Asian carp from the Mississippi River, even though the earthy smell is too strong to enter the mouth of Americans, can't they also enter the mouth of American cats?

Cats like to eat fishy things the most!

Megumi Akiyama personally got a big carp, chopped it into small pieces and fed it to Serena, the catwoman who turned into a kitten, and got the evaluation of "okay".

As for the legendary heavy metal content of these Asian carp in the Mississippi River...

Uh, with the lifespan of a cat, it is estimated that it will not survive the time when eating too much fish will lead to heavy metal deposition and affect health.

Just as the average life expectancy of the ancients was short, most people would not live to the day when they would develop cancer, so it seems that ancient cancers seemed to be rare.

So, should we stop here and choose the hometown of Clinton and Xiba as the headquarter of the American Inari Shrine?


"...No no no, don't! Arkansas is really not suitable for our fox goddess, Miss Akiyama!

Not to mention how sparsely populated this place is and how dilapidated the villages and towns are, with your Asian face, it is very difficult to get along in Arkansas!

This state is very exclusive!Especially very discriminating against people of color! "

Hearing that Megumi Akiyama seems to be interested in settling in Arkansas, Dolores from Louisiana immediately became anxious, "...Although Arkansas has many rice fields, it is also the state with the most serious racial discrimination in the United States. !

Ms. Akiyama, you may not know that the stronghold of the Ku Klux Klan is in Arkansas! "

ah?Arkansas, a land of fish and rice, turned out to be the base camp of white American racists?

Qiu Shanhui was taken aback when he heard that, his eyebrows were raised high, and the expression on his face was as beautiful as the eyebrows of the lovely dragon mother.

She hurriedly asked Dolores, and then she was stunned to learn that Arkansas has always been the state with the worst racial discrimination in the United States, and it has been like this since the Civil War.The headquarters of the Ku Klux Klan in the United States is here, not Atlanta, the main stage of "Gone with the Wind".

On top of that, there is a whole bunch of white supremacist racist xenophobic groups of all kinds that are also rife in Arkansas.

Although the Clintons started in Arkansas, Arkansas has been a red state that supports the Republican Party in the previous general elections in the United States in recent years.

In the history of the racial affirmative movement in the United States, the "Little Rock Incident" in Arkansas is even more prominently written in textbooks.

——In the 50s, the United States abolished the racial segregation system and allowed blacks to attend white schools. However, Little Rock, Arkansas directly disobeyed orders and insisted on racial segregation. President Eisenhower was so angry that he sent troops to Little Rock to escort black students into the city. white school...

This shows how much Arkansas excludes people of color-to this day, it is still the state with the highest proportion of whites in the South of the United States!

Therefore, as a woman of yellow race from Asia, if Akiyama Huiruo wants to settle down in Arkansas, a place where white people are supremacy, take root, even build temples, spread religion, and recruit believers... Cough cough, I have to say , which is really a challenging thing.

"... Arkansas is really unfriendly to us. Just now, I got out of the car and went to the supermarket to buy something, but I was targeted maliciously."

The female interpreter sent by the Japanese Consulate in San Francisco also echoed, "...the immigrants and tourists who came to the United States in the past have never heard of anyone who came to Arkansas. It is hard for me to imagine how long it is to live in this place." What kind of feeling... maybe you will die?"

"...Yes, we are clearly not welcome by the upper echelons of Arkansas, and so far there has been no sign of any reception or welcome."

Manager Freya then continued, "...not even a greeting, it's obviously not like we are willing to let us live here. If Miss Akiyama insists on building a temple here, maybe Get in trouble with local groups like the Ku Klux Klan."

"...Besides, the cities and towns here are too dilapidated and poor. It feels far worse than our hometown Fukushima Prefecture."

Akiyama Megumi's best friend Asakura Yu is also very dissatisfied with this place in Arkansas, "...Our hometown in Fukushima County was already poor enough and rural in Japan. Could it be that now that we have finally come to the United States, we are still living in the country?" Do you want to live in this poorer and more rural place than Fukushima Prefecture?"

In this regard, Megumi Akiyama also had to nod in recognition: Arkansas, the "land of fish and rice", is really too poor!

So poor that the succubi lack interest, and have no plans to set up an "Uber succubus shop" in this state: on the one hand, it is because the place is conservative, white supremacist and severely xenophobic, it is difficult to accept succubus Such a trendy thing; on the other hand, it is due to insufficient local consumption power.

——Whether in China or Japan, if a piece of land is called a "land of fish and rice", it usually means prosperity and abundance.

