"Well, Franz, it's time for the start of the carriage."

I was checking the paper that Mary was writing down.

"It's too early to be late."

Sometimes that's how interesting Senior Leda was to talk about. I didn't think there was anything real about being a thief. And I also thought the president who would hire such a presence was impotent after all......

"Senior, one last thing, can I ask you?

I don't have a chance to see this guy. I want to hear more and more things that concern me.

"Age is an absolute secret."

"No, it's not."

Don't you want to say so much?

"You can still tell me the address."

No, you're a thief, so you shouldn't tell me that way.

"How could a senior be a thief, if I told you, he was doing a dangerous job?

Stealing things from the robbers is just a life-threatening job. If there wasn't so much going on, I wouldn't try to do that.

A little, Senior Leda had a distant eye. Somewhere, he also looked lonely.

"Awkward people don't know their parents' faces. I was raised in an institution. No, I guess I'd be right to say I grew up on my own."

The story from there was as spectacular as I could have imagined and I regretted hearing it lightly.

The institution was never the kind of merciful place that would save seniors.

The facility was run with subsidies from the state by keeping children without parents. For subsidies, children were more and more accepted, even if an adequate environment for food and shelter was not in place.

The senior was pushed into a small room along with six other children. Even the snatch of meals was not uncommon.

Abuse from the facility's administrator was a routine tea meal, and even children lost their lives because of it, he said. So to speak, the entire facility is a large chamber, so the incident never came to light.

"The only way to avoid being abused was to be strong. The awkward became stronger to live. In time, the administrator also began to flee when the awkward"

"Damn, there's going to be anti-vomiting."

Mary was also quietly angry.

Where we don't know, social evil is rolling.

"And when I was old enough to make money on my own, I left the facility. Then I went to the dojo and brushed my sword arm. Anyway, I'm only halfway through education, so it's a good paying job. So I tried to be able to eat in the sword path."

Such folds, seniors discovered thieves, hunted them down, and helped them arrest them.

The victim gave me a piece of gold as a seniors' feeling.

"That's when I thought I couldn't do my job to defeat the bad guys."

Senior Leda's narrative was faint all the time. Even though that was something that seemed proud of as a martial arts tradition, seniors didn't give that look.

"Regardless, it wasn't all about meeting thieves that much, and there were many dangers. The cross wound on this face also resulted from the awkwardness of the awkward. Sometimes it's just because I've been lucky to be alive. Still, from some point on, the name Reda with Cross Wounds became widespread."

There are too many people in this company with spectacular life experience.

"By the way, where did you learn black magic? When you're acting as a prostitute?

"No, since I met the president, I learned. Until then, I couldn't use any magic."

That, too, said the senior.

"Hey, I hear it's hard to grow up and be a wizard. The awkward also struggled, but in three years first, his own magic became available."

"No, no, no, no! What talent, it!

There must have been some support for the president, but it's not from the dimension that I learned when I grew up though...

"No, Lord Franz, there's no such thing as talent for the awkward. The president said the same thing. Nothing, I don't have the magical qualities or anything."

"Well, how could that be..."

So the senior smiled lonely.

"Compared to the hell of a day I went through as a kid, there's no such thing as magic mastery. You can't lose your life where you fail."

Yeah, this guy's had a spectacular childhood, so a little hardship doesn't even fit into the struggle.

"I see. So whoever survives in a miserable environment will survive. You were lucky, and that was all life force. So this is how you live."

Mary also said in a flat tone to suit her senior.

"But sadly, everyone, they're not as strong as you, are they? If I lived the same way as you, I'd be dead along the way."

"I know that. Awkward, so to speak, is a mutation."

The senior stared into his palm, and then, squeezed it tight.

"That is why we cannot forgive the evil that afflicts the weak. Create an environment where even those who are extremely blessed and unlucky can live like the awkward. That's the responsibility of the awkward."

If seniors had been born in a normal family, they wouldn't have been this strong either.

Growing up in a terrible world made seniors stronger. Because that's not something you can appreciate. It's better not to have such a terrible world.

So I guess seniors have chosen the path to fight social evil.

"By the way, what happened to the institution your senior grew up in?

"As a writer, I soaked up the fraudulent receipt of public money. Cases of abuse are also on the set. The current administrator is a little more decent, and we've got a checking system in place."

Maybe the seniors have been thinking about how to save the kids in the institution they were in all their lives.

"Well, we, we're gonna have some carriage time to go."

"Right. How far are we going?

"It's a port town called Lightstone."

The eyes of the senior who heard the place name were opened.

"That's an odd encounter. Actually, there's one story I'm chasing in the lightstone, at the writer job. Because of that, can I accompany you?

"Yeah, of course that's fine, but what's a story...?

What the hell is going on locally?

"It seems that there will be a strange chant at night."

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