Therefore, this road is also known as the "Road to the Great River", and was rated by the National Geographic Magazine as one of the 500 roads that must be driven in life. The three major highways in the United States.In addition, it has a beautiful name: Road to Blues.

Amidst the beauty of the Mississippi River, musicians in battered trucks are strumming guitars with callused fingers.

——Bob Dylan's classic song "Return to Route 61" has made it a road that can sing in the hearts of Americans.

And rock stars like Moody Waters, Bessie Smith and Elvis Presley have all left their mark on this road.

It's a pity that Megumi Akiyama's convoy can't always roam south along Route 61, enjoying the lush lakes and mountains along the way, overlooking the river cruise ships on the Mississippi River with huge paddle wheels on both sides, and Listen to country music from the pop singers.

Because, at present, the scope of the recovery of spiritual energy in the United States is roughly the easternmost boundary of the Mississippi River.

However, this naturally generated dividing line is not the same as the artificially demarcated national boundaries, which are seamlessly connected with the main flow of the Mississippi River, but swings from side to side for dozens of kilometers or even hundreds of kilometers from time to time. The boundaries themselves, like the tides, ebb and flow.

If one accidentally opens the range covered by the aura, the little witch Megumi Akiyama and the disease witch Abby can still endure it, and the cat girl Serena can directly turn into a cat and not be a human, but those poor and helpless succubus girls We are about to endure the terrible pain like taking a sulfuric acid bath.

Therefore, because the aura is intermittent on Route 61, in order to prevent accidentally running out of the coverage of the aura, Akiyama Megumi's convoy cannot always drive south on Route 61, but must leave the expressway from time to time and go to Going around in circles to the west... However, everyone is not familiar with the roads in the southern United States, and the GPS navigation often has no signal in the countryside, which made this team run a lot of wrong roads like headless chickens.

But despite getting lost and going the wrong way in the countryside on the banks of the Mississippi River, Kei Akiyama is in a better mood.

——From the southernmost tip of Missouri, it enters the Mississippi River Plain in the United States, and this is also the "rice belt" of the United States.

Especially Arkansas in the south of Missouri, the hometown of MacArthur and the stronghold of the Clinton family, is also a famous "land of fish and rice" in the United States. It is not only famous for being rich in catfish in history, but also provides half of the rice production in the United States!

——Well, although due to the invasion of Asian carp, now the Arkansas River is dominated by herring, grass carp, carp and fathead.

The convoy was driving on the land of Arkansas, with large rice fields on both sides, which made Megumi Akiyama, the maiden of the Inari God, very happy.

This is where Inari Miko should be!

Finally, I can start to build a shrine and recruit believers, instead of watching competitors getting stronger and stronger, I am greedy except for being greedy!

——On the way from San Francisco to the banks of the Mississippi River, the succubus ladies and sisters who accompanied Akiyama Megumi set up outlets along the way, opened branches widely, and exorcised ghosts. In a very short period of time, it seems to have developed into a Emerging church & business service organization with huge influence.

As for Abby, the disease witch Abby from Thailand's transgender lady, as a voter of Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease, she is even more comfortable in the United States where the plague is rampant and anesthetics are legal: the succubus girls still need to work hard to open branches and recruit Subordinates, selling security and entertainment businesses.As for Abby, the disease witch, as long as she travels around the mountains, eats, drinks, and does nothing, a large number of believers and people who want to be priests will rush forward!

No way, who made Goddess Talona's priesthood of "poison and disease" so suitable for this land where plagues are raging and narcotics are abused?

As the god of disease, the American doctors who are now on the front line of the fight against the epidemic, as well as those patients infected with the "Corona" plague and their families, for their own health and life, all have to ask Tullow for help. Na dedicated her faith, just asking for her life-so her piety would not be bad.

When people are dying, their minds are always very simple - they just want to survive, and they will not hesitate to pay any price for it...