However, in the United States, a very counterintuitive reality is that the "Land of Fish and Rice" is actually synonymous with backcountry here.

In the entire "Rice Belt" states of the Lower Mississippi River Plain, none of them can be called rich!

For a long time in the past, Louisiana, which is located at the mouth of the Mississippi River, once occupied the throne of the poorest state in the United States for a long time. Very decadent to accompany the last seat.

But in recent years, although Louisiana's economic situation has not improved, as the central states have become increasingly dilapidated, the economy has fallen to the floor... Louisiana's per capita GDP has surpassed its neighbors in a downturn, rising to the level of the entire United States No.30 five in fifty states!

On the contrary, the per capita GDP of Arkansas, the hometown of the Clinton family, fell to the bottom of the wealth list of the fifty states in the United States during the tenure of a certain black president. Mississippi and Missouri are two different places, one in the lower reaches and one in the middle) - Mississippi, which is across the Mississippi River from Arkansas, is also in the rice belt...

So, leaving aside the issue of white racism, can a poor place like this that can't squeeze out any oil and water support a large shrine that is full of incense?

The little witch Akiyama Hui thought about it carefully, and felt that this matter was really worrying.

Chapter 227, Uncle Black Picking Cotton

Arkansas is not only very poor, but also very sparsely populated. The entire state has a land area of ​​13 square kilometers, which is larger than Zhejiang Province. However, the total population of Arkansas is only over 200 million, which is only [-]% of the population of Zhejiang Province. One-fiftieth of the population of Jiangsu.

——Since Arkansas is so sparsely populated, there are naturally not many densely populated and prosperous cities.

Before, Megumi Akiyama and the others were in Missouri, passing through the city of St. Louis with a population of 30 to [-], and felt that the city was small, dilapidated and poor.

But Little Rock, the capital and largest city of Arkansas, has a population of only 18, which is even worse than St. Louis in terms of poverty.

According to Akiyama Megumi's personal observation just now, this city of 18 people is more dilapidated than St. Louis, and it looks like a declining industrial city from a distance.The entire Little Rock City has only three streets in the city center and a dozen office buildings, and it still has a bit of an urban atmosphere.

However, if you take a closer look at these few high-rise buildings, you will find that they are very old, and I don't know if they are legacy from decades ago.And even in the center of Little Rock, the streetscape is still dilapidated, old and messy, with overgrown weeds, oil stains everywhere, and messy graffiti everywhere.

Even in the daytime and on weekends, the streets are empty, only some guys with backpacks and windbreakers with hoods, suspected criminals strolling.

(The standard dress of American robbers, the hood is used to cover the head and face, the school bag can be used to hide the gun, and can also be used to hold the stolen goods.)

As for the rest of Little Rock, it looks like a dilapidated urban-rural fringe: the traffic lights are hung directly on the wires, the school is built like a shack, and rusty broken cars are left on the side of the road. Most of the shops have closed down and there is no business.And the street is full of idlers with tattooed arms and evil eyes—except that the street scammers here are mostly white.

Although it is said to be the stronghold of white supremacy in the United States, the law and order in Little Rock is still very chaotic. In the run-down white communities in Little Rock, violent crimes are as rampant as in other black districts, not because of the high proportion of whites here. , and has changed.

Anyway, looking at the dense crime map on the mobile app, the Japanese maidens in the car gave up their plans to get off the car and stroll around the city.

——The crime rate of blacks in other cities in the United States is high because blacks are at the bottom of the poorest society in those cities, lacking survival resources, and have to rely on violence to game.There are very few blacks in Little Rock, so the poor whites who took the place of the blacks are naturally as rampant in crime as the blacks.

And, even in downtown Little Rock, the roads are poorly built, full of potholes that make the girls in the RV bump their butts.

As for the roads in rural Arkansas, it looks like it hasn’t been repaired for 50 years. The road surface is patched with patches, and the potholes are connected to the sky. It is the feeling of driving the car out of the off-road challenge on the road.

By the time the convoy arrived in the capital, Little Rock, the chassis of several RVs had been worn out.

But in Little Rock, a place where you don't need anything, there is no way to repair such a high-end thing as a luxury car.

According to the employees of the local 4S shop, if you want to repair the chassis of this luxury car, you have to go to New Orleans or Houston...

In short, poverty in Arkansas means less donations, and less population in Arkansas means less incense.

And the local culture of white supremacy, racism and xenophobia means that opportunities for possible donations, beliefs and influence are even rarer.

