The Shendai sword held the sword blade inherited by the family, and looked at the spirit!

The old man’s eyelids jumped, and he stopped talking.

Because the family’s economy is too difficult to maintain, basically slightly valuable things were taken by him to mortgage in exchange for money, and now the sword in the young master’s hand is just a fake.

And apart from the shell seen now, there is not even a sword body.

Let’s redeem that sword as soon as possible.

The old man thought to himself.

There is no way around it.

Since he has lost the sword and scorpion blade, and the young master is determined to use this sword to kill the enemy, he can only redeem the sword again, and there is no other way.

The other side.

After Natsume and Yugetsu Misaki left the old man’s ramen stall, they did not go home immediately, but came to the beach to stroll, as if to eat after the “May Day Zero” meal, dark clouds obscured the light of the moon, the breeze blew, quietly flooded the sea, there was no sparkle reflected by the moonlight, but there were no alien insects.

“Naw, Natsume…”

Suddenly, Yuyue Misaki gently pursed her lips and said out loud.

“What’s wrong?”

Natsume looked at her suspiciously.

What happened?

What happened?


The silent night sky, as if surrounded by strange BGMs, Yuzuki Misaki lowered her head, her heart was pounding, she seemed to be making a decision, and in an instant, she made up her mind!

Taking a deep breath, he continued: “Natsume-kun, I still have some questions about my previous plan, do you want to go with me… Long talk all night. ”

When she said this, Yuyue Misaki was extremely shy in her heart.

This is the strategy of the thirty-six plans of love, Yugetsu Misaki has been entangled for a long time, and finally plucked up the courage to use it, and as time passed, there were more and more girls around Natsume.

Yugetsu Misaki is not the best.

In the battle with the insect, he can give Natsume’s support, not as good as Takatori Renka, but she wants to leave the deepest memory in Natsume’s heart, so if she can’t become the only woman around Natsume, at least become the first…

Yuyue Misaki’s heart already had such an enlightenment.


Hearing Yuzuki’s words, Natsume couldn’t help but be stunned, talking all night, almost explicitly, of course Natsume knew what Yugetsu Misaki was talking about, to be honest, crossing into this world and gradually growing, he had never experienced it before.



Of course not!


The night was getting deeper.

A battle unfolds quietly.

Natsume, won the final victory.

The manor of the Shindai family.

Luxurious bedroom.

Shendai Jian was lying on the bed to sleep, and after falling asleep, his consciousness entered his sleep, and it had been like a nightmare, and the memories that shrouded him around him turned into dreams again, gradually deepening his memories.

It was a sunny day.

He and his sister were playing in the manor, it was his birthday, it should have been a very happy day, but because of that incident, everything changed.

The alien worm that made the Shendai Sword hate all his life appeared.

The insect kills his sister, and he rushes up to fight the insect, but with little success, the memory finally falls in front of the insect, and the memory turns into a dream and repeats itself.

Shindai Sword sat up sharply with a huff.


He clenched his fists, it can be seen that his mood is not calm at all, from the moment the tragic events appeared, he has already made up his mind to avenge his sister, all the alien insects, it is up to him to defeat them!

It was late at night.

The Misaki Yugetsu player who fought the five slags was already tired and fell asleep, but Natsume was not sleepy at all, and he was even very mental, and the strength that surpassed the human limit physique several times was really good.

This is true in every way.

Can’t sleep.

Natsume took the opportunity to enter the system space, and at this time, not only the daily projection was refreshed, but even the three challenge opportunities of the knight’s projection that had been unlocked were refreshed.

Save time.

Natsume didn’t think it was a problem to do so. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Stand in an empty position in the system space.

Looking at the light and shadow screen that turned on and operated, the knight’s picture rotated, Natsume also had some expectations, which knight’s projection did he draw today? Hopefully not the Leo cavalry

The scrolling of the projection on the screen has gradually slowed down: 0

Freeze on a knight.

“That was…”

Sky Knight!

The Showa old-timers came, and I still remember that the last time I gained the power before the Heisei and Reiwa New Era, I happened to challenge the Kamen Rider known as the Heisei Kurokuchi.

Grandma Zong!

Unexpectedly, this time it was directly the Showa Knight, the Sky Knight in the theatrical version, was kicked by the Purple Lantern Emperor Riding Dimensional Knight and chased and kicked, which is the deepest memory in Natsume’s mind.

Of course, the combat power of the theatrical version will always have a bad pool.

Sky knight is a knight who can fly, and the speed is extremely fast, 800km/h up to 24 kHz, sometimes when you don’t know the coordinates of the destination space, it seems good to use the power of the sky knight to chase.

The duel arena opens.

Of course, Natsume would not flinch and take out the Dark Emperor Riding Drive, and he did have an experience card in the purple light form, but using it in daily projections always felt that it was less interesting.

Moreover, he is not helpless.

Remove the card.

Is that…


Time stop knight, when Natsume first challenged a knight projection, Odin was a real model worker, in order to pocket the points and cards first, Natsume undoubtedly chose the fastest and most convenient way of 0.6.

If you want to hone your skills, you can come back later.

Soon after.

After the challenge is over, the AI-controlled Sky Knight still does not preemptively, and after Natsume transforms into Odin, time will directly come, but it will not give the Sky Knight the slightest chance to react.

Sky Knight Card + One Thousand Points, GET!

This is Natsume’s second Showa card besides Black!


Natsume struck again while the iron was hot and repeated the challenge.

Rewards are being swiped out one after another.

In addition to none, is…

Physique +1

Physique +1

Light Force Seed x1

Thank you Barbatos Draco Emperor for your great monthly pass support!.

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