On the other hand, as the gods of poison, there are tens of millions of addicts in the United States today, accounting for a large population base, and as long as they become addicted, they must be so devout and pious, and this group of people Taking drugs every day is actually practicing Talona’s teachings, which is equivalent to the practice and asceticism in traditional religions... It’s like dedicating faith to Talona with one heart and holding the throne high!

Therefore, Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease of the DND pantheon, just appeared in front of the world in July this year and came to the mortal world. The number one elder sister of the supernatural field in the western United States.

Even Serena, the lazy black-skinned cat girl, met many poop shovelers who came to pray for blessings with their cat owners in their arms, and even prayed for the signatures of cat god voters to bless the cats in their store The owner of a pet shop and a cat cafe that gave birth to many cubs—well, because Serena has very low education, her handwriting is too ugly, and she has never practiced signatures, so she always uses [Giant Cat Claw] to slap the other party's shop door or wall printed instead.

Just like the hand-printed floor tiles of celebrities on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Just relying on this perfunctory slapping of the cat's paw, Catwoman Serena has attracted many sanctuaries and believers for the cat god Buster.

In contrast, as a witch who served the ancient fox god, Akiyama Megumi seemed a little overshadowed, almost becoming a little transparent along the way.

Looking back, except for the fact that she had reaped a wave of faith when the nuclear bomb exploded in Los Angeles in June, she had been standing still since then, and she hadn't built a shrine for two months...but in today's In the era of supernatural manifestations, standing still means that if you don't advance, you will retreat!

Therefore, at the beginning of the journey, everyone still faintly led by her.But in the second half of the journey, Abby, the disease witch, took the lead!

What makes Megumi Akiyama even more worrying is that her hometown, Fukushima County, has recently urgently trained a group of priestesses and priests who specialize in serving Tritium Treasure, and plans to come to Los Angeles this fall to build the Tritium Treasure Shrine... It is clear that he wants to share the rhythm of the nuclear arsenal with her!

However, Akiyama Hui couldn't refuse this at all: As the master, how can he stop the shikigami under him from making progress?Do you want to force it to backfire?

This anxiety, fear of class decline, but helplessness, did not ease a little until entering the rice belt of Arkansas.

It is now mid-August, the first season of early rice has been harvested in the plains of the lower Mississippi River, and the second season of late rice has just begun to be planted.

However, the way American farmers grow rice is obviously very different from traditional Asian cattle farming and rice transplanting.

——First of all, even when it comes to growing rice, the United States is following the high-energy-consuming route of industrialization and large-scale mechanization, and will never use backward animal power and manpower.

Secondly, American farmers do not transplant rice seedlings at all when planting rice, but sow seeds directly, and they still use airplanes to sprinkle rice seeds on the ground!

"...This is... drone seeding? It's really sci-fi! It can be automatically reloaded after sowing?!"

Through the car window, Megumi Akiyama, a little witch from the countryside of Fukushima Prefecture, stared dumbfounded at one drone after another of agricultural drones buzzing, like an oversized dragonfly, following the set procedures to fly over the rice fields. Shuttle back and forth over the fields, sowing rice seeds... I couldn't help being deeply shocked.

What shocked her even more was that after sowing, these agricultural drones can automatically return to a crawler-type large-scale intelligent agricultural machinery similar to a mobile base to recharge and replenish rice seeds, and then under the arrangement of artificial intelligence , took off again, and sowed the remaining plots...

Well, what is this thing?A remote-controlled intelligent land carrier for agricultural drones?

"...I said, isn't this too advanced? Are you using drones to sow rice fields in the United States?"

Megumi Akiyama looked at her chief bag-carrying girl, Dolores from Louisiana, in surprise, " your farm also like this?"

"...Well, yes. Now it's drones, and in the early days it was manned planes. My aunt is the pilot!"

Dolores looked at the rice fields beside the road with a flat expression, "...she taught me to fly the plane, and now I still have a pilot's license!"

"...a farm pilot who only knows how to fly old-fashioned biplanes?" Megumi Akiyama asked after thinking about it, but Dolores frowned.

"...Don't underestimate the biplanes that sprinkle seeds and pesticides on the farm! Although the speed of flying this kind of aircraft is slow, it can make a lot of money!"

