As for the Louisiana rice-growing area, it is concentrated in the coastal swamps of the southwest, adjacent to Texas.

So, just across the state border from Arkansas in the north and into Louisiana, which is low-lying and full of lakes, Megumi Akiyama and his team saw a large cotton field, and in the cotton field, wearing shackles and the scorching sun above their heads, Negroes picking cotton by hand...

Well, not black slaves, but black prisoners for forced labor, but at first glance, the two are really the same.

The same tan, the same exhaustion, the same sweat, and the same overseer/jailor with a whip and stick staring behind him from time to time.

Well, from time to time, some unlucky black man suddenly fell down and died suddenly while working in the field, and then the body was carried out and filled into the cremator by the side of the road.

Moreover, their death rate is estimated to be much faster than that of black slaves on plantations in the southern United States in the [-]th century.

——Because, if the black slaves were killed at the current death rate of these black prisoners, all the slave owners in the nineteenth century would have gone bankrupt long ago.

There is no way, not to mention the epidemic that is currently rampant, and the lower-class blacks in the United States today look tall and powerful, but in fact they are generally very weak, and they do not know self-discipline at all, and all kinds of hormone-rich junk food Stuff it in your mouth, beat all kinds of strange things into your blood vessels, make your organs aging, your kidneys atrophy, and your blood sticky like jelly... It's really not a good material for a coolie.

Of course, it does not rule out the possibility that they can lose fat and regain their health under high-intensity labor.

Cough cough, back to the topic, for such a scene of black slaves picking cotton, all the girls in the green leather car expressed different concerns.

The Japanese maidens were amazed at why there were still black slaves in the United States, and Sister Ma Tong was amazed at why cotton was picked by hand?

What age is this now?Even the Central Asian region in the hinterland of Eurasia is using cotton picking machinery on a large scale!

With the modernization of American agriculture, shouldn’t the outdated manual picking be eliminated long ago and the mechanization and automation of cotton picking realized?

In this regard, Dolores, a red-necked girl born and raised in Louisiana, responded after asking someone on Twitter:

"...Mechanical cotton picking? Of course we have this thing, and there were dedicated cotton picking vehicles decades ago.

But the problem is, just like the people in the city drink freshly ground coffee and pour over coffee, and feel that drinking instant coffee is cheap, although the efficiency of machine-picked cotton is high, the cotton picked is called machine-picked cotton, and the quality is not very good. , Hand-picked cotton picked by human hands can be sold at a high price!

In the past, cotton farmers in this area were unable to recruit a large number of cheap short-term laborers. Considering the cost-effectiveness, they couldn’t pick cotton by hand. They had to use various automated cotton picking machines, such as smart picking Cotton carts and the like.

Now that our country has stuffed so many homeless people into the prisons, the manpower has suddenly become very sufficient, so it is natural for the prisoners to pick cotton by hand..."

——In the 21st century, when the Internet is fully popularized and artificial intelligence is greatly developed, automated mechanical cotton picking has long been promoted on a large scale.

There are no barriers to use either technically or costly.

But there is a problem: although the efficiency of mechanical cotton picking has improved, the quality is still worse than that of manual cotton picking.


Because anyone who has seen a cotton field knows that during the season of picking cotton, its leaves will become very crispy, and if you are not careful, the withered yellow broken leaves will stick to the cotton wool.The cotton picking machine does not have such a high level of artificial intelligence to distinguish, it will only put cotton wool and leaves in one pot.

The result is that the quality of mechanically picked cotton is relatively poor. After all, machine-picked cotton is a low-end product in the market, far inferior to hand-picked cotton.

Who makes it so that in these days, any product that is labeled as "handmade" or "environmentally friendly" can instantly become taller and collect IQ tax?

Just like those who grow tea always like to advertise that they only use organic fertilizers, and those who make cigarettes like to boast that their cigarettes are rolled by girls by hand.

In the same way, cotton picked by hand is always more high-end and elegant in the market than "soulless" machine-picked cotton.

Sell ​​your feelings!Not shabby!

Therefore, in order to produce some high-end products, the cotton farmers in Louisiana, on the premise that most of the cotton fields are harvested by automated machinery, still retain some cotton fields that are picked by manpower, so as to add to their own cotton. So some "advanced sense".

