The globalization that began in the 80s took another fatal blow to the industry that St. Louis relied on to maintain prosperity.

—In recent decades, like Detroit in the Rust Belt, factories in St. Louis have closed or moved overseas.

The soaring unemployment rate has led to more and more white people going to other places to make a living. After the white people move out, poor black people will occupy these former mansions at a low cost, and the local economic environment and security will follow. The deterioration of conditions—these areas "occupied" by blacks have naturally become more daunting due to the lack of employment and lack of taxation to maintain law and order, and they have become "legal places" that the public does not want to set foot in.

Today, the population of St. Louis is less than half of what it was 100 years ago, and the security collapse is worse than that of Baghdad and Kabul.

Especially after the "Corona" plague broke out, although St. Louis was covered by the aura later, the aura in the urban area was also unstable and sporadic, so there were no zombies running around.But just the further deterioration of law and order is enough to make people nervous.

The green leather RV that Megumi Akiyama was riding in drove in the south of St. Louis without any problems, especially the green land in the forest park, which is even more pleasant and beautiful.But in the CBD central business district, it was found that there was more garbage on the ground, and there were tents everywhere on the roadside.

Continue north and enter the slums where black gangs are entrenched, and immediately feel that the roads have become dark because the street lights are not on.

Just like the slums in other American cities, it is chaotic, dirty, mixed with the stench of rotting garbage and poisonous insects.

Under the red moon hanging high in the night sky, there were almost no people on the dark streets, at most a few homeless people who had pitched tents on the roadside were digging through trash cans.All the walls of buildings and overpasses in the block are covered with graffiti. It’s just after nightfall, and there are no shops that dare to open—Subway, McDonald’s, and small supermarkets are all closed, because even if bulletproof glass is installed on the counter, it will not block people. I can't stand the robbers who bought detonators for zero yuan.

In the sparsely populated dilapidated neighborhood, there are deserted houses and gardens everywhere, and everything is silent. Occasionally, a little movement is heard, which is often screams and gunshots.

Although Hui Akiyama, who is highly skilled and courageous, is not afraid of this, she is still a little confused: what is the purpose of this dark night running into the slums?

"...I don't have anything to do here, but the succubus need to recruit new people."

Sitting in another RV, Abby, the disease witch, explained to Akiyama Hui on her mobile phone, "...they have left most of their staff in the towns along the way from San Francisco to set up outlets and open Youtube. Step to the succubus shop. So the further you go to the back, the fewer succubi in the car.

Now there are only three succubi left in that car. If they don't recruit people on the spot, they won't be able to open a branch in the future. "

"...Huh? Even if you want to recruit someone to be a succubus, there's no need to go to the slums, right?" Akiyama Hui was still at a loss.

"...Hey, it's not that easy to find young girls who are willing to be succubi, except in slums and hospital ICUs."

Miss Abby sighed, "...For ordinary people, it is still very psychologically stressful to be obsessed with magic and stop being a human being after all..."

PS: In view of the reader's questioning, let me explain again the reason why the landlady Dolores is drying clothes on the roof in the first few chapters of the novel.

Indeed, American citizens generally use washing machines and dryers to wash their clothes, and seldom hang them up to dry.But not everyone has these appliances at home.Poor people mostly go to the laundry room.Instead of buying a dryer at home.

But the beginning of this book is during the lockdown period in Los Angeles, and the laundry room is closed, so what else can I do besides washing and drying clothes in the old way?

Chapter 224, Chemical Bliss

The slums in San Luis are very different from the slums in Brazil and India, as well as the Kowloon Walled City in Hong Kong.

In the slums of the city of St. Louis, there are not so many private buildings, stacked beds, crooked wooden sheds and iron houses, or narrow alleys that can only see a line of sky above their heads, like a labyrinth. And the volley wires that are tangled like tree vines.

On the contrary, the slums of St. Louis are very empty, the roads are very open, and most of the buildings look neat when viewed from a distance.

Inhabited residential areas are often far apart, and there are large areas of abandoned buildings and empty grasslands in the middle.

Because, three or 40 years ago, it was an upper-class neighborhood where white wealthy citizens lived and a business district with prosperous trade.

