The Villain

Chapter 107 - Creepy Nico


Persephone looked back to find Nico leaning against the wall. When she was initially inside the bridal room, a maid came to inform her that someone was calling for her outside. Thinking it was her father, she quickly came out. 

However, all of her good mood spoiled when she found Nico waiting for her there. 

So, much for ignoring the man. 

"You have been trying to ignore me,"Nico said when he saw that Persephone had no intention of breaking the silence. He stared at her for a long time and then sighed realizing how much she has changed in the whole month. She was no longer the sweet and submissive Persephone Marino he knew. The woman in front of him was indifferent and unconcerned. 

It wasn't like he didn't like this side of Persephone. It was just that he could not accept why she has changed so much. 

He couldn't forgive himself for failing to protect one person that he had vowed to protect even at the cost of his life. 

Then, again when had a man ever been able to do what he had vowed or he wanted? 

Fate had a habit of surprising everyone at one point of time. 

However, he still couldn't understand how that time is only when no body had ever imagined something like that to happen. 

"Why are you ignoring me, Percy?" Nico asked, his usual indifferent facade cracking.To this day, he yet to have to understand why of all people she must dislike him when all he had were good intentions for her? 

Persephone just shrugged her shoulders indifferently as if she had nothing to do with this man. 

"I was not trying to ignore you, Nicolas. I succeed in ignoring you for a week. So,I guess it was wrong of you to say my success just a try."

Hearing her sharp retort, Nico looked at her bewilderment. Could a kidnapping alter a person's way of talking and behavior? Or even temperament? 

Behind Nico, Sophia, who was now standing behind a pillar, sucked in a mouthful of air. Although she loved her sister, she still didn't dare to protect her from the monster hidden inside Nico if she kept on fiddling with her. 

When Carina asked Sophia to visit Emma once to check if she needed something, she came across this scene. She wanted to go ahead but thinking how Nico would bitch later that she spoiled his meeting with his fiance, she hid behind the pillar to give both of them privacy. However, she couldn't stop herself from wanting to hear their talk. 

Again, she was not eavesdropping. They just were talking so loudly. And she just couldn't close her ears, could she? 

She was happy with stolen moments if she couldn't have him. What a weird situation Sophia was in?! 

The feelings she had for this man who was about to become her brother-in-law were wrong and she knew it. Yet, she couldn't stop the heat from spreading her body whenever he was in her proximity. 

How good would it be if he shared the same feelings like her? 

If he shared the same feelings as her, neither she nor her sister had to suffer. All of their sufferings began with this certain man. 

"Can I ask why were you ignoring me?" Nicolas asked her calmly. 

No, her unusual attitude didn't anger him. Instead, he was happy that she wouldn't let anyone trample on her. The girl was growing the spine and he was more than happy to find it. 

Truth be told, Persephone was always brave and fearless. It was just that she found hiding her real self under the facade of submissive and sweet daughter to protect herself. She didn't want to be odd one by being different for she wanted to win this difficult game call survival. 

What a pity that Nico never truly understood her in the way Santiago did. And that too in a first glance. 

"Because you are creepy as hell, Nico," replied Persephone. 

The temperature of the surrounding dropped by several degrees abruptly. The hidden guards cried in their heart along with Sophia as they turned their eye to glare at the person who would be responsible for her own death. 

So, what if she was his fiance?!

They knew it better than anyone what kind of temper Nicolas Scuderi possessed?!

He was the epitome of iceberg. He could just lift his finger and kill the person who would dare to talk back to him. 

"Percy," Nico sighed. "What makes you think that? I'm just trying to take care of you."

Ah, that treatment was not for Persephone, it seemed. 

Persephone's nose flared in madness. "Take care of me? Come on, Nico. No one take cares of anyone by forcing marriage on them. You have been nothing but creepy fiance to me since the beginning. I have been begging you to break this engagement but everytime you would come with one or the other excuse. Can't you see that I don't want to marry you? Hell, I don't want to marry any of the mafia asshole. I have enough of them." 

Taking deep breaths to calm herself down, she continued,"Go marry, Sophia. She likes you and I am sure you both will be the ideal couple. Leave me the hell alone." 

"Wait! Percy!" Nicolas tried to stop her but the angry little woman was gone from his sight. 

Sophia came out of hiding when she saw Persephone angrily marching towards her room. 

"You made her angry once again," She accused him. 

Nico turned to find another Marino woman who was always keen on infuriating him. Even he wondered why she would always pick a fight with him despite the fact she shivered in his presence. 

"What does it have to do with you?" Nico's dangerous voice vibrated in her ear and she found herself drawn to him like a moth to flame. 

She couldn't understand why her heart was insistent on having the man so dangerous? 

She must have gone insane or else what could be the reason for such foolishness?

"Of course, it have nothing to do with me," Sophia tried to act nonchalantly but shivered when he took a step in her direction. She gulped and her hold on her peach colored bridesmaid's dress tightened. 

Nico was now standing just an inch away from her. Her lips would touch his neck if he moved any further. Although she was petite too, she still was a bit taller than her elder sister. 

With wide eyes, Sophia saw Nico's warm index finger touching the corner of her eye. 

He frowned when he saw a layer of something black accumulated on the corner of her eye. 

Sophia was left speechless when he wiped the smudged kohl from the corner of her eye. 

"So, careless," Nico mumbled while moving away, leaving the dumbfounded Sophia behind. 

Soon Sophia's dumbfounded expression turned to that of a woman red with embarrassment. She couldn't believe what he just did. 

He touched her?

Touching the place where he touched her, Sophia kissed the tips of her finger. 

"I'm officially screwed," She murmured while going away, completely forgetting what her mom had asked her to do. 


'Emma dear, prepare yourself. We will be leaving in five minutes.' Her mother's words rang in her head. 

'You don't trust him' Another voice rang in her head. 'Why are you here for the man you don't trust? Why are you desperate to jump into this abyss of a marriage? Don't you think you deserve happiness too?'

'How would you know if you never tried?'

Looking at herself in the mirror for one last time, Emma bent down and unbuckled the strap of her heel. Tossing the heels on one side, she picked up box that Isabelle had given her and found something that she would very much like this time. 

'Sports shoes.'

Once she had worn the shoes, she locked the door from inside before heading to washroom. 

'I'm sorry, mama. Papa. But I can't do this. I can't marry someone who is not good for me or for who I will never be good enough.' 

And just like this, Emmaline Costas dumped her finance on the altar. 


"When will be the next flight leaving?" The woman looked up when a soft feminine voice entered her ears. Her eyes wide open when she found a woman dressed in wedding gown panting and looking at her in fear and….anxiety. 

"In ten minutes," she found herself replying. 

"Can I buy the ticket?" The runaway bride asked. 

The woman nodded her head. "Just a moment, ma'am." 

With in the next few minutes, Emma brought the ticket of the next scheduled plane and was ushered by the security inside as the plans would be leaving soon. 

When she was seated on her seat, she murmured,"Las Vegas it is." 

What surprises or dare I say shocks Las Vegas will be bringing for Emma? 


Grins! Big surprise or shock or whatever you prefer to call it, awaiting for you all in the next few chapters. ????

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