More importantly, the official attitude of Arkansas is also obviously very cold, which is completely different from that of California.

After superimposing so many unfavorable factors or negative buffs, the rice fields and carp in Arkansas don't seem so beautiful.

——Even if this state has half of the rice fields in the United States, the deep-rooted atmosphere of white supremacy is really unsolvable.

What?Do you want to take the traditional route, spread favors widely, and slowly win the hearts of the people by grinding hard work?

Uh, this is not impossible, but the problem is that time is running out-there are many competitors of Inari God!

Right now, the spiritual energy in western North America has just recovered, and it is at the outlet of wealth that is the easiest to sell beliefs. Other gods and demons are advancing by leaps and bounds, but you get up early in the morning and catch up in the evening. I chose a poor and remote place...

Meowing a meow, isn't this tantamount to self-willing to degenerate?Do you think this is a race between the tortoise and the hare? !

If you want to speed up the mission, you can't use force to threaten believers to convert, right?Yuga Inari God Yuyatsu is a pure and good god!

If you blindly mess around in a simple and rude way, I'm afraid it will be artificial, no, the divine design will collapse!

Soft means are effective too slowly, and hard means cannot be used. Such an embarrassing social environment is really not a suitable place for investment.

In contrast, according to Dolores, her hometown is located in Louisiana at the mouth of the Mississippi River in the south. Although the area and scale of rice cultivation are far less than that of Arkansas, the annual rice production is still hundreds of tons of grade.

Moreover, although Louisiana is quite poor and rural, the state is located at the estuary of the Mississippi River after all. It has an excellent large port and can realize river-sea combined transportation. The location advantage is similar to that of Shanghai in China. The population of the state is about 500 million. , more than double that of Arkansas.

In other words, Louisiana is relatively prosperous compared with its poor rice-belt neighbors, despite being small among the fifty states.In addition, the local area is located by the sea, with beautiful scenery and many tourists. Relatively speaking, the economy is more active, and it is also more open and inclusive.

After all, it is impossible to have xenophobic tourist cities in this world. Even Mecca and Medina are very open and inclusive by the standards of the Middle East.

In addition, although Louisiana is also a red state where the Republican Party dominates, the local racial composition is far more diverse than that of Arkansas. Among the residents of Louisiana, whites account for [-]%, blacks account for [-]%, Asians and Hispanics account for [-]% of the total, and many Asians are farmers.New Orleans, the capital of the state, is also known as the capital of witchcraft and the holy land of Voodoo, and it is very tolerant of aliens and pagan religions.

Of course, in this case, Voodoo, who claims to be good at cursing, will become Inari's competitor in Louisiana.

However, the fox god Inari served by Megumi Akiyama did not intend to immediately compete with Voodoo for the faith position of those black people in the city. Instead, he planned to take root in the rice-producing rural areas and occupy one side in a short time. There will be no violent conflicts.

Thinking about those voodoo wizards and witches, they didn't have the guts to take the initiative to cause trouble: she is a witch with a nuclear bomb on her side (kissed her hips and chest out)!

More importantly, Megumi Akiyama's chief bag-carrying younger sister, Dolores, is from a rural town in Louisiana!

Moreover, Dolores's family grows rice!In other words, Inari Shrine has a ready-made shojo in Louisiana.

If the headquarters of the Inari Shrine were established in Dolores' hometown, then there would be a vote of local snakes to help!

Therefore, after much deliberation, the balance in Hui Akiyama's heart became more and more inclined to go to Louisiana.

Of course, in the end, it was the ancient fox god Yuzaoqian & Daji Niangniang & Inari Goddess who made the final decision and made the final decision.

"...Since thousands of years ago, I have lived in the Japanese archipelago for so much time, and I still prefer places near the sea."

Lord Fox God projected a phantom, and said, "...Since we are not welcome in this place where all white people are, how about going south for a while and going to the beach? What are the waves of the Caribbean Sea like? The appearance, the concubine is also very curious!"

Therefore, Akiyama Megumi immediately decided to continue the journey and go to Louisiana to investigate.

And during the days when they were stranded in Arkansas, the local celebrities, wealthy and powerful figures all turned a blind eye to these strange people, as if they were pretending that Megumi Akiyama and others did not exist.On the contrary, Tennessee, across the water, sent an invitation letter through the agent Freya.

"...Former Vice President Albert Gore? Clinton's deputy at the time? Invited me to his house?"

