In the dark night.

No starry sky.

No moon in sight.


It gives people an extremely depressed sense of déjà vu, and Kageyama, who has a lost expression, leaves the building of the Zect branch instantly, and he looks very lost, like a salted fish who has lost his dreams.

After he left the branch, he drove towards the Ginza Phantom Squad’s station, what awaited him next?

Kageyama could probably guess.

But he didn’t want to think about it.

Damn it!

That guy from the Heavenly Dao Commander-in-Chief, why can’t he return the Imperial Bee Insect Instrument and the Knight Bracelet to him?

Do you have to let him beg him?

Kageyama thought hatefully in his heart.

In the Zect division.

Dim office.

Masato Mishima threw something unpleasantly.



The ant soldiers stationed outside seem to have long been accustomed to standing in place, without fluctuations, this division, under the jurisdiction and observation of Masato Mishima, in a sense, is also a place for him to vent.

I don’t know when.

Masato Mishima, who thinks he has no feelings, has an emotion called anger, which probably began when the Dark Emperor appeared and everything gradually fell out of his control.

And at the headquarters of the z520ect.

Command Room!

Standing in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, Kaga Miriku opened the curtains for a long time and looked at the neon lights flickering in the dark night, there is no doubt that this is a bustling city, but thirty-five years ago, the world was sick.

It’s like a parasite attached to the world.

Keep sucking up nutrients!

And seven years ago, chasing the traces of protozoa, meteorites carrying alien insects fell, but in the case that the world was already sick and would slowly be destroyed, cancer cells were added, and the world was suddenly terminally sick.

Speed up the process of destruction!

Take a deep breath.

Close the curtains.

This moment.

Kaga Mitsuru seemed to imprint the prosperity of the city in his mind, but for the plan he had quietly designed with Soichi, he couldn’t mix too many feelings.

His expression became serious again.

He took out a piece of paper from his arms, which was the original design of the red dancing shoe system.

“The Sun God Armor Dou and the God of War Steel Dou were born, and the Dark Emperor Rider, and several Kamen Riders who had never heard of it, have gradually become better, this world… (cafj).”

Kaga Miriku said.

Pick up the paper on which the red shoe system is written and light it on a candle.

After a while, it burned to ashes.

“The masquerade party has added many participants, and the development of events has become more and more interesting.”

Kaga Mitsuru whispered to herself.

A weird smile appeared.

In the silent night, the breeze was blowing, Natsume and Yugetsu Misaki were walking side by side on the road, they had met on the road before, and Zect had no action on the side of Tonight, so Yugetsu Misaki took the initiative to invite Natsume to walk on the road.


There were more and more girls around Natsume, and thinking of the contents of that thirty-six love book, Yuzuki Misaki’s cheeks turned red, maybe if she plucked up her courage today, it was really okay


There were no people around, but there was some peace and peace, and in the dark night, to be honest, the moon and the dark wind were high and murderous nights, not just talk.

The appearance of alien insects is destined to be their paradise at night!

Before the final winner is divided.

Protozoa do not dare to make a second time!

At night, Zect’s ant soldiers will also act to destroy xenomorphs, and most of the troops do not have a knight system, so that the sacrifice is great.

“It’s so quiet.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Yuzuki Misaki said with a smile.

“I wish there were no worms in this world, and that people could walk on the road with peace of mind and enjoy a rare time of tranquility, you say, Natsume.”

She longed for that future, but unfortunately, when she was young, the alien worm appeared with the meteorite fall, and although the alien worm did not appear on a large scale at that time, it occasionally appeared, which also caused harm.

Yuzuki Misaki once witnessed.

Have… Experienced!

“Well, if there were no alien insects, that situation might indeed exist.”

Natsume said with a smile.


Misaki Yuyue is still too naïve, the most complex and terrifying in the world, has never been those weirdos, the horror of weirdos, perhaps predestined, has been manifested since the day of birth.

They are clear!

And what is more terrifying than the weirdos is actually the human beings themselves, the human heart…

But Natsume didn’t say it explicitly.

Human nature is inherently good?

Human nature is inherently evil?

Specifically, you still need to experience it yourself to have an understanding, similar to what he said, many people know, just subconscious, unwilling to believe.

“There’s a flavor noodle stall there, do you want Natsume to eat it?” I’ll treat you! ”

Yuzuki Misaki touched her stomach, a little hungry.

“Then I’ll be disrespectful.”

Natsume said with a smile.

He just finished speaking.

Yugetsu Misaki took Natsume’s hand and trotted to the ramen stand.

“Boss, two bowls of flavored ramen.”

Yuzuki Misaki sat down and said.

“Two bowls of flavored ramen? Okay, wait a minute. ”

The stall owner said with a smile.

He seems to be relatively old.

Something familiar again.

Natsume looked up.

“Old sir?”

“Mr. Natsume?”

The owner of this ramen stall is obviously the old butler of the Shindai family, and sure enough, because Zect no longer hires sword scorpions as insect hunters, he has lost an important source of funds, and the already dilapidated Shindai family is already difficult to maintain.

“Mr. Natsume, it made you laugh.”

The old butler said with a helpless smile while getting down.

“Compared to this, let’s solve the guy who is disturbing first.”

Natsume stood up.

He did not get too involved in the affairs of God’s family.

Do not persuade others to be good without suffering others.

Natsume knows this.

Not far away.

Two drunks appeared shakily, and their real identities are not ordinary drunks, but killing humans, imitating human beings, and wreaking havoc on the world!

When they saw Natsume, they were instantly excited, and then turned into their original appearance, and then from the darkness behind them, several larvae jumped out.

Natsume placed the Dark Emperor Rider Drive around his waist.


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