However, due to insufficient labor supply, the output of hand-picked cotton has always been unable to increase.

——As we all know, picking cotton under the scorching sun in midsummer is an extremely hard physical work. As long as there is a choice, ordinary people are not willing to do this: because in the impression of Americans, picking cotton is a slave Don't you become a slave if you pick cotton by yourself?

This is no longer a problem of hard work, but a problem that is even more humiliating than men pimping and women standing in the street.

No matter how poor modern Americans are, they still have food stamps to get by, relying on welfare to get by, so naturally they look down on cotton picking.

Faced with this situation, cotton farmers in Louisiana generally use illegal immigrants who smuggle in to pick cotton. , The salary of $15 per hour is too small, and American citizens who have to complain or even sue if something goes wrong, these illegal immigrants who hide from the immigration office and can't even speak English, are really much easier to use.

If you use illegal immigrants as workers, you will deduct wages, work around the clock, bully men and women, let female workers sleep with you, and issue plastic tokens as wages... All kinds of exploitative and oppressive methods of black-hearted capitalists, the United States All farmers can use it, thereby reducing production costs.

——According to the official statistics of the United States, currently 75% of the agricultural laborers on farms in the southern United States are stowaways.

Don't look at those red-neck farmers in the southern United States who are bluffing all day long, clamoring to build the border wall and deport illegal immigrants.But once the illegal immigrant workers who smuggle in from Latin America leave, labor costs will rise sharply, and their farms will probably go bankrupt!

In other words, the current farms in the southern United States have long been inseparable from the blood and sweat of illegal immigrant workers.

But in this way, there is a problem of regional competition - Louisiana is not on the border, and the illegal workers who smuggle in from Mexico are basically intercepted by the Texas farmers next door and digested by themselves Dropped: Texas is also a big farm state!

Most of the smugglers who crossed over from the Caribbean came ashore from the Florida Peninsula, which has a long coastline. However, Florida itself is also a large agricultural state, which also produces flowers and seedlings, and there is also a great demand for agricultural labor.

Louisiana is sandwiched between two neighbors, Texas and Florida. Although it has its own coastline, it is located at the tip of the Gulf of Mexico, far from the Caribbean islands, and it is not convenient for illegal immigrants to reach here.

More importantly, the economic situation in Louisiana is not good. It is much poorer than Florida and Texas, and there is no way to provide higher wages to illegal workers-how can a place like this be far away and poor? Is it possible to attract labor?

Just like the mountain people in Guangxi usually go to Guangdong to work, and it is rare to hear that anyone will go to Jiangxi.

Therefore, due to the shortage of labor supply, the output of hand-picked cotton in Louisiana has been relatively limited, which makes the farmers very sorry.

However, this year, although the COVID-19 virus has harvested the lives of countless agricultural laborers and farmers, with the passage and implementation of the anti-homeless bill, Louisiana officials suddenly have a huge amount of cheap prison labor in their hands. Send them to the farm.

In this way, the labor cost of picking cotton by hand has been greatly reduced.

On the other hand, while the labor cost of hand-picked cotton has dropped dramatically, the cost of machine-picked cotton has risen rapidly.

The first is that the price of electricity and oil are soaring, making it more and more expensive to drive cotton picking trucks and supporting machinery.

The second is the manufacturer of intelligent automatic cotton picking vehicles. Now they are also affected by the epidemic and their production lines have been shut down. So they imitated Mercedes-Benz and other major luxury car companies, and started a crazy krypton gold extortion model. The program maintenance service fee (protection fee) is going up, otherwise, the machine will be locked remotely, so that the farmer cannot normally start the intelligent cotton picking machine he bought...

The most terrible thing is that even if the farmer holds his nose and accepts blackmail, he will pay the same amount of money.However, cotton picking manufacturers can only guarantee the maintenance and upgrading of program software, but cannot guarantee the supply chain of various parts and consumables.Because many production lines have been shut down, and transportation is blocked everywhere.

——In other words, even if the buyer is overwhelmed by the manufacturer, the cotton picking truck he bought may not receive immediate maintenance.