Seeing this beautifully framed invitation letter printed in cursive fonts, Akiyama Hui couldn't help being a little dazed, "...what did he ask me for? Did he want me to use magical magic to heal his illness? What? His The body is very good? Then... it is impossible to take refuge in my lord, right?"

"...Is it pure curiosity? Mr. Gore has been out of politics for a long time. Just treat him as a retired old man."

Manager Freya said, "...he has just made a few environmental documentaries over the years, and won the Oscar statuette and the Nobel Peace Prize. Today's spiritual recovery is also a kind of environmental change. Maybe he wants to talk to you Let’s talk about this topic, maybe make another documentary.”

Uh, take the statuette and the Nobel Peace Prize?What a fulfilling retirement life!

A little hobbies after resignation and retirement far exceed other people's lifelong goals!

Anyway, it was really hard for Megumi Akiyama to associate Mr. Gore with those old men who retired to plant flowers and raise birds as a pastime.

"...Vice President Gore... I don't have much impression, after all, he is already a passing figure of the last century..."

The chief bag-carrying girl Dolores thought for a while and said, "...I only know that the concept of [National Information Superhighway] was proposed by him, and the Internet in the United States was also promoted by him. It is a very high-tech model. Good guy? Hey, if he had won the White House in that general election 20 years ago, maybe we wouldn’t have fought so many wars out of nowhere, and the country wouldn’t be in as much debt as it is now?”

——Indeed, the sharp decline of the United States after entering the 21st century has made the whole world laugh at its hip-stretching infrastructure capabilities.

If the Internet project covering the entire federal territory did not break ground just after the end of the Cold War, when the engineering teams left over from the U.S.-Soviet struggle for hegemony had not yet died out, but dragged on until the 21st century... Uh, then refer to the stranded so far California High Speed ​​Rail.Don't talk about "connecting every village" on the Internet in the United States today. Before the promotion of Musk's Starlink, I'm afraid it would be difficult for "connecting counties and counties", right?

It can be seen that Gore's forward-looking promotion of the "National Information Superhighway" project at that time was indeed a merit in the present and a benefit in the future.

In addition, as far as personal morality is concerned, Gore does not have many black spots. On the contrary, he is favored by progressives because he holds high the banner of environmental protection.

——He is not a show-type idol like the Nordic environmental protection girl who just talks but doesn't do anything, but really promoted the United States to sign the "Kyoto Protocol". Environmental protection issues can become a global prominent study at the end of the [-]th century, Mr. Gore There is also a lot of credit for this.

Focusing on environmental protection and cleanliness with one hand, and information technology with the other, if the United States really sticks to its two lines, instead of saying one thing and doing another.

Well, then, maybe the United States really has such a possibility that it will truly become a beacon of human civilization?

However, even though everyone had a good impression of Mr. Gore, the invitation to visit his house had to be declined.

Because Tennessee is located on the east bank of the Mississippi River, outside the scope of spiritual recovery, and there are basically no rice fields in this state.

Therefore, after declining Mr. Gore's invitation to be a guest, everyone continued to go south to Louisiana.


The group left Little Rock, the capital of Arkansas, and continued south along the highway along the Mississippi River. Not long after crossing the state border and entering Louisiana, Hui Akiyama was surprised to find that the rice fields outside the car window had basically disappeared, replaced by , is a large tract of cotton land.

Now at this time, it has come to the season of cotton harvesting and picking. Looking towards both sides of the road, I saw that in the neat cotton fields, some branches were holding snow-white flowers, some branches were full of cotton bolls, and some The red or white flowers blooming are really beautiful.

In addition, there are many dark and strong men working hard in the cotton fields, forming a sharp contrast with the snow-white cotton.

——It also made Akiyama Megumi amazed:

"...I said, dear Dolores, did the United States really abolish slavery more than 100 years ago? What happened to the black uncles picking cotton in the fields here? They still have nails on their feet And the shackles!"

"...Ahem, these African-Americans in the cotton fields are prisoners, not slaves!"

"...But I don't see any difference at all. It's almost the same as the southern manor in "Gone with the Wind", except that the agricultural machinery they use is more advanced-you see, if it is a prisoner, why is the cotton field Almost all black people, not a single white person?"

"...Ahem, well, first of all, there are always black people in the prison, and secondly, it's summer now, and black people are more resistant to heat..."

Chapter 228: American Slavery Up to the 21st Century

The distribution of rice fields in Louisiana is different from that in Arkansas.

In this state, rice is not grown on either side of the Mississippi River, but cotton is abundant along the banks in the north and sugar cane is widely grown in the delta in the south.

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