"And then?" Hearing this, several people probably understood what Bai Zhi did, but they still wanted Bai Zhi to say it.

"Hahahaha~ahhahaha~" Bai Zhi suddenly slapped her thigh and laughed: "You guys didn't see her face! I laughed to death, I can't do it, hahaha, my whole body smells so bad, I was almost caught by the hotel staff. The security rushed out, if she hadn't shown her room card, the dog would have been released long ago, hahaha~"

Wan Yu and Lu Zhanbo imagined it, okay!This picture is so beautiful, it feels delicious to think about it. .

Chapter 105

"Don't be kidding, do you still have a human method?" Zeng Xiaoxian felt his head pop out after hearing this: "Don't tell me you want me to collect some leftovers and throw them on her?"

"That's not necessary."

Bai Zhi touched and said, Zeng Xiaoxian breathed a sigh of relief, but Bai Zhi pointed to the kitchen: "We still have leftovers in the refrigerator, it can be made into a big pot."

"...Don't play with me."

"There are human methods, but there is a prerequisite." Bai Zhi stared at him quietly.

"What premise."

"You can't fall."

"Are you kidding me, I look like... Is that kind of person?" Zeng Xiaoxian fell silent as he spoke.

"Okay then!" Bai Zhi didn't care what his tone was like: "It's actually very simple, prove it, when you see her, whether you slap her or she slaps you, you can tell who you are. It's not fallen."

"Hmph, such a simple thing..."

"I'm leaving."

"Ah? Where are you going?" When he heard that Bai Zhi was leaving, Zeng Xiaoxian panicked. He still expected Bai Zhi to make trouble!What should I do if he leaves?

"Idiot, she knows me, I'm going to hide for a while, you'd better prove your determination first!" Bai Zhi rolled her eyes, she must hate herself for treating this woman so badly, and she appeared here at this time , maybe something will happen!

Although he doesn't necessarily know that 053 did it by himself, it's better to hide, anyway, seeing her now makes him sick to his stomach.

Putting the two dogs back to 3602, Bai Zhi stretched her waist and went to the bar!

As the saying goes, the person who needs to tie the bell to untie the bell, Zeng Xiaoxian can only help others when he sees clearly about emotional matters, and for him to see clearly, it is only at the last time when he thinks clearly.

"A glass of beer, thank you."

As soon as Bai Zhi sat down, Yifei pretended to be casual and asked: "Zeng Xiaoxian's matter is settled? Are you going to help him?"

"No! How can I help him? First crush that Laura to ashes, and then launch it into the sun to evaporate from the world?" Bai Zhi waved her hand: "That Laura is such a woman, Zi Qiao licked it. It may not be possible to subdue it on the face."

"Hey, I'm short tempered, are you challenging me?"

Lu Ziqiao was not happy after hearing this, what woman can't subdue by herself?

"Don't believe it."

"I don't believe it." Lu Ziqiao felt that her IQ had been seriously insulted: "Unfortunately, she is Teacher Zeng's ex-girlfriend. I, Lu Ziqiao, would never do anything to my friends, even ex-girlfriends."


Bai Zhi pointed her middle finger in disdain, but he had an idea. He still remembered that Lu Ziqiao once said that if he ever met such a woman, he would definitely not let her go.

This woman, Laura, looks like a perfect match for Lu Ziqiao!Both parties don't have to be responsible, and they are not afraid of the kind of green hat.

But at this point, Bai Zhi thought about it: "Zi Qiao, do you want to give it a try?"

"Try what? I am a principled person." Lu Ziqiao would not be fooled by Bai Zhi.

"Then what if Teacher Zeng begs you?"

"This..." Lu Ziqiao hesitated, if Zeng Xiaoxian begged him, then he could consider it, but: "Tell me first, how is this Laura?"

Bai Zhi's eyelids twitched, Nima, he really didn't have much impression of this: "I don't know, anyway, when I saw her, I couldn't help but vomit, but I can guarantee that this is not a dinosaur level, you have to think about it." , Teacher Zeng has been fascinated by it for so long, so it can't be too bad, right?"

As if thinking of something, Lu Ziqiao shuddered: "Are you cheating? You're sick of seeing this, isn't this a dinosaur? As for Mr. Zeng...his taste cannot be judged by common sense. Think about it last time, A woman with a score of two can give a score of seven, which already speaks volumes."

"Hiss~~" Bai Zhi took a deep breath, Ma Dan, it seemed that it was true, and almost forgot about it: "Okay, okay! Xiao Hei should have taken a video, I asked him for it, you can decide for yourself! "


Yifei and Meijia were watching the play. They seemed to have thought of something, and at the same time they were also interested. They also wanted to see what kind of sparks would be created when Lu Ziqiao and that Laura collided.

