"On my next birthday I will be... twenty years old"

Technically, this is not the only reason, so I have to add, but both Mary and Serlia seem to have somehow guessed the point.

"I already work, and I'm a member of society, but there are aspects to thinking that it's still the human world and that it's a milestone to grow up at twenty. It's not my place, but there are places where I do mitzvahs when I'm twenty."

Occasionally there are areas where new adults get rammed up and talked about... It's in the paper or something. I can't afford to be loaded.

"So I should probably go show my parents who are twenty anyway... It's just a milestone..."

My face will probably be red. I can't deny it if they tell me I'm conceited.

But the reaction was something completely different.

Cellia is somehow nodding her eyes.

"Isn't that a good story!

"No, is that such an inspiring thing...? Is that at least like crying eyes...?

But for some reason, my eyeballs are getting hot up to Mary. I'm more of a minority.

"Oh well... Humans have only lived twenty years and we're already treating them as adults... That's a fateful life... Poor thing......"

"That's what you mean!

From me, Celia and Mary live too long. It's cool to live long, but that sounds pretty tight if you don't put it on a quorum... If I was unemployed for 300 years or something, I'd be breaking my mind.

"Ma'am, black magic has some anti-aging magic, and if Franz is growing up right now, there's going to be some way to live longer. Don't worry about it."

Mary followed me safely.

Indeed, age and appearance are almost irrelevant to our company….

"I want you, too, to always be energetic, energetic and stunning!

"Celia, will you stop telling me as I send my gaze to my lower body...?

The emphasis is limited.

"Anyway, I know how Franz feels. And maybe I'll celebrate your birthday."

Mary has said it with her face, but I think she will definitely celebrate this. This kind of place is tundra.

"That's right. Have a 'birthday party and mitzvah' in this one!

Serlia slapping her hands with her pampers.

"All you have to do is invite people from the company and so on!

"Again, is that how it went...... Being done a lot is a bit... Plus, it's annoying to everyone in the company when it feels like compulsory participation..."

I once had to go to a birthday party I knew at the school of magic.

By the way, I didn't get my birthday party held......

Yeah, that's when I thought a rear-filled guy would get it.

If he's not popular, we're not talking about having his birthday party.

It takes too much courage to tell me from myself when my birthday is so I can have a birthday party. So much so that you won't be able to unless you like yourself......

"Don't worry, we'll all be happy to join you. The president will come, won't he? Toto will also love events where he can drink. Farfistagna wants to celebrate honestly, too."

"Indeed...... If I didn't call you Toto Senior in particular or something, you might be the opposite type who would be angry..."

"Besides, this isn't just a birthday party. It's also a bar mitzvah. That it's not important for you to see where you've grown up to take care of them?

"Serbian words, that makes sense. Well, bar mitzvah is a place to celebrate and show off not just the event, but rather the adulthood..."

Actually, that's exactly why I was going home.

With that in mind, apart from whether you can come, you'd better report to everyone that you're an adult.

"I mean, birthdays, we're still a long way off, aren't we? Then why don't we call Franz's parents over here?

I became indescribable in response to Mary's suggestion.

"Oh, oh... I see... haha..."

I'd say Nice Idea, but on the other hand, I feel like you said something extra...... It's complicated.

And I regret myself not being complimented with Nice Idea for this. Half the time, it's not my fault.

"Franz, you look delicate. Are you ashamed to tell your family you're twenty years old? Though I think it's fine by nature. I feel over-conscious."

"No. That's not a problem"

Guys, you don't understand my special situation.

"I don't like my dad coming where everyone's coming, either!

You wouldn't try to hug a bunch of seniors or anything using the setting of being drunk on alcohol...... I could even do that, seriously!

I'm a new adult, and I risk relentless mud on my face!

Yes, parents can paint mud on a child's face!

If that makes it hard for me to stay in the office and get to the air, I'll learn the black magic of cursing my father with a bee...

"Ha, Franz, whatever it takes..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

"Hey, Mary! Don't be silent in weird places!

You're so worried about me! You're even considering a pretty serious situation!

"Fair enough. If you have to, why don't you just magically sleep a little? I hope you're weakened to the point where it's hard to stand."

"Celia, I'm smiling, but that's pretty harsh"

"That's a joke, but if you have a mother, don't do it."

Did you have that hand?

Instead, I might have to be careful not to let my father get killed by my mother.

"Then I'm going to start preparing for my bar mitzvah!

"I don't know if I need to be frightened or help you. I'm looking after you as a pillow."

This is forbidden even for me to help.

Looks like I'm gonna have to do my best on the entertainment side.

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