She retorted, "...a pilot who drives an agricultural aircraft can earn more in the first year than a senior pilot who has been in civil aviation for five years! If you work a little harder, the annual income of more than 20 US dollars is definitely not a problem-it's a pity that there is no such thing now Waiting for a good thing, they were all eliminated by drones..."

"... Cough, there are currently 2000 million mu of rice fields in the United States, but there are only more than 6000 rice farmers, and an average of [-] mu of land per person."

Miss Freya, the manager, looked at the tablet and interjected, ", airplanes used to be a must-have item in rural America. An excellent American farmer must be a qualified biplane pilot, otherwise most likely It’s impossible to cultivate your own farm independently.”

Uh, in other words, in the United States, "a redneck who can't fly a plane is not a good farmer" was once an undoubted truth? !

What a Versailles show off is this?Akiyama Megumi couldn't help but think.

Then, in addition to the visually impactful drone sowing, Kei Akiyama was also in the rice field in Arkansas, and saw the farmer leveling the land with a large intelligent laser cultivator, which can level one hundred acres at a time; Spray pesticides and herbicides, and spray thousands of acres of land in the blink of an eye.

In addition, various detectors and sensors are inserted in the field, allowing farmers and even seed company instructors to remotely view various data: air temperature, humidity, soil layer temperature, soil pH and fertility, weed growth, and pest and disease conditions etc.

Then, the employees of the company input the data into the computer for simulation analysis, combined with the weather forecast, to determine the date of sowing, the depth of soil breaking during tillage, the type and amount of fertilization, whether to apply pesticides, etc. Farmers can actually completely empty their minds. What does the company say? Just do it all.

Moreover, all these agricultural machines, whether flying in the sky or running on the ground, are basically intelligent remote control and can be operated remotely.

Therefore, even though the rice fields were full of machines roaring and the scene was in full swing, Akiyama Keiran didn't see a single person (it was hot in midsummer, and white people were generally not heat-resistant, so they all hid in the cab or in the house blowing air-conditioning). As if this rice field was actually planted by robots!

In addition, the previous batch of early rice, after being harvested by the combine harvester at a speed of 40 tons per hour, was also sent directly to the large drying equipment standing in the field. Looking at it, I thought it was a small all-metal cement factory.The freshly harvested rice is dried here, filled into storage warehouses, and then waits for the grain traders who paid the deposit to send people to take it away.

From sowing to market, the whole process basically does not require manual operations by farmers, just like a farm game on a computer.

Therefore, it is only possible for a modern American farmer to plant [-] acres of land alone—because commercial companies have completely intelligentized and fooled farming.

In addition to rice, Arkansas is also rich in freshwater fish -- catfish in the past, but now "Asian carp."

In fact, these freshwater fish, which are regarded as delicacy on the table in Asia, are hated as "water rats" in the Mississippi River Basin of the United States-because "Asian carp" lacks natural enemies in the Americas, they live in the Mississippi River waters. The over-breeding of the species has seriously damaged the local hydrology and occupied the living space of native American fish, causing headaches and even disgust for Americans.

Just as the Australians once spent great energy fighting rabbits, Americans also worked hard to eliminate "Asian carp".

The result was the same as the rabbit war in Australia, in which humans lost in the end.

Wait, carp is a freshwater fish, right?

How did they swim across the vast saltwater ocean, halfway across the world and into the Mississippi River?

Well, this, like the rabbit in Australia, is also the Anglo-Saxon's own fault.

PS: Japan invented a nap box that allows social animals to sleep upright. Westerners look like coffins, while Easterners look like standing cages.

In the future, it will really be able to sleep four people per square meter.

I wonder if Cyberpunk has any ideas in this regard?A crowded future world?Ladders instead of stairs, crawling pipes instead of corridors, and everyone living in an old submarine all their lives?

Uh, but earlier in the era of the Industrial Revolution, British capitalists really let workers learn from Little Dragon Girls to sleep on a rope.

Chapter 226: The land of fish and rice is actually the poorest in the United States?