Xiao Hei's work efficiency is very fast, and he directly gave them a link, which has probably been uploaded on the Internet.

Bai Zhi put the phone in front of her, and there was an alley entrance, and there was nothing at first, but soon a man and a woman walked over.

The man was Bai Zhi. He took two steps, and then took advantage of the woman's inattention, and ran away. The woman wanted to catch up, but suddenly a bucket of water splashed down on him.

Then, Yifei and Mijia covered their mouths and almost spit it out. Mijia laughed dryly: "This...isn't this a bit too much, they are just pestering you!"

"No, that's not the point. Believe me, after tonight's night, you will definitely think that I've done it lightly." Bai Zhi replied confidently.

It's just that he can't tell them about the Iron Chain Lianzhou yet. Anyone who sees it like that will punch him.

If she went to harm others, Bai Zhi didn't want to talk to her at all, but if she came to mess with someone like Zeng Xiaoxian who didn't know how to refuse, it would be different.

You must know that throughout the four seasons of iPartment, Zeng Xiaoxian and Yifei did not get together, which was related to his character of not being able to refuse and likes to escape, but Laura took advantage of this, which is outrageous!

"Is it so serious?" Yifei didn't believe it.

"Of course it's that serious."

"Okay! I'll wait and see." Yifei was skeptical, but thinking about it, although Baizhi was very nonsense, she always had a measure in her heart. If it wasn't really disgusting, she definitely wouldn't strike so hard.

"Okay! I'll give it a try! But I have to ask Teacher Zeng to ask me to act, otherwise I won't do such a damned thing." Lu Ziqiao agreed, but soon became entangled: "Damn, what's the matter?" It would be nice for a woman to have a better figure."

"...You are really demanding."

"It's called pursuit, what the hell do you know~" Lu Ziqiao acted coquettishly.

"Your pursuit is so high, hey." Yifei sighed: "My pursuit is very simple, either smarter or stronger than me, otherwise why should he conquer me?"

"It's not easy."

"Do you have a solution?" Yifei's eyes lit up.

"Of course there is a way." Bai Zhi stroked her non-existent beard, and calmly grabbed a wine bottle at the bar: "Whether smart or strong is relative, when I go down with this wine bottle, it just hits your brain. In this way, not only will you be paralyzed, but you will also be fooled, isn’t that easy?”


Chapter 106

"Don't stop me, I'm going to kill him, see if I'll make you wise." Yi Fei was carrying a bottle of beer, struggling to give Bai Zhi a good look.

Meijia and Lu Ziqiao next to him pulled hard, not because they wanted to persuade them to fight, but if these two guys fight, they will be affected.

This is called a fight between immortals, and mortals suffer. These two are people with explosive combat prowess, and they will die if they touch each other.

"Huhu~" Yifei finally put down the beer bottle panting heavily, and stared at Bai Zhi viciously: "It is because of you, a shit-stirring stick, that the air in this world has become so bad."

"I don't care if you scold me like that." Bai Zhi was neither angry nor refuted, which made both Lu Ziqiao and Meijia wipe the cold sweat off their brows. Stick, and you call yourself shit."


The scene fell into silence for a while, Meijia and Lu Ziqiao were about to cry, brother, can't you take a step back?You could run away, but what shall we do?I didn't even dare to buy a coffin after I died.

"Calm down, calm down, Yifei, don't be as knowledgeable as him." Seeing Yifei's tendency to go berserk again, Lu Ziqiao felt like stopping him, thinking about how to calm her down, when he saw a magazine on the table, His eyes lit up: "Uh, Yifei, maybe I know the kind of boy you're talking about."

"..." Yifei's anger disappeared immediately, which made Lu Ziqiao heave a sigh of relief, and Yifei looked at him: "You know him? You won't be as unreliable as Baizhi, right? If you dare to play me, I'll just drink your stew."

"Um, how is it possible, hehe~~" Lu Ziqiao laughed twice, and picked up the magazine next to him: "Did you see it? This model is 1.9 meters tall, mixed race, bronze skinned, speaks seven languages, and one-eighth Tanzanian royal lineage.

Uh uh, and this one, tall, stalwart, handsome, unrestrained, with a house and a car but no mortgage, unfortunately both parents died. "

"Why are you talking so much like me?" Bai Zhi interjected from the side.

"..." The smile on Lu Ziqiao's face froze, he was a fool, he could be exactly the same as him if he said anything.

