"That, speaking of which, when are you going home this year?

That's what Serria told me one morning when she made me tea.

Mary's not up yet, by the way.

If there is anyone else, we are not supposed to call them "you" in principle. That's some sort of rule between me and Celia.

Conversely, Mary is not awake, so she is called you.

Even so, I think Mary already knows...

"Nameless Nightmare Ancestors" is basically excellent on all specs. There is something terrible about intuition and reasoning. So I can also say that there's not much point in hiding it.

But I try not to call you "you" right in front of Mary because its... I don't feel good about Mary. It's an adult response around here. It's a public secret.

"Last year was when you were already in port town."

"Yeah, I'm actually pretty late this year to get my summer vacation,"

The project for the development of the rough marsh was also over, and it was in August. Last year was when I was waiting for the day to return to Lightstone.

"Why is that? Maybe your father's busier and you're not at home?

Serlia puts her neck up. Well, you don't know why.

"It's not. By the way, if I could tell when my father was too busy to be home, I might have returned home at that time..."

I don't want my father to see as many girls as he can. I think I'll go home alone next time. Better yet, I'm sorry that my mother cleaned up on my father, and I'm not in a bad mood.

But when I go home by myself, that's annoying because my dad looks blatantly depressed...

I really don't care about my father's story, so let's not get too fuzzy. More or less, why should a child suffer from a father, and for such a horrible reason?

"There's more to why I'm delaying my homecoming. But I'm a little embarrassed to tell Celia..."

"Oh, is that what you call a glossy story?

Sacubus, so don't try to take it that way. Serlia really drives normally there.

"No. That's not the story at all. Explain it to yourself and you'll feel comfortable..."

"What the hell is going on? Uh-huh?

Serlia began checking the date of the calendar on the wall with her neck clenched.

Nothing like this, in particular, is written down.

At best, all year round events are on the original calendar.

"Isn't it August? There was your birthday in September, wasn't there?"

"That's exactly it!... I mean, you remembered very well, Celia!

I had a celebration last year, but I didn't mention it until just before, so I bought a little cake with Celia and Mary at home, and it turned out to be a very tight one.

Anyway, if the president or something finds out, he might try to get his employees together again for a big celebration. Well, I'm glad to hear it, but praise killer... it's more unsettling to be hit.

I would like you to spare me from celebrating the whole company if it is not an accomplishment that I have taken a hell of a lot of projects in sales or something that should be appreciated.

But that's why it was surprising that Celia remembered.

I did it pretty plain, and I thought it was forgotten because nothing was written on this calendar either.

"I thought it might be remembered to the extent that it was about September, but I didn't expect it to come out right up to the number of days..."

"Hehe, because I am your messenger."

Serlia put a little index finger on my chimp as she came up to me.

"It's only natural that I remember my beloved's birthday. It's an important day for me, too."

Serlia laughs colorfully.

I've been told this line since the early morning, and my head is going to come up...

"Please stop before you go to work... I don't feel like going to the office..."

"That would be the same compliment for Sacubas. What if I stay in Sage mode in the morning?

I don't have to bother explaining, but this means we're going to do something succubus.

"Yes, no, not in the morning like that..."

"Yes, yes, welcome. August is hot, after all. I dreamed it was burned on a plate."

- Mary stood beside us.

Was Celia ashamed of this, too, flying off of me? I have wings, so I literally jumped.

I left at the same time. Shame on you straight!

"Mary, you were there... By the way, how long have you been here?

"I've been floating in the ceiling since Celia called Franz 'you' to see how things were going."


Everything's been witnessed, and I think I can reopen it.

"You don't have to hide and say 'you' anymore. All the time, why don't you just 'you'?

After all, did Mary know everything......

"Uh... I'm glad Mary feels that it's not a good public/private confusion, or she thinks it's just right for me to use 'you' and 'your husband' appropriately on the spot... So I was wondering if I would like to use it in the future..."

Serlia's words seemed like she was under circumstantial interrogation, but I know what you're trying to say. This kind of thing is harder to do if it's unified in one way or another.

"Yes, sir. You can do whatever you want. I've known you two loved each other since the wobble came. By the way, back to earlier."

Mary has been watching us for a long time, so I'm not sure which story we were talking about.

"What's the connection between coming birthdays and delaying your summer homecoming?

Right, right. I had to explain that.

It tickles my shame, but Mary sees me squirming.

More often than not, things are better.

"On my next birthday I will be... twenty years old"

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