This is not a BUG, this is a game feature

Chapter 244 A new historical low? Send it directly for free!

In fact, it is not uncommon for games to officially provide trading platforms in the game industry, and many games support this function.

For example, the most common "role trading"!

The official launch of a trading platform allows players to strip off the characters they want to trade, and other players can just spend money to buy them.

This is actually an officially guaranteed account transaction, except that the official retains the seller’s game account and separates the characters separately.

In addition, there is also the transaction of game items, which is also in a similar form.

The proliferation of account transactions in "Speed" and the increasing number of cases of players being deceived gave Chen Ba the idea of ​​​​creating an official trading platform.

It is better to block than to open up!

You can’t control it. As long as there is demand, there will be a market. As long as there is a market, this will definitely happen.

Since it can't be controlled, it should simply be brought under official control to provide credibility guarantee and security for players' transactions.

Isn’t it a platform that is officially guaranteed by the game and is more reliable than the platform you find online?

"You can make one..."

Yang Dong thinks this is a good idea. After all, "Speed" players really need this thing.

And it’s easy to do this, just copy what your friends are doing. What players are most worried about when choosing a trading platform is “reliability”.

Officially, there are no worries in this regard, so it is easy to do.

You don’t even need to develop an APP or software program, just make it into a web page mode and then embed it into the game client or Tianba community.

How simple is this?

Not only does it save trouble, it solves a major pain point problem for players, and the most important thing is that it can also earn some handling fees.

Trivia: Every transaction on this kind of platform requires a commission, which is commonly known as a handling fee. Otherwise, they would provide you with services for free. Why do you think so beautifully?

The handling fee seems inconspicuous. It only costs a small amount for a transaction, but the difference is that the little money adds up to a lot.

Once the transaction scale is raised, the money will still be quite a lot...

"The problem now is that if we only serve the players of "Speed", I'm afraid there is really not much money, and there is no need."

"So we either don't do this, or we have to build a trading platform for all Tianba games." Chen Ba said seriously, "At least all our own games must be included!"

It is similar to the treasure house in a pig factory.

Cross-game is a must. If it doesn't cross-game and only serves one game, "Speed", then there is really no need to build this platform.

After all, it's hard to say how long "Fast" will remain popular. If it doesn't work in two years, wouldn't this platform be in vain?

"I think so too."

Yang Dong nodded and agreed with Brother Ba's idea that this official trading platform must cover multiple games.

You also need to have a separate name.

The pig factory’s name is Zangbao Pavilion, which sounds very interesting to me. What is the name of the trading platform of Tianba Studio?

"How about the treasure room?"

Chen Ba joked: "The main character is to question the pig factory, understand the pig factory, and become the pig factory!"

"It's better not to. What if someone is unhappy and starts making trouble with us?"

Yang Dong said cowardly: "Let's make an agreement first. If the pig factory comes to fight, I will be the first to surrender and draw a clear line with you on the spot."


Chen Ba curled his lips and said, "Then tell me, what's the name of this thing? Treasure house? Treasure cave? Treasure pavilion in the middle?"

"Batian mecha depot, how is it?"

Chen Ba: "..."

You boy! If you don't like the things from the pig factory, why don't you turn around and steal the things from the goose factory?

"I will surrender even if Goose Factory fights me. I won't say a kind word for you, so just wait to be beaten to death!"

Chen Ba rolled his eyes and guessed that Yang Dong couldn't come up with a good name, so he made the final decision: "Jiangning is our blessed place, and the studio is called Tianba, so let's call it Tianning Pavilion."

"Tianning Pavilion?"

After thinking about this word, Yang Dong immediately nodded and said: "Okay, let's call it this name! I will go back and make arrangements and take the time to build this trading platform."

"Not urgent!"

Chen Ba waved his hand and said, "Before doing this, there is something else I want to discuss with you."

"What's up?"

"Regarding the question of whether some of our old games should be given away for free."

Chen Ba explained: "The person in charge of the steam platform asked me if I would like to participate in their Lunar New Year event. I feel that after such a long time, the new history is a bit too shabby and unattractive."

How many years old is this game, and it still offers a historically low price? How about a new historic low price?


For these old games, even if they are labeled with green discounts of -80% or -90%, not many new players will be interested.

Chen Ba also thinks that instead of offering any new low-price products this year, we can just give away games.

Learn from Ubisoft’s good example!

Those old games that don’t have much gimmicks in the first place, and can’t increase sales no matter how much they are discounted, just give them to players, so as to save them from complaining about Brother Ba’s stinginess all day long.

"Free games?"

When Yang Dong heard this at first, he thought Brother Ba wanted to learn from E-Bao. In order to attract new users to the Nobug platform, he started giving away games to retain people.

Only after he finished speaking did he realize that that was not what he meant. Giving away games was not to attract new users to the Nobug platform, but to give away old games as a platform-wide benefit.


Yang Dong had no objection.

Those old games really can’t be sold, and few people buy them even if they are discounted, so just give them away, since it’s not worth the money anyway.

The key is how to deliver it? Which game to give? How long is the event limited to?

“Each platform has a limited time limit to get it for free, just click to add it to the warehouse, no need to spend money to buy it!”

"The event lasts until the fifteenth day of the first lunar month and ends after the New Year! As for which game to choose, it's not just one game, but multiple games..."

Chen Ba is not that stingy. He has to specially choose a game to give away. If he wants to give it away, give more. Anyway, he has to give it away early or late. It doesn’t make any difference.