Most of these buildings were built in the 50s, when the United States was still an infrastructure madman.At that time, it was the most prosperous golden age in the United States, and there was no shortage of land in the central region, so the roads were wide and large, the buildings were solid and solid, and the squares were also very open.

Then as the wave of globalization hit, factories in St. Louis went bankrupt, jobs disappeared, rich white people moved out, and poor black people moved in.But even so, instead of becoming crowded, these neighborhoods have become sparsely populated.

——The city of St. Louis in its heyday had 86 people, but today there are less than 30 people left in the city of St. Louis.

And in these years, the places where St. Louis' population has declined most dramatically are these slums that were once white communities.

To make matters worse, during this year's "Corona" epidemic, these slums are also the hardest hit areas of the epidemic, and the death is full.

Since so many dead people died, there were naturally fewer living people left, which further reduced the population density of the St. Louis slums.

Therefore, when driving in the slums of St. Louis, you can see empty abandoned buildings, deserted courtyards with overgrown vegetation, and dark haunted houses. high-pitched chirping.

Barbed wire fences are often stretched around those residential communities where the electric lights are still on, and iron sheets, steel pipes, and gravel are piled up to form walls.On the roofs of some taller five-six-story buildings, crude watchtowers were added, with gunmen on the commanding heights watching and watching the night...

how to say?It has a feeling of radiating human settlements in the wasteland of the last days.

Of course, except for the vast land, this place in St. Louis is no different from the slums in other American cities.

——The road surface is also potholed, cracked and mottled, slopes connect slopes, pits connect pits, which just makes the car feel off-road in the city.

The sidewalks are just as filthy and smelly, with piles of rubbish, swarms of mosquitoes and flies, rats scurrying around, cardboard houses and dilapidated tents under the overpasses.

The walls near the street are also covered in graffiti.The fountain has long been turned into a stinky pond full of garbage, and the buildings and villas are dilapidated like ruins.

It was just dark and all the shops were closed.Under the few street lamps that are still on, there are always a few beggars and homeless holding cardboards filled with needhe1p (need help), godb1essyou (God bless you), or drug bugs who are high, talking to zombies Like a toddler.

Occasionally, there are a few black-skinned street girls with heavy make-up, braids all over their heads, and tight and revealing clothes on their bodies, smoking a cigarette under the street lamp while scratching their heads, flirting.If someone is willing to pay, they can immediately have a hair on the curb.

Among them, one or two black girls have exquisite looks, but the big butt figure that black people like is really not suitable for Asian tastes.

There are also some strong black men with tattoos all over their bodies, staring at the vehicles on the street with malicious intentions, as if they are planning to stop the vehicles and rob them at any time.

However, those peddlers who leaned against the wall pretending to be deep, and swarmed forward to sell dried hemp products and small bags of medicinal powder whenever cars or pedestrians stopped, never appeared in Qiu Shanhui tonight. within the field of vision.

Of course, this is definitely not because these peddlers of retail anesthetics have rehabilitated, but because...

They encountered a massive dump that they simply couldn't resist!

Although it is located in the slums in the north of the city and it is in the middle of the night, the "overdose prevention center" (state-run drug abuse room) in St. Louis City is still very lively. Stars and Stripes.

Under the eaves of this two-story building, there is also a huge sacred symbol of Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease, graffitied, which is specially illuminated by projection lights in the night.

Well, after all, narcotics are also poisons, so it is absolutely no problem to incorporate narcotics dealers into the Talona Church!

In the same way, it is also a very natural thing for the state-run "Overdose Prevention Center" to work part-time at the Temple of Talona.

Based on this inference, in the United States today, doctors and drug lords have become church members and colleagues under the same goddess.

——Without many "pious" drug addicts offering their faith, where did the doctors who believed in Talona get the divine power to perform divine spells?

Hundreds of drug addicts gathered outside the Overdose Prevention Center at this time, most of them black, but there were also many whites, Asians and Latinos.Waving a few sweat-soaked and dirty bills, these gentlemen gathered around the only tempered glass-reinforced sales window of this "overdose prevention center" to buy special bills for two dollars a piece. Needle.

Then, they would take the needles they just bought to another window next to them, use the needles to get the powder, mix it with water, and inject it by themselves.

