Looks like I'm gonna have to do my best on the entertainment side.

But there's no such thing as a bar mitzvah once in my life, and I'll leave it to the two of us here?

For that matter, on your cooking duty day, make something a little extravagant or something, and I'll give it back in that way.

After that, I never saw anything like how the two of them were discussing the ceremony.

Sometimes you don't talk in front of me in the first place, but if you talk in a men's forbidden place, it's all in the dark for me.

For example, with a bath?

There were a couple of days when the two of us were in there, so I guess that's when we were talking and stuff.

So, it was early, and my birthday came.

It was usually a weekday and work day, so I went to work and did my job.

Someone never even told me Happy Birthday.

Even when I left the office, the president didn't say congratulations.

Probably planning a surprise or something, but it also makes me a little nervous that everything has been forgotten...

"So, Master, shall we go home?"

Celia hasn't even mentioned her birthday. No way, you haven't been subjected to purple magic that takes away memories...?

In the first place, they didn't do anything in the morning to decorate or prepare you for a party, so even if you did it when you got home, you'd make it?

Wow... I care about the awesome mitzvah...

I even thought I didn't have to open it......

I opened the door to the house in such a restless mood and went into the dining room.

Confectionery and alcohol were already on the table!

The wall is hung with a "Franz Adult Ceremony" sign!

"What, this, when...?

Then came out of the next room, someone who was not a resident of this room.

"Pfft! What do you think? The eagle did it! You can start at lunch with the weapon Closed!

Senior Tototo stands with a doya face.

"Senior! And... still highly exposed outfit..."

Less cloth area if done. It's like a fancy feather on my back for that.

"What are those feathers? Dark elves can't fly empty, can they?

"This is a costume for a carnival in the South. It's a festival, so it's appropriate, right?

I don't know if mitzvah is a festival, but, well, in a broad sense, the same genre?

Then, too, Mary came out.

"I've done my administrative work. In time, guys, I think you're coming, so be prepared."

Evil. Mary laughed like she was creeping. I am very curious to see to what extent "everyone" refers in this case.

I can't believe my classmates from magic school are here... Exactly, I'd like to believe it's not that far...

"Well, I'll tell you before you get drunk. Happy Birthday, Franz! I may not even be impressed with milestones, but congrats anyway!

Senior Tototo smiled and grabbed my hand all the time.

"Thank you...... I'm still a young man..."

"Because I'm young, I'm a young man, naturally. I can't believe when the eagle was twenty... I can't remember much of the old days..."

Because it's a dark elf there...... Guys, it's way past when I was twenty...

Konkon and the door to the house were knocked.

It seems Serlia is supposed to handle the visitors, so she just left.

Coming in were President Kerkel and Seniors Farfistaña, Mooyan in Affairs, Mr. Kruña, and Senior Leda to Senior Sansonsu.

"Thank you all for coming!

I can't believe this many people are coming together. You must have come from quite a distance, Senior Sanson Sue or something.

"When it comes to employee mitzvahs, you can't just not come as president!

"As a birthday present, junior, give you a hand-knitted sweater with black magic activated"

Senior Farfistagna, as always, has made something super skillful and amazing.

"Senior, you have a very nice home!

Mooyang's attitude, which is hiring new graduates this year, is still in its infancy.

"Congratulations! Something, Franz, don't keep growing up."

Mr. Kruña gave me a soldering grin.

"I didn't know what was on my mind, so I bought some Lightstone neighborhood treats."

Senior Sanson Sue's confectionery fold belonged to the "confectionery walnut" I used to eat locally.

"Wow, that's familiar! It's" walnut "treat! My parents bought the store here, just for my birthday or something!

"Great. People over there tell me this is the most famous place."

Senior Sanson Sue laughs at the man.

This is a pleasant surprise!

"Let the awkward present this sword made of oak trees. It should be used for training."

Senior Leda gave me the wooden sword.

There's some kind of "guts" and letters carved in it.

"Thank you Senior Leda too! But I might not use that wooden sword much..."

"Say what! Every day, if you act like a barber, you'll build your spirit! You're gonna slap the annoying guy, shake it!

"Isn't that a bad way to train your spirit!?

That's right, I've just had a hard life......

Senior Tototo follows the drinks to the visitor, "Run for a drink first."

This is going to keep growing in numbers......

The anticipation came true.

A little later, Gabella and Vanitazar of the Undead came side by side.

"No, you're so busy. Even the undead will be excited."

"Yeah, I hope Gabella was going to play purely"

Having an undead would be harder than living relationships, and I hope you enjoy it in places like this.

"This is a treat I bought for the money I worked for. I didn't know what a black wizard would want."

"No, I'm happy enough. Thank you so much."

I'm glad it's not pre-built, just the feelings.

There it is, Vanitazar came in.

"Congratulations. Hehe, I brought you an adult toy pack as a gift"

"Stop doing this! Ugly kids are here too!

Obviously there are a few things in bad shape when you put them out in public!

Look, Mooyan's blushing!

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