【KamenRideDarkDecade! 】

The sound effect of transformation is played in an instant.

The armor of the Dark Emperor Rider had already wrapped Natsume’s whole body, and the pair of dark blue compound eyes, in the dark night, bloomed with a terrifying light like hell, “If you deal with you, use this.” ”

Natsume whispered.

From the card case you carry, take out two cards one after another.

【KamenRideKabuto! 】

【KamenRideGatack! 】

Armor and steel bucket!

This is also a form of masquerade control, but it is different from the imagination, and the form of the Dark Emperor Rider has not changed because of this, but comes from the ability to ride the end.

It can be read in the drive by feeding the card, and then condensing the knight data stored in the card into Kamen Rider, which can be manifested to assist in combat.

This time, Natsume did not use the cards of Leo’s cavalry.


Sun God Armor! God of War Steel Bucket!

The main and second horses of this world.

They are also equipped with the red dancing shoe system, which Kaga Miru regards as the hope of mankind, and after being realized, they rush towards the alien worm, dividing all the larvae by two in three strokes.

Not even one finished molting.

Natsume shrugged and lifted the transformation.

Sit back in front of the ramen stand.

Smiled and said.

“Okay, let’s keep eating.”


Yuzuki Misaki said with a smile, she was not surprised that Natsume transformed into a Dark Emperor Rider and was able to summon a armor fight against a steel fight, because in her heart, Natsume could do anything.

The old man was stunned and also came back to his senses.

The young master of his family is a knight.

To the weirdo, to the knights.

He is not a stranger either.

“Nothing has happened in the organization lately, has he?”

Natsume and Yugetsu Misaki chattered about homely things.

“No… Because of Kagami’s actions, encountering alien insects can often be solved smoothly, but in recent days, I heard that in the location of other branches, a strange alien worm has appeared, as if it is specially punishing criminals, and has traveled to several areas, and has already reached our jurisdiction. ”

Yuzuki Misaki thought about it and said.

Natsume raised an eyebrow.

The alien worm mimics human memory, but at some point, it will be bound by the powerful feelings of human beings, affected in the underworld, the emotions are too firm, like the Shindai sword, almost forget the identity of their alien insects, and others, that is, in behavior, will be affected, such as the previous Akihabara alien worm, the reason why it will go to the comic exhibition, the final reason, is also because of the influence of human memory.

Subconsciously, I went!

And the strange alien that punishes criminals?

Natsume also has memories.

If nothing else.

It should be the adult burial worm, right?

Unexpectedly, Rina Mamiya has already exited the scene before appearing, and since Natsume intervened in the plot of this world, everything seems to have gradually deviated from the original development trajectory.

However, in Natsume’s opinion, this is also more interesting.

“Perhaps, you can disguise yourself as a criminal and gradually steal some expensive items, attract the attention of the alien worm, and lure him to appear?”

Natsume said.

Yuzuki Misaki thought about it.

Seems like that’s a good approach?

“Expensive items, this case, our family can help, for example, the statue of the mother and son?” The old man smiled and said that as a famous family in decline, although it is financially tight, it also has a huge estate.

Most of the collection was mortgaged.

The statue of the mother and son is also fake.

But others don’t know…


“You have to pay, though.”

The old man said.

“Of course.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Yuzuki Misaki nodded, zect has never been a bully organization, when acting, the necessary activity funds are still available, and when they need the help of others, they will not prostitute in vain.

“After discussing with the captain, I will give you an answer.”


After eating ramen, Yugetsu Misaki checked out.

Then they left again.

The old man looked at the back of Natsume and Yugetsu Misaki leaving side by side, showing a kind and kind smile, young, how good, if that didn’t happen in the first place…

He thought of the little young master.

At this age, the little young master should already be able to get married and have children, but not now, because no matter how he hides it, he can’t change what is a foregone conclusion, the little young master is a foreign worm!

0 for flowers 0

He will definitely accompany the young master forever until the last moment, but the young master has had a violent situation, and now, those sweet loves have been with the young master…

The old man fell silent.

Cleaning up the stalls.

He was ready to collect the stall and go home, go home to accompany the young master, this is the only thing he can do now!

The old man has a tough body and moves quickly.

After a while, he went home.

In the manor of the Shindai family.

Shendai Jian sat in the lobby, waiting for the old man to return, he took some money in his hand and handed it to the old man, “Old man, this money is also used for the financial revival of the family.” ”

The old man took over the money in a daze.

I couldn’t help but be stunned.

“Young Master, what is this money…?”

When Shendai Jian heard this, he smiled and said, “Well, the man called the Heavenly Dao General before came to me and said that he wanted to buy the sword scorpion’s transformation device, so I sold it to him in exchange for an equivalent price.” ”

He pointed to the scales that had been placed on the table.

The old man was stunned.

“However, how will the alien insects fight in the future?”

He knows.

The young master’s long-cherished wish in life is to kill all the alien insects, so even if Zect no longer employs them, the young master will unswervingly walk on the road of killing the alien insects.

No yawning from this!

The Sword Scorpion Sword Blade and the Sword Scorpion Insect Instrument are the best helpers to help the young master fight with the alien insects, but without the Kamen Rider Sword Scorpion’s transformation device, if the young master wants to fight, it will become difficult.

Hearing the old man’s concern, the Shendai Sword did not panic at all.

He still had a smile on his face.

“For the revival of our family, there is nothing to be sorry for.”

“The words of the insect… Don’t worry old man, even if there is no sword and scorpion shapeshifter, I still have the famous sword passed down from generation to generation by the Discarbir family, the Discali sword. ”

Shindai Sword picked up a sword,

Hold it in your hand!

Thank you KISS Lost, Red Flame Big Monthly Pass Support Three!.

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