The farmers who were so blackmailed soon discovered that under the current circumstances, instead of using machines to pick cotton, it is actually more cost-effective than picking cotton by hand!

So, they naturally threw the suddenly expensive and unusable cotton picking machines into the warehouse, and then cheaply hired black prisoners from private prisons who could be used to death, and drove them to the fields to pick cotton— — just like the ancestors of these southern ranchers 200 years ago.

"...Uh, I see, this is the regression of productivity that has triggered the degradation of social relations, leading to the disguised restoration of slavery."

When all the Japanese girls were still dumbfounded, Ma Tong had used the knowledge she had read in textbooks to initially sort out the cause and effect of this matter, "...but you let so many black people go here Picking cotton will eventually be condemned by the Democratic Party, right?"

"...those hypocrites can swear as much as they want, and we Southerners never think it's wrong to throw a nigger into a cotton field.

It is just right to force these scum to exercise, learn some work skills, and take the opportunity to detoxify during labor, so that they can become more useful people after they come out, instead of continuing to endanger society. "

The red-necked girl Dolores uttered politically incorrect words, "...I don't think I'm a racist, but many scumbags really don't deserve human rights! They only deserve to be slaves!

To make this country great again, what if the niggers show up again?

Anyway, it is less than ten years since the complete abolition of slavery in the South! "

A few short-sighted Japanese witches:? ! !Did America just abolish slavery?How is this possible?

——Fortunately, Serena, the only black-skinned cat girl in the car, is currently sleeping soundly in the form of a cat cub, and has not heard the above-mentioned words of tiger and wolf.


Facts: When did the United States officially abolish slavery?

History textbooks usually write about the mid-nineteenth century, after the Civil War.

But strictly speaking, this answer is wrong.

In fact, slavery in the United States officially ended in 2013!

In other words, until the 21st century, the United States was still a country where slavery remained.

Why is this happening?

Because the United States is a federal country, theoretically state power is higher than federal power.

Even if Congress in Washington passed a constitutional amendment in 1865 abolishing slavery, the states would have to ratify it.

In that year, three-quarters of the states in the United States agreed to the abolition of slavery.Generally speaking, slavery is officially abolished in the United States.

But the problem is that the remaining one-fourth of the states have become nail-biters. The approval of the Abolition of Slavery Act is delayed as long as it can, and as long as it can be relied on.

How long have they dragged on?

It dragged on for almost 150 years!

When Martin Luther King Jr. said "I have a dream," slavery hadn't even been abolished in some parts of the United States.

Of course, slave states passed abolition laws over time, but it was a very slow process.

Mississippi, the most stubborn slave-holding state in the United States, actually delayed the approval of the Abolition of Slavery Act until 1995, after the end of the Cold War and the disintegration of the Soviet Union.But the cunning state legislature deliberately withheld the documents afterwards and refused to send them to the National Archives, making the abolition process stuck at the last step.

After another 18 years, it was not until 2013 that a certain black man not only moved into the White House, became president, but even succeeded in being re-elected. Under the urging of huge public opinion pressure, the state of Mississippi in the United States reluctantly finished his journey. The final step in the process, the formal abolition of slavery.

It is only seven years since slavery was completely abolished in the southern United States.

Therefore, the cotton farmers in northern Louisiana would never have the psychological burden of throwing black people back into the cotton fields as slaves.

Of course, in northern Montana, lumber mill bosses had no problem using white prisoners as indentured slaves.

This is the spirit of capitalism that looks at money and disregards relatives!

Driving on the bumpy and dilapidated road, Akiyama Megumi's green leather RV passed through the cotton-growing area in northern Louisiana and arrived at Baton Rouge, the capital of Louisiana (the place name is French, which translates as "Red Stick City") .

This is an unremarkable industrial city with a population of more than 30. It was chosen as the capital because it is located in the geometric center of Louisiana. Although many factories are abandoned and dilapidated, because there are large oil fields nearby, the city here The petroleum refining industry is very prosperous.

——No matter how de-industrialized the United States is, the oil refining capacity must be retained, otherwise the car will not be able to drive.

As a result, the city of Baton Rouge seems far more prosperous and popular than St. Louis and Little Rock.