If one injection is not enough, gentlemen can get another tube of powder with the needle.

"... Selling needles, and then delivering powder? And can you refill the powder? Such a marketing routine... Hey, I always feel weird."

The little witch Akiyama Megumi looked at it for a while, feeling a little messy in thinking, and didn't know how to complain, "... Can this make money?"

"...Of course I won't be able to make any money. But this is not a business for profit, but a half-selling, half-giving benefit."

Abby, the witch of disease, replied, "...In today's bleak social background, do you think it would be better for these people to take the anesthetics issued by the state and die happily? Or let them become anti-therapists?" Social personality, crimes, robbery and even rebellion are more appropriate?"

Akiyama Hui Moran——Although the matter of free anesthetics to maintain stability sounds like a breakthrough, it seems quite reliable when you think about it carefully.

Although state apparatuses are always based on violence, in order to reduce the cost of state operations, rulers cannot rule only by violence.

In the past, the rulers who wanted to domesticate their subjects and consolidate their rule usually relied on religion for mental anesthesia;

But now it is the Internet age of information explosion, the anesthesia effect of various religions is getting worse and worse, and the subjects have already developed drug resistance, so the current rulers simply increase the dose and use free drugs directly to treat subjects Performing physical anesthesia... seems reasonable?

That way, even if someone realizes something is wrong, their body is too damaged by drugs to wreak havoc.

What?Will such "chemical bliss" damage people's health and cut down on actual workforce numbers?

Well, the problem does exist, but when has the US ever had a labor shortage?As long as immigration is released, there will be as much labor as you need!

Therefore, distributing large amounts of narcotics as welfare is indeed a good way to ease social conflicts and avoid intensifying conflicts in the current United States.

Those who are addicted to drugs all day long, at least they don't sing "Mississippi waves, clouds fly beside the Rocky Mountains, I am independent in a drowsy world, righteous anger burns hot blood" and rush into Washington or New York Wall Street with a rifle There was a lot of trouble.

Of course, if there is only one kind of medicinal powder as a pastime, it would be too monotonous and not in line with the tastes of some addicts.

Therefore, in the parking lot next to it, there is also a mobile vending car with cigarette patterns painted on it. On the shelves inside are boxes of dried hemp grass tobacco and poisonous mushrooms, and small cylinders filled with laughing gas. , as well as special candies and special stickers with different shapes...

However, the prices of these fancy gadgets are no longer half-sold, half-free, but more expensive.

In order to prevent addicted gentlemen from making zero-yuan purchases on the spot, the seller has also made sufficient preparations—the mobile sales vehicle is remodeled from a military Humvee, and the body of the vehicle itself can be bulletproof.There is also a heavy machine gun with a shield on the roof, plus a miniature automatic remote-controlled weapon station.

If anyone dares to be unruly here, then being shot in the head by a bullet is the only end.

The little witch, Akiyama Hui, pinched her nose, enduring the pungent smell of burning hemp, walked around in a circle, and cast a spell to open a few salty pig's hands that wanted to touch her, and finally came back to the poison and disease. The Chosen of the Goddess asks, "...haven't the local gang come to make trouble?"

"...Of course I came here to make trouble, and then I was taught by my lord and the officials, and then they learned to behave."

Abby, the Witch of Disease, said proudly, "...for the real ruling class, gangs are nothing more than urinals and toilets after all."

Indeed, the local gang in St. Louis originally wanted to control the "overdose prevention center" and continue to sell fans.

But the problem is that the official dumping or even free distribution of goods is not something that "vigorous civil society" can block the listing.

You know, the U.S. officials are not just dumping and distributing "chemically synthesized narcotics" in one city in St. Louis, but dumping and distributing them on a large scale in all states across the country-could gangs still implement "city lock orders", no Do the citizens of St. Louis go out of town to buy medicine?

This is something even the police can't do!

Then there's nothing the gangsters can do to keep addicts from taking tons of cheap stuff dumped by the government and continuing to suck up the high-priced, low-quality stuff they get.

Even threatening death is useless!

——For poisonous bugs who are addicted to drugs and go crazy, bullets and death are nothing to be afraid of. The scariest thing is not being high without powder.

