Villain Transmigration: Author Transformation

Chapter 163 - A Direct Confrontation

"Fool! Why haven't you ran away?!" 

Arnold became too livid, face turned beet-red as soon as he got close to him; without having a second thought, he jabbed at Keith's stomach, making him all teared up, and coughed a mouthful of blood.

The pain surged and broke a few bones of his ribs with a series of cracks until it spread through his bowels. He lurched from his stead, hugging himself from the pain. 

Right then, it was harder to breathe, his insides writhed in no way he could describe despite having such familiarity of this unbearable sensation coursing through his body.

He arched his neck, trembling, and tried to meet his eyes, saying, "Y—Your Grace, I—"

"Silence! You stupid whore mongrel!"

Arnold's voice roared as he landed a punch on Keith's cheek. A shockwave came from the impact, having his teeth crushed to numbness, along with his jaws snapped that crisped the air. 

He let out a hiss of pain, as he stumbled several times. 

'...That… really—' Upon trying to prop his arm on the ground several times, a sudden onset of vertigo hit him. With a blurry and tripping vision, he only shut his eyes, swaying his head to and fro.

It has been a long time since he got to taste the tip of his wrath, and when he thought he vowed to himself he would never be in a position to be an embarrassment and receive punishment, it flew out of the window.

"You only had one job! Yet you failed so miserably! Imbecile twat!"

The Grand Duke stood, leering at him dead in the eyes. Streaks of veins etched from his neck and fists, urging him to throw another hit at him. However, gnawing his teeth to hold out his frustration snapped when Keith started to squirm and a subtle groan came from him.

He turned pale as his emerald eyes reflected off the feet; the tremendous force weighed on it that would meet his face as he looked up.

"You let this chance slip through your measly, tiny fingertips…"

At the moment, Arnold paced back and forth, breathing harshly in the frigid winters, glancing back at him. 

"You swore you would protect her." He then pointed at him, raising his voice, "You swore!"

A huge gust of wind blew, and the frost crept through his skin akin to tiny spikes, impaling deep as he shrieked aloud.

"It would've been a solid plan! Of all things happening, why have you brought her here?!"

However, the moment he raised his knee-high dark leather boots, kicking him halfway now went to a halt as he wailed out of frustration, and pulled away from him.

Yet, Keith couldn't answer, as much as he wanted to utter words or even numbed his wounded, bruised mouth to open again, he had no idea what she was up to—other than giving her the support she needed.

Out of rage, Arnold grabbed him by the collar with one hand, regardless of how Keith grunted in deep torment.

"Answer me!"

But his obloquy and slanders took a stop when a small glint from the white patches of the sky shimmered. Like a lightning flash, a large avian silhouette hovered over them with a strong wind pinning the two of them down. 

"Halt this instance, Arnold," Nathan announced, then landed on the ground. One after another, they hopped out of Stravwuark and greeted him.

"A rather vulgar and undignified nobles came and joined forces…'' Arnold let out a dry chuckle as his indigo eyes gleamed, with his hair now afloat midair. "If you're seeking an opportunity for war, then be my guest—"

"Pardon my intrusion but I bear no ill will. I came here as your beloved daughter asked for help."

Like magic worked its wonders, Arnold snapped out of his powers and squinted at them. Without the need of waiting for his cues, Nathan called the twins to help Keith out.

Soon, thousands of winged beasts flocked their way as they blotted like dots on the sky, descending on the barren snows. Through Athan and Veronica's lead, they all acted fast and helped the victims.

"... Many—thanks…" Keith mumbled.

"Don't mention it." Dusk thinned his lips and focused on him.

The anger that resided in Arnold fizzled out as he stood there, trembling as though he had lost hope. 

"My daughter is long gone…" he croaked. 

"No, she's fine," Athan assured.

Arnold snapped his head towards Athan with Veronica by his side. They sauntered inches closer to him. 

"Not that I believe one bit of your word that came out of your mouth!"

"Your Grace, with your daughter's life on the line, none of that mattered as of the moment, is it?" Athan confronted him, and the demeanor of the Grand Duke of Blackwell changed. "You were the mastermind of all this, right?"

Arnold went silent, despite the clamors and indistinguishable chatters around them, he never said anything.

Meanwhile, Keith's eyes widened, holding his breath as he stared at his eyes with a tinge of guilt in them.

'No way… This—This can't be!'

"See?! I told all of you it wasn't my brother's fault!" Marianne yelped.

When Arnold's face scrunched out of fury once more, Nathan added, "I got her message just now, rest assured. I hereby swear in my name and birthright."

"You… You! And you! All of you! What do all of you know about my territory?!"

"She knows…"


"Lady Mystique bid her time.." Nathan then looked at Keith when his swollen mouth healed a tad better. "She gave you instructions, where is it?"

Keith found himself in an awkward position, but still kept vigilant from their discussion, and only then a realization dawned upon him from his hint. Withal, he rummaged through his pocket and retrieved the torn page for Nathan to read.

"Hmmm, this isn't too bad," he muttered after unfurling it.

Though Arnold begged to differ. "Give me that!" Even snatching it with ease still scrunched his face upon reading with a murmur. "... Wait—This—an ancient language?!"

"Anyway, gather round everyone." Nathan clapped his hand, garnering all of their attention. "We shall take-off; take them with you—the more, the merrier."

Still, Arnold hung his head, balling hands to a fast again. "...What must I do?"

"And you…" Pointing at him, cutting him off, "Shall also be in there for her."

Everyone, as of this point, started to mount from their familiars. Arnold was still skeptical and vexed, so Nathan dragged him on top of Stravwuark, by hook or by crook.

"Initiate Plan C! To the Frozen Gorge!" Nathan announced and flew forth with the rest following him.

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