This is not a BUG, this is a game feature

Chapter 243 Instead of buying a house, buy a shop!

"Don't Leave After School" used to be a buy-out game, but later became a free-to-play game.

Is it expensive to register a new account?

not tall!

Even if you don’t want to start from scratch and buy a finished account, to be honest, it doesn’t cost much. Compared with the snacks, drinks and Internet fees given away by Internet cafes, it is simply a waste of money.

Many players have advised newcomers not to play accounts for others, let alone to save trouble by directly playing accounts provided by friends or strangers.

This is such an injustice!

You play for others, you put in your time and energy, and others collect advertising dividends. Isn't this pure bullshit?

Chen Ba also agreed with this statement.

He once heard something.

Not long ago, a post was posted on the Tianba community. A certain player revealed that he had been playing "Don't Leave After School" for three months for a friend, but he never knew that he could still get money for this game.

When he learned the truth, he almost burst into tears. He complained that he had made a bad friend. Not only did his friend not give him a dime, he even took back his account in the end.

This incident made a big fuss and caused heated discussions in the Tianba community.

Some people questioned the player and wondered why he still knew nothing about the game after playing "Don't Leave After School" for three months? The content of this post looks like it was made up!

The original poster posted the chat history.

It turned out that his friend told him that scammers are rampant in the game "Don't Leave After School". Don't believe what other people say, be careful of being deceived!

Because of this advice from his friend, this player always stayed alone when playing games and rarely interacted with other people. He just focused on playing with his marbles and didn't interact with other people. How could he possibly know the truth?

If he hadn't received a system message while playing the game, telling him that the game peripheral "Pinball Dynasty Benchi" was about to be released. Out of curiosity, he searched the Internet for the origin and story behind this book, and he might still be deceived to this day. In the drum.

What a waste of time!

Three months of hard work...

Someone has calculated that if the poster did not lie and he played more than 200 hours of games every month, then his loss would be at least 10,000+!

This is no small sum of money.

Faced with this amount of money, it's no wonder that his friends turned against him. It can only be said that he makes friends carelessly, and he is too withdrawn. He has been playing games for so long without knowing about it.

Because of this kind of thing, when players of "Don't Leave After School" now meet new players, they will tell them about the status and development history of the popular science game, regardless of whether they like it or not.

The most important thing is to ask the newbie, is the account his own? Isn't it another account given by friend XX?

Don’t even say it!

Due to a lack of awareness, many newbies do have problems with the source of their accounts. The funniest thing is that many newbie accounts are bought from e-commerce platforms, so-called "first charge account" and "initial account".

It makes me so angry!

For other games, it may be much easier to buy an initial account or a first-time recharge account, and you will also have a lot of fun playing it.

But this is Don't Leave, and it's a game unlike anything out there.

Does this game require a first recharge number and an initial number? By buying the initial account and first-charge account for this game, are you sure you are not working for others to earn advertising fees?

Chen Ba also went to investigate.

On a well-known e-commerce platform, there are indeed merchants selling the so-called "Don't Leave After School" finished account, initial number and first recharge number.

One characteristic of these accounts is that they are bound to the merchant's bank card information and identity information, and the merchant deliberately conceals this.

Disgusting, really disgusting!

Without saying a word, Chen Ba directly reported to the e-commerce platform in the official name of Tianba Studio, destroying these unscrupulous merchants who were swindling in the name of "Don't Leave After School".

Be careful when buying and selling accounts!

All games under Tianba Studio are bound to a Tianba account. Use this account to log in to the Nobug platform and play Tianba games that have been purchased or added to the game library.

The accounts bought and sold on the Internet are all Tianba accounts.

"Don't Leave After School" can only be said to be okay.

The game with the most rampant account trading and the most serious problems is actually "Speed" which is not taken seriously!

According to statistics, seven of the ten Tianba account sales and transactions are related to "Speed".

“Why are there so many account transactions in ‘Speed ​​Race’?”

Because Chen Ba doesn't get involved in subsequent game operations, he doesn't quite understand the reasons behind these account transactions.