It turned out that in the 70s and [-]s, because of the extravagant and wasteful tradition of the Americans, too much fertilizer was applied to the coastal farmland, and the fertilizer water seeped into the river, which in turn caused the eutrophication and pollution of the water body in the Mississippi River Basin. Various aquatic plants and algae bloomed. Flooding, even affecting shipping.

Just like the "red tide" that has happened many times in Taihu Lake, Jiangsu.

If this kind of thing happened a few years earlier, it is estimated that the simple and rude Yankee would have to pour herbicide into the river.

But at this time, the book "Silent Spring", which accused DDT pesticides, had already been published, and it became a hit, making the abuse of pesticides a scandal.

Therefore, the Americans, who dare not use chemical drugs anymore, introduced "Asian carp" to those ponds where the algae proliferated too much, and let these green and pollution-free "natural pond cleaners" eat aquatic plants and algae. At first, it was very effective. Well, the deterioration of water quality was effectively curbed quickly.

But the problem is that people are not as good as God. Not long after that, the Mississippi River flooded several times, allowing these "Asian carps" to flow out of the breeding ponds, enter the river, and spread everywhere... So, they ran on the Australian prairie Like rabbits and rabbits, because the Americas lack their natural enemies, these fast-growing and highly reproductive "Asian carp" quickly defeated American fish such as herring and black bass, and became the local water king.

——The biggest characteristic of these "Asian carps" is that they can eat and are good at eating. They only need to open their mouths and swim continuously to eat algae, aquatic plants, insects and other food in the water.In the Mississippi River, which was already severely eutrophic at that time, the most indispensable thing was the flooding growth of various plankton, so these foreign fishes gave full play to their characteristics in an instant.

As a result, these "Asian carp" soon became fatter and bigger. In China, most of them grow to three catties before they should be served on the table; but in the United States, their largest size can grow to more than one meter long , weighing more than 50 kilograms, heavier than many small people (heavier than Megumi Akiyama)!

What's more terrible is that an adult female carp can lay up to 100 million eggs a year, and 70% to 80% of the eggs will hatch smoothly.

Being so edible and raw, naturally other North American native fish have no living space!

By the end of the twentieth century.In many tributaries of the Mississippi River, the "Asian carp" has accounted for more than 80% of the fish population!

Logically speaking, seeing so many super fat carp like pigs emerging from the river, the first reaction of normal people is to grab them and eat them.

——From carp baked noodles, dry-roasted carp, scallion oil carp, chopped pepper fish head to boiled fish fillets, they are all traditional Chinese dishes that can make the child next door cry.

However, Europeans and Americans have been tricked by those sea fish that have no spines, so they don’t spit spines when they eat fish, so they are naturally less interested in the spiny "Asian carp".

Even if they caught a meter-long super-big "Asian carp", the Americans just took a picture to show off, and then threw it back into the water.

There are also American companies who have a whim and try to transport fish to China for sale, but the shipping cost across half the world is too exaggerated. It costs ten dollars a kilogram to transport these fish from the Mississippi River to Tianjin Port (the price in 2010 )... As a result, it couldn't be sold at all, so I had to let it go.

Think about it too, who would buy 40 yuan a catty (the exchange rate at the time) and eat frozen carp that is said to have excessive heavy metals?

Even if each carp weighs more than 100 catties! (Now there is no need to offer auspiciousness, otherwise the gimmick of a hundred catty carp is not bad.)

Your aquatic product company has such a powerful transoceanic transportation capacity, why don't you sell some in-demand seafood such as cod and king crab?

This is a good time. The "Asian carp" has no natural enemies and no one wants to eat it. It is too expensive to sell to China, and the Mississippi River really caused a fish disaster.

Not only has the water body ecological environment of the entire Mississippi River Basin been severely damaged, it has even threatened the safety of human life.

——As we all know, "Asian carp" can jump out of the water, almost "flying" for a long distance.Moreover, they are extremely sensitive to the sound of the engine and the agitation of the oars, and they are easy to get irritable and jump around on the water surface, forming a spectacular scene of "carp jumping over the dragon's gate".

