This is not a BUG, this is a game feature

Chapter 242 Cyber ​​merit is also merit!

Why does Chen Ba dare to implement the "merit white list" system? Isn't he afraid that players will play other games and not be able to come back later?

He is really not afraid!

Because he carefully analyzed it and conducted questionnaires and consultations with players, he came up with an incredible answer.

"What do you think merit is?"

If this question is placed in the game, everyone’s answer should be “a game resource” or “game currency” etc.

But the brain circuits of players of "Cultivation Fantasy" are different from others. They feel that "merit in the game" is actually a reflection of good people and good deeds.

"How should I put it..."

After Chen Ba hesitated for a moment, he said, "If you accumulate virtue and do good deeds, you will be rewarded with good things. Do you believe it?"

"Do not believe!"


Xiao Lu and Luo Ji gave two completely opposite answers.

Chen Ba did not care about the two people's answers, but changed his statement and continued to ask: "Then let me change the question, do you hope that good people will be rewarded?"

"Definitely hope!"

This time, both of them nodded.

The authenticity of this saying that accumulating virtue and doing good deeds will be rewarded is doubtful, because there are too many examples to prove that doing good deeds may not necessarily bring good results.

But people sincerely hope that good people will be rewarded, because this represents the most beautiful and honest expectations in everyone’s heart!

"That's no problem."

Chen Ba snapped his fingers and said, "It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. What's important is that you don't want this to happen!"

Obviously, whether you believe in the saying "good people are rewarded" or not, most people will not refuse the merits that can be easily accumulated.

This requires the introduction of a completely new concept.

"Cultivation Fantasy" is just a game. Logically speaking, the merits in it are nothing more than a similar name and are not "real" merits.

But players want it to be a real merit!

In the actual environment, it is not easy to accumulate these merits, and the game behavior generated in order to accumulate merits will also make players have a daydream.

"What reverie?"

"You said, I defeated the cheat and got 100 points of merit reward. Is this considered a good thing?"

"It definitely counts!"

Luo Ji said without hesitation: "Doing good deeds does not matter how big or small. Small deeds are also good. Don't neglect doing good deeds because they are small."

"Then here's the problem!"

"Since this is considered a good deed, then if there are merits and virtues in reality, there is also the way of heaven and so on..."

When Chen Ba said this, he suddenly winked and said: "Now you can understand why the players of "Cultivation Fantasy", especially the merit players, are so obsessed with merit?"

If you believe it, there is it; if you don’t believe it, there is none!

Instead of knocking on the cyber wooden fish and then laughing away all the merits of ten years because of a funny picture, it is better to play "Cultivation Fantasy" with me.

This is much more powerful than the electronic wooden fish!

"As I said before, it doesn't matter whether you believe this statement or not. What's important is that you can accumulate merit by just doing it, even if it's merit in the game, why not do it?"

When Chen Ba said this, he suddenly felt embarrassed and said: "Without "Cultivation Fantasy", they wouldn't play other games?"

No, I can still play!

Since it's all about playing, why not hang up a "Cultivation Fantasy" Tiandao program in the background, and while playing other games, knock on the cyber wooden fish to earn some cyber merit?

Xiao Lu \u0026 Luo Ji: "..."

They didn’t understand it, but they were shocked!

So is this the mental state of contemporary young people? Is cyber merit too advanced?

Sure enough, I am still old!

Luo Ji was speechless and said: "If that's the case, then I can understand why these players are so excited after hearing the double reward of merit in "Heroes Please Stay"."

It turns out that what they are playing is not a game, they are knocking cyber wooden fish to earn cyber merit?

Double merit?


In other games, double rewards can only make you happy for a short while, but "Cultivation Fantasy" doubles merits. For these merit-obsessed players, the attraction is as attractive as an excavator on the roadside.

Who can bear this?

Even in his wildest dreams, Lao Luo couldn't understand why a good MMORPG online game with a fairy tale theme turned into this.

The key is, he still can't tell what's wrong with it. After all, no one stipulates that the game cannot be played like this. Who says that cyber merit is not merit?

"I see."

Compared with Lao Luo, a has-been old man, Xiao Lu, as a young man, has much better brains.

After a few turns, he understood why Brother Ba said that he was not afraid of these players not being able to come back after being taken away.


These players were diverted to other games and then never came back?

what are you thinking about? No matter how good other games are, can they accumulate cyber merit like "Cultivation Fantasy"?

As long as this feature exists, players will not abandon "Cultivation Fantasy" and will even be led by Brother Ba.

Wherever there is merit, there will be this group of meritorious players. Brother Ba will send them cyber merits, and they will go to other games to help Brother Ba earn money. It is truly mutually beneficial, and no one should dislike anyone.

Take "Heroes Please Stay" as an example.

Chen Ba attracted a large number of meritorious monks to them, at least one to two hundred thousand active players.

These people are very realistic!

As long as the source of merit is cut off, you can no longer obtain merit by playing this game. This group of merit-based players will leave as they came, and only a few will stay in the game.

“Once you use the whitelist once, you can’t live without it.”

Chen Ba chuckled and said: "When you are on the merit whitelist, no matter how unpopular the game is, it will instantly become popular. But the shortcomings are also obvious. Without follow-up merit, these players cannot be retained at all."

"Okay, okay!"

Xiao Lu clapped his hands and said happily: "Take advantage of your friends and charge them protection fees. If you don't pay them, you'll just wait for the players to lose!"


Chen Ba gave Xiao Lu a headache and cursed angrily: "How many times do I have to tell you, this is not protection money, this is a white list."

