"It seems that there will be a strange chant at night."

To Senior Leda's words, I looked blue.

"I hope you don't mind me having a case or problem locally..."

Because of this, the last time I returned home, I said that I had solved the matter of my ancestral wizard...

"I didn't know the details yet, so I thought I'd have to stick around sometime. Just fine. We'll spend the New Year in Lightstone."

"Okay. If it weren't for the family situation, you could have stayed at my house..."

It's a family circumstance or a father circumstance. When you can stay with a woman, it can be tricky.

"Oh, of course I won't be such a nuisance, so I want you to rest assured. There are all kinds of familiar inns in town. I've been a writer for a long time."

Thus, I was to ride the carriage with the seniors all the way to Lightstone.

I've also figured out why employees at Necro Grant Black Magic are hard to match. You're flying around the country like Senior Leda. Well, then, you won't even come to Wang Du's company house.

I guess the president has thought in the past about gathering high spec but habitual talent and running the company. I don't know how long that's been on track, but right now, the company is doing well.

Perhaps the president has seen something in the past called the harm that a large company has.

The higher the number of employees, the more likely they are to be inhibited in their humanity. For example, there will be as many replacements as possible. The element is stronger for the company than for individual employees.

Not all big companies would say that, but working like Necro Grant Black Magic would be difficult when it got bigger.

I also wanted to hear from Senior Leda about the old president, but also because I stayed up all night, we all fell asleep when we got in the carriage.

And I reached Lightstone with a few carriage transfers.

Along the way, I saw the sea through the window, but I feel the stiffness of the winter sea. I'm not as lively as I was when I came for the summer vacation. There's no way I can bathe in the sea.

"Lightstone, you haven't changed much."

Mary says as she looks at the view.

"Well, you do. If it hasn't been six months since the last time and it's changed dramatically, I'm scared."

"I wonder if Lord Sanson Sue was also on vacation. Her hometown is reasonably far away."

Yeah, they don't have a lot of work on managing the ocean in winter, and they're going to have a long vacation.

"Now, the awkward stay at the 'Lightstone First Hotel' along the street. If you need anything, you'll be here in the morning."

"Well, maybe I won't ask, but if I see you, thank you then. By the way, where does a dubious chant come from?

"It sounds more like a hill, not by the sea. If you see anything or care, let me know."

This kind of place feels like a lighter. Well, I don't care how you look at it. I can't believe you're a prostitute, but you're not.

Me and Mary walked around the local market before we went back to our parents' house.

"Then there are many stores selling baked thailand."

"This neighborhood is Thai. And there's a tradition of eating and celebrating Thailand in New Year's Eve, so it sells well."

"Yeah, the customs of the human world are different."

I do find it hard to imagine the landscape selling Thailand in the demonic world.

When I was a student, I went home, but when I became a company employee, I had different emotions.

I wonder what it is. Do you think I feel more attached to the local area than I did when I was a student? I look at the casual sights I used to see, and my heart growls.

"Phew, Franz, you look so sweet."

Mary smiled.

"Really? I'm not that conscious."

"I knew this was the home for Franz. After decades of living in the Wang capital, Lightstone will continue to be Franz's most important place."

"Well, I guess that's what home is all about. I don't want them to be developed much, and vice versa, I don't want them to be rusty."

I hear that the region is in decline in a lot of places, but it's hard to get the locals involved in that wave.

Hanging out that way, this story of a housewife came to my ear.

"After all, what is the mysterious chant?" "I don't know, but so far, it doesn't have the same effect as before, when the product gets cheaper." "Right. I hope I don't have anything."

Dude...... It's spread out as a topic... I hope it doesn't get weird......

"Speaking of which, I hear this lightstone was once an important spot for magic." "Oh, I don't know if anything is called a ground vein, but they say that when you exalt magic here, it gives you great power." "I think it's called a power spot."

Oh, my God! That's not what I've ever heard!

Housewife's information-gathering skills, they're expensive!

"Franz, was Lightstone such a good land?

"Sorry, I'm ashamed of my first ear too..."

"Well, why don't you go to the bureau and ask? Maybe Ledda has something to do with what people are after."

Speaking of which, if this land is a special place for wizards, I can also think of a connection with suspicious chants.

It wouldn't be stylish if the magic of sacrificing the town's people together was used.

"Right. Shall we stop by the hall? We also have a library, so we can get information."

The hall is a five-minute walk from the market so we got there right away.

So, in a way, part of the mystery was solved shortly after we arrived.

The ascent called "City of Magic Powerspot, Lightstone" was placed beside the hall.

"What, this... Do you advertise more in the hall?"

I read and listened to the person in the Tourism Section of the Hall.

"Oh, actually, since autumn, as a power spot city, I've been doing a city visit."

What the hell is that! It's a selfie!

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