So he consulted Yang Dong. As the general person in charge of the operation department, Yang Dong knew the situation very well and should be able to tell the reason.

"The thing is like this..."

Yang Dong didn't hide anything and told the reason why the "Speed ​​Rush" game account trading is so rampant and even lawless.

As everyone knows.

In the game "Speed", assets are a very important game data and a key factor in measuring player strength.

Everything is good if you have money, but if you don’t have money?

That guy can’t even repair his car!

Based on this premise, the first element of game account trading was born: borrowing an account to trade and sell large amounts of game currency!

The game coins are smaller and easier to trade. You can buy millions or even tens of millions of game coins from game merchants just by thinking of ways.

But large-amount game currency transactions are a bit troublesome, not only time-consuming and labor-intensive, but the key is that it is easy for Tianba officials to capture their whereabouts, and then intercept the game currency used for the transaction.

So some game merchants began to use their accounts to transfer game currency.

Are there customers coming to buy game currency? Or a large amount? Tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of game coins?


This means that you can't transfer it by conventional means. You can directly sell an account that stores game currency to the customer. After the customer gets the account, he or she can transfer game currency in small amounts multiple times.

Yang Dong was aware of this situation.

But again, if one is willing to fight, the other is willing to suffer, and it is hard for their game official to do anything. Because they are cracking down on game merchants, they can’t ban all account transactions at once, right?

Players will definitely resist or even oppose it. After all, this decision touches the cake of many people.

"Is there anything else?"

Chen Ba said thoughtfully: "If we just transfer game currency, there shouldn't be so many account transactions, right?"

"That's right!"

“There are many types of account transactions, and transferring game currency is just one of them!”

Yang Dong nodded and explained: "There is another situation, which is to transfer game assets through account transactions, including vehicles, stores, etc."

Shops can be opened in the online mode of "Speed"!

Car repair shop, car wash shop, car beauty, car accessories, etc...

Now that you can open a store, a situation naturally arises, that is, "prosperous store transfer"! Stores that are in good operating condition, have regular customers and stable income can be transferred to other players.

Please note……

The nature of these stores is similar to online stores on e-commerce platforms. The stores that make a lot of money every day are indeed very valuable.

Take a car repair shop as an example.

Let’s not talk about the car repair shops opened by NPCs. Let’s just talk about the car repair shops opened by players. Generally, there are two payment methods, either game currency or RMB.

Dear, our store supports scan code payment!

The only way to transfer these online stores is through "account transaction". If it doesn’t exist, I won’t play anymore, so I’ll transfer the store to someone else.

Either sell the account, or close the store...

You don't need to think about it, it is definitely more cost-effective to sell the account. After all, you can get some blood back. It would be a huge loss to close the store directly. No one would be so stupid.

"This is how the account with the highest transaction amount comes from, because it contains an auto repair shop with a daily turnover of tens of thousands."

Yang Dong explained: "This ten thousand is not a game currency, but real money!"

This account was finally signed and sold under a contract under the guarantee of a certain account trading platform for a sky-high price of 350,000!


"That's right! Isn't it scary?"

Yang Dong said with a smile: "Actually, this is already very low. After all, if you want to repair a car in the game, you have to know some skills, so you can't sell it at a high price."

If there is no technical threshold, anyone can take over the account and make a lot of money every day, then the transfer price will definitely be more than one million.

All I can say is that it is still too conservative.

Buying this store is more about buying a stable customer base and store popularity. After all, there are so many repair shops online, and there are not many stores that can achieve this result.

Of course, the location is great too!

Although the map in the online mode of "Technology Rush" is very large, the stores distributed in it are also rated according to their locations. Doing business in a good location will naturally get twice the result with half the effort.

"Specializing in shops?"

Yang Dong's explanation reminded Chen Ba of bad memories.

The original "Household Simulator" was just about speculating on house prices. In the end, the prices were higher than the real house prices, leaving the players speechless.

"Fast" is obviously even more outrageous.

After all, this time we are speculating on real estate, instead of speculating on commercial housing, we are speculating on shops instead!

