Mary said, "Is that some kind of basis or something?" He asked me what I wanted to hear. I think Mary is good for detectives. I'm going to poke at things that bother me a long time, and I thoroughly doubt anything suspicious.

"Yes. Actually, I found some of the literature to have descriptions that look like that. Check out this brochure."

View what was given to you. Apparently, it said that the ancient site of the locality was a device for wizards to suck up magic. Nevertheless, I'm not sure about the credibility because it's a material I've never heard of.

"I knew there were ancient ruins, but wasn't that just a big old grave?

The land is so close to the sea that it was made a tomb as a symbol of authority where it could also be seen from the sea. By the way, I'm talking about an era far older than my Ciscon ancestors who caused trouble.

"We thought so, too, but one day there was a historian teacher who said this was a device the wizard used to use. And we should definitely use it all over the city."

Well, I hope that adds more tourists, but is it something that works that well? As far as I'm concerned, I doubt 80% of them.

At least, there's no information in there that I live in Wangdu and Lightstone's trying to get around the city like that.

But you're spreading the word that there's a guy doing a suspicious chant.

Then it's also scary to kick it as irrelevant.

"Franz, is ancient ruins a splendid thing?

"I don't know if it's splendid in Demonic values, but from the size of this country, it seems to be one of the best. Says he's in pretty good condition, too. It's a tomb in the shape of a keyhole."

Mary puts her right index finger on the crease and thinks.

"Is it the shape of a keyhole... That's all you ask, and you can't deny the possibility that it was created as something that draws out magic. It is common to use profound forms and objects when using magic. For example, when you curse, you have a doll that looks a lot like the person you want to curse, right?

"I mean, a keyhole symbolizes a door that draws magic from the earth..."

And the guy at the bureau said, "That's right! If you find out more about this, tourists will come from all over the place in search of ancient romance!" I've been trying to theorize.

"Franz, first tomorrow, take me to the ancient ruins. It's a holiday anyway, and you don't have a problem."

"Right. It's gonna be Mary's boredom, and it's just fine."

The purpose of the homecoming was one thing, clearly done.

And I'm back at my parents'.

"Oh, welcome back, Franz. Um, Serlia, where...?

My father opened his mouth best, looking for Serlia's presence, and I'm glad he didn't bring me back.

"Celia is going home to her demonic home. So I'm not coming here."

"Oh well... Really? Ha ha..."

Dad, you're dropping too much tension...... My son's home, so be happy now!

"Oh Franz, you can always come back to King's Capital..."

"I don't know if I can stay there another day, or I'm just gonna tell the kid!

It's really too much cash...... No longer, as a matter of fact, the father is at a level where another person and his mother tell him not to move.

"But Mary's cute, too! Nothing's wrong! Though I'd be happier with the adult type."

"Hey, Dad, shut up. Just shut up."

And once Mary's clean, Lightstone will disappear from city to city. That's how horrible it is.

- And my mother strangled me from behind my father's back.

"Ugg... bitter..."

"It's okay, you. I'm strangling because my heart is more painful."

I thought that wouldn't happen, but I don't stop because I deserve it. No matter how much, I won't kill you with this.

"But it's sad that Serlia isn't here. My future daughter-in-law hasn't arrived. I want to see my grandson's face soon."

Seriously, Mother, you're willing to marry Celia and me.

It's just that Sacubas is a demon, so it's hard to have children with humans. Otherwise, Sacubas will be pregnant all over.

"I'm going to favorably interpret that my parents haven't changed since the summer vacation. Just in time for a sweep, shall we do something?

"Oh, that would be cool. Tomorrow, I was going to ask you to help me, because I'm going to get this guy to do it all for me."

My mother put even more strength into my father's neck.

"Hey, you, okay?

"Wow, okay...... I'll clean Mr. Serlia so he can come whenever he wants. - Ugh!

My father raised the cry of the Terminator, but there was nothing else in his life.

"Damn! One day I'll get along with Sacubas and I'll do that and this! Until then, you're dead!

My father wiped out the window as he said he was coming to the top of the statement rankings he didn't want me to say in front of his son. Maybe this is cheap stuff if the punishment is just cleaning.

"By the way, Dad, Lightstone was doing a city trip as a power spot."

"Oh. Sounds like it. I'm not a wizard, so I don't know."

Some sort of accountant-like response came. I don't even seem interested at all.

"At least I guess it's not well known at all yet. Working in the city doesn't impress me that there are more wizard-like people, and I don't usually see the faces of tourists. It's quiet when the time comes for a sea bath."

"I see. Then you won't even ask in Wang Du."

"It's just that they put a lot more money into maintenance on the ancient ruins, and to some extent the deficit will swell if people don't come. I wonder if the bureau is thinking about it."

I knew it was an accountant-like statement. My father is a decent accountant.

"Yes, yes, you, move your hands."

My mother also started wiping and cleaning with a rag. Seeing these places, let's assume the couple hasn't cooled down yet. I want to believe that. Don't get divorced or anything because I'm hurting you.

For one thing, is this where we can gather information at this stage? I left my stuff in my room.

So far, I don't hear anything like the voice of my ancestors' hearts, and I'm normal.

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