If it is a small carp that weighs one or two catties that is common in Asia, even if someone is caught by the tail of the fish, it will not hurt or itch.

But if it’s these one-meter-long, [-]-kilogram exotic carp tails in the Mississippi River, it’s really not a joke with you... Uh, how should I put it, being photographed with a broken bone is already a trivial matter, Bad luck can really kill people - someone was "slapped" by the tail of a carp while rowing on the Mississippi River, and his nose was broken, and he was disfigured ever since; .

Maybe the Anglo-Saxons will all fall into the same pit, just like the Australians had to fight the rabbits, the Americans had to fight the "Asian carp" - in order to prevent the "Asian carp" from spreading, they built power grids and poisoned , organized hunting, and even spent 180 billion US dollars to build a giant "fish blocking" dam, but they failed to stop the Asian carp from making expeditions in the United States, going north to the Great Lakes and south to the Mississippi River Delta.

On the banks of the Arkansas River, a tributary of the Mississippi River that flows through the capital Little Rock, Megumi Akiyama saw a spectacular scene of a "fish hunting competition".

I saw small boats and motorboats shuttle back and forth on the muddy river, and white-skinned "fish hunters" with big arms and round waists stood at the bows, holding bows, arrows, javelins, harpoons and other strange weapons, looking majestic. ready to kill.

With the rumble of the engine, where the boat passed, countless schools of fish were startled, and all of them leaped out of the water for a while. Among them, big fish with a length of more than one meter can be seen everywhere, and some fish simply jumped without being caught. Into the small boat, it can be said that it is a real self-inflicted trap.

——In China, fish need to be caught patiently; in the United States, fish will jump into the boat by themselves.

The scene of tens of thousands of fish jumping on the water surface at the same time is even more shocking than the scene of harvesting domestic cage fish by the sea.

Faced with this situation, others in the team just watched it fresh and thought it was very interesting.

But as a Chinese foodie with a strong root, Ma Tong soon saw that something was wrong, and even frowned.

"...Wait, you Americans call these things carp? Obviously, most of them are fat-headed fish!"

After watching for a while, she finally couldn't help it, and whispered to Miss Dolores beside her.And Dolores raised her eyebrows:

"...Huh? Is it? But we call them Asian carp. So, please do as the Romans do..."

——Well, the so-called "Asian carp" that invaded the Mississippi River Basin in the United States actually includes many species such as herring, grass carp, silver carp, carp, crucian carp, etc., but because of biological taxonomy, these fish are all classified as "carp Branch", so it is called "Asian carp" by Americans.

Anyway, they don't know the difference between carp and crucian carp, they only know that they are spiny and unpalatable freshwater fish.

Although among these "Asian carp" in the Arkansas River, the fathead actually makes up the vast majority.

Closer to home, although the "hunters" use bows and javelins to shoot fish, it feels a bit deliberately cool and inefficient, but there are too many carp in the United States and they are too stupid, they still reap a lot in the blink of an eye, and then proudly Drag the big fish weighing tens of kilograms ashore, line up on the side of the road to show off, and wait for the referee to come and weigh them, and select the champion...

"...It's such a nice place, with rice and fish, it looks like Lake Biwa in Kyoto, Japan, or a water town in the south of the Yangtze River in China."

Looking at the carp, grass carp and silver carp piled up on the side of the road, the smallest weighing about ten kilograms, and looking at the criss-crossing rivers and ditches, dotted wetland ponds, stretches of rice fields and dense green forests, Megumi Akiyama I couldn't help but feel refreshed for a while.

Although the carp (chub) in the Mississippi River generally has a strong earthy smell, no matter how much soy sauce and spices are added to the pot, it may not be able to suppress it.

But even if people can't eat it, at least they can make these fish into canned cat food, or cut them into sashimi directly, and feed them to cats!

Nowadays, keeping cats to drive away ghosts has become a rigid need for families in daily life in the western United States, and the demand for cat food has also increased significantly.

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