"Yes, yes, whitelist!"

Xiao Lu quickly changed his words and said that he just made a mistake. How could such a positive company charge protection fees?

No matter what you call it, you still have to pay.

Qudou Interactive Entertainment is the first friend to taste the benefits, but it is by no means the last.

Thanks to the hard promotion of Chen Ba and Xiao Lu, more than ten games were soon added to the merit whitelist of "Cultivation Fantasy", and players had more options to choose from.


As the number of whitelists increases, the traffic drainage effect will naturally deteriorate a lot. After all, with so many games, it is impossible for players to play them all, which will inevitably cause diversion.

So at this time, Chen Ba also stopped expanding the white list and kept the status quo unchanged.

These are the only games on the whitelist!

Unless a game is removed from the whitelist, no new games will be added to ensure that the traffic drainage effect remains optimal. The whitelist will not be flooded, and the effect will be the same whether you add it or not.

At the same time, as time went by and the public beta cycle increased, the number of people online at the same time in "Cultivation Fantasy" also reached the upper limit, which was a full 700,000 people.

This is really the upper limit...

After all, the game only has eight districts in total, and there are no plans to open new districts, so the maximum number of people in the game is this, and it is impossible to increase it further.

Speaking of which...

The potential of "Fantasy of Cultivation" is even greater than that of the famous "Don't Go After School". After all, "Fantasy of Cultivation" can be run in the background without having to worry and stare at the screen.

So why can’t the number of people online compete?

In addition to server factors, the most fundamental reason is that "Cultivation Fantasy" can only be played on one's own computer and cannot be hung up on the company's computer, so it is difficult for office workers to play.

Chen Ba also expressed his understanding of this point.

After all, there is a Tiandao program that is constantly monitored in the background of the employees' computers. As long as the boss is not confused, he will be more or less worried about the risk of leaking secrets.

Although this worry is unnecessary, Program Tiandao is not spyware and will not monitor everything, but Chen Ba can also understand the concerns of these companies.

No big deal!

If you can't play at the company, then go home and play. If you can't play in an Internet cafe, you can also play "Cultivation Fantasy" in an Internet cafe.

At this point, Chen Ba felt that "Don't Leave After School" was really interesting...

As we all know, Internet cafes are in a slump!

With the rapid development of smart phones and the popularity of personal computers, Internet cafes, a once popular business, are now getting worse every year.

The activation rate is getting lower and lower.

It's okay when business is at its peak, but at times like noon and early morning, basically nine out of ten computers in Internet cafes have a black screen.

In order to save the opening rate and make some extra money, the Internet cafe owner came up with many tricks, one of which was the rule about "Don't leave after school".

Whenever you go to an Internet cafe, the network administrator will recommend this game to customers and say that if you use the account they provide to play, the Internet fee will be halved, and the night will be included or even free!

Yes, you heard it right.

Go to an Internet cafe and book a night to play "Don't Leave After School" for free.

But the premise is that you must use the Tianba account provided by the Internet cafe to play, and you cannot log in to your own account, otherwise you will not be able to enjoy this benefit.

"Then why doesn't the Internet cafe owner just turn on all the computers and log into "Don't Leave After School" during the off-season?"

"First of all, there is no profit from hanging up in this game. You have to start playing!"

Chen Ba patiently explained: "Secondly, there is AI intelligence to determine whether a real person is operating in front of the computer, eliminating the existence of plug-ins and scripts."

The only feasible solution is to hire someone to keep an eye on each computer and keep it operating.

But you have to pay wages to hire people, right?

Labor wages + electricity and internet fees, just to get that little bit of wool? Don’t think about it, this is definitely a losing business!

Only in special places like Internet cafes, the network administrator can recommend the game "Don't Leave After School" to the guests, and then provide the guests with an account, waiving part of the Internet fee or even not charging the Internet fee.

Others are more frivolous. As long as you play "Don't Leave After School" online and use the account provided by the Internet cafe, the network administrator will give you a pack of cigarettes, a bottle of drink, or a pack of snacks, etc. after playing for a period of time.

All in all, it’s all a waste of money!

However, Chen Ba would not care about this method of harvesting wool even if he knew about it.

Mainly because I can't control it.

Although these accounts belong to the same person, they are all real people operating in front of the computer, watching ads and playing games. They are not scripts, so there is no reason to ban the account.

What's more, these Internet cafe owners actively promote their side businesses and also help advertise "Don't Leave After School", attracting a group of players...

Based on this premise, Chen Ba ignored them and turned a blind eye, and the matter just turned the page.

However, the actions of these Internet cafe owners still aroused the indignation of many "Don't Leave After School" players, who believed that the Internet cafe owners were too dark-hearted.

Trick a guest into playing "Don't Leave After School" all night and only give him a bottle of drink? Would you be generous and only waive the night-time Internet fee?

Damn it, my heart is so dark!

Are you planning to play "Don't Leave After School" all night at an Internet cafe, just to enjoy the benefits of free Internet access? Dude, you've been fooled!

The players of "Don't Leave After School" are very kind-hearted, and they can't bear to see ignorant and cute newcomers being deceived by Internet cafe owners into losing their jobs, so they go everywhere to popularize the benefits of playing "Don't Leave After School".

The most important of these is:

"Don't Leave After School: Pinball Storm" Don't log into other people's accounts to play for others, register a new account yourself!

The cost is not high and it works once and for all!

Don't listen to the lies of the Internet cafe owner and use the account provided by him. Open a new account yourself, and not only will it cost you nothing to book nights in the future, but you will even make some money...

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