These two games, "Hanchuang Studying Simulator" and "Household Simulator", are definitely going to be given away.

As for other games, namely "God's Grace Continent" and "Love Staff", Chen Ba is still hesitating.

"Shouldn't I give away "Speed"?" Yang Dong asked tentatively.

"what are you thinking?"

Chen Ba said speechlessly: "At least it is the first game from our studio that sells for more than 100 yuan. Is the depreciation rate so fast?"

It’s impossible to give “Speed ​​​​Furious” as a gift!

Games that used to sell for more than 100 yuan, although after such a long time, the price has dropped to more than 40 yuan, which is the lowest price ever, it is not free.

"Just give it away as a gift of "God's Grace Continent". The price has dropped below 10 yuan at an all-time low. It's no different from giving it away for free."

Yang Dong analyzed: "Brother Ba, what you are really hesitating about is probably the game "Love Staff", right?"

"That's right!"

Chen Ba sighed quietly.

The record-low price of "Love Staff" is not so low that it's not giving away for free. It's still worth some money, and the sales trend is not bad. Now that it's given away for free, it's a heavy loss.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that this game has not yet reached the "year limit" for freebies, which means it can continue to be sold, even if it is a new record low.

Now it’s free, what do the players who bought it before think? Do you feel that you are a big injustice?


Chen Ba really wants to give this game away.

Don't ask him why he doesn't make money even though he has money. The question is that "Love Staff" is no longer as simple as a game to him.

He wished that the more people played the game, the better it would be. Whether he made money or not was a trivial matter. It didn't matter if he poured money into it. The game had to stay alive, and the longer it lived, the better.

"I understand!"

Yang Dong said thoughtfully: "Are you worried that giving it away for free now will hurt the hearts of those players who bought it at a historically low price or at the original price?"

"Yes! That's what I mean..."

Chen Ba thought about those players who like to comment in the game comment area like "Buy at original price, get it for free the next day, I am a bad person".

There are quite a few such people.

Many people will feel that they have been stabbed in the back when a game they just bought is given away for free, and it is inevitable that they will be angry.


Ubisoft’s strategy has also been criticized a lot! It's just that the number of players calling him "big brother" far outnumbers the number of players who feel offended by being stabbed in the back.

"Give it away!"

Yang Dong made the decision for Brother Ba: "Since you want as many players as possible, then give it away! Just pretend you didn't hear the curses from some players!"

Backstab? Used to it!

When buying stand-alone games, don’t you know these three famous sayings: buy early and enjoy early, buy late and get discounts, and don’t buy and get free?

When shopping on an e-commerce platform, even if you buy a "price guarantee" and get backstabbed by the manufacturer, what does this kind of price-cutting backstabbing in the gaming industry mean?

"you're right……"

Chen Ba seemed to have made up his mind and said calmly: "It doesn't hurt to curse a few times. Anyway, I have been scolded a lot these years."

Then give it away!

At this point, Tianba Studio’s activity plan during the Spring Festival has been completely released, and the game list has been officially finalized.

There are a total of four games, namely "Hanchuang Hard Study Simulator", "Living Under the Fence Simulator", "God's Grace Continent" and "Love Staff", which are given away for free on all platforms.

Please note, all platforms!

Whether it is the steam platform, E-Bao or Wegame, as well as Tianba Studio’s own Nobug platform, they are all given away for free, and you can get them by clicking on the treasury.

The host platform will not participate in the event for the time being.

This is not because Chen Ba is stingy and reluctant to provide benefits to players on the console platform. Mainly on the console platform, discounts or free services need to be discussed with the platform.

Don't ask why.

The question is that not long ago, Tianba Studio signed a contract with the Xbox platform. Not an exclusive contract, but an independent "underwriting" contract.

The so-called underwriting is somewhat similar to the relationship between a traditional car factory and its 4S stores.

Chen Ba is a car company that manufactures cars. He is only responsible for producing and assembling cars. As for the cars being built and shipped to the 4S store, how they are sold is the 4S store's business.

Anyway, the income is divided according to the proportion stipulated in the contract, and it is not a buyout operation model.

To put it bluntly, how Tianba games are sold on the Xbox platform, how they are discounted and how they are promoted is decided by the host platform itself.

Chen Ba is only responsible for dividing the money.

He provides the games, but the publicity and marketing of the host platform is done by the host itself. He is a hands-off shopkeeper, and the bank card balance will automatically increase when the time comes.

"Poor host platform..."

Yang Dong said silently: "Let's not talk about the game at the original price. If good things happen, it won't be their turn. The server is still a potato product."

"There's nothing you can do about it!"

Chen Ba was speechless and said: "Who told us that the foundation of Tianba Studio is on the PC and not on the console?"

If Tianba Studio is a console game developer, it will definitely be better for console players. Any good things and good things will be all thought of console players. Updates and optimizations will also be the first batch to enjoy.

But there is no way!

Tianba Studio has never been very close to the console platform from the beginning to the end. The PC platform is the real son, and the console is just the godson it just recognized.

In this situation, everyone has selfish motives, and Chen Ba is no exception.

There are good things, and the first thing that comes to mind is definitely PC players, not console players. Update optimization, server configuration, etc., the host can only pick up the leftovers.

In fact, everything else is easy to talk about, mainly server and update optimization...

It’s a cliché that Tudou Server is not very good on the PC side, let alone the console side. Version updates are the key point, and the console side often lags behind the PC side by one month or even two months.

The day lilies are cold!

People are already vomiting the new version, and the console has not yet received the push message, which is very distressing.

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