The Villain

Chapter 108 - Eloped?

[Back at the Church...]

When Emily and her husband returned to the room, he found that his daughter wasn't present in the room. Thinking that she might be in the washroom, he asked his wife, Emily to hurry up and call their daughter out as it was time and Salvatore was waiting for her on the aisle. According to them, making Salvatore wait for the bride wasn't a good thing. 

However, Emily stood rooted in her place when she saw the heels that she had specially chosen for her daughter matching with the wedding dress, placed under the chair. There was a premonition that was going to be proven true. 

Her gaze hardened as she found the door to the washroom wide open. 

Near the abandoned heels was a box that she had seen Isabelle's maid carrying. 

She now just knew what had happened but her heart wasn't ready to admit it. 

"What happened?" Richard furrowed his brows. He didn't know why but her wife looked...extremely tense. And what was this weird feeling in his gut warning him about the unforeseen circumstances? 

"Emma---" Emily couldn't find the right words to utter at this time. 

It couldn't be right? 

What she was thinking wasn't right? 

She couldn't believe that her daughter…

No. No. No. She would be in the washroom. 

Where else would we go? 

They were talking about Emma here. Her spineless and dumb daughter. She wouldn't take such a step impulsively. 

"Emily, I asked what on earth is happening?" Richard Costas asked when he saw his wife trembling and muttering something under her breath.

Why was his wife behaving so abnormally? 

"This room. This room is jinxed, " Emily muttered in anger. Her eyes glossy with tears of frustration, anger and shame. 

To her, this particular bridal room was jinxed. Last time when Persephone was in this room, she was kidnapped and this time, her daughter… 

"Can you speak normally for once, Emily?" Richard looked at her face and a trace of annoyance flashed on his face, "What room is jinxed and what do you mean by that?"

"Richard," Emily called out his name in a low voice. Her body trembling, still thinking what consequences they might have to face. "Our daughter…"

"Our daughter what?" Richard was now experiencing a restlessness in his heart. He had a feeling that something wasn't right. And judging from the look on her face, it was crystal clear that it had something to do with their daughter. "Will you tell me clearly that the heck is going on?"

"Richard...our daughter….she eloped." 


Currently, Persephone was sitting on the chair beside Ginevra and Sophia. As tense the surrounding was, she still had the time to joke about how cool the bride was by abandoning his extremely vain half-brother on the aisle. 

Well, it wasn't everyday when a gutsy woman would abandon cocky as hell Marinos?! 

Salavatore was one arrogant prick and left him on the altar…. 

It was just a wow situation for Persephone. 

Salvatore's face was a sight to behold right now. His dark expressions, clenched fists and menacing eyes were looking for the person who helped his almost wife to elope. 

Ah, where is the popcorn? Such a movie scene and she couldn't even enjoy it right? 

How sad. She pouted her lips. 

Beside her, Ginevra was calm as a spring water but it was Sophia who was seething like lava. Ah, which sister would be pleased to know that her brother was abandoned by a girl on the aisle? 

And especially when that man was Salavtore Marino. The cockiest and the most vain bastard to ever exist on the plains of this earth. 

How cute. She clapped her hand in delight in her head since she couldn't do it in front of everyone. 

The proud Emily had her head hung low as she was sitting on the table, with her hand supporting her head. Carina was sitting beside her, her lips pressed in a thin line. 

Ah, poor stepmomma. Aww, dear momma, your dumb son is left by an ever dumber woman who seemed to have grown brain overnight. 

"Don Marino, we couldn't find her," A soldier said as he came running inside the wedding hall."We checked every nook and corner of the property but couldn't find a single trace of her disappearance." 

[Dumbo, one doesn't run away to leave traces behind!]

"You idiot! How can you not find her?! How could she disappear in mere minutes?!" Emily shouted. Ever since she had realized that her daughter had eloped from the wedding, she had lost all of her senses. Although she knew the truth, she still refused to accept it."They took my daughter too! They took her too!"

"Who took her?" Persephone turned her head to look at Ginevra with furrowed brows. 

She had heard people talking about someone unfortunate who was stolen from her own wedding. She couldn't even fathom the torment that the poor girl might have to go through. However, she still doesn't know who the unfortunate girl was. 

Ginevra caressed her head and smiled,"No one. Emily doesn't know what she is saying." 

She would have believed Ginevra if Sophia had not given her that consoling smile. 

Her smile was fishy when there were no fishes in the pond. 

"Mrs. Costas, there was no sign of an ambush," one of the soldiers said. His words cleared all the doubts in the mind of the family members. 

Now they understood that Emma had run away because she decided that she didn't love Salvatore anymore and didn't want to be trapped in a loveless marriage. 

Emily looked at her husband with the look that was saying to speak but the man, who had just aged twice in mere minutes, just stood there with pained eyes and lowered head. 

His daughter didn't even leave him to raise his head in the community. 

She destroyed the honor of his family. 

If he ever found her, he would snap her neck and toss her body in Hudson. 

"Richard! Please say something." Now Emily was a sobbing mess. 

Persephone heaved out a long suffering sigh as she glanced at the sobbing mother. 

Emma didn't want Salvatore. End of story. What's the point in blaming someone? 

As if Emily could hear Persephone breathing, her head turned in her direction and she pounced on her at the lightning speed. "You vile girl! You jinx! It's happening because of you! You went to the room last! You must have filled her head with bullshit that you always utter! Or how else would my daughter have taken such a step?! Why is a dirty woman like you still alive?! you should have died in that hell! Why did you come to make us jinx like you own?!" 

Before Emily could hurt Persephone, a hand jerked Emily from her shoulder and she fell on the floor. When she looked up, she found Salavtore looking at her with those bloodthirsty eyes. His eyes resembled that of a demon. 

For a moment, she felt he wasn't the man that his daughter was going to marry. Instead, he was someone else. 

Someone that she didn't know. 

Salvatore, they knew, wasn't capable of emitting this bloodlust. 

"You dare to touch my sister?!" Salvatore's voice was chilling. "And what did you call her? Vile? Dirty? Do you dare to repeat those words?"

Emily took a step back as she swallowed the words that she had on the tip of her tongue. 

"Can you not see that your daughter left her own wedding?" Salvatore's words rendered her speechless. "If she didn't want to marry me, can you force her? You have been putting pressure on her for years and today, her last bit of patience snapped. You pushed your daughter to take this step." 

In an angry blaze, Salvatore's eyes looked more menacing than Don Marino's. They couldn't understand what triggered this effect on him. Could it be the embarrassment that a woman left him on the altar? Was that why he looked so chilling? After all, Salvatore was a proud man. 

Everyone had a bottom line and Salvatore too had one. His bottom line wasn't hurting his ego or pride, but his siblings and mother much to people's disbelief. 

"This is not true," Emily snapped. "She is my daughter. How could I do this to her?"

How could Emily be responsible for this big step that her daughter had taken? No, it wasn't her fault at all.

But Salvatore ignored every word said by her and looked at his father. "Can I have a talk with you, papa?"

Don Marino, who was eyeing his son for a long time now, narrowed his eyes at him but nodded in the end. 

This novel is a contracted work with W e b n o v e l. c o m (remove spaces). If you're not reading 'The Villain ' on W e b n o v e l, it has been stolen. It's very heartbreaking to see pirates profiting from my hard work.. Please support the original author,(tanu_sam).

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