The Villain

Chapter 109 - A Golden Angel

It was almost evening when Emma had reached Las Vegas. Not letting herself linger in fear and insecurity as she now had very little money left with her and was not sure if she would even had a shelter above her head for the night. Her life in the glorious Costas residence was already a nightmare, what worse could happen in the streets? 

Still,wondering on the streets with no destination or plan didn't help her either. Anyone who she would pass through would give her double glances and why wouldn't they? One wouldn't usually see a bride with tattered night eight thousand dollars wedding gown, dripping make up and messed up hair wandering in the middle of the deserted road. 

Thus, it was completely normal for everyone to look at her with those -- accusatory, curious and frowning gazes. If one were to ask her the truth, she would directly say that their gazes and murmurs didn't affect her in a least. She had long learned to filter these voices.

Even after without packing a single bag and with only just some money that she had been saving for years as her mind her once told her to, and her passport, she had sneaked out of the same church where she had dreamt million times about marrying the man she had once loved but didn't anymore, when she was just a few minutes away from marrying the same man, she still thought about the same man and the other people she had left behind while wondering what would have happened if she would have stayed. 

However, she didn't left herself linger in those ifs and buts for she had now taken a decision and would bear the consequences of her actions proudly all her life. 

Only a few minutes ago, she had asked what's the worse thing that could happen to her, right? 

Look, what's the worse that could happen! 

A few drunk men men stumbled in their muttering curses. Emma was naturally scared as she had never dealt with something like this. As brave as she may be appearing now, she is after all, merely a sheltered princess, who had never seen the brutalitiles that the world had to offer. 

"Ah,isn't it a beauty?" A drunken man caught her arm. He would probably be in his mid forties and almost close to her father's age. Never had she ever imagined that she would be harrased by someone her father's age. But then again,she wasn't this drunk man's daughter and so he probably wouldn't care about her age too."Come beauty...come home with me…"

His slurs and his dirty touches were disgusting her as she tried to refuse his touches but he was too bulky and way bigger than her. So, she surely wasn't able to fight him if he continued. 

"Leave me!!" She called out. Her eyes begged the passersby but none of them bothered to stop. For once she was forced to think if the world was this cruel?

"How can I leave you when I just found you?" The drunken man murmured as he tried to grab her tiny waist this time. He wasn't the only person trying to harras her. His comrades had now joined him too. They were laughing at her misery. 

Tears clouded her vision but she refused to let them trickle. Thinking of various ways to save herself, she was welcomed with nothing but helplessness. Hope bloomed in her heart when she noticed how drunk they were. As soon as she get a chance, she kicked his family's jewel and ran away, obviously the stumbling drunk men following her. But the sober her was more fast than them. 

The other men accompanying the drunken bastard ran behind to catch her, leaving the groaning man behind. They couldn't believe that the little bitch would run away from them. They licked their lips hungrily when they noticed her full breasts, tiny waist and miles long legs. 

If they get to fuck this Barbie doll, they would consider themselves lucky. 

Emma was running as fast as her legs could allow. Wiping her eyes, her wobbly legs took her towards the different route away from those malicious men. She refused to think about what torture she might have to experience if she get caught by them. Her father would shot her in the head if she went back fearing the tormenting situations that she might be facing moreover. Her mother, being proud woman, would never let her enter the household again, not that she was ever going back to that hell. 

She didn't know how long she had run to this time. However her legs found rest when her wobbly legs stumbled on the pricky road. She suppressed a sob but her eyes widened when blinding car light entered her eyes and instinctively, the back of her hand was placed on her eyes to prevent the light from hurting her. 

The driver of the car abruptly pressed on the brakes making the car to get out of his control and the next moment, he knew his head had hit the steering wheel. Rubbing the unformed bump on his forehead, he gazed up to find something wrapped in white sprawled on the ground. He blinked his eyes when the figure in white finally looked up. 

Whiskey colored eyes met his first. 

The beautiful nose that seemed like to be carved out by a poet appeared next.

And then he watched those glossy lips that would make him want to beg just to taste once. 

The goddess in white turned her head and the golden hair tied on her head cascaded down in a slow motion. 

He only had one word to describe the woman in front of him. 

A golden angel. 

The halo surrounding her glowed so brightly that the darkness inside of him felt paling.

A rush of foreign emotions came running through him as his left beheld the golden angel sprawled on the ground. Never had Killian ever thought that the moment, he would step in America once again, would land him in such a situation. This woman was going to be his damnation and he could just feel it. If not, why would he, the unfeeling bastard, would be so consumed by her image? 

As Emma tried to stand up, Killian found her wincing in pain. As soon as her wince entered, he , without thinking for anything else, reacted to open the car door and help her stand up. 

"Are you fine?" Killian softly asked her. To this day, he wasn't aware that he was capable of speaking in such voice. 

Emma turned her head to glare at him but was left speechless when she came across a Greek God on the middle of the road in Vegas. No, she wasn't speechless but shocked. An extremely beautiful in the middle of desert?! Not, your everyday sight, right? 

"Are you fine?" The Greek God asked her once again. And she had to come back to Earth to reply him. 

"What do you think?" Emma glared at him as sanity hit her. "First of all you hit me with your stupid car and then you ask if I am alright?"

Killian found him loss for words. It was true that he almost killed her by his car but it was not wrong to say that it was the woman's fault. It was her who had appeared before his car out of sudden. If he wasn't careful, his car would have surely hit her. Worse, she might have died before his car. And lord knew why he was hit by this uncomfortable feeling once again at the thought of her getting hurt. 

"Look,I'm sorry," Killian tried to be a bigger person. "If you want me to compensate, I will."

Emma harrumped. "How will you compensate me?"

[Shit, this wasn't how I talk. What is this man doing to me?!]

This time Emma abruptly stood up, ignoring the pain in her leg.Only when she stood up, Killian realized that this golden angel of his was a runaway bride. 

"However you want," Killian found himself replying. 

Emma thought how to get compensated. She had no shelter, no money and no food to survive. As much a she knew the power of her fiance and father, they would be looking for her all over the world.It wouldn't be long before they found her. Although she hated to adopt such a mean, she must trap this man to survive. 

[God, forgive me. I will surely compensate this man once I will be free of this danger lurking around me.]

Feigning herself deep in thought, Emma spoke shocking a certain darkhorse to the core. "Marry me."

Killian stood rooted when he heard the bizarre words spoken this woman. 

"You are kidding?" Killian muttered. 

"No, I'm serious," Emma said. "You hit me with your car. I almost lost my life. Do you even know how traumatic that incident had left me? I want you to compensate me for the emotional and physical distress by marrying me."

"You are crazy," Killian said while turning back. Did this woman think that he was a man easy to trap to? 

No way in hell…

He would rather die than marry a runaway bride he found in the middle of the desert. 

She could go and marry anyone she wanted but not him. 

He had vowed to single for as long as he shall survive. 

And yes, this golden angel was nothing but a passerby in his life.

And so, he was going to leave her right where he found her. 

This novel is a contracted work with W e b n o v e l. c o m (remove spaces). If you're not reading 'The Villain ' on W e b n o v e l, it has been stolen. It's very heartbreaking to see pirates profiting from my hard work. Please support the original author,(tanu_sam).

This novel is a contracted work with W e b n o v e l. c o m (remove spaces). If you're not reading 'The Villain ' on W e b n o v e l, it has been stolen. It's very heartbreaking to see pirates profiting from my hard work.. Please support the original author,(tanu_sam).

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