【KamenRideOOO! 】

【Kamen Driving Oz】

【FromRideOOOSuperTaToBa! 】

【Form Driving Oz Super Eagle Tiger Locust】

Natsume is not an invincible player of Axide this time, but a knight card that has been obtained before the factory incident in Bunkyo Ward, that is, Kamen Rider Oz.

The form he switched to was…

Super Eagle Tiger Locust Group!

It can also be called a future group!

While the pattern is changing.

The singing-like electric sound sounded one after another, blooming with terrifying power, raging in the field. BaTaToBa! Super!

With this final electric sound fell.

It was at this time that the body of the Dark Emperor Rider completed a real change, and Oz, who turned into a super eagle tiger locust, compared with the state of ordinary eagle tiger locusts, not only changed from the surface form, but also in terms of strength, it was also a world of difference20.

This can be easily detected just by distinguishing it from the breath.

After the appearance of the Super Eagle Tiger Locust Oz.

Adult horseshoe crabs suddenly look like a great enemy!

This is a powerful instinct he possesses as a mutant adult, but at this moment, Nogi Reiji hates this instinct intensely, and once he understands how strong the other party’s strength is, the confidence in his heart will be greatly hit!

Nogi Reiji couldn’t stand it.

When he had it, he was obviously invincible, when he was in Ginza, the royal bee was played by him between his palms, and soon after, he did not change into a body, and his flesh was mortal, and he knocked down Kagami, who transformed into a steel bucket.

He can still stop time!

Everything shows his strength.



Nogi Ryoji gritted his teeth and whispered, and then he used Time Stop again, but for Natsume, who was in the form of the Super Eagle Tiger Locust, Time Stop was useless.

Natsume walked in his direction step by step under Nogi’s horrified gaze.

“What? No! That’s impossible! ”

Nogi’s eyes widened.

In his opinion.

This was absolutely impossible, and the power of time stopping, from the day he awakened, showed absolute power, because because of this, he succeeded in achieving the position of the leader of the xenomorphs.

It is not without mutants trying to provoke his powerful position.

However, in the end, they all paid a terrible price.

Relaxed shock by him.

Stop time, it’s his hole card!

However, Natsume, who was stopped by time just now, changed his appearance after changing his form, and this huge gap made Nogi Reiji completely unwilling to believe it, and he even subconsciously regarded this as his own illusion.

“So, your insight is still too low.”

Natsume said in a calm tone.

His words seemed to come from hell, which was the talisman of King Yan Luo.

Xia has always liked to watch the Time Stop series.

In addition, he often uses Odin’s time arrival, so he still understands the concept of time stop, and the power of time stop is indeed very powerful.

But to say that it is completely invincible, of course, it is impossible!

Oz’s future team, the invincible player of Axid…

These knights are easily immune.

Nogi Reiji is because his strength is too strong, so he vaguely swells, thinking that he is invincible in the world, and in the original work, he was easily killed by the Transcendent Armor-Fighting Trick transformed by Heavenly Dao.

It’s just a shell that the Hundred Worms Sword predicts…

But if Nomu is vigilant, if Heavenly Dao wants to accomplish such a thing, it will definitely be a lot of trouble.

The adult horseshoe crab attacks Natsume through super high speed, and Natsume is not afraid in the slightest, ready to fight Nogi Reiji, he does not enter super high speed, but can easily react. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The position of the battlefield, gradually changing!

On the roof of a tall building.

“So, the finale!”

Natsume takes out the kill card.

Feel free to flick.

The Dark Emperor Riding Drive seems to have gravity, automatically absorbing the card into it and reading it!

【FinalAttackRideSuperTaToBaKick! 】

Finally harness… Super Eagle Tiger Locust Kick!

Electric tones played one after another.

Oz’s feet turned into the legs of flying locusts, blooming with green light, and then formed red light wings behind his back, jumping into the air, as if spreading his wings and flying freely in the sky.

When the knight’s kick was cast, the power favored him.

In the sky, a red, yellow and green halo is produced.

It’s like Oz’s killer mark.

Just like the Dimensional Knight Kick of the Dark Emperor Ride.

The special effects are full!

Visuals are full!

Natsume said.

The sense of ritual is still very necessary, through the three-color aura, Oz’s legs are condensed with incomparably strong, as if to break through all the terrifying forces that block 860 obstacles.

With both feet, apply kicks.


The horseshoe crab adult worm penetrated by this power has already reached the end, let out a scream, and exploded, although Nogi Reiji was unwilling, but at this time, he did usher in something called fate.

Natsume landed easily.


In the ears, a prompt sound belonging to the knight’s fighting evolution system appears.

[Defeat the adult horseshoe crab (first form) and reward 1,000 points and the power of time stop! ] 】

An unexpected thousand points get!

Natsume wasn’t surprised.

It was calm.

This is also normal, defeating the insect to get points, this is what Natsume is doing, some mutants, as well as Mamiya Rina and Maeda Yuto as cadres, are all at this price.

But there is something special about Nogi.

He can be resurrected.

It has three patterns.

Other words…

He will be a good brushing machine, but what excites Natsume the most is the power that belongs to the time stop, but he didn’t expect that his luck was really good, at this time, he sent another shot!

Thank you KDA for my wife’s great tip support!.

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