Yifei's face darkened when she heard this, and she glanced at Lu Ziqiao: "You are talking about him? If so, you will regret coming to this world."

"Uh, how is it possible? How tall is this guy? Do you see how tall he is?" Lu Ziqiao pushed Bai Zhi away, with a strong desire to survive.

"Hey, I don't agree with you saying that. Why am I not tall?" Bai Zhi was not happy when she heard it. What do you mean by "how can I see that he is tall"?

Lu Ziqiao didn't want to die, so she pushed Bai Zhi away vigorously, but found that what she pushed seemed to be her leg?

Lu Ziqiao looked back and saw that Bai Zhi was standing on the stool, looking down at him. From this, it could be seen that she was indeed taller than him. . .

"Did you see it? You always look up when you talk to me, and you say I'm not tall."

Yifei gave him a hard look, no matter how "two" you are, my marriage is more important: "Don't worry about this idiot, you give me the magazine, I will read it myself."

"Um, no." Lu Ziqiao was startled, and she might reveal her secrets at this sight: "This is my business secret, otherwise, Yifei, you can be my client, we can make a deal, you introduce your friend Let me know, and I will introduce him to you."

"But I don't have any friends suitable for you!"

"Why not? Last time the big... big... big, Xiaobo is good."

"I knew it, you would definitely say her." Yifei rolled his eyes, and then became excited: "Then we've made a deal, we'll be here tonight, how about it?"

"make a deal."

Bai Zhi got down from the chair silently, still murmuring, obviously worried about the question Lu Ziqiao said, why is she not worthy of the word tall?

"Zi Qiao, I think we need to talk."

"What do we have to talk about?" Lu Ziqiao covered his head, big brother, I just finished the female tyrannosaurus, so don't come here to make trouble, okay?

"It's about the question that I don't have anything to do with Gao Da. I think you need to re-examine it."

"Let me examine it, let me examine the wool! You are tall, can you be tall? Don't bother me, I'm going to bore you to death." Lu Ziqiao responded casually, and sent Bai Zhi away.

"Then why are you talking out of conscience? Yifei is a female tyrannosaurus, am I easy to provoke?" Bai Zhi squeezed his fist, he felt that it was necessary for him to show Lu Ziqiao what an iron fist was like .

0 ・・・・・・ Ask for flowers 0 ・・・

"You, you, you..." Lu Ziqiao stared at Bai Zhi with wide eyes, and lay down on the bar: "Then you beat me to death! I'm almost exhausted, can you calm down a bit."


What you said, why does it feel like teaching a child a lesson?

Ok!Bai Zhi let him go temporarily, but after calming down, Bai Zhi felt that this scene was a bit familiar again. After thinking about it carefully, by the way, this time seems to be Zhang Dapao's first appearance, right?

Yes, that's right, indeed.

Bai Zhi slapped her palm, Ma Dan, this Laura is a little too stealthy, or does this Zhang Wei really have a bad sense of existence?Let yourself ignore him involuntarily?

0 ......

Well, Bai Zhi nodded, besides this reason, he really couldn't find any other reason.

"Hey, Ziqiao, you have coaxed Yifei well, so how do you spend introducing him to a boyfriend? You are sure to find someone who meets her requirements."

"Calm down." Lu Ziqiao looked prepared, "How did master teach you? When a woman hasn't been in a relationship for a long time, even if she has very high standards for choosing a mate, if she finds a slightly suitable one, they will love her." Will make do with it.

Although Yifei's standard is very high, but believe it or not, her actual standard is much, much lower than what she said. "

"How much is a lot?"

"For example... Teacher Zeng's level." Lu Ziqiao looked around: "You see, Teacher Zeng is a thousand miles away from Yifei's standard. Doesn't Yifei have a good impression of him?"

"You mean..."

"Yes, that's it. It's not easy to find a saint, but it's still possible to find a knight."

"No, what I mean is, you won't introduce Teacher Zeng to her, will you?"


Lu Ziqiao almost choked to death on the words, Ma Dan, is this a human speech?Introducing Zeng Xiaoxian to Yifei now is the biggest joke he has heard today.

He estimated that as long as he had this idea, Yifei could kill him, and it was a very miserable kind.

It's a shame that Bai Zhi can figure out how his brain circuit is connected?This is no longer a light bulb, this is simply sparks!six.

Chapter 107

Lu Ziqiao and Yifei went back to dress up for the date tonight, Meijia also went back to help Guan Gu squeeze the paint, and only Bai Zhi was left in the bar drinking slowly.

He asked the waiter for a magazine and read it bored.

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