Villain Transmigration: Author Transformation

Chapter 166 - Moment Of Catharsis

"I've never thought she would sing—even to this much extent. Have you, Your Grace? "

Keith snapped out of his train of thoughts, glancing at Athan. But his crimson eyes darted at Arnold.

"While I'm unwilling to talk to you, I'm afraid to tell you I knew less."

'Sire…' Keith thought deeply, even with him glancing sideways, his solemn gaze brimmed with guilt as he was also in the same position.

Arnold had been on edge for a long time, and he knew that his daughter's life was on the line, and he couldn't do anything for her.

For a long time, Mystique had more to keep, and less to share as she thought no one would've understood her well.

They tried but failed.

She also tried, but miserably so, she failed. 

'I'm ashamed not knowing her any better too, but what can I do?' Keith gritted his teeth, out of frustration. 'Is there anything I could do for her?'

Athan took a glimpse at Keith, then back to the ladies below.

While the five of them had pranced around on the platform they took, Mystique stood from her position and went through with the song full of emotions. Her voice always took away the nervousness in her heart, and the rhythm that curbed the anxiety, making them forget from time to time that she was there for their lives.

"She's in a catharsis..." Nathan sighed, turning their heads at him. "What you all can do is give support from now on."

"A support?" Athan replied.

"Indeed. If I'm not mistaken, Lady Mystique had always been so passionate about this path of hers she'd take."

Arnold's eyes gleamed, leaning close to Nathan and grabbed him by the shoulder. "W—What is?"

"I remember her calling it what she claimed, 'Idol' per se…"

"Idol?" They mused in unison. 

While most of them became bewildered, Arnold's face burned beet-red out of livid.

"No, no, no, no…" Arnold shook his head. "Although, Mysti means the world to me, and under no circumstances shall the rest worship her."

"I suppose it's not what you think, Arnold."

"Then what am I supposed to—"

"An artist…"

An artist of a kind was simply unheard of, and for another round, she dropped a bomb at them again. Another code to decipher, it seemed.

Athan, this time, rubbed his chin, pondering for a while now. "...Interesting…" 

Keith was still in midair, along with the rest, who observed from above. To his surprise, Ashtra paid no mind as though they were mere ants, and not even them could defeat him.

Letting this slide gave them all the opportunity to witness the golden yet bloody performance that the lady had to give.

"I have lost track of how many times they've been keeping at it," Athan muttered, so much as he was enthralled by what appeared before him, he couldn't help but take a glance at how it took a toll on their bodies.

They've been at it, simultaneously, and some parts that he never thought he would get to enjoy so much when a few of the music played that he could understand, and making his body sway through the beat.

Also, a few parts of their outfit gleamed in the dark, accentuating their bodies, but it wasn't enough.

Sylvester said, "Del, it's getting dark, will they make this far?"

"Rest assured," Nathan interrupted the two of them while gesturing his fingertips.

A shimmering light beamed from one of the hilltops and aimed towards the stage. One after another, the brilliance was beyond glamorous, and the ladies went and gave it their all as they were under the limelight.

Impressed, Ashtra somehow bobbed his head, along with the fast tempo and rhythm that the song musing in his ears.

Keith was unable to understand the song, but still enjoyed every minute of it. His mind was at peace, and he couldn't help but glue his eyes on them while thinking about their efforts from the start.

'They're fighting tooth and nail for this…' 

Singing was one thing…

Dancing was another…

Yet, what they were into were both at the same time, not that he ever witnessed before.

He has witnessed this ever since they started their progress. Marianne was, by far, the protégé under Mystique's wing as she continued to train for a long time. 

Though, she knew she lacked time—ever since she woke up, plans were rushed as soon as possible. Only then he realized that the ones after her throat were still far from over. 

The feud was far from over. With Athan around, Mystique had to be ahead, lest she would end up suffering the second time. Perhaps her precognitive abilities helped her what was right all along.

While Marianne was never the problem, for she was rather ambitious, the two elves, who were once slaves, posed new challenges, which tested her patience.

Somehow, the ideas of Athan and Mystique aligned, having great conflicts with each other, she was innovative and got out of the predicament as fast as she could—although not until very recently they both had the arrangement to cooperate.

Even then, time was of the essence. Out of the blue, Mystique included Veronica—as a renowned elf, known and loved by all—for she would be the one to lead them.

'Does he really don't know?' To the side, Keith peered at Athan, pondering, 'Veronica's reaction was akin to cat's out of the back and his reaction was beyond surprised about Veronica's hidden prowess...'

Yet Mystique knew…

'A Mystical Seer wasn't all for naught.'

He couldn't help but gaze downward, the four of them were dancing this time, while she was behind, singing the ancient, otherworldly language. 

But only when it would've gone smoothly, even for a tad more, a sudden shift of dance came along with the two elves. 

Keith failed to notice it at first, with the sudden change as it was seamless. Yet from then on, the movement became different from Marianne and Veronica. Out of all, Ashtra mused.


Marianne's face went pale with sweat so profusely from the ounce of fear that sent them almost in disarray. 

"What is this?" 

Probing this time around, convulsed them, and almost knocked them out of their momentum. But Mystique was there to help them get back on track. But she could only hold on for long as this would only add a burden to her part.

Though the one that remained unshaken was unexpectedly Veronica, it didn't take long for her to fumble a little. 

'Not good!' Keith gawked at them, while Athan and the rest gasped. 'What… Where did it go wrong?!'

Yet in a brief look, Keith furrowed, scrunching his face when he noticed the sinister smile on Veronica while glancing at Mystique.

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