Suddenly punched out!

And in the 0.01 seconds when Nogi’s fist approached the steel bucket face door, several thoughts flashed in Gagami’s humble head, even if this guy who didn’t look like a human at all rushed to his side with lightning speed, but he was a Kamen Rider!

How can you be defeated by a foreign insect with a human posture?

He seems to be ~ such a mentality now.

Seventeen cards, can you second me?

It can only be said.

It’s sunny, the rain has stopped…

Kagami, the god of war, wears the thickest armor and is beaten the most viciously, if his name is worthy of his name, Kagami wants to react, but under the attack of Nogi Reiji, he was not able to react.

That terrifying, imposing punch was so easily smashed on the heart of the steel bucket.

One punch knocked Kagami dumbfounded.

Who am I?

Where am I?

What am I going to do?

At this time, the God of War steel bucket, like a sandbag, was violently beaten by Nogi Mercy, but he didn’t react at all, no! I can’t say that exactly, Kagami wants to struggle.

But he couldn’t keep up with Nogi’s speed at all.

It can only be said, one step slow, one slow step!

Clearly, he had lost his lead.

The end is already set!

Nogi’s moves are violent and flowing, like a beast, full of instincts, and if Natsume or Tendo are sure, they can react easily, even if they don’t transform.

But Kagami is different!

Under the ensuing attack of Nogi’s human form, he knelt directly.

The steel bucket insect meter falls off.

He was directly beaten to the point of disarming the transformation and fell to the ground.

Open your mouth and close your eyes…

However, he regretted a little that he did not faint, in fact, Kagami felt that he could faint at this time, in this case, there was a buffer time.

After that, he accepted it indifferently.

Now like this, it is completely a large-scale social death scene!

It doesn’t get much worse than that.

After beating Kagami to the point of disarming the transformation, Nogi Reiji did not continue to attack, but calmly blew down his fist, not wasting any strength, the corners of Nogi Reiji’s lips fluttered, and the metaphorical gaze swept over the bodies of everyone in Zect one by one.

“So, what do you guys mean?”

Nogi pushed his glasses and said.

He is like this, a bit of a violent aesthetic posture.

The tone is full of threat!


Not far away, a figure slowly walked over, and there was a hint of teasing on his handsome face, and said: “Kagami, it’s really embarrassing.” ”

Here’s it, it’s Natsume!

Kagami: “…”


Uncomfortable, want to cry, don’t want to talk!


Taka Tori Renka held the steel wire in her hand and shouted in surprise when she saw Natsume’s arrival!

Inside the command car, Yuyue Misaki smiled, and she knew that he would definitely come.

Shuichi Tiansho, on the other hand, breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s good that Natsume is here.


The only thing they can do is to negotiate with Nogi Reiji according to his wishes, and forcibly hand over the anti-mimic bomb as a trading condition, so that Nogi Reiji will let them go.


Negotiating conditions with alien insects is a fantasy.

What’s more, he is in an absolutely weak situation?

They’re all fish on a chopping block.

Anyone is at your mercy. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Nogi Reiji can kill them first, and then destroy the remaining two anti-mimicry bombs, right? Kagami was violently beaten without any ability to fight back, which Shuichi Tian did not expect, he thought that Kaga could return the favor…

That’s not useful though.

Natsume’s strength is still reassuring.

“Are you… Killed the Dark Emperor Rider of the Mamiya? ”

Nogi said with a frown.

There is no mention of the third leader Maeda Yuto, who controls the power of space, Nogi Renjina, he doesn’t think much of that guy himself, so this is normal.

For the Dark Emperor Ride, Nogi Reiji was impressed.

The place where I first left my impression happened to be Ginza!

“Ah, next, you will be one of them.”

Natsume lowered the Dark Emperor Rider Drive to his waist.

He said in a calm tone.

Transformation cards are sent in.


【KamenRideDarkDecade! 】

0 ask for flowers

The electric sound sounds.

The figure of the Dark Emperor Rider has already appeared!

Nogi Reiji transforms into an adult horseshoe crab.

And those people he brought, without accident, also faded their human skin, revealing the original posture of alien insects, all of them are adult insects after molting, including spiders, termites, and praying mantises…

It looks like he is going to a group fight.

Group fighting?

Natsume said he was not afraid in the slightest.

Clip a few cards out of the card holder.

Read sequentially.




【KamenRideDrake! 】

Armor Fight, Black Armor Fight, Steel Fight, Sword Scorpion, Gold, Silver and Bronze Three Brothers, and Thunderfly… In addition to kicking locusts and fist locusts, Natsume directly summoned all the knights of Zect, including the knights of Godspeed Love Timeline.

The data manifested, and the figure of the knight appeared beside Natsume in turn.

It’s real!

Compared with the adult insects brought by Nogi Reiji, the number is slightly less, but the strength is not weak, each has the level of projection in the duel space, and it is not ordinary alien insects can touch porcelain.

As soon as Natsume’s mind moved, these knights, completely controlled by AI, rushed towards the insect.

Fight together!

Than shake people?

Natsume said that he had never been afraid, whether it was Oz’s insect lineage or the summoning ability far beyond the final ride, it was just a negligible part of Natsume’s strength.

He wiped his sword, stepped forward, and slashed in the direction of the adult horseshoe crab.

The eyes of the adult horseshoe crab are glowing with fierce light.

Raising his right arm, he blocked Natsume’s slash, and then the entire right arm was covered with purple light, as if a terrifying energy was condensed on it, and with just one blow, it could pierce the knight’s armor.

The blade of the control card box sword held by Natsume was also filled with purple-black energy fluctuations.

Chop together in an instant!

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