Villain Transmigration: Author Transformation

Chapter 165 - The Tribute Begins

The 'Frozen Gorge' getting dark with the white and blue hues in the winter sky got its shade a lot deeper; but then, what was inside his heart and mind turned out rather different—now oozing with warmth and brightness. 

Such melody became a newfound strength, enough for him to live and conquer for another day.

Without the harsh winds blowing, Mystique's voice effortlessly filled the air. For a long time, she refrained from speaking ever since he could've remembered, more so when it came to her singing her heart out.

'My Lady, it really suits her singing—I've no words…'

To Keith, the ode rather sang so sweetly and swooned all over despite the seemingly strange lyrics. 

'This one perhaps sounded the same as what I heard weeks ago—'

Every time her voice attuned as it deemed fit, the emotions loomed in his heart.

The instance became a catharsis. Through his ears, the sudden tingling sensations, and craving for more began to rewire his mind for better clarity and comfort.  Like his mind, his body let go of the tension built up in him with the troubles and worries he had now washed away.

Never was he so into the art, let alone singing, but he couldn't help but not slip past this unsung.

Yet he wasn't the only one who had her voice sewn within his soul, as well as everyone around him. They all gawked at her, marveled at her hidden talent.

Almost all of the beasts ended up gliding themselves midair, losing focus on beating their wings, and not even the ones on top of them could interrupt as they were also mesmerized.

He peered side to side, Sylvester, and Veronica gawked from her sudden riffs and runs, making them hold their breaths. Marianne gaped a little as she stared with reverence while Athan's face looked at her like he was in awe—knew this side of her as a matter of fact, but still didn't fail to surprise or impress him at the same time.

To his front found the twins on stiff shoulders while they leaned closer, seemingly interested just as well.

Somehow, a great sense of pride got swollen within, he could've never been prouder not once had the 'Frost Wyrm' got distracted with her astonishing performance.

Moving nearer to her, Nathan swayed his hand with a raised voice. "Everyone! Assume the position!"

From a giant mass in the sky, they all went separate ways, mostly at the nearby plateau, mountain and hilltops. While at it, they started to get a hold of one big object—about half of their size in white color—with colorful gems encrusted on it.

Keith bit his lip as he tried his best to see what was going to happen, so much had been going on lately, and everyone has been too cooperative.

However, with only them left, still going towards the core of the 'Frozen Gorge', palpitations override him as his eyes widened at Mystique and Ashtra, back and forth.

But then, hers turned out to be music to his ears, burying his concerns for the time being.

"What's your plan?!" Arnold breathed, as he was a little nervous and his voice went queasy and full of doubt.

"If Lady Mystique were to tell you this; I suppose it would've ruined her plan."

He gasped for air, clearly taken aback from his jab. "I—"

"Are you all ready for a glamorous performance?"

More than anything, Marianne, Veronica, and the two elves chorused in glee, which earned a hearty chuckle from Nathan.

Then, Mystique opened her eyes and glanced in their direction. She then winked in their direction, making Nathan respond with ease.

"Get ready!"

Soon as they got close, the ladies took off their gray wolf fur, and revealed their ocean blue tulle dress—sleeveless and off knee-length—with a long, flowy sash on their wrists. Their coiffures were in a straight-up ponytail and a decent amount of make-up, ever-so-alluring applied on them.

With his clue, they all jumped out and dropped several miles above the ground.

At the same time, Mystique's ode was about to end, and to Keith's surprise, the 'Frost Wyrm' let out a hearty guffaw, eyes smiling from the presentation.

Even Keith would've loved to admit that it was a sort of healing, even though he got to receive such from it. But then, it was a lot harder to disregard the elephant in the room.

Suddenly, the intimidating, and stifling atmosphere returned as it was prevalent within the frozen wasteland.

"Wonderful! Oh, how wonderful it was!" Ashtra got elated, his long and colossal scaly body became giddy with a soulful melody. "I'm truly impressed! So full of surprises—"

His eyes snapped at how a monster like him got surrounded.

'Oh no! He only noticed us now?!' Keith flinched from the sudden reaction of the creature.

"Oh, was this meant as a trap?" Ashtra looked around, most of them distanced away, but the ones near him got him squinting. "I see Arnold—Oh! What do we have here? The stupid lightning chicken came for a visit!"

"It's been a long time, you egotistical lizard catfish." Stravwuark screeched, looking away with disdain. "You've aged well."

"Rude and crass as ever. I never knew you're here! Even to become one's courier; never thought you'd stoop that low. "

"A lot better than dying of boredom and loneliness."

"Isn't this why I've brought company with me?" Ashtra had a smug smirk, snickering.

However, Mystique had to intervene to stop their tension from rising, gaining their attention as soon as the ladies landed with their blinding yet flowy attires.

"That's not the reason. I brought them here to give you the best tribute I had in mind."

"Oh?" Ashtra had his mouth agape before grinning from ear to ear, almost sinister. It brought chills and dread dripping down their spine. "Dire consequences await you. Far beyond death."

Everyone gasped, and Arnold found himself fainting what he witnessed.

Athan was worried and glanced at Nathan, but the latter became confident. Strav wasn't surprised, and Mystique stood her ground.

"Of course. Allow them to entertain you as well." Mystique snapped her fingers, and then Nathan dropped three large metal boxes with magical stones etched on them. "Let the stage begin!"

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