"I'm the Grand Duke of Blackwell, I know more than what you lot combined! Your ambitions would merit demise!"

In the winter sky, lead by Nathan, with three more distinct familiars behind him: one from Athan, then Veronica, and Sylvester.

Perched atop of Stravwuark, one of which was Arnold, who had the time to argue with Nathan in the middle of the flight.

Arnold bellowed when Nathan had been silent the whole time. "Have you gone mad?! Frozen Gorge?! That's similar to going directly to the lion's den! For twat's sake!" 

Nathan agreed nonetheless, "Indeed! We will go there—"

Arnold scoffed, "Huh! Such confidence blinded you enough to navigate where it is even, eh?!"

"Even if I didn't, Lady Mystique had shown the way—"

"Preposterous! There's no way My Mysti would know."

"Then, you must not know her at all!" he rebutted as though he couldn't care less of his rambles.

"How vile!  This, in turn, flared up an aura, almost wanting to choke the life of the man in front of him. "You dare question me?!"

"Do you want to save her or not at all?!" Now, Nathan raised his voice, keeping up with Arnold's momentum. The latter got shocked at first but didn't want to lose from the mockery he had.

"However, do you know how hard it is to maintain the pact of the 'Frost Wyrm' and you're one to talk about too heroic?!"

Nathan didn't back down, taunting him even more, "And she made a pact with me; I suppose I believe in her more than you do then?!"

"What do you all know?!" He roared, and as his crisped sound rippled through the air, the neverending blizzard stopped.

The snowflakes stopped, gone were the fierce gales hollered back at them, except for the cold winds that cut through as they flew midair.

For the first time in a long while, they kept their pace and sailed adrift with quite serene, and all of them looked at him with wariness.

Easily, Arnold's display of power was all for them to admire—as the one who went up front with the legendary creature, Asthra—they also noticed the deep vulnerability on his back.

The rumors already spread throughout the Empire, how Arnold would've secluded himself, and now they pushed his buttons relentlessly.

He still continued, "All of you don't know the weight I carried! The choices I made with the consequences!"

To Keith, it has been a while since he witnessed Arnold's cold mask now fall off, slipping through the cracks of pressure. 

The last time that happened was the tragedy that befell Mystique. 

Athan couldn't look at him.

Veronica and Sylvester glanced at one another with guilt in their eyes.

Except for the fellow knights of Keith, the rest got to see his reaction. 



Not one of them thought it was embarrassing. Perhaps, never did they think they would sympathize with a deranged, conceited noble like him.

Still, Keith gritted his teeth, as he was guilty as charged. Though, the amount of respect they had for him never changed.

At that moment, the ride went silent, no one dared to utter a word. 

Only one of them did mutter brimmed with conviction, which was Nathan. "Agreed. We might've not, and that's why Lady Mystique stepped up because she knew..."

"You talk so grand." Arnold harrumphed. 

"Well, your 'cooperation' helped a lot." His lime eyes gazed around the sky devoid of noise and storm. "Should you stop now, Lady Mystique would've been so disappointed."

He threatened, "You talk so much as though you were close to My Mysti… Watch your mouth, or else off with your head."

"I don't mind having a duel with you after this."

The tension suddenly got better, and they went to focus as Nathan shouted to hasten, and repositioned themselves as they were approaching the 'Frozen Gorge' location.

Amidst the harsh, frigid winds that slammed to Keith's face, his train of thoughts kept on reminding him what happened recently.

'My Lady… Did she? How much and how long did she plan all of… all of these?'

Even Mystique caught wind of the situation rather earlier, and he had to connect the dots of what the kernel of truth he witnessed first-hand.

'Was it all staged… An act?' Keith pondered, and he couldn't help but peer at Arnold's back; even with Dusk and Dawn between them, thoughts began to flash. 

Though, as much as it was rather hard to believe Ashtra, the Frost Wyrm, from his blatant claims, it still didn't take away the history between the two.

'...Please take care of my daughter…' Arnold's words echoed in his head like in a reply and aged well and with depth. 

Arnold had a drastic change, which Keith never thought would've happened. His arrogance and selfishness were paramount.

Although, only whenever it came to her, he was as though ready to give her all the joy, happiness, and triumph when everybody else in the world took it away from her. 

Perhaps, living with his only kin hit him hard, and not even his power and wealth could change to what it was then.

This made Keith think about how he was willing to go far. 'Did His Grace really intend to sacrifice himself?' Somehow, a hard lump seemed to prevent him from gulping that hard. 

Another part of him conflicted, still, what Mystique realized and her firm beliefs with the other related matter at hand.

'But what did it really have to do with Her Highness, Veronica, like what My Lady so claimed of, as well as His Grace, Sylvester?'

However, it got cut short when at the distance, a sultry voice sang unbridled across the air.

'Wait! This voice—!'

Everyone had the same reaction, and all of them looked at each other how familiar it was…

It couldn't be said the same for Nathan, who grinned wide. Unlike them, who had no idea of her vocal power, they got stunned.

Drawing close to the ritual plateau, Mystique was at the center of it, stood with grace, and her mouth was open.

From the edge of the cliff was Ashtra, with its head swaying to and fro, smiling from her hymn.

Her voice was beyond captivating, Keith knew. Although seldom she ended up speaking. 

But right now, it was different—singing.

Even the 'Frost Wyrm' was in it for her, let alone them.

In awe, Keith pondered before his eyes.

'My Lady… Is it... She… Singing her heart out?'

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