Finally, Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease, is not to be trifled with. Any madman who desecrates her holy symbol and sanctuary must be cursed.

And now it's the time when the "Corona" plague is prevalent - being cursed by the plague god at this time, its fate is naturally miserable.

To put it bluntly, even if a person who offends the God of Plague just wants to die decently, it is probably an extravagant wish!

Some were covered in pus and rotted from head to toe, and some were convulsed so painfully that they couldn't breathe. Anyway, one was more miserable than the other.

Therefore, under the circumstances that the general situation cannot be reversed, the local gangs can only give up this way of making money in resentment, and sit and watch the poisonous bugs enjoy themselves to death.

——It’s really exciting all the way to death in "Chemical Bliss"!

I don't know what this "Overdose Prevention Center" has prevented?Is it to prevent someone from dying on the side of the road without collecting the body?

Because, next door to the "Overdose Prevention Center" is the mobile incinerator of the temporary crematorium... Several staff members are stuffing fresh corpses that are alive and dead into the furnace, and at the same time dragging the guy who is too high to death Go to the corner and wait to see if they wake up.

Abby, the disease witch, walked forward with a few succubi, showed her holy emblem, and ordered them to find some young female drug addicts who were more addicted.

But no matter where it is, the sex ratio of drug addicts is relatively unbalanced, with more men and fewer women.

Among the heavy addicts, there were even fewer young women.

Therefore, the staff of the "Overdose Prevention Center" searched around, and in the end they only dragged in two dazed little black girls, who were covered in pinholes, skinny, and looked neither human nor ghost, and they were already high. level of insanity.

Seeing this, Abby, the disease witch, curled her lips and signaled the succubi to do it themselves.

Sister Salma, who is the head of the succubus sister, looked at their haggard black skin with some dissatisfaction, but after all, she was not too picky, but stepped forward and cast a spell to make the two The little black girl woke up, and then opened her mouth to express her solicitation.

Sure enough, facing the solicitation of the succubus, even though the two little black girls were already walking dead, they still instinctively resisted and hesitated.

When Salma saw this, she scolded them unceremoniously:

"...What is there to hesitate? What are you two little bitches afraid of? Worried about going to hell after death?

It's ridiculous, do you still think you are living in the world?No, you are already in hell! "

"...It's already fallen to this point, what else do you have to lose?"

"...Since you're all about to rot and stink here, why not try to change it?

As long as you offer your soul to our mistress and become our sisters in disguise, your diseases, debts, criminal records, and enemies, all these things that have troubled you, will leave you!Let you get a more wonderful new life! "

"... What is a mere medicinal powder? Wonderful magic can make you enjoy more extreme happiness!"

In this way, under the charming words of Sister Salma of Hui Yao, the two little black girls were quickly persuaded.

Next, with two purple lights enveloping their bodies, the two little black girls turned into two little black-skinned succubi with horns and ladders.

The pinholes and ulcers on their skin before have all disappeared without a trace, and their delicate bodies are as smooth as black jade.Also, the organ lesions and diseases hidden in their bodies were automatically erased by the mysterious power, making them so comfortable that tears filled their eyes and they almost screamed with excitement.

Immediately afterwards, Sister Salma of Huiyao gave them a lot of mystical knowledge about how to be a succubus to absorb energy and cast spells, and generously gave them a large sum of money, Appoint them as the heads of Uber's succubus shop in St. Louis.

Such a bold demeanor made these two newborn little succubi feel that they had been trusted and reused, as if they had reached the pinnacle of life/devil life all at once, and they were instantly attracted to the newly joined succubus. The group has loyalty and a sense of belonging.

(Actually St.Louis' aura/magic comes and goes, and the rest of the succubi are reluctant to stay.)

Akiyama Hui on the side witnessed the degeneration of two mortals, but strangely, she couldn't feel any evil from it.

Perhaps, for some poor people, this world is really not that different from hell, right?

Chapter 225 Arkansas, the Land of Fish and Rice

After leaving St. Louis, Megumi Akiyama's green leather car stopped heading east, but turned a corner and began to go down the Mississippi River.

In American culture, the Mississippi is known as the Great River.And always accompanying the river is a highway 61 that runs from north to south.

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