewhat unpleasant.

However, Nogi Reiji will definitely not erase this real fact, if “five five zero” is like that, it is no different from self-deception, but the Dark Emperor Rider can easily kill it, and there are many mutants, it can only be said that his strength is really so strong.

Although I have been mentally prepared, I will feel shocked when I really face it.

Natsume takes out the attack harness card and feeds it into the drive.

【AttackRide! Slash】

The blade that controlled the card box sword turned into a phantom in the blink of an eye, split into three, and was dyed with purple-black energy, and only the middle one was the original most real blade.

However, even if it is a doppelganger of the sword blade, it can still condense the entity for slashing.

There is only one body, but the entity is more than that!

In a blink of an eye.

Natsume’s entire body suddenly disappeared in place.

In an instant, he appeared behind Nogi Reiji.


It was as if there was a sound across the sky.

Natsume swung his sword and slashed down.

Falling behind the adult horseshoe crab, sputtering terrifying sparks, the adult horseshoe crab ate pain, the center of gravity was unstable, and he rushed forward unguarded, just when he adjusted his center of gravity, stabilized his figure, and was about to start a war with the Dark Emperor.

Natsume’s fierce slash followed.



The sound of the handover of jingo.

After suffering several more slashes, the horseshoe crab adult rolled nimbly to the side, and then quickly opened the distance, avoiding Natsume’s attack, and his cold eyes met the dark blue compound eyes of the Dark Emperor.

“This ability, it’s that guy!”

Nogi shouted coldly.

He won’t be mistaken.


Rina Maemiya brings Maeda back and says that he is the third leader of their xenozoan tribe, and Nogi Reiji, as the one who tests his strength, certainly knows his fighting style very well.

And Natsume, just like him.

Does the Dark Emperor Rider still have this ability?

Nogi’s eyes widened!

Shocking inexplicable.


Natsume smiled and said casually.

Nogi sneered.

“Even so, so what? I’ll let you know what it really means to be powerful! ”

He snapped his fingers.

Of course, unlike the six infinity gemstones of a certain multiverse, the purple potato essence will randomly halve the population of the entire universe with a snap of his fingers, which is the ability of Nogi Reiji after molting as a mutant.

Mutations and derivative forces belonging to ClockUp.

Time stops!

In a flash.

With the adult horseshoe crab as the center, strange and mysterious fluctuations will envelop the surroundings, and his time stop has a range limit, but for now, it is enough, Shuichi Tasho, the ant soldier troops present at Zect, and Kagami, who has just eaten, they are all in the same situation now, no doubt.

Stopped by time!

The same is true of the Dark Emperor Rider transformed by Natsume.

“Sure enough, I’m the strongest!”

“Dark Emperor Rider, you have killed too many companions, from this moment on, send you the final track.”

Nogi sneered. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


Step by step, walking in the field of time stop.

Soon came to the front of the Dark Emperor Rider.

On his right arm, energy gathers.

In his opinion.

Under his own punch, even if it is the Dark Emperor Ride, it is properly deflated, the Dark Emperor Riding is much stronger than the steel bucket, but that’s all, in front of him, there are no waves.

The punch of the adult horseshoe crab is imposing.


When it fell on the Dark Emperor Rider’s body, he directly pounced, and his fist penetrated the Dark Emperor Rider’s body, as if what was in front of him at this time was not an entity, but just an illusory projection… 0

Nogi was stunned.

Unexpected very!

Immediately afterwards, the unbeliever threw several punches in a row, but the final result was obviously the same, his time stop, it was indeed very strange, but Natsume had already predicted his prediction.

Entered the blur state in advance.

Hiding himself completely in the dark space, and what appears in reality is just a shadow, and with Natsume’s control of space ability and dark space, plus his extraordinary physique.

Natsume’s blur time is long.


Nogi stopped when it was lifted, and at this moment, Natsume waved the driving card box sword in his hand, and the sharp blade fell straight on his body, and he was hit again, and this time the dark emperor rode was an entity again.

Nogi said very much!

The spatial power controlled by Natsume is much more terrifying than that of Yuto Maeda, or it can be said that compared with Yuto Maeda, Yuto Maeda only understands the basics.

It’s like there is no comparison between a toddler and an adult with extraordinary powers.


Many thoughts flashed through Nogi’s mind.

But all of them confirm the horror of Natsume.

At this time.

Except for Natsume and Nogi, the others had no idea what was happening 5.8, and unlike heavy acceleration, not only actions, but even thoughts were completely frozen in time stops.

“You guy… What is sacred? ”

Nogi took a deep breath.

Ning Sheng asked!


Natsume indifferently took out two cards from the card box, one was a knight driving card, and the other was a form driving card.

Then, in a calm tone, he continued:

“However, it’s just a Kamen Rider passing by, remember it for me.”

The voice fell.

Natsume sent two cards to the Dark Emperor Drive in turn to read.

The electric sound sounds…

Thanks to Tenshin for the great monthly pass support!

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