It's Clement.


Clement, who was called by her name and came to tell Anton to rewrite the report, turned around together.

Then he looked at Felix and Telesia in turn and smiled ironically.

"--This is Her Majesty Queen Tai and Her Majesty Felix. No. Should I call you" The Original "? There are no rumors of the great sin of deceiving the people. It's a pleasure to see you again."

Words seep with poison that can be said to be harsh.

The sharp gaze did not leave any shards of serenity disguised as prime ministers.

"I like it, Clemens. It's really good."

"I think that weather blur deserves respect."

"Former Marquis Rotner... well done on coming to this prison without destroying your former villain character..."

"... I'm relieved."

Instead of Felix, she nodded with her true face from all sides, including Telesia, and Clement looked disgusted.

"... is that how you feel when you see a political opponent who has been sent to jail live a life full of five bodies...?

"Fufu, I've been questioned about common sense. After all, Clemens has to be like this. I'm glad you're healthy, both physically and mentally."

Clemens convulses his face when he sees the person holding his arm and accompanying the letter.

But unfortunately for Clement, his presence to maintain such a serious reaction was nothing but a refreshing agent for Lucas, who had been injured by prison anomalies.

Thanks to this, Lucas didn't faint and finished his prison tour with Elma - and of course it was a continuum of shocks afterwards - depending on how he swallowed it in the break room.

"Oh, that was interesting. It's also a convincing environment for Elma to have such a finish."

Felix flips over the pages of the book with a tight pair.

Looking too gentle, Lucas distorted the edge of his lips.

"...... your brother-in-law's head is lowered so that you can hold it still."

That's because it's within my expectations.

"What about it?"

Looking lightly, the other person kept looking down on the page, telling him as if nothing had happened.

"This prison is controlled by the great sinners Elma calls' family '. They all adored Elma and put this prison into a comfortable castle for her, using her abilities. Rumor has it that you can open your brain and even create a meat doll for a whore who leans toward the country, a hero who kills God, a con artist who destroys a country, a mad warrior who destroys the Holy Beast, a kidnapper who brainwashes all the noble ladies of a country. And then..."

Felix smiled with a stick on his cheek.

"Temporarily, the daughter of the demon tribe - Elma. Together, seven. That is the identity of the man who ruled the kingdom of Valzer as a great sinner called the 'Seven Most High'. If they were all alone and gathered and serious, it wouldn't be strange to have a demon like this."


Lucas said nothing.

The prisoner's truth was revealed lightly.

I was surprised by the content itself, and I didn't think that my half-brother, who had just laughed so hard, had that much information.

"Fufu, what's wrong with you? You look like a pigeon got hit by a bean gun. Was it shocking that Elma herself was one of the Seven Most High? Or were you surprised by the magnificent titles?

"No... I wonder how long I've known the truth about prison... and why I've left it behind..."

Answering in agitation, Felix shrugged his shoulders with astonishment.

"You're too slow. I'm interested in the environment in which Elma grew up, but can't you just step in? That's stupid, isn't it? That's a quick survey. I left them - I understood that their behavior and abilities were abnormal, but I also understood that their interest was only in Elma's upbringing. You don't have to go out of your way to exterminate a beast that doesn't strip its teeth."

Rather, Felix is exploiting the Elma they grew up hand-salting as a force of war.

"If I throw one team of orphans in here, I wonder if I can make the strongest army in the world."

Ahahah, Felix laughs and still lacks something humanely.

But its ability to gather information, and the way it can be ruthless for the benefit of the country, is still the King.

Lucas asked slightly later when he pulled his mouth together.

"... why is my brother-in-law still being pushed by that light Elvin? To be clear, if you take his claims seriously, you can be twisted down with a force move. Isn't it? Why don't you do that?


Felix closed the book as if he were bored by surprise.

"I wonder why. Because you can't hold the evidence, you can't get your hands or your feet out? What do you think, Your Majesty?

He then turned to Telesia, who had been keeping silence for so long.

When asked in a quiet tone, the opponent also penetrates silence without even turning back his gaze.

Lucas frowned in the air in the lounge, which suddenly became heavy.

"Brother-in-law. Don't deceive and deceive anything right away. I'm not convinced of this situation and, by the way, I didn't get to the point where I offered to stop exploiting Elma anymore."

"Come on, you."

But Felix stopped on the way.

He continued to smile as usual.

"You better take care of me than I thought... you're stupid. Why don't you fight back, don't exploit Elma any more... what kind of stubborn belief do you have that I will remain king?

But those green eyes aren't laughing.

The colour that you might call insult came to mind.


"Shouldn't you be thinking a little bit more about how to shake yourself? Instead of depriving us of our throne, we're expected to be executed. What a guardian! Elvin's going to take care of us while we're in custody or something, and he's going to take care of you. You don't know that either?

Felix hits the table with a bent index finger joint.

I kept talking to my half-brother in silence as usual.

"It's melting. I don't know who Elma is or who I am. If you think about it a little bit, you can't believe I'm just waiting with an open mouth for a polite explanation."

It's a bitter criticism.

Felix always says things that irritate the opponent. But this is the first time I've seeped so much aggression.

Irene choked when she heard too poisonous remarks.


"- Yeah, that's right."

Lucas responded calmly.

"I'm stupid, so I can't decide what to do without being explained in person."

Looking straight at my half-brother, it seeps with cleanliness and will rather than stupidity.

"How do you swing yourself? I won't decide. Until you tell me what's going on and why. Anyway, I'm stupid."

To be perfectly clear, Felix opened his eyes only a little.

However, it will soon become thin.

Phew ~

I tried to say something again, but it disappeared halfway through.



Because I heard an explosion shaking the whole prison from the other side of the hallway.




Together they glanced at the door.

Someone came to the break room as if they had just measured the timing.

"Excuse me."

It's Elma.

She appeared to have changed and wore a simple - but obviously fine - dress rather than a royal dress.

With her glasses off and her plain makeup off, she is the finest beautiful girl from anywhere.

With the destructive power of dressing up for a long time, we will also forget about the harsh air and the explosion sound.

But in Elma's next words, he was brutally drawn back to reality.

"Now that the meal is ready, I will guide you to dining. The stars are beautiful tonight, aren't they? I've prepared a blow-through, so we can have dinner while watching the stars."


"... blow through"


The explosion just now, no way.

Together, Elma smiles happily as she strengthens her face.

"Enjoy a meal while loving the seasonal nature. It was in the textbook that it was ordinary hospitality. It may become a hobby for everyone, and I'm sorry, but I hope you enjoy it. Here you go."

From the beginning, this riot.

Whatever you think, it's the one that's not waiting for a rough development.

The prison dinner time was about to begin, with them solidified on the spot.

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