A store with an online model, a stable customer base, and an excellent location was able to sell for a sky-high price of 350,000 yuan. This simply refreshed Chen Ba's understanding.

No matter how you speculate in real estate using the simulator, the payment will still be game currency, not real money. But at this time, buyers of the shops hyped in "Rush" paid real money.

Auntie is ecstatic!

"Is 350,000 expensive?"

Yang Dong didn't quite understand. He had analyzed the transaction. Although it sounded a bit outrageous to spend 350,000 to buy a game account and a store in the game.

But to be honest, the location of this store is really good! There are several competition venues nearby. Players go to participate in the competition and come out just in time to repair their cars. The value is comparable to the flower shop and fruit shop in front of the hospital.

He thinks it's normal to sell a place like this for 350,000 yuan. If someone dares to spend so much money to buy it, they must think it's worth it. If it's not worth it, who will buy it?

"I didn't say it was expensive!"

Chen Ba shook his head in denial and said: "I just think that if this trend continues, the store transactions of "Speed" will still set a record."

350,000? 530,000!

Maybe in two days, he would see on XX news that a man spent millions to buy and invest in a shop in the game.

There is no doubt that as long as "Rush" maintains its current popularity and people continue to play it, the value of these online mode stores, especially those in excellent locations, will definitely continue to rise.

Opening a car repair shop in this game can really make money!

After all, it is so expensive for NPCs to repair cars, and it is equally expensive to ask players to repair cars. Spending one or two yuan to let players repair cars is more cost-effective than spending a large sum of game currency to let NPCs repair cars.

This market is huge!

It’s no wonder that a large number of car repairmen are now playing with computers and talking about Internet thinking. People can really make money by playing games. Do you think they are just playing games?

"I understand that shops are considered assets."

Chen Ba nodded and said: "These online stores are indeed very valuable, and it is normal to conduct transactions through account buying and selling."

"But what about the vehicle you just mentioned? Can this be considered an asset?"

"Of course it counts!"

Yang Dong affirmed: "If you build a new account, how many cars can you afford to buy? Then you don't have to work hard to save money to fill your garage?"

"It will definitely save a lot of trouble to buy a finished model with a lot of vehicles and a full garage! After all, you don't have to be so tired and you can just drive whatever you want..."

This is a new choice.

For many newbies who want to play "Rush", veteran players will advise them to buy a finished account. Creating a new account to play is not cost-effective and is also time-consuming and labor-intensive.

Newbies either don't listen to the advice, insist on creating a new account, and then drool when looking at the car they want, but they are short of money and can't afford it. Or you can listen to the advice and start with ten or even dozens of cars. You can build whatever you want without worrying about running out of cars.

This is an account transaction about vehicles. Most of them are finished products that newbies don’t want to spend time saving up to buy a car and buy directly.

In addition, there is another situation.

That is, players have given up playing. There are many "especially rare" and "precious" vehicles in the garage. They don't want game currency, but just want to sell them for money. This is also a major source of account transactions.

Speaking of this, Yang Dong also had a headache.

He told Chen Ba that in the game "Speed", it is difficult to buy top racing cars or particularly rare cars, customized or designed cars with game currency.

Spend money to buy it!

These high-end top players are not short of game currency. Although game currency can be sold for money, the process is too troublesome, so they only want to sell cars for money, so they can only sell their accounts together.

"Can't you give it directly to the buyer and then transfer the money privately?"

"How to ensure safety?"

Yang Dong asked back: "Give me the money first or the car first? You have to know that this kind of transaction is generally unsafe. Trustworthy acquaintances are fine, but strangers, do you dare to play like this?"

Selling accounts is different.

There are so-called account trading platforms on the Internet. Although their reliability is questionable and there is no shortage of retrieval dogs, it is always better to have a third party than two people trading privately.

"That's it..."

Chen Ba was a little surprised. He didn't expect that there were so many inside stories behind the rampant account transactions in "Speed".

Then here comes the problem!

Since players have such needs, can Tianba officials come forward and build a similar "game trading" platform?

The game official guarantees the transaction, which is more reliable and safer than players randomly finding a third-party platform, right?

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