Megumi Akiyama finally experienced for himself what a mid-sized American city in the golden age should look like.

Unlike the previous cold reception in Missouri and Arkansas, the attitude of Louisiana towards Hui Akiyama and his party is much warmer.

——Although the unlucky Mr. Governor died suddenly because he was infected with the mutated strain of COVID-19, and it was too late to rescue him. The entire state government is in a state of leaderlessness.However, some state legislators and local entrepreneurs in Baton Rouge privately funded a dinner and entertained them warmly.

In addition, there are also several local wealthy people who brought their "Corona" plague sequelae patients to come to seek medical treatment from Akiyama Megumi and others.

After Megumi Akiyama performed healing magic with ease, allowing more than a dozen patients to recover with full blood, the leading figures in these places were very happy. They not only donated generously, but also pledged their chests that Baton Rouge is a land of freedom of belief, and they are very welcome. A Japanese Inari Shrine has settled down in this city, and is even willing to donate land and building materials, or ask the construction team of its own company to work voluntarily for the construction of the shrine.

Sadly, despite the friendly attitude of the local high society dignitaries, there are not many rice fields around Baton Rouge.

Therefore, Akiyama Hui had to decline their kindness, but just took their letter of introduction and continued his journey.

However, the succubus ladies and sisters in the same company opened a branch in Baton Rouge.

Going further south from Baton Rouge, you enter the Mississippi River Delta, and the cotton fields along the road disappear without a trace and become vast sugar cane fields.

However, although sugar cane plantations and sugar mills were the major consumers of black slaves in the Age of Discovery, sugarcane planting and harvesting in Louisiana have been fully mechanized, and the local sugar mills have long been automated, so there is no need for many black prisoners to work as coolies.

——Cotton farms use black prisoners because hand-picked cotton can be sold at a high price, but hand-picked sugar cannot be sold more expensive than machine-made sugar...

Therefore, the sugarcane farms in southern Louisiana generally maintained their original appearance of being sparsely populated and densely covered with swamps and jungles.

And at the end of this vast sugar cane farm, at the southeastern end of the delta, is the pearl of the Mississippi River estuary, New Orleans.

PS: Today, some readers came to debate with me whether the African-Americans who disappeared as soon as their girlfriends became pregnant and their boyfriends disappeared, are they degenerating back into a matriarchal society?

I asked him to investigate, those children from single-parent families in the United States, do they follow their father's or their mother's surname?

The surname has gone with the mother, and the children only know their mother but not their father. Isn't this called a matrilineal clan society?

Chapter 229 New Orleans has no grilled wings and no witchcraft

New Orleans at the mouth of the Mississippi River.

The birthplace of jazz and the largest city in Louisiana.

And the stronghold of American voodoo (also known as voodoo).

Because of KFC's false propaganda, when Chinese people mention New Orleans, they immediately think of grilled chicken wings and chicken leg burgers.

Because of the horror stories, when Americans think of New Orleans, they usually think of witches, vampires, haunted houses and Halloween treats.

But unfortunately, according to Dolores, a red-neck girl, New Orleans has neither famous grilled chicken wings nor grilled chicken leg burgers.

——Chicken wings in New Orleans restaurants are usually breaded and deep-fried!

(KFC all over the world, except for stores in my country, does not have New Orleans grilled chicken drumsticks or New Orleans grilled wings.)

In the perception of Americans, the city's truly famous specialties should actually be crayfish, jambalaya and seafood stew.

It is also a pity that there is no real witchcraft in New Orleans these days.because……

"...Aura coverage... the limit of the eastward extension, that's the end! It's still fifty kilometers away from the city center!"

In the middle of the night when the red moon hangs high, far away from the country road in the urban area of ​​New Orleans, the little witch Akiyama Hui with her eyes opened stands on the side of the road, looking melancholy at the southeast horizon - there, stands an ordinary Invisible to humans, the dividing line between the extraordinary world and the non-demonic world.

The extent of the mysterious recovery on the North American continent, so far, New Orleans, the capital of witchcraft, already belongs to the world of mortals.

"...couldn't magic and mystery come to New Orleans even on the night of the most magical crimson moon? Hey!

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